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29058 Marquette
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 536-5544
September 29, 2014
Davey McConnell
Student Engagement Programs Coordinator
Study Abroad Coordinator
21000 West 10 Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48075
Dear Davey McConnell:
I greatly appreciate the help you have given me while visiting the
Study Abroad Office. Though I enjoyed learning about the study abroad
programs that our school offers, I feel that none of the options suit me
well. I am proposing that Lawrence Technological University adds a
study abroad option through the Fundacin Jos Ortega y Gasset.
This is a study abroad program that allows a unique experience
radiating with Spanish culture. Educational options are available for
students working towards a bachelor degree, looking for graduate
training, or interested in applied research and internships. Adding the
Fundacin Jos Ortega y Gasset as a study abroad option through
Lawrence Technological University would open up many opportunities
that were not once available.
Attached is my proposal to add the Fundacin Jos Ortega y Gasset as
a study abroad option. Included is the background information on this
situation, the problematic statement, and the solutions and benefits of
my proposal
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this proposal,
I am best reached at 734-536-5544.
Thank you,

Bailey Terrell


To add the Fundacin Jos Ortega y Gasset as a study abroad option at
Lawrence Technological University

Prepared for:

Davey McConnell, Study

Abroad Coordinator
Office of Student
Engagement, Lawrence
Technological University

Bailey Terrell, Student
Lawrence Technological
September 29, 2014

I am a sophomore at Lawrence Technological University currently
majoring in Media Communications and minoring in Spanish, with
aspirations of becoming a journalist and conducting travel writing for
National Geographic. I am highly interested in participating in a study
abroad program that suits me and will further my knowledge of the
Spanish language and culture, and submerge me into a new world of
beauty where I can write about and document my experience.
Although Lawrence Tech does offer multiple study abroad programs,
none of them go to my dream destination. If I choose one of the
provided options of studying abroad, I will not get the full experience
that I am looking for, nor the correct education for the minor and the
career I am pursuing. If I participate in a study abroad program
elsewhere, it will cost me a lot of money and it will be very difficult to
try to get my credits transferred. In this case, I will be in debt to an
outside party, and be behind on my academics at Lawrence Tech. This
situation is discouraging to students who are looking for a unique study
abroad program that is not offered through our school.
Lawrence Tech should establish a partnership with the Fundacin Jos
Ortega y Gasset (FJOG). Their main institutions are in Madrid, Spain
and Toledo, Spain; both new options that Lawrence Tech does not offer.
FJOG also has institutions in Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico. A
partnership with this foundation will allow students new and more
diverse options.
Adding this study abroad program will benefit students greatly:
Submerges students into the Spanish culture
Widens student knowledge on the Spanish language
Teaches global leadership skills
Allows further independence
Educates about cultural, social, and political activities
Gives potential to earn Spanish minor in just one semester
Offers graduate training, applied research, seminars and
Gives students a dynamic networking opportunity

The following is a proposal to add the Fundacin Jos Ortega y Gasset
as a study abroad option through Lawrence Technological University.


International program in Toledo. Retrieved from
Study abroad programs. Retrieved from
Study abroad in Spain. Retrieved from,spain/default.aspx#
The foundation and its aims. Retrieved from

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