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Module Monitoring and Remote Sensing in Meteorology

Course Code

Work Load

Credit Points

Study Semester



180 h

6 CP

3rd Semester

1 Semester


Contact Hours Private Study

Credit Points

a) Systems and Algorithms

b) Practical Applications

2 SWH/30 h
2 SWH/30 h

3 CP
3 CP

30 h
90 h

Instruction Forms
a) Lecture, b) Practical

Group Size

Qualification Objectives

a) 50, b) 15
Key Qualifications:
Independent, problem oriented and purposeful, scientifically founded, critical appraisal of

Acquisition of team work and presentation skills

Acquisition of knowledge about physical bases of the meteorological remote sensing
systems and procedures
Ability to rightly apply remote sensing data in the area of applied climatology and the
global climatic monitoring

This module deals with aspects of meteorological remote sensing and complements the modules
Fundamentals of environmental remote Sensing and Advanced RS Data processing &
Interpretation, in which the fundamentals of remote sensing and the determination of land surface
parameters are focused on.


Satellite-based meteorological remote sensing

Meteorological satellites in geostationary and near-polar-orbiting course, and
meteorological data products (MSG, MetOp), remote sensing of the atmosphere, work
with satellite photograph receiving (EUMETCast) EUMETSAT in receiving of MSG
LRIT/HRIT data and determination of meteorological sizes, as well as the analysis of
atmospheric manifestations.


Ground-based meteorological remote sensing

Function mode of ground-based systems (inter alia LIDAR, SODAR, RADAR,
Scintillometer), remote sensing of the atmosphere, work with remote sensing data (e.g.


Satellite-based climate monitoring

Overview of passive and active climatic systems obtained from satellite data information
(WCRP), Satellite Application Facilities, evaluation of selected data products such as sea
ice concentration, SST, precipitation (DWD GPCP), application of existing algorithms for
the derivative of meteorological and geophysical variables.

Applicability of the module

Elective Compulsory Module MSc EAM 1 and 2

Condition for participation

Preferred: Remote sensing with optical sensors, fundamentals of the remote sensing

Examination Forms
Written examination (two hour)

Condition for awarding credit points

Homework, Report (percentage for Soft skills: 3 CP)

10 Value of the mark in the final mark

Module mark is calculated without proportional weighting in final mark.

11 Frequency of offer

12 Module representative and full-time instructor

Prof. Heinemann; N.N.

13 Further Information
BADER M. J., FORBES G. S., GRANT J. R., LILLEY R. B. E. and WATERS A. J. (1995): Images
in weather forecasting - A practical guide for interpreting satellite and radar imagery; Cambridge
University Press.
Houghton, Taylor & Rodgers (1986): Remote sensing of Atmospheres, Cambridge U. Press.
KARLSSON, K.- G. (1997): Remote Sensing in Meteorology. Swedish Meteorological and
Hydrological Institute.
KIDDER, S.Q., Vonder HAAR, T. H. (1995): Satellite Meteorology, New York, Academic Press,
466 pp.
LUBIN, D., MASSOM, R. (2006): Polar Remote Sensing. Volume 1: Atmosphere and Oceans,
Springer, 756 pp.
MENZEL, W. P. (2001): Applications with meteorological satellites, WMO TD No. 1078, SAT-28,
ULABY, F. T., R. K. MOORE, A. K. FUNG (1981): Microwave Remote Sensing: Active and
Passive, Volume I: Microwave Remote Sensing Fundamentals and Radiometry, Artech House,
Inc., 456 pp.

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