Group 2 Dialect Translation Final

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Pham Hong Anh, Nguyen Tat Dat,
Nguyen Thu Nhan, Nguyen Hoang Anh Phuong
(University of Languages and International Studies, VNU)

When it comes to literary works, dialect can be considered an effective device for portraying the
characters traits within a particular context (geographical location, social class, or educational
level). This use of dialects has presented a challenge to literary translators, as well as emphasizing
the need for quality assessment of dialect translation. The main aim of the present study is to assess
two different translations of dialect in Brokeback Mountain and to find out which translation
sounds more natural from the assessors perspective. The data collection process started with the
extraction of dialect and its corresponding translations from two Vietnamese versions of Brokeback
Mountain, followed by questionnaires and interviews to collect assessors evaluations of the
naturalness of translations. Larsons (1984) theory on translation quality assessment was applied as
a framework for the data analysis. After all data collection and analysis procedures, the result of the
study indicated that the published version of dialect translation was considered more natural and
idiomatic than the online version by the assessors. The result confirms the effectiveness of Larsons
theory on translation quality assessment in evaluating dialect translation, yet there still remains room
for improvement to this theoretical framework.

1. Introduction
1.1. Dialect in literature and dialect translation
Dialect is defined by Catford (1965) as the language variety related to the performer's
provenance or affiliations in a geographical, temporal or social dimension. It is such
relatedness that enables dialect to convey geographical, temporal, and social implications
behind conversations. Therefore, dialects have long been used in literature, mostly in
dialogues, as a powerful tool to reveal character traits and social and regional differences
(Taavitsainen, Melchers & Pahta, 1999).

The application of literary dialect sets a difficult task for literary translators who must arrive
at a satisfactory translation of dialect, so that its function in the source text is maintained in
the target text. It is important that the translation have the same or similar impact and effect
on TL readers as the original text on SL readers (Gentzler, 1993). In the case of dialect, this
means that the translation of dialect should leave a profound impression upon TL readers
about the distinctive geographical, temporal, social features depicted in the source text.
Besides, as dialects are mostly found in dialogues, their translation should also sound
idiomatic and colloquial to TL readers instead of being foreign-sounding and formal.

Throughout history, determined attempts have been made to establish a methodological

framework to translate dialects. Berezowski (1997) proposes a system of particular strategies
to deal with dialects in the translation process, which includes neutralization, lexicalization,
partial translation, transliteration, speech defect, relativization, pidginization, artificial
variety, colloquialization, and rusticalization. Instead of developing various specific
strategies, Mala (2006) argues that most of the individual strategies of dialect translating
are in fact modified degrees of faithful and free translation. On the basis of these two

translation methods, the translator can choose among neutralization, substitution, or

transcription to render dialects in the target language (Mala, 2006).

1.2. Dialect in Brokeback Mountain and its translations

A good example of dialects used in literature is Brokeback Mountain, a short story by
American author Annie Proulx. The story revolves around two men, Ennis del Mar and Jack
Twist, and their emotional and sexual attachment despite social prejudice against
homosexuality. Brokeback Mountain is put in the setting of the wild Wyoming in the 1960s.
All the characters in the story are Wyoming locals, and their dialogues are characterized by
the heavy use of non-standard language. This exactly fits Catfords definition of dialect,
specifically geographical dialect. The use of dialectal expressions in Brokeback Mountain is
characteristic of rural and mountainous residents speech and plays a valuable role in
conveying the essence of the story to readers.

To begin with, Wyoming is a large state in the North West of the USA, typically known as
Rural North America, covered mostly by mountain ranges with Rocky Mountains in the West
and High Plains in the East. Being far from economic centers and the capital of the USA
makes the language usage of Wyoming citizens unaffected by the standard American English.
The 1960s also guarantees this unaffectedness as technology had not been involved in
telecommunication across the country like in recent years. For that reason, the dialect used in
Wyoming in general and in Brokeback Mountain in particular is preserved, authentic and

Moreover, Wyoming is not a developed area comparing to other states, with its major
industries being farming and mining. In other words, most of Wyoming area is rural and the

citizens are mainly farmers, labour workers, and people of lower-class in the US society.
Thus, the language use Wyoming is less standard and more dialectal than other US states
(Shin & Kominski, 2010). Aware of these facts, the author of Brokeback Mountain employs
dialectal expressions effectively in the story, making dialect one of the most prominent
signals in creating the Wyoming atmosphere and set the readers back to the era of
mountainous cowboys. Without dialectal words, Brokeback Mountain may not have
succeeded in setting the tone and unique characteristics for the award-winning work. For that
reason, this story and its translation of dialect have been chosen for investigation and

Regarding the selection of translations for further analysis, there have been various
Vietnamese translations of Brokeback Mountain. However, only two of them are chosen as
the targets of this research. They are the translations of Pham Van from Literature Publishing
House and PHH from Pham Van version is the only officially published
translation of Brokeback Mountain, which means there are not any other Vietnamese versions
of Brokeback Mountain get published by other publishers. Therefore, it is the only work that
has been widely recognized by an official publication unit. Furthermore, PHH version - an
online translation version on - is chosen for its largest number of views among
other online translated versions of Brokeback Mountain. By and large, it can be said that
these two Vietnamese versions of Brokeback Mountain are typical enough to be chosen as the
subject of the research.

1.3. Theoretical framework

In terms of theoretical models for translation quality assessment, several different
frameworks are taken into consideration, including Newmarks five-topic plan of criticism,

Vermeers skopos theory, Houses functional-pragmatic assessment model, and Larsons

criteria for testing a translation. Out of these models, the research group choose Larsons
theory as the theoretical framework for the study. It clearly states three key features of a good
translation, which will be explained in details below, and proves appropriate to assess the
translation of dialect in dialogues.

Larson (1984) establishes a set of criteria for translation quality assessment which includes
accuracy, clarity, and naturalness. Accuracy refers to the quality of the target text to transfer
all the information in the source text, without any extraneous information. Clarity addresses
the communicative aspect of the translation, requiring the target text to be easily
comprehensible to its targeted audience. Finally, naturalness is concerned with the
smoothness and easy flow of the translation. The translator needs to produce an idiomaticsounding translation in which ordinarily used grammatical forms of the target language are

Since the research aims to assess the quality of dialect translation in Brokeback Mountain, the
quality of naturalness is the most relatable and suitable. As mentioned above, the Wyoming
dialect in characters conversations actively contributes to setting the regional tone for the
story. Therefore, the more colloquially and idiomatically it is translated, the more powerful an
impression the translation can make upon TL readers about the geographical context of the
1.4. Research objective
Overall, the purpose of the current study is to assess the translation of dialect in two
Vietnamese versions of Brokeback Mountain based on Larsons (1984) theory about
naturalness. Therefore, the study sets out to answer the following research question:

Between two translations of dialect in Brokeback Mountain by Pham Van and PHH, which
translation sounds more natural from the assessors perspective?

2. Methodology
To answer the aforementioned research question, our process of data collection and data
analysis is as follows.

Our data collection procedure is comprised of three stages. We began by extracting all
dialectal expressions from dialogues in the original text and two translations. Then, a table
was formed for comparison between the English dialect and its corresponding translations in
two Vietnamese versions of Brokeback Mountain. Because both translators mainly applied
the same strategy to translate English dialects, which is substitution, it is possible to compare
between two Vietnamese translations of dialects based on Larsons theory.

Next, after having identified the similarities and differences in two translators strategies to
translate dialects, we continued to employ questionnaire to figure out assessors perspectives
towards the naturalness of dialect translation in two Vietnamese versions - in other words, the
way in which each translator deals with dialect translation. There were totally sixteen
questions, each of which consists of two options taken from two translations. Additionally, as
this study aims at testing the naturalness in the receptor language, the original version of
Annie Proulx was not provided in the questionnaire. Assessors were chosen according to
specific criteria. The requirements included fluency in the receptor language (Vietnamese),
clear understanding of translation principles, and adequate knowledge of translation quality
assessment. Accordingly, we, as translator trainees who could meet such requirements since

we were majored in Interpreting & Translation, filled in the questionnaire. Plus, regarding our
projects small scale, we asked ten other classmates, who are also translator trainees, to
answer the questionnaire.

Finally, after enough responses are collected from the questionnaire, the interview was
carried out in order to ask some questionnaire respondents to clarify reasons for their choices.
Particularly, three interviewees out of fourteen survey respondents were deliberately chosen
based on the variety in their answers in the questionnaire. With the aforestated purpose, the
interview questions served as supporting devices for the questionnaire. Questions number 3,
8, 10, 12 and 14 in the questionnaire were employed in the interview for more thorough

Subsequent to the data collection procedure, we went on to analyze the data. The analysis of
responses collected from the questionnaire and the interview respectively relied on
quantitative and qualitative methods.

3. Results
After collecting and analyzing the data, we have come up with some major findings, from
which we will have further discussions and suggestions for improvement and researches in
the near future.

Generally, the respondents prefer Pham Vans translation in terms of naturalness. The
following chart (figure 3.1) shows the answers from respondents, illustrated in percentage. In
particular, 73.66% of them chose Pham Vans version, compared with only 26.34% preferring
PHHs. Therefore, it can be concluded that Pham Vans version sounds more natural, from the

assessors perspective. Surprisingly, there are three questions in which all participants see
eyes to eyes on, which are question 2, question 7 and question 9. All three chosen answers
from such questions are concise, understandable and sound Vietnamese-like. Among them,
only the answer from question 2 contains dialect of Southern Vietnamese regions, the others
use standard Vietnamese language.

Figure 3.1. Answers from respondents (in percentage)

Nevertheless, the ratio of 26.34% still demonstrates a significant distinction in the

participants choices. In particular, this discrepancy was found in thirteen out of total sixteen
questions in the distributed survey. Hence, it is necessary for researchers to ask further
questions to identify the reasons behind this difference of choices. After a small-scale
interview had been conducted on three respondents, we received various opinions.

Firstly, regarding respondents awareness of dialects in the translations, all three interviewees
agreed that certain dialectal expressions were recognizable from the phrases provided in the

survey. To be more specific, interview A and B indicated that not all options provided
contained dialects, only some of them did.

Secondly, from our observation, the interviewees held contrasting opinions on how the
dialects affect the translations naturalness. While respondent A insisted on the importance of
dialects and claimed that dialects helped depict the uniqueness of regional communication
language, respondents B and C only saw them as a tool for a more concise and emotionimbued conversation. The use of dialectal expressions might even be counterproductive, as
respondent B argued.

Last but not least, a considerable part of our interview served to identify the reasons behind
the respondents choice in the previous questionnaire. Numerous reasons were mentioned,
ranging from the respondents preference of word usage, comprehensibility, to their priority
of conciseness. Nonetheless, in overall, it appears that dialects are not their first concern
when it comes to naturalness. In fact, only respondent A showed an interest in dialectal
expressions like li ci, whereas respondents B and C stated that the dialectal expressions
(li ci, b t, sinh tr) hindered their comprehension of the provided phrases. Data
collection from the interview shows that conciseness and intelligibility are two main concerns
of respondents when it comes to naturalness.

Regional factor might possibly account for this divergence of choices. All respondents come
from Northern Vietnam, while the dialectal expressions employed by two translators are
Southern Vietnamese. The interview results would be different if people from Southern
Vietnamese participated in the research. Furthermore, as shown in the interviewees
responses, when dialectal expressions were employed in both options, they would consider

conciseness as an additional criteria for assessing naturalness in the receptor language.

However, we could not conduct further experiments related to this issue due to the small
scope of this paper.

4. Discussion
Fortunately, by employing two instruments, questionnaire and interview, along with
quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, we have managed to answer our research
question and evaluate dialect translations in two versions. Findings show that assessors prefer
Pham Vans version to PHHs one in terms of naturalness, which means the former version
generates a smoother flow than the latter. Nevertheless, the level of naturalness is not
determined by each translators attempt to use dialects in their translations so as to bring the
sense of country life to readers, just like the original text, but more or less related to
conciseness and understandability. Most of the answers were chosen either because they are
easier to comprehend to the general public or due to the fact that they use more common
expressions and standard language.

Despite having reached such conclusions about dialect translation in two Vietnamese versions
of Brokeback Mountain, we must admit that the theoretical framework was not effectively
applied in this project. Larsons three criteria for translation quality assessment, particularly
naturalness, have become an appropriate basis for evaluating dialect translation since dialects
are undeniably a part of spoken language which requires the flow in expression and mutual
understanding. However, such criteria appear not to be specific enough, which poses certain
problems for us, as researchers and assessors, in making a thorough evaluation of dialect
translation in two versions. As can be seen, Larson just provided a brief explanation of each
criterion, without much details of what to assess when it comes to a translations accuracy,


clarity and naturalness. We have to struggle in finding and filling in the gaps with limited
knowledge and access to more academic references.

Due to this lack of firm theoretical framework, other than observation and comparison of two
translations on our own, we asked for the judgment of outsiders, who are also fluent in
Vietnamese and have knowledge of translation theory, as a basis to make a more objective
assessment. After all, in addition to figuring out which translation is more natural, we could
also propose several suggestions to apply Larsons theory more effectively. Responses to our
questionnaire and interview, which were analyzed above, illustrate that conciseness, rather
than the use of Vietnamese dialects in translation, are also a criterion to judge the naturalness
of two translated works. This criterion, nevertheless, has not been mentioned in Larsons
theory yet; hence, it is suggested that conciseness should be used as a sub-criterion to assess
the naturalness of a translation. This would allow assessors to have a more detailed basis of

All in all, thanks to the instruments (questionnaire and interview) and Larsons theory, we
have managed to accomplish the research with answers over the connection between dialects
and naturalness in Vietnamese translations of Brokeback Mountain. Besides, we also find
out that there are still rooms for Larson to improve her theory, specifically to add conciseness
as a criterion in assessing naturalness of the translation.



Berezowski, L. (1997). Dialect in translation. Wrocaw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu

Brokeback Mountain. (2011, December 4). Retrieved November 27, 2016, from
Brokeback Mountain (short story). (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2016, from
Catford, J. C. (1965). A linguistic theory of translation; an essay in applied linguistics.
London: Oxford University Press.
Gentzler, E. (1993). Contemporary translation theories. London: Routledge.
Larson, M. L. (1984). Meaning-based translation: A guide to cross-language equivalence.
Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Mala, M. (2006). Dialect and Translation (Master's thesis, Masaryk University, 2006).







Proulx, A. (1997). Chuyn tnh ni Brokeback (Pham, V., Trans.) Literature Publishing House
Shin, H. B. & Kominski, R. A. (2010). Language use in the United States: 2007. Retrieved




Taavitsainen, I., Melchers, G., & Pahta, P. (1999). Writing in nonstandard English.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub.



Original text

Pham Vans translation

a cho ti c mp nh t, tao dng y

PHHs translation

Give em to the real estate shark, Im out a here,

Them camps can be a couple a miles from where My tri c th cch ni mnh th cu n Nhng cn lu s c dng ln cch ni
we pasture the sheep.
c vi dm.
chng ta chn n cu khong t mt n
hai dm.

Bad predator loss, nobody near lookin after em at Thit hi nhiu v th d, khng ai gn Khng c ai chu chm nom chng v
coi chng cu ban m.
m v th l mt v tay l th d khn

pitch a pup tent on the q.t. with the sheep, out a dng mt ci lu nh vo ban m vi by hy b mt dng mt cn lu con trn
sight, and hes goin a SLEEP there.
cu, khut mt, v n s NG .
vi n cu, nh ng b ngi ta
trng thy v anh s ng trn ,

Eat supper, breakfast in camp, but SLEEP WITH . n ba ti, ba sng tri, nhng NG cn vn n tra hay chiu th xung
THE SHEEP, hunderd percent, NO FIRE, dont VI BY CU, trm phn trm, KHNG cn lu chnh, ng thi phi ng chung
leave NO SIGN.
vi n cu, khng nhm la, khng
li bt k du hiu no.

Cho l khn y vo ming c mp i,ti

i khi y y

Roll up that tent every mornin case Forest Service Cun ci lu li mi sng nga trng hp Dn dp lu tri vo mi bui sng
snoops around.
S Lm nghip rnh.
phng trng hp ci U Ban Rng rnh
m xung quanh.

Got the dogs, your .30-. 30, sleep there. Last Mang my con ch, khu .30-.30 ca my, Dn theo c ch, cm theo mt nng
summer had goddamn near twenty-five percent ng . H nm ngoi mt gn hai mi sng lc c 30 v ri ng trn lun.
loss. I dont want that again.
lm phn trm. Tao khng mun vy na.
Nm ngoi ti mt gn hai mi lm
phn trm v ti khng mun iu li
ti din mt ln na.

Fridays twelve noon be down at the bridge with mi th Su, mi hai gi tra xung ch Mi tra 12 gi th su phi xung cy
your next week list and mules. Somebody with cy cu em theo bn k tip liu cho tun sau cu nhn nhng th cn thit cho tun
suppliesll be there in a pickup.
v my con la. S c ngi i xe ti ch tip theo vi con la, mt vi ngi
tip t ti .
s cung cp mi th trn xe hang

TOMORROW MORNIN well truck you up the SNG MAI ti tao s li xe ti ch hai a Sng sm ngy mai chng ti s a cc
my ln ch xut pht.
cu n im xut pht


Dont never order soup. Them boxes a soup are ng bao gi t mua xp. My thng xp ng bao gi t sp v sp rt kh ng
real bad to pack.
rt kh ct.
thnh gi mang ln y.


Im commutin four hours a day,


Come in for breakfast, go back to the sheep, V n sng, quay li vi cu, chiu ti cho i xung n sng ri tr li vi n
evenin get em bedded down, come in for supper, chng ng, v n ti, quay li vi cu, ht na cu, bui chiu th xung n ti xong
go back to the sheep, spend half the night jumpin bui ti chm dy coi chng ti si ng.
ri tip tc tr li vi n cu, dnh trn
up and checkin for coyotes.
na m nhy bt ln coi c ch si

Tao i v bn ting mi ngy

My ngy nay mnh c lp i lp li mi

c mt chuyn i i li li sut 4 gi


By rights I should be spendin the night here.

ng ra tao c quyn ng y.

Tt hn ht l mnh nn phc di ny
sut m lun cho ri.


Aguirre got no right a make me do this.

Aguirre khng c quyn bt tao nh vy.

Lo Aguirre ng l b khng khi buc

mnh lm mt chun nh th ny.


You want a switch?

My mun i khng?

Cu c mun i khng?


I wouldnt mind herdin. I wouldnt mind sleepin Tao khng ngi chn cu. Tao khng ngi C nhn mnh th khng ngi coi chng
out there.
ng ngoi .
v cng khng ngi ng ngoi .


That aint the point. Point is, we both should be in Vn hng phi vy. Vn l c hai a khng phi l vn .Vn chnh
this camp. And that goddamn pup tent smells like mnh ng l tri ny. Ci lu nht ch tri l chng ta nn trong ci lu ny. Ci
cat piss or worse
nh c mi nh nc i mo hay t hi lu dng tm b chit tit ngoi kia hi
hn na.
nh mi nc i mo v cn nhiu th
cn t hn na


Wouldnt mind bein out there


Tell you what, you got a get up a dozen times in Cho my bit, ban m my phi dy hng Mnh bit cu thc dy khong mt t
the night out there over them coyotes.
chc ln ngoi v l si ng.
ln trong mt m canh nhng con ch


Happy to switch but give you warnin I cant cook i th tao khoi nhng cnh bo cho my Mnh rt vui thay cu nhng phi ni
worth a shit. Pretty good with a can opener
bit, tao nu n nh ct. Mn hp th kh trc l mnh khng n bt c th g m

Tao khng ngi ng ngoi .

Mnh th khng ngi ng ngoi "


n gm nh mt ng phn . By gi mi
thy my lon hp ng tht l tuyt


Cant be no worse than me, then. Sure, I wouldnt Vy th hng th t hn tao. , tao chc chn Ri ,cu khng th no khng t hn
mind a do it.
khng ngi.
mnh. c mnh s i vi cu


Shot a coyote just first light, Big son of a bitch. "Bn mt con si ng lc hng sng," [...]
Balls on him size a apples. I bet hed took a few " ch ln d. Hn di c qu to. Tao
lambs. Looked like he could a eat a camel. You chc n bt vi con cu non ri. Coi b n
want some a this hot water? Theres plenty.
n ni c mt con lc . My mun dng
nc nng khng? Cn nhiu."


Well, Im goin a warsh everthing I can reach,

"i do, tao s ra ry mi ch tao vi tay ti ,mnh s ra nhng ni mnh vi ti



Too late to go out to them damn sheep,

"Ra vi by cu tri nh tr mt ri"


Got you a extra blanket Ill roll up out here and "My c ci chn d no a tao cun ngoi Ly thm cho mnh tm chn ,mnh s
grab forty winks, ride out at first light.
ny chp mt mt lc, tao ci nga ra lc nm ngoi ny v chp mt mt t ,v
hng sng."
s tr xung vo nhng tia sng u


Freeze your ass off when that fire dies down. "La tn my s lnh cng t. Vo lu ng Khi ngn la chy ht ,ci lnh s lm
Better off sleepin in the tent.
tt hn."
cp mng cu .Tt hn ht l ng trong

Mnh h c mt con ch si ngay

pht u tin [...] -ng l ci ch
cht,ci ca n phi to nh mt qu to.
Mnh c l n nut mt vi con cu
con, lm nh c th n c c con lc
vy.Cu c mun dng nc nng khng
Jack, y cn y ny.

Mnh ngh c l qu tr i xung

canh my con cu cht tit


Doubt Ill feel nothin.

"Cha chc tao cm thy g."


Jesus Christ, quit hammerin and get over here. "Cha Jesus i, ng ng inh na, qua y. Cha i! Lm n b gim ci ting ba
Bedrolls big enough,
Nm ln m."
p inh i ,vo trong ny m ng ny
,ch ng vn cn rng m


guns goin off,

sng n,

Cy sng ang xu xung


Im not no queer,

Tao khng phi l thng li ci

Mnh khng phi l ngi thch n



A one-shot thing.

Mt ln thi


Some a these never went up there with you.

"C my con trong m ny cha h ln Tt c bn chng s khng bao gi ln

vi ti bay."
vi cc cu na


You goin a do this next summer?

"H sang nm my lm na khng?"


Like I said, Alma and mes gettin married in "Nh tao ni, thng Chp ny Alma v tao Nh mnh ni ,mnh v Alma s kt
December. Try to get somethin on a ranch. You?
ci nhau. C tm vic trang tri. Cn hn vo thng mi hai v c gng m
mm trn my ci nng tri .Cn cu?


If nothin better comes along. Thought some about

"Nu khng c g kh hn. Tao tnh chuyn


Mnh khng ga b l mnh khng cm

thy lnh"

"Cu s lm tip cng vc ny vo ma

h nm sau ch

Nu khng c tin trin g tt hn ,c l

going back up to my daddys place, give him a ln ch ba tao, gip ng qua ma ng, ri c mnh s suy ngh xem c nn tr v ch
hand over the winter, then maybe head out for th m u qua Texas ma xun. Nu tao ca ba mnh hay khng ,gip ng y
Texas in the spring. If the draft dont get me.
khng b bt lnh."
trong ma ng v ri n Texas vo ma
xun .Nu nh k hoch din ra ng nh

Jack and me aint seen each other in four years.

Jack v anh khng gp nhau bn nm ri.


Alma, Jack and me is goin out and get a drink. "N Alma," hn ni. "Jack v anh ra ngoi Alma anh y ni Jack v anh s ra
Might not get back tonight, we get drinkin and nhu. C th ti nay khng v, bn anh nhu ngoi ung cht ru ,c l ti nay cng
ri chuyn tr."
khng v ,ti anh s ung v cng tr


Alma, you want smokes theres some in the Alma, em mun ht th c my iu trong Alma nu em mun ht thuc th trong
pocket a my blue shirt in the bedroom.
ti o s mi xanh ca anh trong phng ng.
ti o khoc xanh ca anh trong phng
ng vn cn y.


Christ, it got a be all that time a yours ahorseback

makes it so goddamn good. We got to talk about
this. Swear to god I didnt know we was goin a get
into this again -- yeah, I did. Why Im here. I
fuckin knew it. Redlined all the way, couldnt get
here fast enough.

"Cha i, chc my ci nga sut by lu

nn mi kh tri nh nh vy. Mnh phi ni
chuyn ny. Th c Cha, tao hng bit mnh
s dnh li chuyn ny na - th, tao bit. Ti
sao tao y. Tao ch bit. Vt n sut
qung ng ti y cng hng l."

bn nm ri anh v Jack khng h

gp mt nhau

Khong thi gian cng cu rong dui

trn lng nga tht s l tuyt vi.Chng
ta ni v chuyn ny ri ng khng.
Th c cha l mnh khng bit chng ta
li c th nh th ny mt ln na. Vng,
mnh mun, l ti sao mnh y.
Mnh bit iu ch cht c si sc
trong lng v c lm sao n y tht


I didnt know where in the hell you was, said "Tao khng bit my ch qui qu no," Mnh khng bit cu ang ni qui
Ennis. Four years. I about give up on you. I Ennis ni. "Bn nm. Tao tng hng ngh ti qu no na Jack Ennis ni bn
figured you was sore about that punch.
my na. Tao c ngh my nhc nhi v c nm tri qua ri v mnh ngh l c th b
m ."
c cu ,mnh bit cu au v c m


I was in Texas rodeoin.

Tao Texas biu din rodeo.

Mnh trng u b tt Texas



Ci b?

Ci b ?


Yeah. I made three fuckin thousand dollars that

year. Fuckin starved. Had to borrow everthing but
a toothbrush from other guys. Drove grooves
across Texas. Half the time under that cunt truck
fixin it. Anyway, I didnt never think about losin.
Lureen? Theres some serious money there. Her
old mans got it. Got this farm machinery business.
Course he dont let her have none a the money, and
he hates my fuckin guts, so its a hard go now but
one a these days --

". Tao kim c ba ngn la khn khip

nm . i cht cha. Phi mn my thng
khc th tr ci bn chi nh rng. Li
mn ng khp Texas. Phn na thi gian
nm di ci xe ti ch sa. D sao,
tao cha h ngh ti chuyn b cuc. Lureen
h? Nhiu tin lm. ng gi c y c. C c
s bun bn my nng nghip. D nhin ng
hng c c ng cc no, ri ng ght tao
thu xng, v vy lc ny kh khn, nhng
mt ngy gn y..."

, mnh kim c ba ngn la ch

cht vo ci nm . Ci nm i kht
cht tit, phi mn thin h mi th
ngoi tr ci bn chi nh rng ca mt
thng khc. Chy khp mi ng nghch
bng qua Texas v cn phi dnh na th
gi chui xung ci gm xe ng cht
sa cha. D sao i na th mnh
cng cha bao gi ngh n ci chuyn
mt mt. Cn Lurren, c y c mt s
tin ng n lm y nhng m ca ng
gi c y. Mt c s kinh doanh thit b
nng tri. D nhin, ng ta s khng c
y khng c ly mt ng, nhng ng ta
ght mnh n ght lun c nhng khc
rut ch cht ca mnh. Cho nn, by gi
rt kh b ra ngoi ngoi tr mt ngy
trong s nhng ngy ny.


Well, youre goin a go where you look. Army ", my nhm u th i . Qun i khng "Tt lm ,vy cu s i n ci ni m
didnt get you?
gi my h?"
cu mong mun .Cu khng nhp
ng ,phi khng ?


They cant get no use out a me. Got some crushed

vertebrates. And a stress fracture, the arm bone
here, you know how bullridin youre always
leverin it off your thigh? -- she gives a little ever
time you do it. Even if you tape it good you break
it a little goddamn bit at a time. Tell you what,
hurts like a bitch afterwards. Had a busted leg.
Busted in three places. Come off the bull and it
was a big bull with a lot a drop, he got rid a me in
about three flat and he come after me and he was
sure faster. Lucky enough. Friend a mine got his
oil checked with a horn dipstick and that was all
she wrote. Bunch a other things, fuckin busted
ribs, sprains and pains, torn ligaments. See, it aint
like it was in my daddys time. Its guys with
money go to college, trained athaletes. You got a
have some money to rodeo now. Lureens old man
wouldnt give me a dime if I dropped it, except
one way. And I know enough about the game now
so I see that I aint never goin a be on the bubble.
Other reasons. Im gettin out while I still can

"Ti n hng xi tao c. My ci xng

sng b cp. Ri chn thng nt xng cnh
tay ny, my bit lc ci b my phi lun
gi n ngang i ch? Mi ln nt mt cht.
D my dn bng keo cht, mi bn n cng
gy cht xu. Ni my nghe, sau au nh
ch ci. C ln gy cng. Gy ba ch. Nhy
khi con b c, con b ln n chm d thn,
n ht vng tao sau ng ba giy ri rt theo
tao m chc chn n l hn. Cng cn hn.
Thng bn tao b o nht bng sng b li v
bng, vy l ri i. Cn c ng chuyn
khc, gy xng sng, bong gn, rch gn.
N, hng ging nh thi ba tao. By gi l ti
c tin i i hc, ti th tho gia c hun
luyn. By gi my phi c tin mi rodeo
c. ng gi Lureen s hng cho tao mt xu
nu tao b, ngoi tr mt cch. By gi tao
bit v tr ny ri, v vy tao thy tao s
hng bao gi ni ting c. Cn l do khc
na. Tao b ngh trong lc tao cn bc i

H khng th no thy c s v dng

mnh, mnh c mt vi t sng b v,
cng thng gn nh mun sp, xng tay
th b gy y. Cu cng bit, ci b
tt th n s ny bt ci i ca cu nh
th no. N ch cho cu mt cht thi
gian ngi trn lng n thm ch cho d
cu buc dy tt n c no th n cng
t thi. Cu cng bit, nhng vt thng
lu ngy au nh ch cht, mnh c
mt ci chn b gy, n b gy ba ch.
Mnh tng thot khi mt con b v
l mt con b b vi mt l tr nhm ht
mnh xung, n ht mnh xung khong
ba ln, n chy ra ng sau lng mnh v
chc chn l n rt nhanh.Tht may mn
l mt anh bn ca mnh vi tm khn
car d dy v mt ci gy que bng sng
chn c n, v y l tt c nhng
g n c th tr ra. Tnh ht tt c nhng
th khc l my ci xng sn b gy, b
bong gn v nhng cn au n, vi li
cn c mt ci dy chng b t na.
Nhn xem, n khng ging nh khong
thi gian ca ba mnh. l nhng thng

c tin vo i hc, c hun

luyn tr thnh lc s. Cn by gi
n c vi nhng cuc u b cu cn
phi c mt s tin. ng gi ca Lurren
s khng cho mnh mt xu nu nh mnh
b n ngoi tr mt cch duy nht. V
by gi th mnh bit qu v ci tr
chi ny, cho nn mnh thy mnh cha
bao gi tin hnh mt k hoch g m c
th cho l o tng. Mt l khc na l
mnh ang c ra ngoi trong khi vn c
th lm vic.

Sure as hell seem in one piece to me. You know, I

was sittin up here all that time tryin to figure out if
I was -- ? I know I aint. I mean here we both got
wives and kids, right? I like doin it with women,
yeah, but Jesus H., aint nothin like this. I never
had no thoughts a doin it with another guy except I
sure wrang it out a hunderd times thinkin about
you. You do it with other guys? Jack?

"Qu thn i, tao thy hnh nh my cn

nguyn. My bit khng, tao ngi y ny gi
c ngh tao c phi l...? Tao bit tao hng
phi. Tao mun ni y l c hai thng mnh
u c v con, ng khng? Tao thch lm vi
n b, nhng Jesus H., hng ging chuyn
ny. Tao cha bao gi ngh s lm chuyn ny
vi mt thng no khc nhng m tao chc
chn v u bt tai hng trm ngn ln khi
ngh ti my. My c lm chuyn ny vi my
thng khc khng Jack?"

i vi mnh th chc mm ch c mt
phn. Cu bit khng, c lc mnh
ngi c gng hnh dung ra nu nh mnh
l? Mnh bit mnh khng phi, mnh
l c hai chng ta u c v con ng
khng? Mnh thch lm iu vi
nhng ngi ph n, nhng cha i, n
khng h ging nh th ny. Mnh cha
bao gi c v thm ch cng khng c
nhng suy ngh l lm iu ny vi
nhng ngi n ng khc ngoi tr
mnh ngh lm chuyn vi cu c
ngn ln. Cu lm iu ny vi ngi
n ng no khc cha Jack?


You know that. Old Brokeback got us good and it "My bit m. Brokeback hi xa nm ti Cu bit r m. Chnh ni Brokeback
sure aint over. We got a work out what the fuck mnh trong tay v chc chn cha thi. Mnh cho chng ta iu tuyt vi ny v chc
were goin a do now.
phi tnh coi by gi mnh lm ci ch g chn l n s khng bao gi kt thc
c, chng ta lm ci iu khn kip
ny ci m chng ta s lm by gi.


That summer, said Ennis. When we split up

after we got paid out I had gut cramps so bad I
pulled over and tried to puke, thought I ate
somethin bad at that place in Dubois. Took me
about a year a figure out it was that I shouldnt a
let you out a my sights. Too late then by a long,
long while.


Friend, said Jack. We got us a fuckin situation "Bn n," Jack ni. "Mnh c vn y. Anh bn - Jack ni -Chng ta a
here. Got a figure out what to do.
Phi tnh coi lm g."
bn thn mnh vo mt hon cnh khn
nn ngay ti y, v phi suy ngh xem
nn lm g y


I doubt theres nothin now we can do, said

Ennis. What Im sayin, Jack, I built a life up in
them years. Love my little girls. Alma? It aint her
fault. You got your baby and wife, that place in
Texas. You and me cant hardly be decent together

"Ma h ," Ennis ni. "Lc ti mnh chia

tay sau khi c tr tin, tao b qun rut ti
ni tao ngng xe c ma ra, ngh chc tao n
ci g thiu ch Dubois. Mt nm sau tao mi
hiu ra ng l tao khng nn mt my.
Lc tr qu ri."

"Tao chc by gi mnh hng lm g c,"

Ennis ni. "Tao mun ni, Jack , tao xy
p cuc sng my nm ri. Thng my a
con gi ca tao. Alma h? Hng phi li ca
c y. My c v con ca my, ci ch bn


Ma h nm - Ennis ni- Khi

chng ta chia tay sau khi gii quyt
xong mi chuyn, mnh au nh qun
tht tng on rut, mnh qu xung
v c gng nn ma, v c ngh l bn
thn n ci g by b Dubois. Mnh
mt khong mt nm ngh ra mt
chuyn c l l mnh khng nn cu
ri xa mnh, Jack. Nhng mi th qu tr
bi thi gian qu lu ri, ch mt lc
thi nhng li qu lu.

Mnh ngh chng ta khng th lm iu

g c na- Ennis ni -Ci m mnh
ang ni, Jack, l mnh c mt cuc
sng khc trong nhiu nm qua, nhng
a con ng yu ca mnh. Cn Alma?

if what happened back there grabs on us like

that. We do that in the wrong place well be dead.
Theres no reins on this one. It scares the piss out a

Texas. My vi tao kh lng coi cho c nu

chuyn xy ra hi ny." - ht ht u v pha
chung c - "tm ly ti mnh nh vy. Mnh
lm vy khng ng ch l cht. Chuyn ny
hng km c. Tao s mun t i."

khng phi l li ca c y. Cu cn
c v v con, ni l Texas. C mnh
v cu u khng th ng hong sng
bn nhau nu tt c nhng chuyn xy
ra quay tr li -anh y lc u theo cc
hng ca cn phng -v ph trm ln
chng ta ging nh lc . Chng ta lm
iu mt ni sai lm v chng ta s
cht, v chng ta cng khng th khng
ch c iu . S s hi ln n ni
lm nc tiu chy ra t mnh y.


Got to tell you, friend, maybe somebody seen us

that summer. I was back there the next June,
thinkin about goin back -- I didnt, lit out for Texas
instead -- and Joe Aguirres in the office and he
says to me, he says, You boys found a way to
make the time pass up there, didnt you, and I give
him a look but when I went out I seen he had a
big-ass pair a binoculars hangin off his rearview.
Yeah, that little punch a yours surprised me. I
never figured you to throw a dirty punch.

"Phi ni cho bn bit, c th hi ma h

c a nhn thy mnh. Thng su nm sau tao
tr li , ngh ti chuyn lm li - tao khng
lm na m dng qua Texa - Joe Aguirre ngi
trong vn phng, hn ni vi tao, hn ni, 'Ti
my kim c cch qua thi gi trn phi
khng?' tao gm hn nhng lc i ra tao thy
hn c ci ng nhm b t cha treo knh
chiu hu," ", c m ca my lm
tao ngc nhin. Tao cha h ngh my m li
m mt c tin."

mnh ni cho cu bit iu ny, c l

vo ma h nm c ngi nhn thy
chng ta. Khi mnh tr li vo thng
su nm sau, c ngh mi v vic quay tr
li - chng c g c v ri b i n
Texas. Trong vn phng ca Joe Aguirre,
ng ta ni vi mnh, ng ta ni
Nhng loi con trai nh cu lun tm
c cch lm cho thi gian tri mau
trn ng khng? V c m nho
nh ca cu lm mnh ngc nhin y.
Mnh cha bao gi ngh rng cu li thoi
mt c m t nh vy.


I come up under my brother K.E., three years "Tao ln ln vi anh tao K.E., ln hn tao ba Mnh ln ln vi ngi anh K.E ca
oldern me, slugged me silly ever day. Dad got tui, nh p tao mun khng mi ngy. Ba mnh, anh ta ln hn mnh ba tui, ngy



tired a me come bawlin in the house and when I

was about six he set me down and says, Ennis, you
got a problem and you got a fix it or its gonna be
with you until youre ninety and K.E.s ninetythree. Well, I says, hes biggern me. Dad says,
you got a take him unawares, dont say nothin to
him, make him feel some pain, get out fast and
keep doin it until he takes the message. Nothin like
hurtin somebody to make him hear good. So I did.
I got him in the outhouse, jumped him on the
stairs, come over to his pillow in the night while
he was sleepin and pasted him damn good. Took
about two days. Never had trouble with K.E. since.
The lesson was, dont say nothin and get it over
with quick.

tao chn cnh tao b lu b loa trong nha, khi

tao khong su tui ng gi tao ri ni, Ennis,
my c vn th my phi gii quyt, nu
khng n theo my ti khi my chn mi v
thng K.E. chn mi ba. , tao ni, nh ln
hn con. Ba tao ni, my phi lm n bt ng,
ng ni g vi n, lm cho n bit au, ri
rt l v c lm hoi ti khi n hiu ra. Hng
c g bng lm ngi ta au h nghe cho
r. th l tao lm. Tao tm c nh trong cu
tiu ngoi sn, nho ln nh trn cu thang,
ban m qua bn gi ca nh lc nh ang
ng v p nh d di. My chng hai ngy.
T hng bao gi gp rc ri vi K.E na.
Bi hc l, ng ni g v lm cho l."

no cng nh mnh n ngu lun, cha

mnh pht mt v mnh c khc la m
trong nh, v khi mnh khong su tui
th ng y ni Ennis con c mt tr ngi
v con s phi khc phc n hoc n s
tn ti cho n khi con 90 tui v K.E 93
tt thi, mnh ni anh ta to xc hn con.
Lc cha ca mnh ni Con phi tp
kch n bt ng, ng ni iu g vi n,
lm cho n cm thy au, ra tay tht
nhanh v c nh vy cho n khi n chu
van xin. Tht s th ch c p mt ai
th n mi chu lng nghe thi. V mnh
lm nh vy, mnh chn anh ta lc
anh ta ra khi nh, nhy x vo anh ta t
trn cc bc thang, li gi ca anh ta ra
trong lc anh ta ang ng v cng tri qua
nhng iu tt t hi. Vy l ch mt
khong hai ngy th mnh khng cn
gp bt k vn no vi K.E na. Mt
bi hc mnh bit l ng ni bt c iu
g v cng ng n kt thc nhanh

You wont catch me again, said Jack. Listen.

Im thinkin, tell you what, if you and me had a
little ranch together, little cow and calf operation,
your horses, itd be some sweet life. Like I said,
Im gettin out a rodeo. I aint no broke-dick rider

"Nghe n. Tao ang ngh, ni my nghe, nu

my vi tao c mt ci tri nh, chn nui b
ci v b, my con nga ca my, sng vy
m m. Nh tao ni, tao s b ngh rodeo.
Tao hng phi l thng ci b chy ti,

Nghe y, mnh ang c mt suy ngh

mun ni vi cu. Nu mnh v cu cng
lp nn mt trang tri nh v bn nhau,
c nhng con b con, n th con, nhng
con nga ca cu, v n s l mt cuc



but I dont got the bucks a ride out this slump Im

in and I dont got the bones a keep gettin wrecked.
I got it figured, got this plan, Ennis, how we can
do it, you and me. Lureens old man, you bet hed
give me a bunch if Id get lost. Already more or
less said it --

nhng tao hng c tin ra khi cnh tng

thiu ny, v tao cng khng c xng c
gy hoi. Tao tnh l, c k ny, Ennis , mnh
lm c, my vi tao. ng gi ca Lureen,
dm c l ng s cho tao mt m nu tao bin.
ni i khi nh vy..."

sng ngt ngo. Nh mnh ni, mnh

b ci ngh cao bi, tt nhin l mnh
khng ph b li th ca ngi cao bi
nhng mnh khng ba l mnh chn v
mnh tht s chng cn xng gy
na. Mnh ngh v iu v k hoch
ny Ennis, vn l lm sao mnh v cu
c th lm c iu . ng gi ca
Lurren, cu c c th xem l ng ta s
cho mnh mt m nu nh mnh mt
sch. t hay nhiu g th cng tng ni

Whoa, whoa, whoa. It aint goin a be that way.

We cant. Im stuck with what I got, caught in my
own loop. Cant get out of it. Jack, I dont want a
be like them guys you see around sometimes. And
I dont want a be dead. There was these two old
guys ranched together down home, Earl and Rich
-- Dad would pass a remark when he seen them.
They was a joke even though they was pretty
tough old birds. I was what, nine years old and
they found Earl dead in a irrigation ditch. Theyd
took a tire iron to him, spurred him up, drug him
around by his dick until it pulled off, just bloody
pulp. What the tire iron done looked like pieces a
burned tomatoes all over him, nose tore down
from skiddin on gravel.

", , . Nh vy khng c. Mnh khng

lm c. Tao kt chuyn ca tao, vng
trong vng ca tao. Hng thot ra c, Jack
, tao khng mun nh my thng my thnh
thong gp. V tao khng mun cht. C hai
ng gi chn nui chung vng tao, Earl v
Rich - ba tao hay ni bng gi khi ng gp h.
H l tr ci, mc d h l my lo kh d
dn. Tao c chng chn tui hi ngi ta tm
thy Earl cht trong rnh nc ti. H p
ng bng cy st thay bnh xe, mc ng ln,
ct con cu, ko l ng vng quanh ti khi n
t ra, mt cc mu me. Cy st thay bnh xe
lm khp ngi ng nh dnh c chua chy,
mi rch nt v lt trn si."

Ci cch khng c u Jack,

chng ta khng th, mnh b nu gi bi
ci m mnh c, b ct trong chnh ci gt
thng lng ca mnh, mnh khng th no
thot khi c Jack. Mnh khng
mun ging nh nhng thng m i khi
cu gp v mnh cng khng mun tr
thnh mt ci xc cht. c hai ngi
n ng lp trang tri sng vi nhau nh
mt gia nh Earl v Rich. Cha ca mnh
lun bnh phm khi ng y nhn thy h.
H tr thnh tr ci cho mi ngi d
h l nhng con chim cng ci. Mnh
nhn thy iu vo nm chn tui, h
tm thy xc ca Earl nm trn con ho
ca mt ci p nc. H m mt thanh


st by bnh xe qua ngi ng y, tra tn

d man cho n khi ch cn mt bi ly
nhy y mu. Ci thanh st trng
ging nh nhng mu khoai ty chy kht
xuyn qua ngi ca Earl, chic mi b
rch tot xung chc do trt trn nhng
hn si.

You seen that?

My thy h?

Cu thy chuyn ?


Dad made sure I seen it. Took me to see it. Me

and K.E. Dad laughed about it. Hell, for all I know
he done the job. If he was alive and was to put his
head in that door right now you bet hed go get his
tire iron. Two guys livin together? No. All I can
see is we get together once in a while way the hell
out in the back a nowhere --

"Ba tao bt tao thy. Dt tao ti coi. Tao v

K.E. Ba tao ci. Tri i, theo tao bit l do
ng lm. Nu ng cn sng v th u ng
qua ci ca ngay lc ny, my c bit chc
l ng s i ly cy st thay bnh xe. Hai
thng sng chung ? Khng. Cng lm tao
thy l mnh thnh thong gp nhau ch ch
n g n si no ..."

Chnh cha mnh cho mnh thy

chuyn , ng y dn mnh i xem, dn
mnh v K.E, ri ng y ci khi nhn
thy iu v cng t hn vi tt c
nhng g mnh bit th chnh ng y l
ngi lm ra ci chuyn . V nu
nh ng y cn sng v nhn qua cnh
ca phng ny ngay by gi th nht nh
ng y s chy i ly ci thanh st ca
mnh ngay y. Hai ngi n ng sng
vi nhau? Khng, tt c nhng g mnh
thy l chng ta ch c th bn nhau
mt ln trong chc lt theo ci cch quai
qu no y.


How much is once in a while? said Jack. Once "Thnh thong l bao lu?" Jack ni. "Thnh Mt ln trong chc lt l bao nhiu?in a while ever four fuckin years?
thong l mi bn nm khn kip h?"
Jack ni -Mt ln trong chc lt sau bn
nm khn kip ?



No, said Ennis, forbearing to ask whose fault

that was. I goddamn hate it that youre goin a
drive away in the mornin and Im goin back to
work. But if you cant fix it you got a stand it, he
said. Shit. I been lookin at people on the street.
This happen a other people? What the hell do they

"Khng," Ennis ni, nhn khng hi l li

ca ai. "Tao Cha ght thy ti sng my li
xe i cn tao tr li lm vic. Nhng nu my
khng lm g c th my phi chu." hn
ni. "Ct. Tao tng ng ngi ta ngoi ng.
Chuyn ny c xy ra cho ngi khc khng?
H lm ci qu g?"

Khng- Ennis ni, rng nhn khng

hi l li ca ai -Mnh ght ci iu
cht tit ny l cu s li xe i vo bui
sng cn mnh th quay v lm vic.
Nhng nu nh cu khng th thay i
c iu th cu phi chu ngAnh y ni. T tht mnh ang nhn
nhng ngi i trn ng, nu chuyn
ny xy ra vi h th h s lm ci qu g


It dont happen in Wyomin and if it does I dont

know what they do, maybe go to Denver, said
Jack, sitting up, turning away from him, and I
dont give a flyin fuck. Son of a bitch, Ennis, take
a couple days off. Right now. Get us out a here.
Throw your stuff in the back a my truck and lets
get up in the mountains. Couple a days. Call Alma
up and tell her youre goin. Come on, Ennis, you
just shot my airplane out a the sky -- give me
somethin a go on. This aint no little thing thats
happenin here.

"Chuyn ny khng xy ra Wyomin m nu

c th tao cng khng bit h lm g, c l i
Denver," Jack ni, ngi dy, quay mt i, "v
tao ch cn. ch , Ennis, ngh mt hai
ngy i. Ngay by gi. Mnh chun khi ch
ny. Qung c ca my ln sau xe ti ca
tao ri mnh ln ni. Mt hai ngy. Gi Alma,
ni c y l my i. i, Ennis, my mi mi
lm tao ct hng - cho tao ci g tao tip
tc sng ch. Chuyn ny khng phi nh."

Chuyn ny s khng xy ra
Wyoming m cho d nu c th mnh
cng khng bit l h s lm ci g, c l
l i n Denver chng.- Jack ni, ngi
dy, quay mt i khng nhn Ennis -V
mnh cng cc cn nhng c bay bng
khn kip. ch cht Ennis, ngh hai
ngy lun i, ngay by gi chng ta s ra
khi y. B ht mi th ca cu ln sau
chic xe ti ca mnh v chng ta s i
leo ni, ch hai ngy thi. Gi cho Alma
v ni l cu ang i. Thi no Ennis cu
va mi bn chic my bay ca mnh rt
khi bu tri y. Cho mnh mt iu g
tip tc lm i ch. Nhng chuyn
ang xy ra y khng phi l nhng
th nh nhoi chng ng bn tm.



Id have em if youd support em.

Em s sinh con nu anh lo c cho chng.

Em s mun vy nu nh anh cng lo

cho chng


You still go fishin with that Jack Twist?

Anh vn i cu vi Jack Twist ch?

Anh vn i cu c vi anh chng Jack

Twist ch.


That dont mean nothin.

Chng ngha l g.

iu khng c ngha g c.


You dont know nothin about it.

Em khng bit g ht.

Em chng bit ci qui g ht.


Im goin a yell for Bill.

Em gi Bill by gi.

Em s ht ln cho anh Bill nghe y.


You fuckin go right ahead. Go on and fuckin yell. " khn, c gi i. La ht i. Tao s cho n Em c vic lm ci iu ch cht y, c
Ill make him eat the fuckin floor and you too.
o vn v c my na"
i v ni cho hn bit. Anh s cho hn n
ci sn v em cng vy-


Get beaver fever doin that,

Lm nh th b st rt.

Ngay c hi ly cng phi pht st ln khi

lm nh vy y.


Thats one a the two things I need right now,

l mt trong hai th tao cn lc ny.

y l mt trong hai iu m mnh cn

ngay by gi.


I used a want a boy for a kid,

Tao mun c a con trai

Mnh tng mun c con trai


I didnt want none a either kind,

Tao chng mun trai hay gi

Mnh cha bao gi c ci loi mong

mun nh vy.



But fuck-all has worked the way I wanted. Nothin Nhng tao ch lm c g c. Hng ci g Nhng tht ch cht l mi th c theo
never come to my hand the right way.
ti tay tao cho ra hn."
ci cch m mnh mun. Khng c th g
m khng n tay mnh trong chnh ci
cch m mnh mong i


November. What in hell happened a August? Tell

you what, we said August, nine, ten days. Christ,
Ennis! Whynt you tell me this before? You had a
fuckin week to say some little word about it. And
whys it were always in the friggin cold weather?
We ought a do somethin. We ought a go south. We
ought a go to Mexico one day.

"Thng Mi mt. Cn thng Tm tri nh

th sao? Ni my nghe, mnh ni l thng
Tm, chn mi ngy. Cha i, Ennis! Sao
my khng ni trc cho tao? My c c mt
tun khn khip ni my li. V ti sao
mnh c phi trong ci thi tit lnh ng
? Mnh phi lm g . Mnh phi xung
pha Nam. Mt ngy no mnh phi i

Thng 11. Vy ci qu g s xy ra vo
thng Tm? Chng ta ni l vo thng
8 s bn nhau chn, mi ngy. Cha
i! Ennis, ti sao cu khng ni trc cho
mnh bit? Cu c c tun ni v
chuyn . Vy ti sao chng ta li
trong ci thi tit lnh lo rt cm cm
nh th ny? Chng ta phi lm mt iu
g . Chng ta phi n min Nam.
Chng ta s dnh trn mt ngy n


Mexico? Jack, you know me. All the travelin I

ever done is goin around the coffeepot lookin for
the handle. And Ill be runnin the baler all August,
thats whats the matter with August. Lighten up,
Jack. We can hunt in November, kill a nice elk. Try
if I can get Don Wroes cabin again. We had a
good time that year.

"Mexico? N Jack, my bit tao m. Xa nay

tao ch i vng quanh m c ph kim ci quai
m. V tao s chy my ng kin rm sut
thng Tm, vn ca thng Tm l nh vy.
Bt nhn nh i Jack. Mnh c th i sn
thng Mi mt, bn mt con nai kh. tao
th mn cn cabin ca Don Wroe ln na.
Nm mnh vui qu."

Mexico? Cu bit mnh m Jack. Tt c

nhng chuyn du lch mnh tng lm
l do quanh ci trang tri Bnh C F
v c tm kim cc cuc giao dch bun
bn. Mnh s chuyn ton b s nga ny
vo thng Tm v l chuyn s xy ra
vo thng Tm. Thi vui ln i Jack,
chng ta c th i sn vo thng mi
mt v s h mt com nai sng to. Mnh
s c gng nu nh mnh c th xung
Don Wroe Cabin mt ln na. Cu cn


nh l chng ta c mt khong thi

gian tuyt vi Don Wroe cabin vo nm

You know, friend, this is a goddamn bitch of a "My bit khng, bn, y l mt tnh hung Cu bit khng, y l mt hon cnh
unsatisfactory situation. You used a come away khng p ch . Hi trc my b i d khng h thoi mi mt cht no. Cu c
easy. Its like seein the pope now.
dng. GI th ging nh gp c gio hong." ra i mt cch bnh thn, by gi gp cu
kh nh l gp c Gio Hong vy.


Jack, I got a work. Them earlier days I used a quit

the jobs. You got a wife with money, a good job.
You forget how it is bein broke all the time. You
ever hear a child support? I been payin out for
years and got more to go. Let me tell you, I cant
quit this one. And I cant get the time off. It was
tough gettin this time -- some a them late heifers is
still calvin. You dont leave then. You dont.
Stoutamire is a hell-raiser and he raised hell about
me takin the week. I dont blame him. He probly
aint got a nights sleep since I left. The trade-off
was August. You got a better idea?

"Jack, tao phi lm vic. Hi trc tao hay b

vic. My c v giu, vic tt. My qun
chuyn tng thiu quanh nm l lm sao. My
c bao gi nghe ti cp dng nui con cha?
Tao tr bao nhiu nm ri v cn phi tr
di di. tao ni cho my nghe, tao khng
b vic ny c. V tao khng th c ngy
ngh. Ln ny kh - my con b ci t cn
ang sinh tr. My khng b ti n c. My
u b c Stoutamire l thng to ming,
hn a lm tri lm t v chuyn tao ngh
mt tun. Tao khng trch hn. C l hn khi
ng m no t hm tao i. i li l thng
Tm tao khng ngh. My c kin no hay
hn khng?"


Jack, mnh c vic lm. Nhng lc

trc y mnh b rt nhiu vic, cu
c mt c v giu v mt cng vic tt.
Cu qun hn i ci cm gic lc no
cng ngho th n s nh th no. Cu
nghe n vic phi chu cp cho con ci
cha? Mnh phi chu cp cho chng trong
nhiu nm qua v cng i rt nhiu
ni. mnh ni cho cu bit, mnh
khng th b cng vic ny v cng
khng mun ph thi gi na. Bi lc ny
ang rt kh khn, mt vi con b ci
ang chun b sanh v mnh khng ti no
ri khi c. Scrope l tay nui gia
sc khn kip, hn chi mnh thm t
v ngh c tun nhng mnh khng
trch hn. Hn ta c l khng c
ng ngon k t khi mnh ri khi . Vic
bn n nga s din ra vo thng Tm.

Cu c no tt hn khng Jack?

You been a Mexico, Jack?

My i Mexico h Jack?

Cu n Mexico ri h Jack?


Hell yes, I been. Wheres the fuckin problem?

" tao c i. C ci ch g khng?"

Phi, mnh n , b c vn g


I got a say this to you one time, Jack, and I aint "Tao phi ni vi my mt ln, Jack, v tao Mnh ni vi cu iu ny mt ln thi
foolin. What I dont know, said Ennis, all them hng ni gin. Ci tao khng bit," Ennis hi, Jack. Mnh khng phi l thng ngu. Ci
things I dont know could get you killed if I should "tt c nhng th tao khng bit th thi, nu m mnh khng bit- Ennis ni -tt c
come to know them.
tao tnh c bit ra th my cht".
nhng chuyn m mnh khng bit c th
mnh s git cu nu nh mnh bit c
mi chuyn.


Try this one, said Jack, and Ill say it just one
time. Tell you what, we could a had a good life
together, a fuckin real good life. You wouldnt do
it, Ennis, so what we got now is Brokeback
Mountain. Everthing built on that. Its all we got,
boy, fuckin all, so I hope you know that if you
dont never know the rest. Count the damn few
times we been together in twenty years. Measure
the fuckin short leash you keep me on, then ask me
about Mexico and then tell me youll kill me for
needin it and not hardly never gettin it. You got no
fuckin idea how bad it gets. Im not you. I cant
make it on a couple a high-altitude fucks once or
twice a year. Youre too much for me, Ennis, you

"Th nghe ci ny coi," Jack ni, "v tao s

ni ch mt ln. Cho my bit, mnh c th
sng chung cuc sng hnh phc, mt cuc
sng hnh phc khn khip. My khng chu,
Enns, v vy by gi mnh ch c Ni
Brokeback. Mi th xy trn . Tt c mnh
ch c th, hi i, vy thi, v vy tao mong
my bit iu nu my khng bao gi bit
ht mi th. m xem c vi ba ln mnh
gp nhau trong hai mi nm. o xem my
kim ch tao c no, ri hi tao v chuyn
Mexico, ri ni my s git tao v tao cn m
gn nh khng bao gi c. My ch bit n
t ra sao. Tao khng phi l my. Tao u c

Cu c lm i- Jack ni -v mnh
cng s ni iu ny mt ln thi, ni cho
cu bit, chng ta c th c mt cuc
sng tt p bn nhau, mt cuc sng
thc s tuyt vi. Nhng cu s khng
lm iu Ennis, v vy ci m chng ta
c by gi l ni Brokeback. Mi th c
c u t . N l tt c nhng g m
chng ta c, cu nhc, nhng th ch
cht. V vy mnh hy vng cu bit nu
nh cu khng bit v cha bao gi bit
l mnh cn cu nh th no. Cu hy th
tnh khong thi gian ngn ngi khn nn
m chng ta bn nhau trong sut hai

son of a whoreson bitch. I wish I knew how to quit th chu mi nm mt, hai ln lm tnh tut
trn cao. My qu ng i vi tao, Ennis,
ch im ng. c g tao bit cch b

mi nm qua. Ci si dy ngn ct ch
cht tit m cu gi mnh v ri hi mnh
v Mexico v ni cu s git mnh v
mnh cn iu , ci iu m mnh
khng c, gn nh khng th no c, v
cha bao gi c c. Cu khng bit
iu ti t nh th no. Mnh khng
phi l cu, Ennis. Mnh cng khng th
chu c vic mi nm ch c c gp
cu mt hai ln. Cu qu quan trng i
vi mnh m Ennis. Cu l ci khn
nn cht tit. Mnh c sao mnh c th
bit cch b c cu.


Time to hit the hay, cowboy. I got a go. Come on,

youre sleepin on your feet like a horse,

"Ti gi ng ri, cao bi. Tao phi i. , my

ng ng nh con nga,"

-Thi gian nh ngn c kh, anh chng

cao bi ! Mnh phi i ri. Thi no, cu
ang ng trn chn ca chnh mnh nh
mt ch nga y.


He buried down there?

N chn di h?

Anh y c chn xung lun ?


His folks still up in Lightnin Flat?

Thn nhn n vn cn trn Lightning Flat Ngi thn ca anh y vn cn

Lighning Flat?


Want some coffee, dont you? Piece a cherry Chc chu mun ung c ph? n ming Con c dng c f khng? V thm mt
bnh anh o?
ci bnh nhn o nh?


Thank you, maam, Ill take a cup a coffee but I

Cm n bc. Chu xin tch c ph nhng lc


Cm n, tha bc, con mun dng mt

cant eat no cake just now.

ny chu khng n c bnh.

tch c f nhng by gi th con cha

mun n bnh.


Im goin a bring him up here one a these days and con s em n ln mt ngy gn y v vo vi ngy na con s a cu y
well lick this damn ranch into shape.
mnh s sa sang li ci trang tri khn khip xung y v ti con s dn dp ci trang
ny cho ra hnh th.'
tri cht tit ny cho n ng hong.


He had some half-baked idea the two a you was

goin a move up here, build a log cabin and help me
run this ranch and bring it up. Then, this spring
hes got another ones goin a come up here with
him and build a place and help run the ranch, some
ranch neighbor a his from down in Texas. Hes
goin a split up with his wife and come back here.
So he says. But like most a Jacks ideas it never
come to pass.

N c ci v vn l hai a my s dn ln
y, xy cabin g sc v gip tao trng nom
ci trang tri ny v vc n dy. Ri ma
xun ny n s em mt thng khc ln y
vi n dng nh v ph trng nom trang tri,
mt thng lng ging ch tri no ca n
di Texas. N s b v n v y. N ni
vy. Nhng cng nh hu ht d tnh ca
thng Jack, chuyn khng bao gi xy ra.

N nung nu tng cho hai ngi

dn xung y, cng dng ln mt ni
v gip ti pht trin ci trang tri ny.V
ma xun va ri n dn mt ngi
khc v y cng dng ln mt ch lo
vic trang tri vi mt vi ci Texas. N
s ly d vi v ca n v tr v y, n
ni nh vy y. Nhng mi th hu nh
u l tng ca Jack v n cha bao
gi n c mc tiu.


Christ, he licked the stuffin out a me, knocked me

down on the bathroom floor, whipped me with his
belt. I thought he was killin me. Then he says,
You want a know what its like with piss all over
the place? Ill learn you, and he pulls it out and
lets go all over me, soaked me, then he throws a
towel at me and makes me mop up the floor, take
my clothes off and warsh them in the bathtub,
warsh out the towel, Im bawlin and blubberin. But
while he was hosin me down I seen he had some

"Tri i, ng nn tao t i, nh tao ng

xung sn phng tm, qut tao bng dy lng.
Tao tng ng sp git tao. Ri ng ni, 'My
mun bit i tung te khp ni l nh th
no khng? Tao dy cho my,' ri ng ko n
ra xt ln khp ngi tao, lm tao t m a,
ri ng nm cho tao ci khn tm v bt tao
lau sn, ci qun o v git trong bn tm,
git ci khn, tao khc thm thit. Nhng khi
ng xt tao, tao thy ng c mn tao thiu. Tao

Cha i! n ang li ht mi th ra khi

ngi ti, lm ti ng sng soi trn sn
bung tm, qut trng ti vi ci ai lng
ca n, ti ngh l n ang mun git ti
Ri ng y ni Con c mun bit vic
c i ra khp mi ni th n s trng
ging nh ci g khng? Cha s hc hi
con. Sau ng y li n ra v i ln
khp ngi mnh, lm mnh t nh
chut v ri ng y nm ci khn tm vo


extra material that I was missin. I seen theyd cut thy ngi ta ct tao khng khc my ct tay mnh v lm mnh p mt xung sn, ci
me different like youd crop a ear or scorch a hay ng du gia sc. Sau hng c cc no d mnh ra v git chng trong ci bn
brand. No way to get it right with him after that.
n tha vi ng na."
tm, git lun c ci khn, mnh khc la
m v b lu b loa ln. Nhng khi ng
y ang di nc vo mnh th mnh thy
ci ca ng y c thm mt vi th m
lc mnh khng c. Mnh thy h ct
da quy u ca mnh rt khc ging nh
cu ct i ci l tai hay nh vt chy xm
ca vt st nung vy. K t lc mnh
khng i no thy mnh ging ng y

Tell you what, we got a family plot and hes goin Cho my bit, tao c phn t gia nh v n Ni cho cu bit iu ny, chng ti c
in it.
phi chn trong .
mt mnh t v Jack s c chn trn
mnh t .


You come again,


Ennis, what are you lookin for rootin through "Ennis, ng lm g m lc tung bu thip ln Ennis, anh ang tm ci g m phi lc
them postcards?
tung m bu thip vy?


No, north a here.


I didnt order none a them. Let me get the order Ti khng t mua tm no. ti ly s Ti khng c t chng, ti ghi vo
list. They got it I can get you a hunderd. I got a t hng. H c th ti mua cho anh mt trm phiu t hng, nu nh anh a cho ti
order some more cards anyway.
tp. D sao ti cng phi mua thm thip.
100 th h s gi n ra. D sao i na
th ti cng nh t mt vi tm bu

Chu n na nh.

Khng, pha Bc ch ny.


con n y na nh.

Khng, v hng Bc nu tnh t y





Original text
Give em to

Pham Vans translation

a cho

PHHs translation
Cho l khn y vo

Im out a here.
Them camps

Tao dng y.
My tri

Ti i khi y y.
Nhng cn lu

Couple a miles

Vi dm

Khong t mt n hai

Bad predator loss

Thit hi nhiu v th d

Mt v tay l th d khn

Nobody near lookin

Khng ai gn


Lookin after em (2)

Coi chng cu

Khng ai chu chm nom

Out a sight

Khut mt

ng b ngi ta trng

Hes goin a sleep (2)

N s ng

anh s ng

Dont leave no sign

Khng li du vt

khng li bt k du



hiu no
Bui sng

Case Forest Service snoops

nga trng hp S Lm

phng trng hp ci U

around (should be in case)

nghip rnh

Ban Rng rnh m xung

near twenty-five percent

mt gn hai mi lm phn

mt gn hai mi lm

Fridays twelve noon

mi th Su, mi hai gi

phn trm
Mi tra 12 gi th su

Dont never order soup

ng bao gi t mua xp

Sng sm
ng bao gi t sp


My thng xp


Them boxes a soup

Evenin get em (2)

i v
Chiu ti cho chng ng

i i li li
xung n ti


Chm dy

Nhy bt ln

Spendin (the night)
No right a make me do this

Coi chng
khng c quyn bt tao nh

phc di ny sut m
ng l b khng khi buc


Want a switch


mnh lm mt chuyn nh

mun i khng

th ny
Cu c mun i



Chn cu

Coi chng


That aint the point
You got a get up

Vn hng phi vy
my phi dy

khng phi l vn


Over them coyotes

Cant be no worse

v l si ng
cnh bo
Vy th hng th t hn

nhng con ch si
phi ni trc l
khng th no khng t
hn mnh


I wouldnt mind a do it
He could a eat

tao chc chn khng ngi

n n ni

c mnh s i vi cu
lm nh c th n c

Some a this
Them damn sheep
A extra blanket (article)
Guns goin off
Im not no queer

ra ry
by cu tri nh
ci chn d
ng inh
Sng n
Tao khng phi l thng li

my con cu cht tit
thm ... tm chn
Khng thy lnh
ting ba p inh
Sng ang xu xung
Mnh khng phi l ngi

A one-shot thing (article)

Some a these
You goin a do
Get somethin

Mt ln thi
C my con trong m ny
my lm
tm vic

thch n ng
Tt c bn chng
s lm tip
M mm

Alma and mes getting

Alma v tao (ci nhau)

mnh v Alma s (kt hn)

(subject => Alma and I)




If the draft dont get me

Nu tao khng b bt lnh

Nu nh k hoch din ra


Jack and me aint seen

Jack v anh khng gp

ng nh vy
anh v Jack khng h gp



Ra (ngoi)

Ra (ngoi)





Chuyn tr

Cng tr chuyn





Jack and me is goin (2)

The pocket a my blue shirt

Jack v anh
em mun ht th c my

Jack v anh s
nu em mun ht thuc th

You want smokes theres


ti o khoc xanh ca anh

It got a be

ti o s mi xanh ca anh
chc my (ci nga) sut

All that time a your

by lu

Khong thi gian cng

cu (rong dui trn lng



Goin a get (2)

mnh s dnh

chng ta li c th



ch cht

We was goin a get into this

mnh s dnh li chuyn ny

chng ta li c th nh th

You was (2)


cu ang

I about give up on you

Tao tng hng ngh ti

mnh ngh l c th b

Fuckin (x3)

my na
biu din rodeo
ci b
cht cha

c cu
trng u b tt
ci b tt
ch cht



mi th



sa cha


chuyn b cuc

ci chuyn mt mt

Course (instead of of

D nhin

D nhin

He dont let her none a the

hng c c ng cc no

khng c y khng c


mt ngy gn y

ly mt ng


One a these days


mt ngy trong s nhng

cha h ngh

ngy ny

I didnt never
Out a me

(xi) tao

cha bao gi ngh



ci b

ci b tt



ny bt

Ever time

Mi ln

thi gian

A lot a drop

chm d thn

vi mt l tr nhm ht
mnh xung

Got rid a me

ht vng tao

ht mnh xung

Friend a mine

Thng bn tao

mt anh bn ca mnh

Bunch a other things

Cn c ng chuyn khc

Tnh ht tt c nhng th



th tho gia


my phi c

lc s

You go a have

cn phi c

Goin a be (2)

b ngh

tin hnh

Gettin out

hng ging nh

ang c ra ngoi

It aint like it was

Ti n hng xi

n khng ging nh

They cant get no use

H khng th no thy

He come after me

rt theo tao

n chy ra ng sau lng


Its guys with money go to


ti c tin i i hc

l nhng thng c tin


vo i hc

I aint never goin a be on the tao s hng bao gi ni

mnh cha bao gi tin


ting c

hnh mt k hoch g m



c th cho l o tng


c gng

Doin (x3)





khng h


hng trm ngn

c ngn




Aint (x2)

hng phi

khng phi

Aint nothin like this

hng ging chuyn ny

khng h ging nh th

You do it with other guys?


Got a work out

My c lm chuyn ny vi

Cu lm iu ny vi

my thng khc khng

ngi n ng no khc

phi tnh coi

lm ci iu khn kip

Goin a do (2)

lm ci ch g y

s lm



khng bao gi




ci g

ci g

Shouldnt a let you

tao khng nn

mnh khng nn

Out a my sights
Got a figure out

mt my
Phi tnh coi
hng (lm) g c

cu ri xa mnh
phi suy ngh xem
khng th (lm) iu g


mun ni

ang ni

(Piss) out a me

mun t i

(nc tiu) chy ra t





Them years

my nm ri

trong nhiu nm qua


Hng phi

khng phi l

You and me cant hardly be

My vi tao kh lng coi

C mnh v cu u khng

decent together

cho c

th ng hong sng bn



c ngh mi

Goin back

lm li

quay tr li

That little punch a yours

c m ca my

c m nho nh ca cu

I seen he had
Oldern me

tao thy hn c
ln hn tao (ba) tui

th thy
ln hn mnh (ba) tui

Ever day

mi ngy

ngy no cng


b lu b loa

khc la m

Its gonna be

Biggern me

ln hn con

to xc hn con

Nothin (x3)

iu g



nh vy


lm (ngi ta) au

p (mt ai )


ang ng

ang ng

Dont say nothing (x2)


ng ni g
ang ngh

ng ni bt c iu g
ang c mt suy ngh

Gettin (x2)

I aint no

Tao hng phi l

mnh khng

you and me (position in the

my vi tao

mnh v cu

tao cng khng c

Nh vy khng c.

mnh tht s chng cn

Ci cch khng c


I dont got
It aint goin a be

Like them guys

nh my thng

ging nh nhng thng

Want a be

tao khng mun

Mnh khng mun

There was these two old

C hai ng gi chn nui

c hai ngi n ng


H tr thnh tr ci cho

They was a joke even

H l tr ci, mc d h l

mi ngi d h l nhng

though they was pretty

my lo kh d dn.

con chim cng ci.


mt ci p nc

A irrigation (article)

Rnh nc ti

trt trn nhng hn si


You seen that?

lt trn si.
My thy h?

Cu thy chuyn





Back a nowhere

ch ch n g n si no

theo ci cch qui qu no

I seen it
Ever four fuckin years?

tao thy
mi bn nm khn kip

mnh thy
sau bn nm khn kip



bui sng

You got a stand it

my phi chu

cu phi chu ng




This happen a other people

Chuyn ny c xy ra cho

chuyn ny xy ra vi h


ngi khc khng



Flyin fuck

ch cn

cc cn nhng c bay



bng khn kip

Out a here

khi ch ny

khi y

Back a my truck

sau xe ti

sau chic xe ti

Couple a days

Mt hai ngy

ch hai ngy thi


ang i

Somethin a go on (2)

ci g tao tip tc

mt iu g tip tc

sng ch

lm i ch


ang xy ra

This aint

Chuyn ny khng phi

Nhng chuyn (ang xy

ra y) khng phi l

Chuyn ny s khng xy
It dont happen in Wyomin

Chuyn ny khng xy ra

ra Wyoming


That dont mean nothin.

i cu
Chng ngha l g.

i cu c
iu khng c ngha


You dont know nothin

Em khng bit g ht.

g c.
Em chng bit ci qui g

Goin a yell (2)

Fuckin (x3)
One a the two things
I use a want
None a either kind

s ht ln
ch cht
mt trong hai th
mt trong hai iu
Tao mun
Mnh tng mun
Tao chng mun trai hay gi Mnh cha bao gi c ci


Nothin never come to my

Hng ci g ti tay tao cho

loi mong mun nh vy

Khng c th g m khng

hand the right way

ra hn

n tay mnh trong chnh

ci cch m mnh mong




Happened a August

Cn thng Tm

xy ra vo thng Tm


Sao (my) khng

ti sao (cu) khng


khn khip



rt cm cm

Ought a do

phi lm

phi lm


mt iu g

Out a go (x2)

phi xung/ phi i


phi n/ n
chuyn du lch



Lookin for


tm kim




thats whats the matter with

vn ca thng Tm l

l chuyn s xy ra vo

a unsatisfactory (article)

nh vy
mt tnh hung khng p

thng Tm
mt hon cnh khng h
thoi mi


You used a come

Hi trc my b i

Cu c ra i

Got a work

tao phi lm vic

mnh c vic lm

Them earlier days

Hi trc

Nhng lc trc y

I used a quit the jobs

tao hay b vic

mnh b rt nhiu vic


chuyn tng thiu

cng ngho

You ever hear

My c bao gi nghe

Cu nghe n vic


Tao tr bao nhiu nm

Mnh phi chu cp

Some a them late heifers

my con b ci t cn ang

mt vi con b ci ang


sinh tr

chun b sanh


ngh mt tun

ngh c tun


You been a Mexico, Jack?

khi ng
My i Mexico h Jack?

khng c ng
Cu n Mexico ri h


I been

tao c i

mnh n


Got a say this

ci ch g
Tao phi ni vi my mt

c vn g
Mnh ni vi cu iu


ny mt ln thi

tao hng ni gin

Mnh khng phi l thng

I aint foolin


All them things

We could a had

tt c nhng th
mnh c th sng chung

tt c nhng chuyn
chng ta c th c

vy thi

ch bit

nhng th ch cht
khng bit

If you dont never know the

khng bao gi bit ht mi

nu nh cu khng bit v



cha bao gi bit

for needin it and not hardly

v tao cn m gn nh

v mnh cn iu , ci


never gettin it
Got a go

khng bao gi c.
Tao phi i.

iu m mnh khng c,
Mnh phi i ri.


He buried down there? (no

N chn di h?

Anh y c chn


to be)
His folks still up in Lightnin

xung lun ?
Thn nhn n vn cn trn Ngi thn ca anh y


Flat? (no to be)

Piece a cherry cake
I cant eat no cake
Goin a bring him (2)

Lightning Flat ch?

ming bnh anh o
chu khng n c bnh
con s em n ln

vn cn Lighning Flat?
mt ci bnh nhn o
con cha mun n bnh
Con s a cu y xung



One a these days

mt ngy gn y

Two a you

hai a my

vo vi ngy na
hai ngi

Goin a (x3)

s (x3)

s (x3)

some ranch neighbor a his

mt thng lng ging ch

mt vi ci


tri no ca n
nn tao t i

li ht mi th


sp git

mun git ti

You want a know

My mun bit

Con c mun bit





khc thm thit

khc la m v b lu b


loa ln



di nc



khng c


Crop a ear (article)

You come again

ct tay
phi chn
Chu n na nh
lc tung

ct i ci l tai
c chn
con n y na nh
lc tung


North a here

pha Bc ch ny

v hng Bc nu tnh t

Ti khng t mua tm no

Ti khng c t chng


I didnt order none a them

mt trm tp

ti cng phi mua thm


I got a order some more


ti cng nh t mt vi


tm bu thip.


nh gi v cch dch phng ng trong truyn ngn

"Chuyn tnh ni Brokeback"
y l bn kho st cho mt nghin cu v dch thut. Nhng thng tin trong biu mu ny
s c gi b mt v ch c s dng cho nghin cu ny.
Xin bn vui lng cho bit mt s thng tin c nhn bng cch chn p n hoc in thm
thng tin vo trng:
H v tn
Gii tnh
a. Nam
b. N
im trung bnh mn L thuyt dch ca bn l
a. A+
b. A
c. B+
d. B
e. Di B
------------------------------------------------------------Gii thiu truyn ngn "Chuyn tnh ni Brokeback"
"Chuyn tnh ni Brokeback" nm trong tp truyn cng tn ca nh vn tng ginh gii
Pulitzer - Annie Proulx. Truyn k v mi tnh ca Jack v Ennis, hai chng cao bi cha qu
tui i mi, khng hc thc, sau ln gp g nh mnh trn nh Brokeback. Cu chuyn
c ly bi cnh "vng t Wyoming hoang di, khc nghit v hng v [...] vi nhng
con ngi 'd t i, nng mu v nhanh, v mun ng chm..." (
i vi Annie Proulx, Wyoming cng ging nh qu hng th hai ca b, nn b c vn
hiu bit su rng v ngn ng v tnh cch ngi dn a phng. Theo thng k nm 2007
ca Shin v Kominski, 16% dn s Wyoming khng s dng ting Anh thnh tho, v nhn
vt trong nhng cu chuyn ca Annie Proulx cng thng thuc tng lp thp km, t hc
(cao bi, qun l trang tri,...). Do , ta cng c th bt gp rt nhiu phng ng m tnh
Wyoming trong truyn ngn ca Annie Proulx.
------------------------------------------------------------Theo bn, cch dch no sau y nghe t nhin hn trong ting Vit? Bn hy chn mt
trong hai p n.
a. ng bao gi t sp v sp rt kh ng thnh gi mang ln y.
b. ng bao gi t mua xp. My thng xp rt kh ct.
a. N, hng ging nh thi ba tao.

b. Nhn xem, n khng ging nh khong thi gian ca ba mnh.

a. l nhng thng c tin vo i hc, c hun luyn tr thnh lc s.
b. By gi l ti c tin i i hc, ti th tho gia c hun luyn.
a. Mnh cha bao gi c v thm ch cng khng c nhng suy ngh l lm iu ny vi
nhng ngi n ng khc ngoi tr mnh ngh lm chuyn vi cu c ngn ln.
b. Tao cha bao gi ngh s lm chuyn ny vi mt thng no khc nhng m tao chc
chn v u bt tai hng trm ngn ln khi ngh ti my.
a. My c lm chuyn ny vi my thng khc khng Jack?
b. Cu lm iu ny vi ngi n ng no khc cha Jack?
a. C mnh v cu u khng th ng hong sng bn nhau nu tt c nhng chuyn
xy ra quay tr li v ph trm ln chng ta ging nh lc .
b. My vi tao kh lng coi cho c nu chuyn xy ra hi ny tm ly ti mnh nh
a. Tao s mun t i.
b. S s hi ln n ni lm nc tiu chy ra t mnh y.
a. Mnh khng phi l ngi thch n ng.
b. Tao khng phi l thng li ci.
a. V tao khng mun cht.
b. [...] v mnh cng khng mun tr thnh mt ci xc cht.
a. H l tr ci, mc d h l my lo kh d dn.
b. H tr thnh tr ci cho mi ngi d h l nhng con chim cng ci.
a. Tao c chng chn tui hi ngi ta tm thy Earl cht trong rnh nc ti.
b. Mnh nhn thy iu vo nm chn tui, h tm thy xc ca Earl nm trn con
ho ca mt ci p nc.

a. Mnh ngh c l qu tr i xung canh my con cu cht tit .

b. Ra vi by cu tri nh tr mt ri.
a. D nhin ng hng c c ng cc no, ri ng ght tao thu xng.
b. D nhin, ng ta s khng c y khng c ly mt ng, nhng ng ta ght mnh
n ght lun c nhng khc rut ch cht ca mnh.
a. Bi lc ny ang rt kh khn, mt vi con b ci ang chun b sanh.
b. Ln ny kh - my con b ci t cn ang sinh tr.
a. Nhng khi ng xt tao, tao thy ng c mn tao thiu.
b. Nhng khi ng y ang di nc vo mnh th mnh thy ci ca ng y c thm mt
vi th m lc mnh khng c.
a. Khng c th g m khng n tay mnh trong chnh ci cch m mnh mong i.
b. Hng ci g ti tay tao cho ra hn.


Cu hi phng vn nghin cu nh gi bn dch phng ng
trong truyn ngn Chuyn tnh ni Brokeback

--Xin cm n bn tr li cu hi kho st. Nhm chng ti c mt s cu hi nh sau y

nghin cu chi tit hn, rt mong nhn c s gip ca bn.

Khi c cc p n c a ra, bn c nhn ra nhng phng ng dch gi s

dng khng?
Theo bn, vic s dng phng ng c gp phn khin bn dch tr nn t nhin hn
Chng ti mun nghin cu k hn v cc cu hi c s la chn khc nhau, in hnh l cc
cu hi sau y:
3. V cu hi s 3
a. l nhng thng c tin vo i hc, c hun luyn tr thnh lc s.
b. By gi l ti c tin i i hc, ti th tho gia c hun luyn.
Ti sao bn li chn p n a hoc b? p n bn chn c th hin phng ng r rng
4. V cu hi s 8
a. Mnh khng phi l ngi thch n ng.
b. Tao khng phi l thng li ci.
Ti sao bn li chn p n a hoc b? p n bn chn c th hin phng ng r rng
5. V cu hi s 10
a. H l tr ci, mc d h l my lo kh d dn.
b. H tr thnh tr ci cho mi ngi d h l nhng con chim cng ci.
Ti sao bn li chn p n a hoc b? p n bn chn c th hin phng ng r rng
6. V cu hi s 12
a. Mnh ngh c l qu tr i xung canh my con cu cht tit .
b. Ra vi by cu tri nh tr mt ri.
Ti sao bn li chn p n a hoc b? p n bn chn c th hin phng ng r rng
7. V cu hi s 14
a. Bi lc ny ang rt kh khn, mt vi con b ci ang chun b sanh.
b. Ln ny kh - my con b ci t cn ang sinh tr.

Ti sao bn li chn p n a hoc b? p n bn chn c th hin phng ng r rng



Number of respondents: 14
Number of questions: 16
Question No.

Pham Van
(number of respondents/question)

(number of respondents/question)



























Interviewee A

Interviewee B

C, i vi mt s trng

Cu c cu khng.

C. Theo ti phng ng
chnh l ngn ng giao
tip c trng ca mi
vng min nn s dng
phng ng s gip
truyn ti c trng
vo vn bn.

Nhiu cu dng phng

ng lm din t ti
ngha, kh hiu.

Khng hn. Ch l lm
cho cu ngn gn v c
cm xc hn.

Ti chn p n a, v
Chn p n a v d hiu,
khng hiu ngha ca t
khng th hin phng
th tho gia trong cu b. ng.
Tuy nhin cu a khng th
hin c phng ng r
rng lm.

Mnh chn p n a v
mnh khng thch t th
tho gia. Nhng cu a
cng lng cng v khng
th hin c phng

Ti chn p n b v nghe Chn p n a v khng

t nhin hn. Li ci
hiu li ci l g.
khng phi ting min bc
ti thng dng nn cm
gic ging phng ng.

Mnh chn cu a v khng

hiu ngha ca t li ci
lm. p n mnh chn
khng th hin c
phng ng.

Ti chn p n a. Ti
Chn p n b v d hiu
khng thy ngi Vit ni hn (cu trc ng php)
cm con chim cng ci
bao gi.
C 2 p n u khng th
hin c phng ng.

Mnh chn p n b v n
ngn gn.

Ti chn p n b v
khng thch ngi nhn
xng mnh cu a. C
2 p n u c phng
ng (tr, canh)

Chn p n a v cu trc
cu y , d hiu.
Khng c phng ng.

Mnh chn b v n ngn


Ti chn p n b v n
ngn gn hn m vn
. C 2 cu u c

Chn p n a v y
cu trc cu, c phng
ng t sanh.

Mnh khng hiu ngha

ca b ci t v sinh
tr lm nn mnh chn


Interviewee C

phng ng (sanh, tr)

nn ti u tin v di



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