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Agent name: Smart Car Parking System

Due to the proliferation in the number of vehicles on the road, traffic
problems are bound to exist. This is due to the fact that the current
transportation infrastructure and car park facility developed are unable to
cope with the influx of vehicles on the road. To alleviate the
aforementioned problems, the smart parking system has been developed.
With the implementation of the smart parking system, patrons can easily
locate and secure a vacant parking space at any car park deemed
convenient to them. Vehicle ingress and egress are also made more
convenient with the implementation of hassle free payment mechanism.
With vehicle detection sensors aplenty on the market, the choices
made may defer due to the different requirements in addition to the its
pros and cons. The sensors will detect cars presences and will
automatically send a signal to the central computer. The signal is
including cars entering and leaving time the specific parking lot. Basis of
the signals we maintain a database for each car with a software. Every car
operators gets parking lots information with a application software when
their stay on the road and its helps making a decision for car parking.

This document develops a concept of operation for a Smart Car Parking Systemto be
implemented at transit park-and-ride facilities across in Dhaka city. The aim of the proposed
system is to improve the management of available car parking at transit stations through the
use of various sensing, electronic transaction, computing and communication technologies. It
seeks more specifically to provide an ability to monitor parking supply in real-time and to
disseminate this information to travelers via various traveler information systems, such as
roadside changeable message signs , web applications, and mobile phones. While the Smart
Car Parking system described within this document introduces powerful parking management
and customer information tools designed to help regional travelers, it is anticipated that an
implemented Smart Parking system will be integrated within the Dhaka model city Regional
Architecture and will eventually constitute the basis for a regional parking management
Traffic congestion caused by vehicle is an alarming problem at a global scale and it has been
growing exponentially. Car parking problem is a major contributor and has been, still a major
problem with increasing vehicle size in the luxurious segment and confined parking spaces in

urban cities. Searching for a parking space is a routine (and often frustrating) activity for
many people in cities around the world.
This search burns about one million barrels of the worlds oil every day. As the global
population continues to urbanize, without a well-planned, convenience-driven retreat from
the car these problems will worsen. According to a report, Smart Parking could result in
2,20,000 gallons of fuels saving till 2030 and approx. 3,00,000 gallons of fuels saved by 2050
, if implemented successfully .
Smart Car Parking systems typically obtains information about available parking spaces in a
particular geographic area and process is real-time to place vehicles at available positions .It
involves using low-cost sensors, real-time data collection, and mobile-phone-enabled
automated payment systems that allow people to reserve parking in advance or very
accurately predict where they will likely find a spot.
When deployed as a system, smart parking thus reduces car emissions in urban centers by
reducing the need for people to needlessly circle city blocks searching for parking. It also
permits cities to carefully manage their parking supply. Smart Car parking helps one of the
biggest problems on driving in urban areas; finding empty parking spaces and controlling
illegal parking.
This implies M2M technologies aims rightness/safety as well as convenience.
If I say widely, Smart Car Parking System plays the important role to provide good parking
services to public .The Smart Car Parking System project is developed based on the research
in existing parking system at the crowded parking area. Realize that some parking areas are
hard to find available parking spaces, this project is purposely implemented to solve the
problem. The project is focus on finding the best way to guide motorists to get available
parking spaces smartly. Smart car parking system can inform motorists of parking zones and
availability of parking space so that they can make good decision about where they wish to

When we want to implement a new system anywhere we have to think about the total
environment where the new system will run. In the implementation level we have to think
that which server, OS, web server or the database software will use for the best performance.
While implementation a new system anywhere developer needs to think about the total
environment in where the new system will run. A brief thinking about the Implementation
level because improper selection could decrease the performance of the system.Server Setup:
Almost all of the work of web application takes place on the server. A specific application,
called a web server, will be responsible for communicating with the browser. A relation
database server stores whatever information the application requires. Finally, we need a
language to broker request between the web server and database server, it will also be used

perform programmatic task on the information comes to and from the web server. But of
course none of this possible without on operating system. The web server, programming
language and database server we used must work well with the operating system.Database
Server: We have two types of server one is database server and another one is web server.
These two will be described later. When the system work with different types of transaction
and need to keep huger data then it requires using database server. Here we used MySQL
database server and Apache web server.Web server: There many web servers and among them
Apache and Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) these two domain the market. We
used Apache server because we have development our system using PHP and MySQL.

Expected Result:
1. Smart car parking system and development technology.
2. First off all the road of our country is comparatively narrow that's
why traffic jam is increasing day by day. Moreover the parking
system is so unsecured of our country and there is no better
technology here. So that the car operators parking their cars
randomly on the road. For this reason the traffic jam is so
increasing. The goals of our project is that we develop a better and
smart technology for car parking system.Where every car operators
parking their cars in a systematic way in the parking lot.
3. In the parking system includes cars enter time, hold time and
possibly leaving time.
4. New car operators get the parking information when they stay on
the road with a web application. Such as, parking free space in
parking lot and possibly leaving time of holding cars.
5. Thats why the car park operators, the information gathered via the
implementation of the Smart Parking System can be exploited to
predict future parking patterns.
6. We divided our parking system in three categories, VIP membership
payment system, Monthly payment system, Hourly payment

Agent name: Voice based E-mail for the Blind

Designing a voice mail system architecture that can be used by
a blind person to access mails easily and efficiently.
Thus reliance of visually impaired on other people for their
activities related to mail can be reduced.
A recorded voice will guide the user throughout the process.
The mail composed by the user via voice will be converted to
text before sending it to a normal individual.

Expected Outcome:
1. Speech to text conversion
2. Text to speech conversion
3. Allowing auto correction of mail by reading it before
4. A handy device to carry out these operations.

1. Concept of text to speech conversion
2. SMTP( Simple mail transmission protocol for mail service)
3. Knowledge of hardware requirements for text to speech

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