Java FX

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JavaFX Mobile
Noel Poore (
Principal Engineer, Consumer Solutions
Today's Agenda

What is Java FX Mobile?

Architecture overview

What kinds of applications?

Developer tools?

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 2
The Network in Your Hand

JavaFX > Advanced Mobile OS

Modern OS

Mobile Run many apps at once

Linux Kernel + Java SE
Portable across devices
> Compelling User Experience
> Tuned for Web & Network
> Brings desktop-class
software to the device
> Supports JavaFX Script
> Rich authoring tools
> Java is the native language
Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and
should not be viewed as a commitment 3
Some History
Sun acquired assets of SavaJe in May 2007
Demonstrated very early version of Java FX
Mobile at JavaOne 2007
> First public showing of SavaJe on Linux
We've been working hard since then
> Helping Sun to digest
2.8M lines of Java code
800K lines of C code
lots of third party and open source code
> Finalizing and testing the Linux port
> Writing a lot of new code

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 4
Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and
should not be viewed as a commitment 5
> Modern multi-process environment
> Support efficient execution of Java code
> Robust, portable, adaptable
> Comprehensive set of domain specific functionality
> Serve multiple, concurrent applications
> Manage, control & observe secured platform resource
User Experience
> Highly graphical, interactive, dynamic, flexible
> Design via discrete components
> Customizable & personalized
> Secure execution context for applications
Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and
should not be viewed as a commitment 6
Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and
should not be viewed as a commitment 7
Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and
should not be viewed as a commitment 8
Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and
should not be viewed as a commitment 9
Provide high-level, integrated functionality to
Do more for the application than most environments
So we can
> insulate applications from things that change
e.g. where data is, how it is
> optimize memory & performance better
> be more responsive and adaptive
e.g. the system can learn from content usage
> provide a better, more consistent user experience

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 10
All of the built in applications are written in Java
Almost all of the APIs used by these applications are
accessible by third party applications
> Subject to security policy
We want third party applications to integrate as
seamlessly as possible

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 11
> Platform Look & Feel
> Swing-based UI components
> Java FX Script UI support
> Java2D
> M3D
> FBR (Compositing engine)
> Window manager
> SVG renderer
> Theme service

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 12
> Still camera
> Camcorder
> Streaming playback
Audio and video
From local file or from the network
> Sampled audio
> Synthesized audio

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 13
> IPv4 & Ipv6
USB ethernet
> zeroconf + mDNS
> Network Manager

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 14
> IM & Presence
> Email (IMAP)

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 15
> Base CLDC/MIDP stack
> Java SE

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 16
> Alarm
> Events
> Power Manager
> Battery Manager
> Filesystems
> Security

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 17
> Bluetooth
> Firewire
> Sync engines
> Service discovery

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 18
> Application Manager
MIDP Provisioning
JNLP Provisioning
> Software Update
> Settings Service
> WAP & OMA Provisioning
> OMA Device Management

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 19
> Information service
Model loader
Content handling

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 20
> Browsing and rendering
HTML rendering component
> Web service support
RSS/ATOM Feed Service
Blog publishing
> Web service implementations
automatic picture upload
server-side email filtering configuration

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 21
> GSM voice
> CSD and GPRS/EDGE/UMTS packet data
> Supplementary Services
Caller ID / Call waiting / Call hold
Call forwarding / barring
Phonebook, emergency #, own #, etc
SIM/USIM toolkit
> Fixed Dialing Numbers
> Mobility management
Network selection
Preferred networks
Assisted roaming

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 22
Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and
should not be viewed as a commitment 23
Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and
should not be viewed as a commitment 24
Application Support
Can run any number of each kind of application
> Limited by memory
Each application
> Runs in it's own Java Process (JProc)
Like a virtual VM
> Runs in the appropriate Java environment
So midlets only see MIDP/MSA classes
> Has it's own security manager
Security policy audited at install time
> Has it's own graphics context
> Has it's own event thread
> Has it's own application class loader
> Has it's own...
Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and
should not be viewed as a commitment 25
Java FX Mobile Core Processes

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 26
Java FX Script Applications
Java FX Script
> Rich graphical scripting environment
> Use Java SE functionality
> Use Java FX Mobile APIs

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 27
Java FX Mobile Applications
Use familiar Swing APIs
Use Java SE functionality
Use Java FX Mobile APIs for domain-specific
JNLP application descriptor

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 28
MIDP/MSA Support
MIDP 2.1 and MSA subset
Good compatibility for existing midlets

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 29
Developer Tools
A full set of tools based on Netbeans will be provided
> Will support both Swing and FX Script
As well as the FX Mobile APIs
> Java FX Mobile emulator
> JDWP source level debug
> One button build/deploy/run
We will be announcing a developer program soon
> Please stay tuned!

Sun Confidential Roadmap and Product Concepts are preliminary and

should not be viewed as a commitment 30

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