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Fagley Primary School

Pupil Premium Strategy from September 2016 to July 2017 intended use for academic year 2016-2017
NB: This report is for the website and contains funding information totalled rather than itemised for each strategy.
The report held in school shows funding itemised against each strategy.
The pupil premium is additional funding for publically funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.
Schools are funded Pupil Premium for children who have been:

Registered for free school meals (FSM) at any point during the last 6 years

Children who are looked after by the local authority

Have been adopted from care

Or children whose parents are in the armed forces

Summary Information

Fagley Primary

Academic Year


Total PP Budget


Date of Most recent PP Review


Total number of pupils


Number of PP Children eligible for PP


Date for next internal review

July 2017

NB: On receipt of funding for April-September 2017 these figures will be updated

Current Attainment

Pupils eligible for PP

% achieving age related or above in reading, writing and maths


Overall progress score in reading

Overall progress score in writing
Overall progress score in Mathematics


Pupil premium Reception Year 6 registered for free school meals (FSM) at any point during
the last 6 years

Pupils not eligible for PP (national

Amount per

Pupil Numbers


Pupil premium allocation for children who are looked after by the local authority
Pupil premium allocation for children who are adopted from care
Pupil premium allocation for children whose parents are in the armed forces
Current Early Years PP amount per term per pupil for 3 and 4 year olds accessing 15 hours a
week in Nursery estimated numbers




* Funding will be kept up to date based on the financial year from April to July

2. Detail of the main barriers to education attainment that the disadvantaged pupils in our school face.
Fagley Primary School is an average primary school with 288 children on role (36 children are in the 2 year old room). Most children live in an area around the school,
mainly made up of White British families (41%) and Pakistani families, (35.4%) with an increasing number of EU migrants and traveller families, many of whom have
had no previous schooling. In an area that is extremely deprived (IMD 22% of families living in the first 0-5% of the Index of Multiple Deprivation) of income,
35.2% lone parents of which 46.7% are out of work. This has an impact on role models for learners as few people within the community of Fagley go on to further
education, and many have few or no qualifications

These are the barriers for some families:

Low levels of education and educational aspirations amongst families

Low levels of communication and language development and lack of relevant play skills and experiences on entering nursery

Lack of wider life experiences outside of the home and school

Complex family circumstances leading to poor routines and organisation in the home

Poor social and emotional health and poor nutrition

As a school we focus our strengths on the Pupil Premium development:

How well do our children achieve?

How good is the overall personal development and well-being of the children?

How well do they make a positive contribution to the community?

How well are additional learning needs of children diagnosed and provided for?

What opportunities do they have to develop self-confidence and to work in teams?

How well is equality of opportunity and inclusion promoted?

How effectively do we make links with parents, other providers, services and organisations to promote the integration of care, education and
any extended services to enhance learning and promote well-being?


Class R: 15

Class 1: 12

Class 2: 9

Class 3: 12

Class 4: 18

Class 5: 21

Class 6: 18

Total: 105

How we will spend the pupil premium funding to address these barriers and the reasons for the approach we have chosen.
To provide an inclusion manager
support for identified pupils to
aid academic, social and emotional
Target 1: Reading: All staff to have
consistently high expectations of what
children can achieve, including most able and
disadvantaged children.
Target 2: Writing: Assessment information is
used to plan appropriate teaching and learning
strategies, including to identify pupils who are
falling behind in their learning or who need
additional support, enabling pupils to achieve

Evidence of impact success criteria

To overcome barriers to learning by reducing worry and lack of confidence.
To reduce pupils experiencing issues over an extended time, with minimal referrals to CAHMS or other
outside organisations.
To learn how to cope with difficult situations, using an adult for support in developing suitable coping
To reduce stress levels for parents concerned about how well their child is coping with school life.
Offer daily support and promote parental involvement.
Attendance to be above 96%.
Academic progress to be accelerated closing the gap to age related expectation.

Target 3: The schools engagement with

parents, carers and employers helps them to
understand how children and learners are
doing in relation to the standards expected
and what they need to do to improve.
Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance
to 96%

Deputy Headteacher allocated

time to assess, monitor and plan
next steps in the Pupil Premium
Target 1: Reading: All staff to have
consistently high expectations of what

Half termly analysis of PP data / progress

Identify PP children in pupil progress meetings who need additional support
Detailed monitor of PP funding and reporting of spending.
Deputy Headteacher to ensure all children make good or better progress in all areas of the curriculum
Improve the number of PP children achieving ARE at the end of Y2 and Year 6

children can achieve, including most able and

disadvantaged children.
Target 2: Writing: Assessment information is
used to plan appropriate teaching and learning
strategies, including to identify pupils who are
falling behind in their learning or who need
additional support, enabling pupils to achieve
Target 3: The schools engagement with
parents, carers and employers helps them to
understand how children and learners are
doing in relation to the standards expected
and what they need to do to improve.

To Provide a Family Liaison

Worker to support families in
ensuring their children receive
the best support both from home
and school.
Target 3: The schools engagement with
parents, carers and employers helps them to
understand how children and learners are
doing in relation to the standards expected
and what they need to do to improve.

Provide parenting classes to increase parental understanding of Age Related Expectations

Provide families with skills to enable them to support their childs learning at home.
Provide Family Links Training
Provide Parent Gym classes
Provide Mosaic accredited course for both child and parent
Support parents in making the correct choices in their children secondary education

Children to be successful in all aspects of life in order to be:

Confident learners
To develop cookery skills
Expand the use of language opportunities to write for a purpose and develop their Maths skills.
To develop the important role food plays in a healthy lifestyle.
To develop the understanding of safety and hygiene, health, eating, diet or nutrition.

Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance

to 96%

To provide a part time food

technology teacher to deliver
food technology sessions
throughout the whole school.
This will be accessed by all PP

Target 1: Reading: All staff to have

consistently high expectations of what
children can achieve, including most able and
disadvantaged children.
Target 2: Writing: Assessment information is

used to plan appropriate teaching and learning

strategies, including to identify pupils who are
falling behind in their learning or who need
additional support, enabling pupils to achieve
Target 3: The schools engagement with
parents, carers and employers helps them to
understand how children and learners are
doing in relation to the standards expected
and what they need to do to improve.
Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance
to 96%

To provide a full time forest

schools practitioner to deliver
forest school sessions throughout
the school year to all PP children.
Target 1: Reading: All staff to have
consistently high expectations of what
children can achieve, including most able and
disadvantaged children.

Aim to raise attainment of these pupils helping to close the gap with their peers.
Build on literacy and numeracy skill taught in the classroom in an outdoor environment. Children to learn
valuable life skills.
Build confidence, resilience and team work.
To foster a love, respect, understanding and responsibility for our environment.
To promote the development of social interaction, emotional intelligence, self-esteem and an independent,
intrinsically motivated self-confident approach to learning.

Target 2: Writing: Assessment information is

used to plan appropriate teaching and learning
strategies, including to identify pupils who are
falling behind in their learning or who need
additional support, enabling pupils to achieve
Target 3: The schools engagement with
parents, carers and employers helps them to
understand how children and learners are
doing in relation to the standards expected
and what they need to do to improve.
Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance
to 96%

To provide delivery of
intervention programmes to
identified groups of children
(specifically targeting PP
children) including spelling,

To expand proven classroom approaches providing effective feedback on pupil performance encouraging
pupils to think about their own learning strategies and getting pupils to learn from each other.
To provide focused support to ensure positive attitudes, behaviours and learning. To overcome barriers
to learning for KS1 pupils to reach age related by the end of year 2 and kS2 pupils to achieve age related
by the end of Y6.

reading motor skills, phonics and

other small group interventions.
Target 1: Reading: All staff to have
consistently high expectations of what
children can achieve, including most able and
disadvantaged children.

Target 2: Writing: Assessment information is

used to plan appropriate teaching and learning
strategies, including to identify pupils who are
falling behind in their learning or who need
additional support, enabling pupils to achieve
Target 3: The schools engagement with
parents, carers and employers helps them to
understand how children and learners are
doing in relation to the standards expected
and what they need to do to improve.
Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance
to 96%

To encourage all PP pupils to

participate in a variety of After
school clubs, therefore
strengthen their inclusion within
the school.

Funding attendance of coaches and staff to enable PP children to attend free of charge
To overcome barriers to learning with 100% of pupils attending at least 1 after school club.
To take part in activities requiring social skills, witnessing modelling of positive relationships.

Employ on a weekly basis a speech and language therapist to work alongside PP children and their parents
in their development of their speech and language
To provide support across the school to children identified with a speech and language need. To achieve
sustainability of provision (TA to observe sessions). Provide sessions in school to aid parents in getting
their children to appointments.
Each child to receive individual progress reports regarding attendance at weekly sessions.
All PP children who have sessions with the speech and language therapist to have a case study showcasing

Target 1: Reading: All staff to have

consistently high expectations of what
children can achieve, including most able and
disadvantaged children.

Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance

to 96%

To provide a speech and language

therapist to work with PP children
on a weekly basis.
Target 1: Reading: All staff to have
consistently high expectations of what
children can achieve, including most able and
disadvantaged children.

Target 2: Writing: Assessment information is

used to plan appropriate teaching and learning

strategies, including to identify pupils who are
falling behind in their learning or who need
additional support, enabling pupils to achieve

their progress in July 2017.

To implement WELLCOMM (See Early Years section)

Target 3: The schools engagement with

parents, carers and employers helps them to
understand how children and learners are
doing in relation to the standards expected
and what they need to do to improve.
Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance
to 96%

Funding to ensure all children

have their own allocated key

Children to use their key worker as their point of contact on a daily basis. Key workers to support
children in all classes focusing on: homework, uniform, parent engagement and participation in after school

Children enjoy lunchtimes as they have a variety of activities to engage in.

Lounge and library allow children to access books and board games. Allowing children to build confidence
and self-esteem.
To minimise the number of reported incidents of lunchtime.

Target 1: Reading: All staff to have

consistently high expectations of what
children can achieve, including most able and
disadvantaged children.
Target 2: Writing: Assessment information is
used to plan appropriate teaching and learning
strategies, including to identify pupils who are
falling behind in their learning or who need
additional support, enabling pupils to achieve
Target 3: The schools engagement with
parents, carers and employers helps them to
understand how children and learners are
doing in relation to the standards expected
and what they need to do to improve.
Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance
to 96%

Funding to provide an extra

lunchtime supervisor to allow
children to access the lounge and
library at lunchtimes.

Target 1: Reading: All staff to have

consistently high expectations of what
children can achieve, including most able and
disadvantaged children.
Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance
to 96%

To provide fruit for Key Stage 2


Total Staffing:

Provide healthy snack daily

All children to be provided with one piece of fruit free of charge every day.


Other Costs Not Staffing

Access to technology for use at home.
Target 1: Reading: All staff to have consistently high expectations of what
children can achieve, including most able and disadvantaged children.
Target 3: The schools engagement with parents, carers and employers helps
them to understand how children and learners are doing in relation to the
standards expected and what they need to do to improve

Necessity clothing allowance (105 pupil) cost of 2

sweatshirts/ cardigans and a tie (year group
dependent) to support families getting their children
ready for school.
To provide financial assistance in circumstances where
family income might be a barrier to equality of access
to an enhanced curriculum.
Target 3: The schools engagement with parents, carers and employers helps
them to understand how children and learners are doing in relation to the
standards expected and what they need to do to improve.

School provides a variety of online educational resources for children to access at

Increase homework opportunities.
Increase educational resources accessed outside of school hours.
To provide 6 computers for parents to access on a regular basis in the entrance to
the school.

All eligible pupils received 2 sweatshirts and a tie. 105 pupils were eligible last year.
All contacted by the school office and came to collect their items in September

Additional funding to allow for a reduced cost in the total amount payable for PP
children to attend school trips.
Reducing stress for parents who are unable to afford for their child to attend.
To take part in activities requiring social skills.
To approach charity funding streams to support PP children in their home, e.g. food
banks, basic house hold contents e.g cooker

Target 4: Attendance : To increase attendance to 96%

Total Cost (Not Staffing):


Early Year Pupil Premium

To provide an inclusion manager support
for identified pupils to aid academic,
social and emotional development.

Evidence of Impact Success Criteria

To overcome barriers to learning by reducing worry and lack of confidence.
To reduce pupils experiencing issues over an extended time, with minimal referrals to CAHMS or
other outside organisations.
To learn how to cope with difficult situations, using an adult for support in developing suitable
coping strategies.
To reduce stress levels for parents concerned about how well their child is coping with school

End of nursery data shows improved outcomes compared to July 2016.

Attendance to be above 96% for PP children.
To provide support across the school to children identified with a speech and language need. To
achieve sustainability of provision (TA to observe sessions). Provide sessions in school to aid
parents in getting their children to appointments.

Funding to ensure all children have their

own allocated key worker.

Children to use their key worker as their point of contact on a daily basis. Key workers to
support children in all classes focusing on: homework, uniform, parent engagement and
participation in after school activities.

To provide a WELLCOMM practitioner to

deliver WELLCOMM (Speech and Language
intervention) 2 days a week.

To ensure the WellComm screening tool evaluates childrens expressive language skills
(talking) and understanding of language, up to the age of 6 years. This screen allows us to
identify and support children who would benefit from intervention to support their language
and communication skills.
All Children to achieve age related in language and communication particularly the speaking strand

To provide support and guidance through

parenting classes to the most vulnerable

PP parents targeted to attend a minimum of one of the sessions this academic year 2016-17.

To purchase core story books for each PP


Children to access their core story book at home with family members. Build a library of their
own home reading books.
Staff to receive feedback from families throughout the school year re: their thought on the

To provide a speech and language

therapist to work with PP children on a
weekly basis.

Total EYPP
All costs updated 21st November 2016

core stories and how they are shared at home.

Reading attainment to show improvement from 2016.

Not Staffing
Early Years
Funding Received:


Grand Total Spent / Spending:



The evidence used to write this success criterion is available in the following documents:

Raise online 2016

School Improvement Plan 2016-17

Speech and Language therapist reports July 2016

WELLCOMM assessment data July 2016

How will we measure the impact of pupil premium funding?

See success criteria listed against each strategy

The date of the next pupil premium strategy review:

July 2017

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