Development Timeline

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Personal Developmental Psychology Timeline

You will be/have been learning about what psychologists have to say about the
human life cycle. Some theories that you will learn: Piagets theory of cognitive
development, Kohlbergs theory of moral development and especially Eriksons
Stage theory. Your assignment is to create a timeline outlining the events of your
life and your life to come and put them into a scrapbook. How are you going to do
this? First, think about what you have learned about human development. How do
you think this has played out in your life so far? How do you think it will play out in
the future? Put together a scrapbook on your life as it has happened so far and how
you imagine it will be. The scrapbook should be at least 8 x 11 inches or you may
use a typical scrapbook if you like. It should have a cover/binder if you will be
using regular unlined paper.
Page 1: Title page. Name, period, etc. Decorate this pagebe creative, use
pictures, events Page 2: Your birth. Where were you born? Who are your
parents? Your culture? Your brothers and sisters? How are the circumstances of
your birth significant to your life? Include pictures. Each page after that: will be a
decade in your life from 0 until age 89 or 90. Yes, in this version of your life, you
will live to a ripe old age. On each page you must include:
Each page should be labeled with the decade you are depicting. At least 2-3
significant events that have happened or will happen to you that have had or will
have an impact on your development as a person, with a few sentences about why
they are significant. They should be in paragraph form written in the past tense.
(Obviously, you will have to create your future) At the bottom of the page, you
must put the stage or stages of development for that age according to Piaget,
Kohlberg, and Erikson (for example, on the page from age 20 to 30, you would
write Intimacy vs. Isolation at the bottom). NOTE: Some decades will have more
than one stage. Some decades will have the same stage as other decades.
Final page: You will write a one-page obituary for yourself. Who were the people at
your bedside when you died? What do you want people to say about you after you
are dead? What will you be most proud of in your life? What was your biggest
regret? Were you happy with your life? ORYou may write a letter to your family
or friends. I know that you cannot predict the futurebut you can imagine it. What
will happen? What kind of future do you want to create? This is your big chance to
imagine it! Remember: it is senseless to lose in your own fantasies. Of course,
every life has unpredictable, unfortunate things that happen. Please keep these to
a minimum when you imagine your future. You truly do create your own future.
In order to make the timeline, you will need some sort of scrap book. Keep in mind
that there are so many things that happen at the ends (that includes conception to
birth) of our lifetime. Because of this you may want to give more space at the ends
of the timeline (its ok if its not to scale). A bit of planning will need to go into this!
Make sure to include the following psychologists theories/stages and explain how
they relate to the different stages of your life:
Eriksons Stage Theory

Piagets Cognitive Development


Kohlbergs Theory of Moral


Kubler-Ross Emotion Model

Also, make sure to include as many relevant terms, and Psychologists (there are a
lot for this unit), from the chapter as will fit in with your lifes timeline and explain
their relevance to the project. Be creative! Use baby pictures, magazine and
newspaper images, and any other materials you think will enhance the project.
Remember, this is individual, so make it a representation of your life and

Personal Developmental Psychology Timeline Rubric

1. ____/10pts Cover/Introduction/Table of Contents
2. ____/20pts Birth Pages
____/10pts Prenatal Development
____/10pts Birth
3. ____/90pts Decades (ages) Pages (minimum 1 stage of development per
____/10pts 0-9
____/10pts 10-19
____/10pts 20-29
____/10pts 30-39
____/10pts 40-49
____/10pts 50-59
____/10pts 60-69
____/10pts 70-79
____/10pts 80-90
4. ____/10pts Death Stage
Obituary and Key People
5. ____/50pts Theories- Brief Description (Can all be on one page)
____/10pts Single page to cover all topics
Stages throughout Decades
____/10pts Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development
-4 Stages
-8 Developmental Phenomena
____/10pts Kohlbergs Theory of Moral Development
-3 Levels
-6 Stages
____/10pts Eriksons Stage Theory
-8 Stages
-8 Issues
____/10pts Kubler-Ross Emotion Model
-5 Stages
6. ____/10pts Parenting Survey
7. ____/20pts Illustrations
8. ____/40pts Presentation Quality
______/250 Final Grade

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