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Connectors Reading.

Connectors Reading.

1 - Put each connector in its gap

2 Rewrite the sentence using the

connectors given.

1. Yesterday was a terrible

day. ....................... It was raining a lot
and I didnt have an umbrella at
home. ..................., I arrived late at work
because there was an accident in the city
centre and I couldnt take the short way
as usual.
.........., when I arrived home my boss
was waiting for me and he was very
angry. Finally, when I arrived at home
someone had broken my window.
2. I like practising water sports
.............swimming, snorkelling or
scuba diving.
3. If you want to lose weight you need to
change your habits. You need to do
healthy activities....................practising
sport or eating healthy food.
4. She was angry with him because he is
very rude with her children. He never
says nice things to them
and ........................she avoids playing
with them.
5. If you want to apply for the job you
need to fill in the application for.
.................the identity card is needed.
6. If you want to improve your English
you should spend more time doing
activities ..........listening to
English films, reading texts in English
or travelling to England.
7. The trip was the best trip Ive ever
done. The weather was perfect and the
hotel was comfortable .................I
bought a ticket and I won the lottery!

The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is one

of the best places to do research. It has hundreds
of the most respected magazines and journals in
the world.
1.) Additionally,

2.) In addition,

3.) Too

4.) Also

5.) Furthermore,

6.) Besides that,


7.) And

Connectors list:
Finally = finalmente
Moreover/Furthermore = adems, adems de, es ms
Besides (that) = adems (de)
Firstly = en primer lugar
Secondly = en segundo lugar
Thirdly = en tercer lugar
Such as / for instance/ for example = tales como, como por
ejemplo, por ejemplo
Additionally/ In addition: Adicionalmente.
Too: Tambin
And: Y
As well: Al igual que
Not Only But also: No solo sino que

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