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Franklin Knox Jr.

Connie S. Douglas
ENG 112 56
6 October 2016
NASA: mission to school

6:00am- good morning Houston.

One step for man, one leap for mankind.
Such a glorious sentence by no other than the glorious National Aeronautics and Space
Oh sorry, let me speak in terms you understand.
NASA, those sad letters I slap together as I take a snap chat of the sky that I know so less about
but admire so much.
But of course, I can't forget to hit the emoji button.
You must strategically place a rocket emoji next to it of course.
Because that's all NASA is four letters and rocket.
Then I hit send.
Now my snap chat is flying through the air to be distributed to all my friends I wonder (NASA)
who invented mass date distribution.
10:00am- Houston we are running late
We (I mean) grab cloths from the our (I mean my) ecofriendly washer and dryer. Because We (I
mean) care about the environment, don't we?
You see I'm part of the 93% (18-35) of this younger generation that believes that we should stop
climate change!
But, I don't know why I believe in that.

11:30am - Houston we must launch

I hop in my four door Kia set my coordinates for cato 2 and hit 77 as woman with a sexy British
accent tells me to take the next exit.
But then it hit me.
How does she know that?
How does it! know that?
How does my car cut the wind like a shark in water but protect me like a tank?
I started to think maybe those letters mean more than we think.
You see it is we because we are the future.
One step man one giant leap for mankind.
But it seems we forgot how to keep leaping.
Or maybe we are afraid to leap into the dark.
So instead we settle for guns and try to fix problems that can't be undone.
Wake up my people one day this earth will die.
But that does not matter.
The true question is will you die with it or will your story continue in a galaxy far far away....
12:30am- Houston we have landed it is time for class.

Franklin Knox

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