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a) hasty generalizations

it is using too few examples to base a conclusion on.

Ex : All teachers are the same !
b) circular reasoning
It is assuming that what has to be proven has already
been proven.
Ex : This product is good for the environment because it
doesnt pollute the atmosphere. It doesnt pollute because it
is good for the environment.
c)Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
(After this, therefore, because of this.)
It is not because two things happen one after the other, that
the second is the consequence of the first. There might be
another factor.
Ex : Your mom says that your grades are bad since you
started to hang out with your new friend. Therefore HE is
the bad influence on you. (she doesnt know that you get
high every lunch)
d) non-sequitur. (irrelevent proof)
def : using a proof that doesnt support the argument.
Ex : the movie was superb, because it cost a lot to make.
e) false analogy (bad comparison)
def : compairing two things that cant be compared, or
forgetting to take into accounts important different
ex : why arent you as nice/good/studious/intelligent/hardworking as your brother/sister ?

f) ad hominem (against the man)

def : its a personal attack against the person making the
argument and not against the argument itself.
EX : You cannot talk ; youre a parent and you dont
understand what it is like to be young !
g) eitheror
def : it is when you establish a either/or situation, not
accepting the possibility of a third choice.
EX : Either you like The Canadiens, or you like the Maple
Leafs. (I hate hockey, he likes the Bruins)
h) bandwagon
def : trying to convince by saying that everybody already
Ex : in a political campaign : Vote the liberal member of
parliament because the liberals are going to win and you
want to be with the majority.
Ad populum: This is an emotional appeal that speaks to
positive (such as patriotism, religion, democracy) or negative
(such as terrorism or fascism) concepts rather than the real
issue at hand. Example:
If you were a true American,

Straw Man: This move oversimplifies an opponent's


People who don't support the proposed state minimum

wage increase hate the poor.

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