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Abigail C.

Torres BSAT-4A
TTh 7:30 9:00 pm
Imagine Communities in the Present
Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism by
Benedict Anderson is a book that introduces the term Imagined Communities. After
reading it, my ideas and knowledge about nationalism broadened and changed.
Additionally, Ive learned a lot of terms and concepts that I havent encountered before.
At first it was hard to comprehend Andersons point in this book but later as I read
further I finally understand it with the help of some concepts, terms and explanation.
When I was still in high school, I learned the word nationalism in my History
subject. Nationalism is defined as: in which a community is being loyal and proud of
their country. And by the term community, Ive learned that it is a group of people living
in the same place who share something in common, such as norms, values, identity,
and often a sense of place. And for Anderson, the nation is an imagined community.
This means that a nation is a community socially constructed, imagined by the people
who perceive their selves as part of that group although the people on a specific nation
will never know, meet and hear the other people on the same nation. I kind of agree
Andersons point that nation is an imagined community because nowadays we can still
see or it can still be applied to some situations and experiences.
An example is when joining in big events like Olympics. Although, you havent
met or seen those members of your nation who joined the event but you felt that you are
one or with the members who participated the event. In this example, we can see how a
community is constructed and imagined. The people who did not participate imagined
that they have a bond with those who participated or in their minds they believe they are
one. Therefore, for me, Andersons claim that a nation is an imagined community is true
and still practice in the present.

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