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Gerald Brown

Appraisal Techniques
Fall 2016
Assignment3 Q2 Validity
A counselor is considering using a personality assessment with a client who immigrated to the United
States from China four years ago. The test has a low level of validity with this specific population.
Discuss the potential consequences of using this test. (150 words)
Find one website that will support your discussion on the topic. Make sure to include APA in-text
citations and a properly formatted reference list for this post.

When one is advising a counselor who is considering to utilize a personality assessment with one
of his/her clients, who happens to have immigrated to the United States from China four years ago; One
should present the data that illustrates that the test in question has a low level of validity with this specific
The probable consequences of using this type of assessment, herein lies with the presence of bias.
In counseling you learn how to be aware the difference between people. You are trained to be sensitive to
different cultural differences and all this comes into play when discussing applying a personality
assessment with someone that is native born. According to Stanley Sue, author of Measurement, testing
and ethnic bias: can solutions be found?, states that evidence has accumulated that suggests that
assessments of individuals from culturally diverse populations are problematic (Sue. S). The article goes
on to, suggested that cultural biases can affect therapists' interpretations of the psychological functioning
of African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Latinos. This biasness stems from the
counselors lack of knowledge and understanding of the specific cultures background and inability to
predict their likely reaction.

Sue, S. (1996, April 1). Measurement, Testing, And Ethnic Bias: Can Solutions Be Found? Retrieved
February 14, 2016, from

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