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Williams 1

Lateka Williams

Mrs. Crist
English 4
October 19, 2016

Essential Question: Why are vaccines important for the Zika Virus.
Working Thesis: It is essential for vaccines to be created because the Zika Virus is very
dangerous and if a pregnant mother gets bitten then it will affect the baby for the rest of his/her
life and the baby will be totally dependent on a caretaker.
Refined Thesis: It is essential for vaccines to be created because the Zika Virus is very
dangerous and if a pregnant mother gets bitten then it will affect the baby for the rest of his/her
life and the baby will become totally dependent on a caretaker.
Annotated Bibliography
"Contagious Diseases." Encyclopedia of Children;Childhood in History;Society., and
"contagious Diseases." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed.. "Contagious Diseases." Research, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.
This article has general information about what a disease is and the different
ways you can contract it. This is important to understand because the Zika Virus is a contagious
disease. By reading this article I was able to understand more what a contagious is and how
you can treat most of them.I was able to find out who identified the different modes of
contagious disease. The three different modes of contagion that a the Italian monk Girolamo
Fracastorius identified were: by direct intimate contact bydroplets and by contaminated
articles. Some other less common modes of contagion are also listed like by insect vectors such
as mosquitoes and that is the type of contagion mode that the Zika Virus falls under. Which is
why knowing about contagion disease and how they are transmitted is important to this

Williams 2

"Birth Defects." Genetics., "Birth Defects."Gale Encyclopedia of

Medicine, 3rd Ed.., "Birth Defects."

Encyclopedia of Children;Childhood in History;Society., "Birth Defects." UXL Encyclopedia of
Science., "birth Defects." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed.., "Birth Defects." Complete
Human Diseases;Conditions., and "birth Defects." The Oxford Companion to the Body. "Birth
Defects." HighBeam Research, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

In this article I was able to find information about birth defects. I found out about
some of the things that causes a birth defect and some of the treatments.This provides
information that goes very in depth of how a birth defect can develop inside the body. I was able
to find out that a mother can also contribute to her child being born with a birth defect by the
choices they make. This document teaches you about some of the leading birth defects and the
symptoms and physical conditions you might get from a birth defect. I also found out how many
babies are born with a birth defect each day, and the percentage of deaths. I was able to find
out how a baby can be diagnosed with a birth defect. This article is relevant to the research
because if a pregnant mother gets bitten by an infected mosquito then her baby will develop
microcephaly which is a birth defect that will cause the baby to be born with an abnormally small
head and let them not be able to take care of them self.

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