Unit 229 Final Brief

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RSL Level 2 Certificate in Performance for Music Practitioners

Assignment Brief
Unit 229 Rehearsal Skills
Assignment Title

My Personal Goals Through Rehearsal Aspirations and Expectations

Assessor C. Bauckham
Date issued 1st November 2016
Date Due May 2017
Resubmission Deadline Date
Qualification covered RSL Level 2 Certificate in Performance for Music Practitioners
Units Covered MUSPRA 229
Learning Outcomes The learner will:
Demonstrate the skills to rehearse effectively for a specific music
performance and identify strengths and areas for improvement
How to submit your work All work will be submitted to bauckcla@brastonca.lincs.sch.uk as a
web link to your website or direct copies of documents. All work will
be backed up into the submission folder on GetHwk.
The music department is putting on concert in the summer term and
your group has been chosen to contribute a selection of
Scenario performances. Each student must perform for 15 minutes of musical
material this can consist of solo and/or group performances.
It is completely up to you to decide which pieces you will perform
and who you work with remembering that the focus is on
development of technique and personal progress through
preparation and rehearsal.
When working as a group you will be assessed as an individual
within the group.
Throughout this unit you will be expected to:

Set personal goals from your own starting point in the form
of an action plan
Devise a rehearsal schedule with suitable repertoire
Understand the health and safety requirements of rehearsal
venues and equipment choice
Maintain records of your progress in the form of a diary
Be able to work effectively both independently and within a
Participate in group discussion
Work with increasing independence from staff
Reflect on your own progress based on the targets set at the
start of the unit.

RSL Level 2 Certificate in Performance for Music Practitioners

Assignment Brief
Unit 229 Rehearsal Skills
Task 1.1

Setting Personal Goals

Task You need to:

Consider your strengths, weaknesses as a performer to decide on technical
aspects of your performance to develop
Consider any potential opportunities or threats to your development
Decide what you want to achieve out of your performance and set personal
Decide which skills you want to develop during this unit and set yourself
attainable targets for each skill.
Evidence you
must produce
for this task

SWOT analysis
Internet research
SMART targets and action plans
Videos of discussions
Written report

Criteria Assessment Criteria: 1.1P, 1.1M, 1.1D

covered by The learner can:
this task:
1.1 Assess personal goals, in relation to the effective rehearsal of a 15-minute
set, clarifying the following:
a. methods for effective preparation of each rehearsal
b. methods for ongoing refinement of personal instrumental/vocal parts
throughout the process
c. refinement of own image as a performer
d. impact of consistent punctuality and attendance
e. impact of active engagement with other musicians or peers
Grading To achieve a Define a set of personal goals in relation to their aspirations and
Criteria PASS
expectations of the rehearsal process, having identified their
reasons for undertaking the rehearsal process. There will be some
tutor input into this undertaking.
To achieve a Define a set of realistic and achievable personal goals in relation to
their aspirations and expectations of the rehearsal process, having
identified their reasons for undertaking the rehearsal process. There
will be no nominal tutor input into this undertaking
To achieve a Define and take ownership of a set of personal goals in relation to
DISTINCTION their aspirations and expectations of the rehearsal process, having
identified their reasons for undertaking the rehearsal process. There
will be little or no tutor input into this undertaking.
Resources PPT outlining SWOT and SMART targets
Internet search for techniques relating to your own instrument
RSL instrument and theory grade books

RSL Level 2 Certificate in Performance for Music Practitioners

Assignment Brief
Unit 229 Rehearsal Skills
Task 1.2

Planning for Rehearsal

Task You need to:

Evidence you
must produce
for this task

Have a meeting to discuss your performance

Decide who you will work with and what you will perform
Keep a record of your meetings, and a written document to demonstrate your
reasoning behind repertoire (these must link to your targets)
Put together a rehearsal schedule for each of your chosen pieces.
You will evaluate (task 1.4) your progress against your targets as you complete
rehearsal for each of your chosen pieces.
Create a written report outlining any potential health and safety implications for your
Video/minutes from initial discussion
Health and safety reports
Rehearsal Schedule

Criteria Assessment Criteria: 1.2P, 1.2M, 1.2D

1.2 The learner can:
covered by this
Describe the profile of the rehearsal process for a specific performance of 15 minutes

material, defining the following:

a. The rationale for the rehearsal process
b. Rationale for choosing repertoire for rehearsal
c. Method by which developments and ideas are documented, e.g. recording,
with the rationale for doing so and what impact it may have
d. Ongoing opportunity for formative peer/tutor feedback and the impact this
will have on the process
e. Health and Safety implications of rehearsing the chosen repertoire in the
chosen rehearsal space

Grading Criteria To achieve a

1.2 PASS

Based on their personal goals, evidence understanding of what the rehearsal process
will look and feel like and how they will engage with it in order to refine their
performance effectively. Learners must also evidence understanding of health and
safety implications associated with rehearsing music, relevant to the context in which
rehearsals are taking place.

To achieve a

Evidence clear understanding of what the rehearsal process will look and feel like and
how they will engage with it. Within this there will be evidence of some understanding
of where potential issues may lie and some thought as to how these might be
overcome. Clear understanding of the relevant health and safety implications
associated with rehearsing music in context will be evident.

To achieve a Evidence clear understanding of what the rehearsal process will look and feel like and
DISTINCTION how they will engage with it. Within this there will be strong evidence of clear
understanding of where potential issues may lie. Strategies for how these may be
overcome effectively will be in place. Clear understanding of the relevant health and
safety implications associated with rehearsing music in context will be evident, with
clear understanding for where issues may occur and how they may be avoided.

Resources Health and Safety PPT and documentation from www.musiciansunion.org.uk

www.youtube.com use to help research songs and view tutorials

RSL Level 2 Certificate in Performance for Music Practitioners

Assignment Brief
Unit 229 Rehearsal Skills
Task 1.3


Task You need to:

Complete regular, structured rehearsals for each of your chosen
Choose an appropriate venue for your rehearsal taking into
consideration the technical setup and health and safety aspects
of the venue and the equipment you will use
Keep a video log of any technical exercises you have used in your
Log progress made on each of your pieces with regular use of
written diary and video of rehearsal
Evidence you must
Video log of rehearsal, assessed milestone rehearsal, feedback
produce for this task
from peers and tutor
Rehearsal Diaries
Tutor observations
Criteria covered by this Assessment Criteria: 1.3P, 1.3M, 1.3D
1.3 The learner can:
Undertake the rehearsal process as identified in task 2 to refine 15
minutes of musical material for performance.

Grading Criteria To achieve a PASS


You will demonstrate and provide evidence of

competent musical, technical, self-management,
interpersonal and safe-practice skills throughout
the rehearsal process.

To achieve a MERIT

You will demonstrate and provide evidence of

good musical, technical, self-management,
interpersonal and safe-practice skills throughout
the rehearsal process.

To achieve a

You will demonstrate and provide evidence of

excellent musical, technical, self-management,
interpersonal and safe-practice skills relevant to,
and throughout, the rehearsal process.

Resources RSL Theory and Performance Grade books

www.youtube.com research for song technique and rehearsal
Relevant sheet music/recordings/guide tracks for your instrument try
www.musicroom.co.uk for purchasing lead sheets or www.musicnotes.com

RSL Level 2 Certificate in Performance for Music Practitioners

Assignment Brief
Unit 229 Rehearsal Skills
Task 1.4

Perform, Evaluate and Improve

Task You need to:

Perform your songs
Produce an evaluation which focusses on the success of the
rehearsal process how did your rehearsal contribute to the
success of your performance? (Link back to your initial targets
and remember to discuss technical improvement)
Final Action plan use video evidence, rehearsal diaries and
feedback from peers and teachers to re-address the targets you
set at the start of the unit. What were your strengths and what
can you continue to improve? Has the process of rehearsal
resulted in you needing to refine your targets?
Evidence you must
Video of dress rehearsal
produce for this task
Diaries and evaluation
Tutor observation and feedback
Criteria covered by this Assessment Criteria: 1.4P, 1.4M, 1.4D
1.4 The Learner Can:
Assess the success of the rehearsal process by responding to tutor
comments in relation to:
a full dress rehearsal of the set
the rehearsal process as a whole
Differentiate between strengths and areas requiring further
development in relation to developing strategies for effective
rehearsing in the future.
Grading Criteria To achieve a PASS
You will describe how successful the rehearsal
process was, including your contribution to it. You
will identify strengths and areas for improvement.

To achieve a MERIT

You will clearly explain how successful the

rehearsal process was as a whole and your
contribution to it. Strengths and areas for
improvement will be clearly defined.

To achieve a

You will critically evaluate your rehearsal process

as a whole and your contribution to it, in relation
to the success of the performance. You will clearly
define strengths and areas for improvement. You
will put strategies in place to refine and improve
the rehearsal process next time.

Resources RSL Theory and Performance Grade books

www.youtube.com research for song technique and rehearsal
Relevant sheet music/recordings/guide tracks for your instrument try
www.musicroom.co.uk for purchasing lead sheets or www.musicnotes.com

RSL Level 2 Certificate in Performance for Music Practitioners

Assignment Brief
Unit 229 Rehearsal Skills
An assignment is classed as Unclassified if:
Grading Criteria 1.1

Personal goals, aspirations and expectations are unclear, or


Grading Criteria 1.2 Little or no understanding of the rehearsal process and how they
will engage with it. Little or no understanding of the relevant
health and safety implications.
Grading Criteria 1.3 Little or no evidence of effective, relevant musical, technical, selfmanagement, interpersonal and/or safe practice skills throughout
the rehearsal process.
Grading Criteria 1.4 Little or no understanding the degree of success of the rehearsal
process as a whole and of their role within it. Strengths and areas
for development may or may not be identified, and are unlikely to
be of any evaluative value.

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