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On September 21, 1972, then Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos signed the

declaration of martial law. He then announced the deed on television on September 23,
1973.The proclamation ensured Marcos grip on power, in defiance of the constitutional
2-term limit for Philippine presidents. The declaration also marked the darkest age in
Philippine history. It was during this time that hundreds of Filipinos disappeared,
presumably murdered (salvaged in local parlance). It was also then that the Marcoses
stole the countrys wealth and indulged First Lady Imelda Marcos taste for fine jewelry,
shoes and hobnobbing with the rich and famous. A documentary of the events that
marked this period has been to coincide with these anniversaries.

Batas Militar
(Martial Law)
It was made by the Foundation for Worldwide People Power (FWWPP), the
same group that released Beyond Conspiracy: A Documentary on the Assassination of
Ninoy Aquino. For those who werent alive during the time of Marcos, these events may
seem like ancient history. But they shaped the Philippines that we see today. This is why
we should not forget the sacrifice made by Ninoy Aquino. Why we should be vigilant
against graft and corruption. Why suppression of press freedom should be viewed with
suspicion. This is an age of the Philippines that should never be replicated ever again.
The extensive film footage and pictures of actual events that took place from1972 when
Marcos declared martial law, to the EDSA uprising of 1986 that toppled the dictatorship,
bring back to life the monumental tyranny and deception, the unprecedented violence
and unparalleled greed that no one ever imagined could possibly emanate from one

In 1969 Marcos became the first Philippine president to win a second term.
However, not all Filipinos were happy with his presidency, and the month following his
re-election included the most violent public demonstrations in the history of the country.
Three years later, facing growing student protest and a crumbling economy, Marcos
declared martial law, a state of emergency in which military authorities are given
extraordinary powers to maintain order. Marcos's excuse for declaring martial law was
the growing revolutionary movement of the Communist New People's Army, which
opposed his government.
During the next nine years of martial law, Marcos tripled the armed forces to
some two hundred thousand troops, guaranteeing his grip on government. When martial
law was lifted in 1981, he kept all the power he had been granted under martial law to
himself. Meanwhile the economy continued to crumble while Ferdinand and Imelda
Marcos became one of the richest couples in the world. As Marcos's health began to fail
and U.S. support for him lessened, opposition to Marcos grew in the Philippine middle

Different perspectives about martial law

Questions asked were:
Do you think putting the country in martial law will be beneficial for everyone?
What did your parents tell you about martial law?
My parents told me that it was not good during the Martial law years. It is not
also favorable for a Christian country.
My opinion:
Regardless of what my parents told me, I still believe that it is beneficial to bring
Martial Law whenever necessary. This is to bring discipline and order in the society. I
think Martial law would give us less crime so long as there will be a limit to which what
the government can do and cannot do.

Martial law is mandated by the late president Ferdinand Marcos. They said the
Philippines was better that time. They compare it with the current state of our country
now. But, they also stated the disadvantage, which is the abusive soldiers and the lack
of freedom.
My opinion
I dont think its a good idea to have Martial law again because the civil rights and
the freedom of the people will be limited, thus people cannot express their thoughts
about an issue. Thus, leading to another revolution and there might be another war
again since most of the people here in the Philippines are against that law.

People involved in the Martial law era

1. Sergio Osmea Jr.
-Ran for president against Marcos and lost but Marcos won though
violence and was charged with fraud.
2. Diosdado Macapagal
-He ran for re-election but was ultimately defeated by Marcos who was a
3. Ferdinand Marcos
-Marcos started the war because of his greed for power and he refused to
step down from the office.
4. Imelda Marcos
-She was the wife of Ferdinand Marcos who was exiled together with her
family when Ferdinand Marcos lost the election against Corazon Aquino.
5. Juan Ponce Enrile Sr.
-Was the Justice Secretary and Defense Minister under the Marcos
6. Fidel Ramos
-Supported Marcos but when Corazon ran for president, he stopped
helping Marcos.
7. Richard Lugar
-Headed the US delegation during the Marcos regime

8. Salvador Laurel
-Head of the United Nationalists Democratic Organizations (UNIDO)
9. Corazon Aquino
-Won against Marcos in the election for president and she was the 1 st
female president of the Republic of the Philippines.
10. Benigno Ninoy Aquino Jr.
-Was assassinated in the airport when he arrived from his exile.

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