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Seoul National University

Chemical Process and Product Design

Aspen HYSYS :
Steady states and Dynamic Simulator
(EG Plant Exercise)

Spring Semester, 2014

TA : Ikhyun Kim

Instructor : En Sup Yoon

Basic Steps for HYSYS

Select the components
Choose a property package (Thermodynamic model)

Define Reactions

Create a unit set


Create and Specify the streams

Install and Define the unit operation and column

DOF & Specification


Analyzing the Result (Case Study, Verification, Optimization, etc.)

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Example Ethylene Glycol Plant

Ethylene glycol has many industrial uses: a feed stock for polyester resins,
a hydrate inhibitor in natural gas pipelines, an all-weather antifreeze and
coolant, or an industrial solvent. Ethylene oxide and water are fed to a
reactor to produce ethylene glycol. The product stream is fed to a
distillation column where the excess water and ethylene oxide are stripped
off the top and the ethylene glycol is the bottom product.

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Defining the Simulation Basis

Fluid Package : NRTL Activity Model.
Components : Ethylene Oxide (C2H4O), Water (H2O)
and Ethylene Glycol (C2H6O2).
On the Binary Coeffs tab,
Select UNIFAC VLE as the Coeff. Estimation method to estimate the missing
binary coefficients and press Unknowns Only.
On the Rxns tab,
Add the following reaction (Kinetic) to the Fluid Package :
C2H4O + H2O
Basis and
Parameters pages,

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Defining the Simulation Basis

No reverse reaction is defined in this example.
Return to the Simulation Basis Manager by closing the Kinetic Reaction window.
Return to the Rxns tab of the Fluid Package. Press the Add Set button to add the
Global Rxn Set to the Current Reaction Sets group. Close the Fluid Package
Press the Enter Simulation Environment button.

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Adding the Feed Stream

(Mole Fraction)

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Adding the CSTR Reactor

On the Reactions tab, select the Global Rxn Set and Rxn-1 as the Reaction.
Specify the temperature of stream Rx Liquid to be 65C (150F).

From the Reaction results, what is the % Conversion of Ethylene Oxide?


Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Ethylene Glycol Tower - Overview

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Adding the Ethylene Glycol Tower

No. of Trays

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Adding the Ethylene Glycol Tower

Press the Run Button

In stead of Specifying the Distillate Rate, Specify the reboiler Temperature

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Adding the Ethylene Glycol Tower

In stead of Specifying the Distillate Rate,
Specify the reboiler temperature !!

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Adding the Ethylene Glycol Tower

On the Performance tab, analyze the column result !

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Installing the Recycle

The stream Distillate contains mostly unreacted water. This water can be recycle
d to the reactor in order to reduce the feed water requirements
Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Installing the Recycle

A Recycle operation is a mathematical unit operation and is installed as
any other. It has an inlet (calculated) stream and an outlet (assumed)
stream. The operation is called/calculated whenever changes to the
inlet stream fall outside of the converged tolerance.

HYSYS uses the conditions of the assumed stream (outlet)

and solves the flowsheet up to the calculated stream (inlet).
HYSYS then compares the values of the calculated stream to
those in the assumed stream.
Based on the difference between the values, HYSYS modifies
the values in the calculated stream and passes the modified
values to the assumed stream.

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Installing the Recycle

Attach the Stream

Delete the specified molar flow rate of the Water Feed stream. This value will
be back-calculated from the outlet of the mixer.
Specify the molar flow of the mixer outlet stream, Water to Reactor, as 150
kgmole/h (330 lbmole/hr). Once the flow rate in this stream is set, HYSYS will
automatically calculate the flowrate of the Water Feed stream.

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Installing the Recycle

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

What is a Recycle operation?
mathematical / logical unit operation


When to use a Recycle operation?

Required when downstream material stream(s) mix with
upstream material stream(s) and when there is mass I/O across
the flowsheet

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Adding Recycle Operations (1)

Procedure 1

Solve flowsheet without recycled stream


Add Recycle, and only attach the calculated stream

(calculated = estimated)


Connect assumed stream to flowsheet

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Adding Recycle Operations (2)

Procedure 2

Guess (estimate) assumed stream


Solve flowsheet up to calculated stream


Add and connect recycle operation

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

Tear Locations
To minimize the number of tear locations, add recycles
Downstream of gathering points (mixer)
Upstream of distribution points (column, tee, separator)

To minimize the number of recycle variables (T, P, etc.)

Choose a tear location that maximizes number of fixed variables
Add recycle operations at separator inlets
Compressor after cooler outlets

Choose a stable tear location

To minimize effect of fluctuations

Chemical Process and Product Design


Seoul National University

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