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NEW DELHI: With the growing diversity of operating systems among companies, and the
increasing use of mobile devices, cyber criminals will put a new spin on social engineering by
'malware campaign' under which they will bombard recipients with email that drop virus
According to an internet security software and service provider Trend Micro study on Threat
Predictions for 2011, threat researchers have found that more than 80 per cent of the top
malware use the web to arrive on users' systems and every second, 3.5 new threats are
released by cyber criminals.
During current year, proof of concept attacks against cloud infrastructure and virtualised
systems will emerge.
Diversity of operating systems at the endpoints forces the cyber criminals to focus more on
critical cloud services and server infrastructures.
Further, the report noted that mid-sized companies will be targeted in cyber espionage. The
growth of targeted and localised attacks will continue both against big name brands and critical
Security vendors' brands will also be targeted by criminals looking to cause confusion and
insecurity among users. Vendors will find trouble with local signatures.
Targeted attacks on "unpatchable" (but widely used) legacy systems Windows 2000/Windows
XP SP2, embedded systems like telecom switchboards are expected to alleviate.
Notably, cyber criminals would target mobile device by old malware infections and vulnerable
software applications.

Cyber crime
Organised crime has been quick to take advantage of the opportunities
offered by the Internet, particularly the growth in e-commerce and online
Specialist criminal groups target individuals, small businesses and large
corporate networks to steal personal information in bulk in order to profit
from the compromised data available to them.

Common cyber threats


Phishing: bogus emails asking for security information and personal details


Webcam manager: where criminals takeover your webcam


File hijacker: where criminals hijack files and hold them to ransom


Keylogging: where criminals record what you type on your keyboard


Screenshot manager: allows criminals take screenshots of your computer



Ad clicker: allows a criminal to direct a victims computer to click a specific


Visit our guidance page for consumers for further information on these
threats, and tips on how to combat them.



Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks

Visit our guidance pages for businesses for further information on Hacking
and DDoS attacks.

The National cyber crime unit (NCCU) is the part of the NCA that helps fight
cyber crime in the UK. Find out more about the National Cyber Crime Unit.

What is Cybercrime - Definition

Cybercrime is a form of illicit criminal activity conducted over the Internet or another computer
network. It comes in a wide array of illegal activities, including hacking, spamming, phishing and
much more. The intent of cybercrime could be to defraud users, alter, destroy or steal sensitive
data, acquire sensitive informative and data, steal identities, harass or scam users, flood inboxes
with spam email and more.
Perhaps the most dangerous types of malware creators are the hackers and groups of hackers that
create malicious software programs in an effort to meet their own specific criminal objectives. These
cybercriminals create computer viruses andTrojan programs that can:

Steal access codes to bank accounts

Advertise products or services on a victims computer

Illegally use an infected computers resources to develop and run:


Spam campaigns

Distributed Network Attacks (also called DDoS attacks)

Blackmailing operations

What is cybercrime and what are the risks?

To discover more about how cybercriminals operate and the risks of falling prey to their activities
please click on the links below:

Support for Spammers

Distributed Network Attacks / DDoS

What is a Botnet?

Premium-Charge Calls and Sending Paid SMS

Stealing Electronic Currency

Stealing Online Banking Information

Ransomware & Cyber Blackmail

Evolving Virus Delivery Methods

Targeted Computer Virus Attacks

How to protect yourself against Cybercrime

With cybercriminals using so many techniques to attack users computers and data, multi-layer defences
are a necessity. Anti-malware solutions that combine signature-based detection, heuristic analysis and
cloud-assisted technologies can do more to defend your devices and data against new, sophisticated
Kaspersky Lab is recognised for its world-class, multi-layer anti-malware products that can protect a
range of computers and devices against cybercrime, including:

Windows PCs

Linux computers

Apple Macs



Other articles and links related to Cybercrime

What is Malware, and How to Protect Against It?

Avoid Most Types of Cybercrime with These Simple Tips

Protect Yourself from Spam Mail Using These Simple Tips (PDF format) 1 (PDF format) 2 (PDF format) 3

The emotional impact of

A new study by Norton reveals the staggering prevalence of cybercrime: 65%
of Internet users globally, and 73% of U.S. Web surfers have fallen victim to
cybercrimes, including computer viruses, online credit card fraud and identity
theft. As the most victimized nations, America ranks third, after China (83%)
and Brazil and India (76%).

The first study to examine the emotional impact of cybercrime, it shows that
victims strongest reactions are feeling angry (58%), annoyed (51%) and
cheated (40%), and in many cases, they blame themselves for being
Only 3% dont think it will happen to them, and nearly 80% do not expect
cybercriminals to be brought to justice resulting in an ironic reluctance to
take action and a sense of helplessness.
We accept cybercrime because of a learned helplessness, said Joseph
LaBrie, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Loyola Marymount
University. Its like getting ripped off at a garage if you dont know enough
about cars, you dont argue with the mechanic. People just accept a situation,
even if it feels bad.
Despite the emotional burden, the universal threat, and incidents of
cybercrime, people still arent changing their behaviors with only half (51%)
of adults saying they would change their behavior if they became a victim.
Even scarier, fewer than half (44%) reported the crime to the police.
Cybercrime victim Todd Vinson of Chicago explained, I was emotionally and
financially unprepared because I never thought I would be a victim of such a
crime. I felt violated, as if someone had actually come inside my home to
gather this information, and as if my entire family was exposed to this criminal
act. Now I cant help but wonder if other information has been illegally
acquired and just sitting in the wrong peoples hands, waiting for an
opportunity to be used.
Solving cybercrime can be highly frustrating: According to the report, it takes
an average of 28 days to resolve a cybercrime, and the average cost to
resolve that crime is $334. Twenty-eight percent of respondents said the
biggest hassle they faced when dealing with cybercrime was the time it took to
But despite the hassle, reporting a cybercrime is critical. We all pay for
cybercrime, either directly or through pass-along costs from our financial
institutions, said Adam Palmer, Norton lead cyber security advisor.

Cybercriminals purposely steal small amounts to remain undetected, but all

of these add up. If you fail to report a loss, you may actually be helping the
criminal stay under the radar.
The human impact aspect of the report delves further into the little crimes or
white lies consumers perpetrate against friends, family, loved ones and
businesses. Nearly half of respondents think its legal to download a single
music track, album or movie without paying. Twenty-four percent believe its
legal or perfectly okay to secretly view someone elses e-mails or browser
history. Some of these behaviors, such as downloading files, open people up
to additional security threats.


Bizwoman charged with drawing
funds from forged remittances
By: Brian Maglungsod,
June 15, 2014 7:19 PM
The online news portal of TV5

MANILA Months after the high tribunal upheld its constitutionality the Cybercrime Prevention Act of
2012 is facing its first test, in the case of a woman charged with using computer fraud to have P1.4
million in non-existent remittances sent to her account.
Based on a complaint by the Philippine National Bank, the Las Pinas City prosecutors office filed
two counts of computer-related forgery against Karla Martinez Ignacio.
The six-page resolution by assistant prosecutor Sylvia Inciso-Butial dated May 30, 2014 said
prosecutors found probable cause to indict Ignacio with computer-related forgery under Section 4,
(b) (1) Chapter II of Republic Act 10175.
Ignacio allegedly used the computer-contrived data to withdraw from the PNBs branch in Barangay
Almanza, Las Pinas part of a total P1,373,053 deposited in her savings account and another
account in the name of Ostrich Business Services, which she owns.
The fraudulent transactions started when the PNB branch in Guam informed the head office of the
questionable transactions, triggering an internal probe.
In the course of the investigation, the PNB discovered several unauthorized transactions, including
the purported remittance of P1.2 million by one Sunny Pulan Juan to Ostrich Business Services, and
another one for P173,053 made by Gretchen Quilit Andres to the same branch in Almanza, and
credited also to an account of Ostrich Business Services.
The bank discovered that Ignacio managed to withdraw P150, 000 from these supposed deposits.
She was unable to withdraw the rest of the amount after the bank noticed the fraud.
The prosecutors resolution said there was enough evidence to show fraudulent transactions,
especially since no deposit of money were made at PNB Guam and that there was an illegal or
unauthorized access to the computer of the said bank branch which allowed the inputting of
inauthentic computer computed data by the remitters (Sunny Pulan Juan and Gretchen Quilit
Andres) whose real identities and whereabouts are still unknown.
Using such inauthentic data, Ignacio went to the bank branch in Almanza to withdraw the amount
on May 16 and that she went again last May 22 to withdraw the remainder of the account but was
unsuccessful after the bank reversed the amount, prosecutors said.
She knowingly used the said inauthentic data to with intent to gain and with intent to cause damage
to the bank. She probably knew that the money credited to her accounts are results of illegal access
to the computer system of the PNB, the resolution said.
The Cybercrime Prevention Act was part of a trio of laws meant to curb various emergent crimes
using the internet, but its implementation was stalled for one year after various groups questioned its
constitutionality over provisions seen as violative of the Bill of Rights.
The Supreme Court ruled early this year it is constitutional, but declared unconstitutional provisions
on the takedown clause and one that allowed real-time monitoring of internet traffic.

DOJ orders 1st cybercrime case filed



THE Department of Justice (DOJ) has ordered the filing of the first case under the
controversial Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 in connection with a computer-related

The DOJ, through Las Pias City Prosecutor Marylin Cynthia Luang, recommended two
counts of data forgery against a certain Karla Martinez Ignacio, who supposedly made nine
unauthorized transactionstwo of which involved remittances transacted through her ATM
In the complaint, Serafin Agdagdag, Guam branch manager of the Philippine National Bank
(PNB), said he found out that his user ID was used to transact the remittances.
The evidence shows that the remittances of the subject amounts of money to the accounts
of herein respondent are fraudulent transactions since they were not duly supported with
deposits at PNB Guam Branch and they were transacted without the knowledge of Mr.
Agdagdag, whose user ID and user name were used to process the said transactions. Said
computer data were discovered three days after Mr. Agdagdag received the email from
purported email address . . . the DOJ said.
Agdagdag reported the unauthorized transactions to the banks administration, which
sought the help of the Philippine National Police.
Ignacio was arrested inside the premises of the PNB Almanza Branch in Las Pias City
(Metro Manila).
The crime of computer-related forgery under the cybercrime law covers the act of using
computer data for making fraudulent plans or transactions.
With regard to her [Ignacios] claim that she was not at the bank on May 22, 2014 to
withdraw money but to be clarified about why her [monies]were reversed cannot prevail
over the positive and categorical statement of the complainant. Such is also a matter of
defense that should be proven during a full-blown trial, the ruling said.

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