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sv_cheats 1 commands

Type the following commands in the console when sv_cheats 1 is activated.

mat_wireframe 1 [default value: 0]
Wireframe wallhack. You can see players through walls, you can also see which wa
lls you can shoot through.

turns wallhack on and off. Bind to your own key.

alias wall "wallon"

alias wallon "mat_wireframe 1;
alias wall walloff"
alias walloff "mat_wireframe 0;
alias wall wallon"
bind "[key]" "wallon"
Fly through walls. Also you can t die will in noclip mode.
r_drawothermodels 2 [default value: 1] Wireframe model wallhack. You can see oth
er players through the wall. Works a bit like mat_wireframe 1.
give [item name]
Spawns weapon/ammo/equipment. For example

give weapon_ak47 spawns an ak_47.

host_timescale 4 [default value: 1] Speedhack. Makes everyone on the server move

s faster. Can be set to any value. Everything above 1 makes you move faster whil
e everything below makes everything slower.

turns time_scale on and off. Bind to your own key.

alias speed0 "host_timescale 1; alias speedh speed1"

alias speed1 "host_timescale 4; alias speedh speed0"
alias speedh speed1
bind [key] speedh
Less recoil (no recoil):
cl_predictweapons 0
Less spread (laggy
cl_predict 0

no spread):

host_timescale 3.0 (default = 1)
2nd SpeedHack:
host_framerate 50
Sound esp:
snd_show 1
snd_visualize 1
wireframe wallhack:
r_drawothermodels 2 (default = 1)
Asus wallhack 1 and no flash:
Mat_fillrate 1
Asus wallhack 2:
mat_proxy 2 (Default=0)

r_drawbrushmodels 0
Chrome models:
r_showenvcubemap 1
White walls:
mat_fullbright 2
Blue walls:
mat_normalmaps 1
Wireframe Wallhack Menu (actually a video test menu):
mat_fullbright 1
No smoke:
r_drawparticles 0
No flash:
snd_digital_surround 1
No fog:
fog_enable 0
Entity box:
mem_force_flush 1
Player Box ESP/wallhack (laggy
game might crash):
r_partition_level 0 (default = -1)
Player/weapon ESP:
r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 1
Enamy checker:
cl_leveloverview 2
Shadow ESP:
r_shadowwireframe 1
Impact ESP/tracer ESP:
r_visualizetraces 1
r_rainspeed 0
Fire / smoke ESP:
cl_particles_show_bbox 1
Tracer ESP:
r_visualizelighttraces 1
Hitlocation ESP:
r_modelwireframedecal 1
Random Player Hitbox tracer:
sv_showplayerhitboxes 1
Impact Marker:

sv_showimpacts 1
Consistency Bypass:
Sv_consistency 0
Fire beacon:
r_drawlights 1
Player boxes:
r_drawrenderboxes 1
Living/dead player indicator:
vcollide_wireframe 1
Luxels (squares on walls):
mat_luxels 1
_aspectratio 0.3 (Default= 0)
Unlock max down and up sight:
cl_pitchup 900
cl_pitchdown 900
No Bob:
cl_bobcycle 0
Low resolution images (celled walls):
mat_showlowresimage 1
Texture location:
mat_surfaceid (voor memory addres), mat_surfacemat (voor texture naam)
Memory Adress Finder:
vgui_drawtree 1

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