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Rebecca Robinson

Mandy Kennelly
MacKenzie Grosso
Katherine Rogers

Art Lesson Title: Crumpled Paper Art
Teachers: Mackenzie Grosso, Rebecca Robinson, Mandy Kennelly, Katherine Rogers
Grade Level: Preschool through K
Rationale/Goals: Students will learn, through the book Ish, to embrace their own work and
that it is okay to make mistakes. We want to have each student crumple up a piece of computer
paper and then paint with watercolors on the outside. They will flatten it out and then repeat this
process as many times as possible using different colors. Once finished, this will create a
beautiful and unique watercolor art piece. We hope to encourage use of fine motor skills,
creativity, and individuality among children.
Core ELA
Speaking and Listening
5. Add drawings or other
visual displays to
descriptions as desired to
provide additional detail.

SWBAT recreate the
crumpled paper in the story
by making their own
watercolor art.

Language Standards:
Explore and create meaning
through play, conversation,
drama, and storytelling.

SWBAT describe how

the art activity goes
along with the book.
SWBAT share their
artwork and describe
what they did.

- observe the students while
working and make sure they are
making the connection to the
story, ask questions about their
intentions while working.
-evaluate students finished
- discuss as a class how the book
and the art activity go together.
- Students will share their artwork
with the class or their tablemates.
-If able, students can write 2-3
words describing their artwork. If
not, they can verbally talk about
their art.

Rebecca Robinson
Mandy Kennelly
MacKenzie Grosso
Katherine Rogers

SC Academic Standards in
Visual Arts

SWBAT use paper and brush

to learn watercolor
techniques with help and
supervision from teachers

-Watch the students as they work
to make sure they are following
the rules and painting on the paper
-Observe the childs unique artistic
decisions when choosing colors
and placement of colors
-Have the students answer
questions pertaining to Ish and
her artistic development to have
students relay their understanding
of the book
-Their finished artwork is their
proof of formal assessment

SWBAT verbalize their

artistic process in making
their crumpled art.

- Have a group discussion on how
the number of colors involved in
the piece affects the outcome of
the project. Also discuss as a class
how placement of the watercolors
on the crumpled paper will change
the placement on the uncrumpled

Creating Works of
Visual Art
1: The student will
demonstrate competence
in the use of ideas,
materials, techniques, and
processes in the creation
of works of visual art.
VAK-1.1 Use his or her
own ideas in the creation
of works of visual art.
VAK-1.2 Identify the
materials, techniques, and
processes used in a variety
of works of visual art.
VAK-1.3 Use all art
materials and tools in a
safe and responsible
Using Structures and
2: The student will use
composition and the
elements and principles of
design to communicate
VAK-2.2 Identify the
elements and principles of

SWBAT describe their

choice in design to their
table partners by
explaining their own art

Rebecca Robinson
Mandy Kennelly
MacKenzie Grosso
Katherine Rogers

design used in a particular

work of visual art.

-During the project have table
partner's share and discuss their
-Students can combine their papers
together to make a bigger work of
-If time allows students can share
their artwork with the whole class,
showcasing their understanding
and application of adjectives and
how they can be depicted in their

Key Concepts:

creativity, use of watercolors, fine motor skills, artistic expression

Lesson Sequence:
1. Preparatory Work: Cut the white pieces construction paper into fourths, so that students
will have smaller pieces to work with.
2. Stand up and sing the Hello song with the children on the rug.
3. Ask students if they have ever made a mistake like painting or drawing on something
they were not supposed to when doing artwork. Once they answer, tell them that it is
okay to make mistakes and we are going to share a story about how mistakes can make
beautiful artwork as well.
4. Read the book Ish by Peter H. Reynolds. Each time the reader says, Ish the students
will make the so-so hand gesture.
5. We will ask the students what they thought of the book and if they can give one or two
words to describe how they felt when the sister saved the crumpled pieces. We will then
model the entire activity we will be doing and show them the completed example.
6. We will help put smocks onto children and get them settled at their tables. We will also
go around and write their names on their pieces of paper.
7. Students will receive their own piece of paper and crumple it into a ball.
8. Students will then use watercolors to paint their paper balls. They will first choose one
color and paint it all around the outside of the ball.
9. Then they will gently unfold the paper to see how it looks. Have them press down on the
paper to flatten it out a bit.
10. Next, have students crumple up the paper again, into a new ball. They will choose a
different color and paint it all over the outside of their crumpled paper, just like before.
11. Again, students will gently unfold and press down on their papers to flatten them out.

Rebecca Robinson
Mandy Kennelly
MacKenzie Grosso
Katherine Rogers

12. Children can choose to stop after two colors, or they could add a third if they wish by
repeating steps 7 and 8. Let the artwork dry.
13. The children can use baby wipes to wash their hands after and we will help to take their
smocks off.
Materials, Supplies, tools, visuals, and equipment:

White computer paper

Paint brushes

Possible Modifications:
With more advanced students, we can introduce the idea of cutting their paper to enhance the
crumpled paper project further. This way students can connect to how crumpling the paper with
premade cuts, adds another aspect to the piece as a whole. Students can choose to make more
cuts after they un-crumple the paper if they wish to make more of a clear artistic decision for
their piece.
If time allows, students can all come place their finished pieces on the carpet to make one big
crumpled piece of art. This will further encourage group coercion and working together. Students
can observe the different outcomes possible from one project and how individual creativity is
valued in groups.
Assessment Strategies:
If students are old enough, have them come up with 2-3 words to describe their art piece. For
younger students, we can just ask their opinion of the story and their art.


Rebecca Robinson
Mandy Kennelly
MacKenzie Grosso
Katherine Rogers

Teacher & Student Samples:

Student Samples:

Rebecca Robinson
Mandy Kennelly
MacKenzie Grosso
Katherine Rogers

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