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Date of Completion: October 4, 2016

Date of Submission: October 4, 2016

Title of Artifact: Philosophy Statement from Field Experience
Standard: Standard Four: Instructional Planning and Strategies- Teachers shall understand
instructional planning, design long-and short-term plans based upon knowledge of subject
matter, students, community, and curriculum goals, and shall employ a variety of
developmentally appropriate strategies in order to promote critical thinking, problem solving and
the performance skills of all learners. (New Jersey Board of Education, 2016).

I am placing my Philosophy Statement from Field Experience under Standard Four, Instructional
Planning and Strategies, as evidence of my continued mastery. This philosophy statement shows
that I am starting to plan out how I want my classroom to be when I become a teacher. Through
this statement, I was able to provide examples of different techniques and tactics I have learned
from my own experiences in my life as well as in the field. Specifically this statement touches
upon the ways in which I hope to inspire and engage my students. This statement also suggests
strategies made by previous philosophers and educators.

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