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Effective Presentation Skills

Prabhashini Wijewantha

Session Plan
Planning the presentation
Opening of the presentation
Running the presentation
Concluding the presentation
Dealing with questions from the audience
Body language(non-verbal communication)

Power point presentations


Quick Quiz 01What is a presentation?

Presentations are ideas, concepts, or
issues that are talked about or shared
with a group of people or an audience.

Planning the Presentation

Answer the following questions about your presentation.

I) Purpose/objective of the presentation

I) What is the audience?
I) Logistical details

I) Time

Planning the Presentation contd.

Main types of presentations (04)

1. Informative presentations To inform something to the audience

e.g., Vegetarianism, Heroes of the World War II
2. Persuasive/Inspirational presentations To inspire the audience
e.g., Donating money to charity, Animal Rights
3. Entertaining presentations To entertain the audience
e.g., My most embarrassing moment
4. Educational presentations To educate the audience
e.g, Awareness prgramme on Ebola virus, How to use the Intranet


Planning the Presentation contd.

e.g., knowledge level, motivation

Demographic information
e.g., age, gender, nationality

Qualifications and employment details

Areas of specialization etc.


Planning the Presentation contd.

Date, time, and venue of the presentation

Duration of your session

Who is presenting before and after you?
No. of seats and the seating arrangement

Test A/V equipment first


Planning the Presentation contd.

Your speech
Time the speech when practicing (dont make the speech too long)
e.g., 150 wpm
Write the speech if necessary
- arrange the sequence
Organize cue cards/handouts


Opening of the Presentation

Stand up and walk straight to the front dont adjust your clothes

Greet the audience

PRIME TIME!!! (first 03 minutes)
e.g. humor, a short story, a statistic, a quote, a question posed on the audience
related to the topic
Introduce the topic and your self, and give the outline
Dont make any negative comments at the outset

Opening should be like a

Long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to grab the attention

Activity 01
Present the opening of your presentation on
the following areas;
1. My favorite sportsman
2. How to send emails using MS Outlook
3. Introduction to my company


Running the Presentation

Present the main points with supporting evidence and examples

Manage transitions
Maintain appropriate pace and pauses
Develop a rapport with the audience and involve them


Activity 02
Present two (02) main areas that will be
covered in your presentation titled;
1. Office dress code
2. Heroes of my world
3. Banking system in Sri Lanka


Concluding /Ending the Presentation

Finish on time

Summarize the main points

End with a lasting impression by giving audience something to remember
Thank the audience
Invite for questions and feedback


Activity 03
Present the conclusion of your presentation on,
1. Sri Lanka, the amazing island
2. Business opportunities in the North and
3. Sri Lanka cricket


Dealing with Questions

Acknowledge the person who asked

Express your stance on questions

e.g., whether to interrupt, ask at the end
Briefly answer if entertained in the middle
Repeat the question
Dont answer irrelevant questions

Dealing with Questions contd.

If you dont know the answer clearly say

Be confident and dont lose temper

Carefully deal with attention seekers


Activity 04
Q& A session of the presentations titled
1. Office dress code
2. Heroes of my world
3. Banking system in Sri Lanka


Body Language
Eye contact

Voice modulation (vocal techniques)

Posture/ Position
Gestures (body movements)
Groom well


Power Point Presentations

Dont have too many slides

KISS the slides

Never read slides

Include powerful points and not sentences

Follow the 6*6 rule
Be mindful of CAPITAL and simple letters
Include animations and graphics to keep the attention


Power Point Presentations contd.

Dont use distracting noises and animations
Best font size
- Body 28-32
- Titles 36-45

Use standard fonts and professional colors

Use an attractive and simple background
Be careful in data presentations
Proof your slides for spelling and grammar mistakes


What is a presentation?
Planning the presentation
Opening, main content, ending
Q& A

Body language and grooming

PowerPoint presentations


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