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Submitted by: Obaid Khurshid

Submitted to: M Ahmad Khan

Improving institutional effectiveness and Assessment

In the late spring of 2008, Broward College arranged for an on location substantive
change visit from the Southern Association of Colleges and Colleges (SACS)
Commission on Colleges. They accepted the open door to survey our institutional
effectiveness structure and assessment practices. Their inward survey uncovered
unique manual procedures and, at times, no arranging or evaluation by any means. For
accreditation, they expected to demonstrate institutional effectiveness. Basically, they
required an approach to sort out and show the appraisal as of now happening on
grounds and to enhance Assessment College wide. They required a greater amount of
the colleges projects to:

Evaluate their activities

Think about how to improve the assessment they were doing

Facilitating the Work

They framed a council contained personnel, staff, and overseers to choose an
instrument to help them improve the planning, assessment and review process. The
advisory group distinguished five results that they needed to concentrate on amid our
assessment of the apparatuses. They indicated that participating evaluators would have
the capacity to portray how:
1. Contemporary learning outcomes tools can be themed to show the relationship
between outcomes at the course, program, and degree level.
2. These tools can be themed to provide evidence of learning at the course,
program, and degree level.
3. These tools are populated with state and national outcome measures (for
example, teacher education).
4. College faculty and staff can collaborate using these tools to document learning
outcomes and evidence of learning.
5. Institutions are currently using these tools to provide evidence of learning at the
program and degree level.

Establishing a Common Assessment Framework

The true objective was a solitary evaluation approach for the whole college. They began
by setting up another Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness that
brought the previous workplaces of institutional effectiveness, institutional research, and
business intelligence under a solitary umbrella. They felt that this union of workplaces
would encourage transforming information into learning and put the assets required
behind institutional effectiveness. They developed a new institutional effectiveness

Leverage approval processes and workflows already in place for budget and
program managers at both the district and campus levels

No longer accept paper in the assessment process

Identify unit coordinators for every degree program, educational support unit, and
administrative support unit

Theme a single template approach and standard terminology for all units, both
academic and nonacademic, to keep assessment simple and easy to understand

Assign reviewers to provide feedback

Scaling Up in Response to Recommendations from

The entire pilot took three months from start to finish. It proved that the technology and
the institutional effectiveness framework could be scaled up for an institution-wide
approach. They used the reporting features in AMS to provide reports to the visiting
SACS team in March 2009 to showcase our institutional effectiveness framework. The
visiting team commended them for the framework and advised them to scale up our
efforts to achieve compliance

Lessons Learned
Without help, they would not have been ready in time to respond to SACS. It was critical
to quickly and easily see progress in their programs and know where to invest our time.
In process, they learned the importance the following:

Visibility: Improvement happens when motivated by others.

Flexibility: Assessment requires iteration after iteration. It helps to keep in mind
that everybody is learning and the process is evolving..

Support: Finding the right technology does not come from just checking off a list
of feature requirements

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