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Sophia Shim

Education 302

Final Reflection
Reflecting on all the five lessons plans that I have written, I felt quite successful
looking at my final unit Even though it wasnt a perfect unit, I had completed a unit for
kindergarteners and 1st graders. I do feel quite sad because I did not get to teach all
five of the lessons. Looking back at my choice of teaching only three lessons, I must say
I regret it because I did not get the opportunity to teach my other two which could have
been great to teach to the students in Mrs. VAs classroom. By the time I wanted to
teach two more lessons, it was too late because it was during the last few days of
school. From this I learned to embrace every opportunity or chance I get to learn.
As the first weeks of internship passed by, I thought about what my assessment
was going to be in the classroom. It is through classroom assessment that attitudes,
skills, and knowledge and thinking are fostered, nurtured and accelerated. (Earl, 2003,
p.24) How a child is assessed either helps or hinders his or her learning.
Since they were only kindergartens and 1st graders in their first semester of
school, it was the first time of attending school for many of the kindergarteners. During
the beginning of my internship, a student would often cry because of being in a new
environment. As I came to the end of my internship, I noticed the girl crying less and
how she felt more comfortable with her classmates and her teachers. Even little things
like these happenings changed as I was present in the classroom from late September
until the end of November. Those two months felt longer than just two months because I
was there every week day except for Monday. Another thing I regret is not being able to

be there during any of the afternoons of my internship. Yet again, I learned to get every
opportunity I get.
In Christians schools, the purpose of curriculum is that students will come to
know Gods wonderful world with all its interconnections and will learn how to take care
of that world. It is also to help each student come to know his or her place in that world.
This includes understanding the responsibilities that accompany ones relationships with
family, school community, country, other creatures, and all aspects of the environment.
(Stronks, 1984, p.46)
Through this experience of teaching just three lessons gave me insight into my
future career. Watching the interactions between student to student and student to
teacher, I learned what it takes to be a teacher in a Christian school setting. Mrs. VA
truly showed that she cared for each of the students while also disciplining them.
Teaching them myself was also very different from observing Mrs. VA teach them. I
stumbled upon words that I didnt think I would and forgot to include the tiny details
during my lesson. From thinking back to my teaching and watching the video of myself
teaching, I realized that I am yet so far from becoming a teacher I want to be. I hope to
practice more during my student teaching and become a teacher that will be an
example of Christ.
Earl, L. (2003) Assessment as learning: using classroom assessment to
maximize student learning. (pp. 24) Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Stronks, J. K., & Stronks, G. G. (1984). Planning Curriculum. In J. K. Stronks, &
G. G. Stronks, Christian Teachers in Public Schools (pp. 46). Grand Rapids:
Baker Books.

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