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Critical Assessment Worksheet


Key Ideas/Concepts/Qoutes

Martin Luther King, Jr.s


- Christian Ethics
- Being Morally Responsible
-Civil Disobedience

Letter From Birmingham


- Quotes
- Morality

Democratic Integration

Malcolm Xs Philosophy

Revolution over Civil


Black Separatism


- Desegregation vs.
- True Democracy
- Types of Integration
- John Lockes Philosophy
- Political Philosophy based
on Constitution
- Quote
- Right to Revolution

- Separate Institutions for

Black People
- Malcolm Xs philosophy
and those it influenced

Some Quotes to Know:

1. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere (Marino 359).
2. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely,
one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws (Marino 364).
3. Youll get freedom by letting your enemy know that youll do anything to get
your freedom; then youll get it. Its the only way youll get it. When you get that kind of
attitude, theyll label you as a crazy Negro, or theyll call you a crazy nigger-they
dont Say Negro. Or theyll call you an extremist or a subversive, or seditious, or a red or
a radical. But when you stay radical long enough and get enough people to be like you,
youll get your freedom (Zinn 461).
4. If the leaders of the nonviolent movement can go into the white community and
teach nonviolence, good. Id go along with that. We believe in equality, and equality
means that you have to out the same thing over here that you put over there. And if black
people alone are going to be the ones who are nonviolent then it's not fair (Lott 321).

Critical Questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

Who were the parties involved?
What are the significant differences between the philosophies of Martin Luther
King, Jr. and Malcolm X?
Why would one leader elect to do a peaceful protest over revolution? Which one
do you think is more justified in doing given the time period? and Which one do you
think given the time period would was more effective? Explain in detail with examples.
How are these events still significant in todays modern period?

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