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Thursday, August 11, 2016

2534 from page 8

Fahrenbruch, that Young, who
originally voted against the
1,100 acre annexation, opened
up to growing after holding
steadfast to keeping his hometown small. The basis of their
conversation, he said, was that
if Young and the board at that
time didnt control the towns
destiny, someone else would.
The board was united
through rough waters for going
north, Young said. They realized the potential of that property.
Even with a new mayor,
Kyle Cox, the vision for the
north wasnt hindered. Coinciding with the recall, Cox defeated Mellon 182 to 172 to fill
the vacated mayor seat. He
served one year before leaving
the board. Mellon then was
elected mayor subsequently.
Nearly two decades after
being recalled, Martinez said
he holds no bitterness about
what transpired. He doesnt see
himself as the father of 2534,
or the creator of it, he said, because to him it doesnt matter
where the credit gets placed.
He just views himself as merely a pillar, and as a resident
thats pleased with what 2534
has become.
Im not the main motivator, but I was one of the pillars
that helped the town grow to
what it is today. Im just a pillar, he said.
Just as Martinez and Young
said, Mellon said the board
was able to keep the push for
their northern agenda separate
from the internal battles, simply because they were two different matters.
Even though those growing
pains in the late 90s werent
some of the most shining
hours for Johnstown, Mellon
said, they were part of the
process the town needed to endure.
It was a little bit of us trying to find ourselves, Mellon
said. That was the start of the
growth explosion. Part of it
was learning how to deal with

The Johnstown Breeze 9

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