Chucktomteach 2 Actionpotentialdonowexitticket

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In no more than four sentences, describe what the nervous system does and how you believe it

Please answer (T)rue or (F)alse to the following 5 questions. If you answered (F)alse, please correct
the part of the sentence you believe to be untrue.
1)_____ Neurons are the cells that move messages electrochemically throughout the nervous system.
2)_____ Our nervous system tends to stay at rest until some form of stimuli creates a large enough
spike that our nervous system sparks into action.
3)_____ Ions are atoms possessing either a negative or positive charge.
4)_____ An electrical potential is created by the positive and negative ions lined up on the inside and
outside of the neurons cell membrane. Neurons have three states of electrical potential: Resting,
Action and Rejuvenating.
5)_____ The human brain alone has approximately 100 billion neurons.

1) Please label the following parts of the neuron. Cell body (Soma), Nucleus, Dendrites, Axon
Hillock, Axon, Myelin Sheath, Axon Terminal, Nodes of Ranvier, and signal direction of Action

2) Please circle the graph below that best depicts what is happening during Action Potential.

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