Ballistic Galvanometer

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And experiment of finding the fixed capacity of

condenser and also mutual inductance of two coils.

Trisha Banerjee @ 2010


Trisha Banerjee @ 2010

Phosphore bronze


copper coil

Soft iron

Trisha Banerjee @ 2010

Brief construction :-

The ballistic galvanometer is usually employed to measure the quantity of charge flowing in a given circuit due
to transient current.
it consists of a coil of copper wire wound on a non conducting frame which is suspended by a phosphor bronze strip
between the poles of strong permanent magnet horse shoe shape magnet . In order to increase the magnetic flux
in the gap , the cylindrical soft iron core is placed with in the coil. The pole pieces of the magnet are cylindrical
concave in shape so that the magnetic field is radial in the narrow annular gap and is also perpendicular to the coil
surface . The whole apparatus is covered in a shell to avoid disturbance from outside .Three leveling screws are
provided below the base of the galvanometer . The deflection of the coil is measured by lamp and scale arrangement .

Note:- When large damping is present , the motion of the coil is non oscillatory and the moving coil galvanometer
become dead beat . The construction and working of such a galvanometer is different from moving coil galvanometer.

Trisha Banerjee @ 2010

Object :- to determine the absolute capacity of the condenser.

Apparatus':- Ballistics galvanometer with lamp and scale arrangement , two way morse key , a known high resistance ,
decade capacitor or condenser, and a Daniel cell with potential divider arrangement.

Trisha Banerjee @ 2010

Reading the deflection from
the scale.

Morse key

Trisha Banerjee@2010
Damping key
Morse key:-

It consists of a metal lever BCA and three terminals ABC fixed on a wooden base.
A and B are connected to the metal studs just below the end a and B of the metal lever while C is connected to the metal
support at the middle of the metal lever, connections between A and C is made on the releasing , the connections between
A and C is made while A is cut off.

Trisha Banerjee@2010
Stop watch capacity

Trisha Banerjee@2010
Circuit diagram to finding the absolute capacity of
a capacitor

Trisha Banerjee@2010
Object to finding the mutual inductance of two coils.

Apparatus:- Ballistic galvanometer , Two coils , double tapping key, thick copper strip ,
small resistance , rheostat , Lechlanche cell , lamp and scale arrangement.

Circuit diagram for mutual inductance of two coils.

Trisha Banerjee @ 2010




Damping key

Double tapping key

( small
Trisha Banerjee @ 2010
Double tapping Key:-

Trisha Banerjee @ 2010

Double Tapping Key:-

The double tapping key has three strips XX , YY , ZZ mounted horizontally on

ebonite rods . These rods are finally fitted on an ebonite base MN having a metal
stud M. On depressing X, the contact is made between X and Y ( secondary SS)
and between S and M ( primary PP). The strips Y and Z remains insulated by the
ebonite strips in between them . When released the primary circuit is broken and
then the secondary . When the current in primary is first cut off , current falls
from maximum to zero , an instantaneous induced emf is developed in the
secondary and a charge passes through the secondary and the galvanometer .
Immediately the secondary circuit is broken , the suspended coil in the ballistic
galvanometer deflects . The magnitude f the first throw depends on the quantity
of charge that has passed through it.

Trisha Banerjee @ 2010

Primary coil


Trisha Banerjee @ 2010

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