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Julian Assange has been taken &

Wikileaks Compromised

That bit coin message is fake that was left on 5Chan. We gave this bit
coin message to a person from Anon who is also an expert in encryption
and bit coin, and was also captured and tortured by the CIA. He said its fake.
We had already made a statement last week on Julian. Further in this article

is a detailed description on how this expert showed us the message is fake.

This person is also former special ops.
We know from what we have personally witnessed been apart of, screen
shot Wikileaks is compromised. Hacktivists have contacted us telling us
the CIA have taken over Wikileaks main sites and twitter accounts.
As our Intel keeps coming in we will keep adding to this article, we have
people trying right now to get their hands on video of the take down at the
@Goddess300 I suspect you are being shadow banned. None of your
tweets are coming thru. I had to search for you to make sure you were
So now our accounts are being suppressed so this data doesn't get out.
WOW. Over 20 years as an investigator human rights activist just by
myself; our entire team thousands of years experience, we know you don't
do that unless you are trying to hide something - something huge and its is
only A Federal Agency who has the power to do this. We know Alex Jones
has been suppressed, hell we have contacted him 20 times. NADA.

We have to update you readers world wide: with one

Tweet Wikileaks have confirmed Julian Assange was taken by the CIA.
We have the tweet and more further in this article. Wikileaks sent out
an SOS for help on the 14th October we have all those tweets with the
hidden message as well. Now Wikileaks is compromised by the CIA. All
the details and where Julian has been taken are in this article compiled by a
team of People - human rights activists - Wikileaks Party - Anonymous Democracy Now Party. Thank you to everyone for your dedicated hard
work in setting the truth free. If media wont to use our hard work, please
make sure you give us credit, we have spent over a month, thousands of
hours work, and death threats, abuse, exposing all of this. Please link back
If you need t contact us there is a contact form, or you can PM me on twitter.
My twitter user name is at the top of this article highlighted.
Edward Snowden has been dropping hints also for over a month something
had gone down and Wikileaks was compromised, but it would seem as

investigators and activists we were the only one's paying any attention to
Any one who is a dedicated human rights activist and investigator knows
we all communicate in code and hidden messages inside a paragraph,
comment etc . So does the CIA, FBI and other intelligence organizations.
Wikileaks and Julian Assange have been puppets of the CIA since
2014. Wikileaks themselves confirmed they have been working with the
CIA. Our video exclusive from inside information from ex black ops has
Wikileaks have confirmed Julian Assange was taken by the CIA in a black
Julian and Wikileaks struck a deal with the CIA but the deal went sour. An
SOS for help was sent out by Wikileaks in a series of coded messages on
the 14th of Oct, and more in the following days. Full details of the black
ops take down of Assange from the Embassy in the UK, pictures which all
has gone viral, and in the hands of the UK media for an exclusive from our
hard work from all of our activists, are in this exclusive article.
Our activists world wide were the only ones who were interested in finding
out the truth, and sharing with the entire world for free. We make no money
off this readers ZERO. We have had threats continuously along the way and
abuse, even abuse from Wikileaks. And we are also from Wikileaks party.
But like us they were also kept in the dark to the real truth what was going
I think Edward Snowden and other activists world wide and Chelsea
For those who have already starting to ask us about the time line being sped
up in the video with Julian's escape plan. He went off script, his deal fell
through when he published the email dump and pizza gate given to him for
FREE FREE by Anonymous human rights activists. That was not mean to
happen. Everything went haywire hence the SOS from Wikileaks for HELP.
And the rest of the take down that followed. Full details are in our world

The dead mans switch was activated the codes were sent out, and our entire
team world wide know exactly where, which we will not be sharing with
Good to know Wikileaks all of our donations have been going to the CIA.
Just received my husbands Wikileaks T-shit today, took a FKNG month,
cost $50, YEP i just supported the CIA retirement fund. FUCK YOU.
We protect all of our sources where our Intel comes from, some comes from
Gov sources, and other from black ops. We have sources from all of the
world who do risk their lives getting data to us to share with you, so you
know the truth.

From what we can work out time line; Wikileaks in its entirety became
compromised between the 18th - 20th October now being run by the CIA
We also wanted to let people know Hillary Clinton's server is in the
hands of 5 countries, one of those is Russia. We have been told by reliable
sources, Hillary Clinton had the FBI destroy the entire server in the USA.
That is a Federal crime right there, and Treason readers. We have been told
Russia is going to dump the contents of Clinton's server on the net for the
entire world to see. Bring it on President Putin, i think the world will throw
you the biggest party you have ever seen if you do.

click on any of our posters for larger view

Further conformation from an intelligence officer that Hillary Clinton has

Julian Assange removed from the Ecuador Embassy. Julian threatened to kill
himself. We have further tweets in this article from other parties and Wikileaks
SOS for help for Julian. The SOS tweets from Wikileaks were sent out on the
14th Oct when Julian threatened to kill himself. The CIA took Julian on the 16th
Oct Wikileaks confirmed on the 17 th Oct Julian was taken making threats to
Two weeks ago on twitter i was sent a tweet by the Clinton camp saying
"Julian Assange is dead now so is Wikileaks" it is the report below. We did
give our report to Alex Jones - Infowars and the Real Strategy and other sites
they removed the links we sent them. Apparently it wasn't news worth enough.
All the details are in this article.

We have pictures of the take down by the CIA, they

are in this article.
We have personally got threats to be silent, to go away, which we reported
constantly for a month now.
I last received contact from Julian a few hours after the dead mans
switch was activated. I have had zero contact with him since. It has been
confirmed by activists who witnessed this. Black ops team stormed the
embassy last month took away a man with a black hood over his head.
Yes Wikileaks is compromised have the tweets from them to prove this.

Wikileaks which is really being run by the CIA now don't give a shit
about Julian the man who started Wikileaks in 2004.

Staff from Wikileaks have sent out SOS's via 4Chan they are on the run, fear for their lives and Wikileaks is compromised now
by the CIA, and these communications are real they are not a hoaks, they are further in this article.

This tweet from Wikileaks Task Force had us laughing our asses off.
Photos, news paper with date on are used all the time for proof of life. But
Wikileaks are trying to Bullshit the world saying its not proof of life. They
better sent a message to the US military that its not proof of life since you
are suggesting with your BS they don't know either. LMFAO.
Wikileaks are trying to Bullshit the entire world that not one single
person could take a picture with Julian, that visited him,
not even his lawyer. Pull the other leg is plays jingle bells.
But some how the bloody cat was able to have his photo taken in the
embassy window, OH shit that must have been the POL. The bloody cat.
The cat Embassy cat his his own twitter page pupping out tweets, to go to
the Wikileaks shop and buy, buy, buy. That's one highly skilled cat.
So who the FUCK is running Embassy cat's account if "Julian has not
internet. Well we all know why he has no dam internet, because he is not in
the Embassy anymore, and he hasn't been for almost a month. Wikileaks are
trying to tell us Julian has gone camera shy and no longer willing to go to
the window and wave to people.
YEH RIGHT. People Julian is not in the Embassy, the CIA took him.
Embassy Cat hidden message C is Clinton =chicken t is trump =turkey
right cat =embassy and canary=Assange. BUT the question is since

on the 16th October this message has most likely
been sent out by the CIA. Saying Julian is the Canary they caught. This
picture of his cat was when it was a kitten, look at the picture dated Nov
14 2016 below this one, much bigger and fatter cat.

Please take not of the curtains, heavy backed curtains drawn in the middle of th
day, they have been since Julian was taken from the Embassy on the 16th
October. Present day now they are not. Only sheer curtain on the windows heav
back curtains drawn. This is a very important detail when gathering a time lin
picture of evidence.

The Swedish Persecutor Ingrid Isgren flew all the way to the UK to take
a video statement from Julian Assange on the 14th November
2016. Keep in mind people it has been confirmed even by Wikileaks
themselves that Julian was taken from the Embassy on the 16th October
2016 by their own tweets they sent out.
To keep up the charade the CIA had Swedish Prosecutor do her illusionists
show to the world. The press were all gathered out side, none the wiser to
what had gone down last month.
She then emerges seven hour later, with an hour for lunch saying "It was
illegal to question Julian Assange at the Embassy, so she couldn't take
his statement." WTF right.
Actually people that is a complete lie that she fabricated. It is not illegal,
we did check with our own team of lawyers and QC's.

A fact she did know, other wise she would not have wasted the flight going
to the Ecuador Embassy in the UK in the first place.
It was planned people, she had been alerted, and part of what went down,
and she had to be part of the puppet show and keep up the charade for the
CIA in front of the media.
Under law it is actually illegal in such a high profile rape case to give a
dubbed audio testimony, it would not wash in any court room. Video
link up with lawyers present, or in person is the only way a testimony would
be excepted.
Don't forget people Sweden have been trying to get Assange back to
Sweden in person to give evidence. They have bent over back wards trying
to make this happen.
Now all of a sudden a dubbed audio version a weeks later, with no
Prosecutor present is acceptable. Who the Fuck are they trying to fool here.
Only the dumb people and the zombie media who reported utter lies and
rubbish, considering Julian never ever gave a statement, a fact confirmed
by the Prosecutor. And Julian wasn't even in the Embassy, all that has been
confirmed even by Wikileaks and all the Intel gathered, the pictures of the
siege of the CIA taking Julian and putting him on a plane back to the
Wikileaks Email server compromised

Edward Snowden also confirmed in a recent media statement and also

on his social media pages : Wikileaks are holding back years of data give
to them by activists and Whistle-blowers, they are even holding back the
data he risked everything for - gave to Wikileaks and the entire world for
FREE that Wikileaks are getting paid - charging to publish. That data was
given to theme for free which they are now charging to release.
That data belongs to the world not Wikileaks, and should be give to the
world not when Wikileaks decided the price is right to give it.
When we say charging to publish, they source out who is willing to pay for
the dump of the data - highest bidder. It is done all the time on silk road, on
Readers who are not familiar to how investigations and collecting forensic
evidence works. It is in the detail you cant see, joining dots of times lines.

It is also in detail staring you in the face when put together forms an entire
We know personally the amount of data given too Wikileaks to publish over
many many years that has never ever seen the light of day. Anything from
child pornography, human trafficking, child ritual abuse, corruption, money
laundering. And all of this was as verified as anything Wikileaks has
published to date. Snowden said in man statements that Wikileaks are
holding onto years of data that has never seen the light of day, data he gave
to them for FREE, what he risked his career, his freedom over. They are
The Clinton - Podesta - Soros - Pizza Gate dump, given to Wikileaks for
FREE to publish all of it to the world, and they have not done that. They
rushed through, and there is now way in hell that they validated what they
published, not with the amount of data sent. And for 100% validation you
need the sever where it came from, screen shots from the server, that is how
it is done in forensics. Clinton's team know this what is why she had the FBI
destroy her server. But she wasn't aware the persons who did the hack gave
Wikileaks are posting on their twitter account more to come December 1st.
How many times have we heard more to come. Nothing has come.
Sorry that data was given to WIKILEAKS for FREE, the hacktivists took
all the risks to make sure the world saw this corruption the sexual abuse of
children. Now Wikileaks are playing GOD with that data, with the lives of
Children. People Wikileaks is being run by the CIA now, reason why there
is no new data. They will only release what causes the most damage to what
elite as a way of threats and black mail.
The New data dump on the 28th Nov 2016 from cable hacks, is not new
data, it is years old hung on too by Wikileaks, until someone gave them the
right price to release them. So if you want to look at it from another way,
they are deliberately obstructing justice, obstructing and controlling what
you and me see and know about.

Wikileaks go on about validation; how can anything in the entire world

be really validated unless you were physically there with a camera in your
hand filming. Evidence in court is dismissed as that because it can not be
100% verified unless you were filming the event that took place.
As some of our legal professionals can testify to they have been in cases
where a person has been asked by subpoena to bring their passport too court
in a criminal case. Then when presented with the passport and asked to
verify their name date of birth etc they turn around and say "I cant validate
or verify that is me or my passport and the court accepts this total crap,
miscarriage of justice. We have dozens of court transcripts where this
As for all of Wikileaks email dumps given to them for FREE by activist
and whistle-blowers, to validate and hold up in a court of law you would
need the server. Otherwise none of this can be 100% validated, legal
fact readers, that is how forensics works.
So please do not go on about validation. So far Wikileaks has given zero
validation Julian Assange is alive, and has not been taken by the CIA, zero
evidence, in fact they are deflecting from being asked for proof, lying,
abusing people who want to know the truth. And their own twitter page
which we can't validate even through it does say it is their validated twitter
page on their profile, does not give a flying shit about Julian Assange, the
tweets are in this article FFS. But again we cant not validate 100% that is
the account of Wikileaks, and not that of the CIA. Without video proof we
can not validate.
All you can do in any investigation is present the facts, the overwhelming
about of data, facts, evidence as it builds up and present a case. This is
how it is done in the legal system all over the world.

Wikileaks account 4 days ago stop asking for proof

of life. Yes people the CIA are now running their accounts

UPDATE: It has been confirmed by sources there was no video only

audio, which seems dubbed for Julian Assange High profile rape case in
Sweden. We have a team of legal professionals right up to QC's on our
team. For such a high profile case for one, video or in person is the only
acceptable way evidence would be accepted. Not by phone. That is not
how high profile cases are conducted, that is a legal fact. Sweden have
been trying to get Julian back to Sweden to give evidence, now all of a
sudden Sweden chief prosecutor is going to accept a phone recording.
Don't make us laugh, would never happen.
The pod cast audio from today is proof of nothing except Julian is not in the
embassy and most like being tortured by the CIA.

We know Julian was taken by black ops team that was witnessed.
We know people in Wikileaks had their phones and computers seized and
We know Wikileaks twitter and its accounts Free Assange Wikileaks Taskforce
We know Julian is not in the embassy anymore, and we know Embassy cat
is still there, and there is no way Julian would leave is beloved cat behind if
Dead Mans switch was activated on the 16th October 2015 3:08PM then
All of our time line pics of the op all match up.

This above comes from out google plus page

Thanks To Anonymous human rights activist world wide organization

Julian Assange has been captured and sent on a rendition flight to

Charlotte, North Carolina aboard a United States military plane

known as the Guantanamo Bay Express.
Using FlightRadar the plane was tracked by Redditors as it made its way
across the Atlantic towards the United States. There was speculation the
plane was heading straight for Guantanamo Bay, however after an eight
hour journey the military jet began descending towards Smithfield airbase,
near Charlotte, North Carolina. (we also found hidden code in tweets giving
clues that's where Julian had been sent, embassy cat told us wiki is
compromised in the Cuba trip / means he's going to Guantanamo Bay
detention camp)

Today's PODCAST is proof of nothing except: this was done in a cement

walled room, you could hear the echo bouncing off the walls. So it could be
We know Julian could have easily done a video to proof he is safe and not
We know that the last video last month was not proof of life, it was not even
We know that Obama had now classed Julian Assange and Wikileaks
organization as a terrorist organization, wanted dead or alive. That
announcement was made approx 3 weeks ago by Obama.
We have the video.

This article post comes from our social media pages we posted weeks ago.

That would give the CIA the power to take Julian from embassy.

Description of the take down by the CIA. They do have Julian

Click on any poster for a large resolution full size picture. All of our pictures are high resolution.

This is the CIA op that went down, we have sat on data since last
month. Now we have the pictures to put it all together with the raid on
the Embassy where Julian Assange was removed. Showing you people
the readers further proof that Wikileaks is compromised and has been
Update: we do apologize we have realized one of our data pieces is not in the article, its an important piece, it
looks as though it may have been filed in the wrong file location, we have thousands of files to go through now;
so as soon as we find it we will add it to this section.

Host of @StoneColdTruth, , New York Times

Bestselling Author of @ClintonsWar and @BushCrimes, rabble rouser,
People have been threatened over these pictures and also the take down of
Julian being removed from the embassy. We have whiteout the
identification on our data to protect our sources.
And our lives are in danger by sharing this with you and the entire world.

Identities have been whitened out to protect the source

This is the media statement we made in public two weeks ago because we
were so sick and tired of the lies and abuse we were getting from what they
call themselves as being the inner "sanctum of Wikileaks".

Click on any poster for a large resolution full size picture. All of our
pictures are high resolution.
Here is where the written statement about Julian being taken by black ops team, came from, this article in the link. It has also
been shared by tens of thousands of people all of social media world wide.

Our people are human rights activists, humanitarians from all over the
world, we have been setting the truth free for over 20 years, we work with
global organizations world wide in exposing human trafficking, child
pornography and corruption. We get nominated for awards. We are non
profit, do don't get funding from anyone, not even the public. We use our
own money and time, we have some very talented people on our team who
bring their own set of skills to the table for the work we do. We get death
threats, our families get threatened, and we get threatened by morons on
social media for setting the truth free for just that FREE. Our audience is
global and millions of readers including Russia, Saudi Arabia.
More updates on evidence of Corruption and human sex trafficking
and other crimes of Clinton and other officials. More updates from
Pizza gate

Click on any poster for a large resolution full size picture. All of our pictures are high resolution.

The communications from an expert explaining how the message is a fake.

Our source is special OP's expert in bitcoin and encryption. Was also
tortured by the CIA for 6 days.
We have spoken to other special forces and ex special forces who we
personally know, they have all told us the same thing. CIA would have
tortured Julian to comply with them.
The pod cast by audio only clearly shows this. He could not provide a video
as he has been taken by the CIA.
All of our in-tell we have gathered from the October 2016 when the dead
mans switch was activated and since communications sent alarm bells

through our network that Julian had been taken and Wikileaks had been
compromised which has now been confirmed.

UPDATE: 29Oct 2016 we were just sent this. An SOS message in the tweet
from Wikileaks account. help sent by Wikileaks on the 14 th October 2016.

The Free Assange Account linked to Wikileaks account

tweeted out on the 17th October the day after Julian
Assange had been take by the CIA from the Embassy out of the UK
back to the USA. Making a direct threat to Hillary Clinton if they harmed
Julian. Proof again people. Our time line shows Wikileaks accounts became
taken over by the CIA around the 18th - 20th October.

Twitter messages and abuse from FreeAssange account which we are told
is compromised. This account also runs Wikileaks and The Wikileaks
taskforce accounts. There are 4 pages of tweets and we have a hell of a lot
more. At this stage the account was now compromised. 20th October 2016
4 days after Julian Assnage was taken from the UK by the CIA

Those private PM's to one of our Wikileaks Party people on the 20

We knew right off something was off. It was what was said.
This pissant Free Assange account who also runs other Wikileaks
accounts, was trying to discredit the Wikileaks Party and its head Newt
pressmen. It's in the message above. We caught him out on several lies
in that message above.
Click on any poster for a large resolution full size picture. All of our
pictures are high resolution.

Anonymous Announcement they are severing ties with Wikileaks.

You will notice the Free Assange twitter account linked to Wikileaks main
twitter account once again abusing people and trying to discredit

For those who don't know and it seems there are quite a few. Julian admitted
in a media interview with RT media which is on youtube that all of the
emails - data dump on Clinton - Podesta - Soros - Pizza gate - Gov came
from Anon hacktivists. Without Anon Wikileaks would have nothing. Data
given to Wikileaks for FREE which they have been charging to publish.

Video in this article from Anonymous Hive also confirms this

information it is Video 2 update from Anon Video Here
We have posted that video many times to social media all platforms and we
also posted to Wikileaks main site more than once to remind them.
We have many more screen short of abuse from the Free Assange account
who is also running the other accounts directly linked to Wikileaks.
He also went after anyone who had a degree a working professional in his
He has gone after Anonymous human rights activists organization many
All of his rants started to make us highly suspicious to what was going on.
We knew Wikileaks had been compromised.

Sex child scandals the day cable was cut to distract make him look like
a bad guy of kids also found a comment in code about eating an Assange
ham is never over cooked.We are fucked -David Soloff @davidsoloff

It has been reported more than once that Wikileaks are being paid to publish.
By who we do not know.
We have words from Edward Snowden also confirming they are being paid
to publish and are not publishing all the data given to them. The data was
given to Wikileaks for free which they are now charging to publish .
It was highly suspicious as well that more than one person in this thread
after standing up to the Free Assange Wikileaks account were immediately
locked out of their accounts, more than once in a row.

Anonymous ( )Wikileaks Compromised


We wanted to remind people of something very

important - Activists - Whistle-blowers.
JEREMY HAMMOND, Barrott Brown - STRATFOR leaks, given to
Wikileaks for FREE, without them they would have nothing. They
went to prison and Julian left the country.
Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning for NSA leaks, given to
Wikileaks for FREE - to give to the world, and that has not
happened. Chelsea Manning still indefinitely incarcerated - no
trail date even set. Arron Swartz committed suicide.
These all heroes and amazing people who fought, and still fight
for freedom of information, who fight to you out there, they fight
to expose in-justice that are being committed to you. They never
ever sought fame or glory, or financially glory. And they all paid
the ultimate price.
Read the full article which shows the world as well the sacrifices
whistle-blowers and activists make world wide, and their
contribution that have made to the world setting the truth free,
that you never knew about. Please support all activists and
whistle blowers. It takes an army to set the truth free. No one
person can do this alone. Article HERE

We do quite often update articles after they are published. It is worth

coming back to check for updates or just subscribe to our website and
Our Professionals are international speakers, and we belong to world
wide organizations to address and expose : abuse - child abuse, violence,
Human-trafficking, child pornography and Corruption.
All of our articles are complied by a team of people, our website is used
by all of our authors - professionals. We also have more than one
website, we have many.
We are the Guardians of Truth and Justice. Truth media matter to us.
We are Legion.

We have professionals and advocates from all the world; men and women,
and we also belong to world wide organizations, and work with Federal
Authorities world wide, exposing crimes of abuse, violence, humantrafficking, child pornography and corruption.
We have over 16 million readers world wide from all corners of the globe,
who read our articles through our website and social media. We are
always receiving wonderful feedback. Even saving lives.
We have a very generous graphics design team who donate their time and
services for free for all of our beautiful posters.
Our team of people do not get paid; we are non profit. We do not make
money of abuse or crimes, that is simply wrong.
We use our own money and time as advocates and activists. You do not
profit from these crimes, that is simply wrong and unacceptable.

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HBGary Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 17:19:13 1ccdb4 No.8397799>>8398339 >>8401947 >>8406552 >>8407453 [Watch
Thread][Show All Posts]
Today, Tuesday 29 November 2016, WikiLeaks publishes in searchable format more than 60 thousand emails from
private intelligence firm HBGary. The publication today marks the early release of US political prisoner Barrett Brown, who
was detained in 2012 and sentenced to 63 months in prison in connection with his journalism on Stratfor and HBGary.
Coinciding with Mr Brown's release from prison WikiLeaks is publishing a searchable index of the HBGary emails.
WikiLeaks published the Stratfor emails in 2012.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 17:35:06 80ac78 No.8397935>>8399090 >>8399218 >>8404754
Any anon can provide some red-pilled context/backstory?
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 17:44:53 c6a6fd No.8398030
I feel like this is getting insufficient attention.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 18:20:23 5d1cd1 No.8398297
Oh shit yes!
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 18:21:14 80ac78 No.8398304
Wew this is getting slid really hard now. Lots of spam/shit threads since this showed up.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 18:23:09 db96a2 No.8398321
File (hide): 37b230a99957015.webm (1.16 MB, 720x480, 3:2, anon mask mud.webm) [play once] [loop]

Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 18:25:03 2e9a9c No.8398339>>8398470
>>8397799 (OP)
Am I misunderstanding? It kind of seems like these aren't new emails, it's just that they finally made them searchable.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 18:25:46 db96a2 No.8398346>>8398384 >>8398448 >>8407071
File (hide): 5403c1ee74bedcf.png (27.82 KB, 1048x823, 1048:823, hasti.PNG)

kinda weird bump
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 18:30:29 04047a No.8398384>>8398405
>Yes, this is satan
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 18:32:59 db96a2 No.8398405
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 18:38:45 f5627c No.8398448>>8399208 >>8400428
its just a guy filling a web form you moron
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 18:41:25 5d1cd1 No.8398470
oh, derp, I thought this might have been more emails from the same time period
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 19:18:38 e59a64 No.8398749>>8398901 >>8400994 >>8403612
File (hide): a7058b237efed21.jpg (271.8 KB, 1018x592, 509:296, Palantir1.jpg)

BUMP. supposedly there are Palantir documents in there. I saw that one on Twitter
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 19:38:09 f97b50 No.8398901>>8399196
a play by play of the tactics being used here to arouse doubt over wikileaks, very interesting
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 20:06:07 4169f2 No.8399090

Bump of curiosity
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 20:18:38 e59a64 No.8399196>>8403011
>a play by play of the tactics being used here to arouse doubt over wikileaks, very interesting
Not just here, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, etc. At first I thought it was the JTRIG unit but now I'm thinking that the NSA may
have privatized some of their online propaganda. Contractor X goes after Wikileaks, Contractor Y goes after the 'Occupy'
type of groups, etc.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 20:20:25 db96a2 No.8399208
that sounds like something a jew would say
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 20:22:07 e59a64 No.8399218>>8402586 >>8402751
>Any anon can provide some red-pilled context/backstory?
" Today, Tuesday 29 November 2016, WikiLeaks publishes in searchable format more than 60 thousand emails from
private intelligence firm HBGary. The publication today marks the early release of US political prisoner Barrett Brown, who
was detained in 2012 and sentenced to 63 months in prison in connection with his journalism on Stratfor and HBGary.
Coinciding with Mr Brown's release from prison WikiLeaks is publishing a searchable index of the HBGary emails.
WikiLeaks published the Stratfor emails in 2012.
The HBGary emails are from four email accounts of key people from HBGary and HBGary Federal. HBGary was founded
in 2003 by Greg Hoglund to provide cyber security-related services to corporate clients. A separate entity, HBGary
Federal, was managed by Aaron Barr to do similar work for government agencies and so had staff with security
clearances and worked with companies such as Booz Allen Hamilton (one of the contractors Edward Snowden worked
In February 2011 Aaron Barr did an interview with the UKs Finanical Times that stated he had been investigating the
internet activist group Anonymous and claimed to have uncovered the real identities of some of what he described as the
leaders of the organisation. In retaliation Anonymous penetrated Barrs organisation and took emails from the accounts of
four key people from HBGary and HBGary Federal: Aaron Barr and Greg Hoglund, but also Ted Vera (then Chief
Operating Officer at HBGary Federal) and Phil Wallisch, a former Principal Technical Consultant.
These emails and revelations from them started to be published on the internet, predominantly through the work of Barrett
Brown and a crowd-sourced investigative journalism project he ran: Project PM. As a result, later that month Barr was
forced to step down, HBGary Federal closed and HBGary, Inc. was sold to ManTech International. This would have been
little consolation to Mr Brown, who a month later on 6 March 2012 had both his and his mothers houses raided by the
FBI, seeking Records relating to HBGary, Infragard, Endgame Systems, Anonymous, LulzSec, IRC chats, Twitter,, and Agents seized his laptops.
Barrett Browns work through Project PM was one of the first collaborative investigations into the US corporate
surveillance industry. Looking into coporate firms that work hand-in-hand with the government to surveil on citizens, Mr
Brown was one of the first to shed light on this unaccountable industry.
The HBGary revelations that came out through the work of Barret Brown and others showed that HBGary and related
companies were involved in plans to spread disinformation and to attack watchdog organisations, including WikiLeaks and
US Chamber Watch. For example, the emails revealed a plan to form a group called Team Themis with a number of
companies from the industry to "ruin" WikiLeaks by submitting false documents in the hope they would be published, as
well as discrediting WikiLeaks staff and supporters (including the journalist Glenn Greenwald). HBGary was also bidding
to fulfil a tender from the US Air Force to assist it in manipulating social media to spread propaganda about the Air Force.
The emails also reveal that HBGary tried to discredit the watchdog group US Chamber Watch, a critic of the US Chamber
of Commerce, again through disinformation. The plan was to make a "fake insider persona" within US Chamber Watch to

lead them to publicise false information in an attempt to "prove that US Chamber Watch cannot be trusted with information
and/or tell the truth."
Barrett Brown was indicted on felony counts due to his journalistic work on the HBGary emails and other related
corporations. He has been in prison ever since, often being put into solitary confinement and having his communications
restricted. The HBGary emails largely disappeared from the internet. Today the HBGary emails are safe for all to search
in honour of Mr Browns work and in celebration of his release.
Courage runs Barrett Browns defence fund: "
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 20:22:41 9302f7 No.8399222>>8400929
HBG declared war on anon and got ruined years ago. Are they even still around?
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 20:25:01 ab1617 No.8399244>>8400929
Is there an archive of TNE anywhere? I remember they were fucking around with HBGary before Hangly pulled the plug.
Everyone ended up on MPC or SoSe afterwards but I haven't seen anything there about it over the years.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 22:47:50 f5641a No.8400388>>8400929
Barrett Brown Bump for posterity.
Can't wait for his shitposting to resume
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 22:55:05 34ddb1 No.8400428>>8401288
It's just performance art. It's just pizza.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 00:13:04 1cd992 No.8400810
Have a bump
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 00:59:26 5d1cd1 No.8400929
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 01:09:51 e67341 No.8400959>>8400979 >>8407056 >>8407120
What the fuck. This is like a blast from the past. HBGary was the place that Anonymous from 2011 tricked a IT guy into
giving them access "hacked" and then leaked over 4GB of emails. IIRC he was tasked by the FBI to find out who was in
charge of Anonymous, did a lazy job, and was planning to sell the information he found to them even if it was just made
up stuff. Either way here's the old article from ED about that incident.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 01:17:11 5d1cd1 No.8400979
It's because Barrett Brown is free today.
best damn current year ever
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 01:22:32 1ae06c No.8400994>>8401190 >>8403377
question is is assange dead and these emails a fake release. /???
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:18:27 306546 No.8401190>>8401194 >>8403377

There's no reason Assange wouldn't give us proof. Wikileaks is compromised.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:19:34 d73181 No.8401194>>8401210
Just like your whore mother has been since your dad's fetid nigger cock entered her.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:23:40 306546 No.8401210>>8401282
Let it all out newfriend, I know how it feels.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:47:54 d73181 No.8401282>>8401307
Aight, here's some more: How do you envision WL becoming compromised? What does that even mean? Do you even
know the first thing about its internal structure or are you just parroting your superiors' language when you say that it's
been "compromised"?
Every time you idiots say it, the more you look like a bunch of idiotic shills.
Moreover, it's not unthinkable that Ecuadorian authorities are preventing him to release any kind of information for fear it
would contain codewords or similar to trigger new releases. It's possible they don't want to be held responsible.
Finally, your whore mother is a cum guzzling nigger fucker and you're a mutt.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:49:28 c62f6a No.8401288>>8409404
File (hide): edc1a844aed822e.png (1019.33 KB, 1467x818, 1467:818, fake-news-delta.png)

ehhhhhh now you're getting it.
Well, yea I had 12 beers, but it's just harmless Performance Art officer *waves, shifts into drive
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:57:54 306546 No.8401307>>8401327 >>8402530 >>8403020
All Assange would have to do is walk out on the balcony.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 03:03:47 d73181 No.8401327>>8401345 >>8401905
File (hide): d1821c80e022127.jpg (67.44 KB, 402x604, 201:302, 1f2p9b.jpg)

And risk getting shot in the fucking head? Has he ever done so before WL got KEMPERMERSD?
I'm so salty I made a meme. Print it out and shove it up your ass.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 03:11:08 306546 No.8401345
Yeah, he has.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 03:14:51 7d0a4b No.8401362>>8403377
Two things to note here.
1. None of these leaks are new they are old.
2. Wikileaks is now over a month late on promised leaks before Assange's internet was cut.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 04:44:02 0daf9a No.8401639
File (hide): f6fc1d87eca055e.png (16.71 KB, 633x625, 633:625, linkedin.png)
So linkedin is feeding this intelligence agency information on high profile changes? Or is this a normal thing that all
members get? I don't have a linkedin account so I really don't know.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 05:10:48 0daf9a No.8401713
File (hide): 82e0aeab189e965.png (34.85 KB, 701x641, 701:641, richard clarke.png)

File (hide): 1ed423b35ed6e54.png (68.42 KB, 893x673, 893:673, potomac officers club.png)

File (hide): 312e0f33e4a2979.png (30.59 KB, 854x451, 854:451, potomac officers club 2.png)
aaron at is a member of Potomac Officer's Club. This club is very exclusive and only allows government
employees or those who work for companies which sell goods directly to the government, director level positions and up.
Holds ~15 events a year. Here he's received an invite to an event featuring presentations from an eleven year White
House advisor and security expert, Richard Clarke.
>Mr. Clarke served the last three Presidents (George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush) as a senior White
House Advisor. Over the course of an unprecedented 11 consecutive years of White House service, he held the titles of:
Special Assistant to the President for Global Affairs, National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism and Special
Advisor to the President for Cyber Security. He also wrote two authoritative books on Cyber Security entitled "Cyber War"
and "Against all Enemies".
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 05:25:51 f03b67 No.8401745
Aaron Barr ladies and gentlemen,
"But dude whos evil? US Gov? Wikileaks? Anonymous? Its all about power. The Wikileaks and Anonymous guys think
they are doing the people justice by without much investigation or education exposing information or targeting
organizations? BS. Its about trying to take power from others and give it to themeselves. I follow one law. Mine."
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 06:00:18 0daf9a No.8401832

File (hide): 09e9f41c79b8eab.png (10.38 KB, 504x379, 504:379, rsa.png)

File (hide): e6353fe1ed7d116.png (20.05 KB, 695x657, 695:657, ciosynergy.png)

File (hide): bb4240c98b34dbc.png (26.44 KB, 498x518, 249:259, ciosynergy 2.png)
Bill Clinton played a lead roll in two cyber security conferences according to these emails, the RSA conference in 2011,
and the CIOsynergy conference in December 2010.
RSA has been tied to the NSA receiving millions of dollars in funding from them, and has been the subject of boycotts
since the Snowden leak for this very reason. HBGary was not only talking about this event internally like any intelligence
agency would, but they actually had insider rumors a month before the RSA conference newsletter went out that Bill
Clinton was leading the keynote that year.
CIOsynergy is a bit more low key in terms of the general public, but holds major intelligence conferences as well; their
about page lists an interesting collection of names:

>CIOsynergy brings forth this community of IT Leaders under the umbrella of world renowned leaders and visionaries to
the likes of Steve Forbes (CEO of Forbes), Robert Herjavec (Star of ABCs Shark Tank), Jimmy Wales (founder of
Wikipedia), John Sculley (former CEO Apple & Pepsi), Terry Jones (founder of Travelocity), Peter Guber (CEO of
Mandalay Entertainment) and Howard Putnam (former CEO, Southwest Airlines)
Now if you think that those names aren't suspicious enough, the email that was sent from CIOsynergy to greg at apparently talks about how they're willing to sell access of their database of IT invitees for a sponsorship of
their event, as low as $7000:
>This opportunity will provide your team guarantee access to 200 C-Level IT executives, 1:1 meetings with 7 attendees, a
speaking opportunity, and an access to directory of 1500+ C-Level IT invitees through our Market Leads' Database
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 06:24:22 dd101d No.8401905
your reddit it showing.
go back, faggot
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 06:34:44 071f43 No.8401947>>8402082
>>8397799 (OP)
Wikileaks says "over 60000" emails. For those curious or curling, it's specifically:
>71794 emails
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 07:05:01 9dab87 No.8402082
no goy. they mean 60 gorzillion emails.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 08:47:35 ca8a7c No.8402530
maybe he is not anymore in the embassy, we dont know.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 08:56:51 ca8a7c No.8402579
He lost his family for being an asshole and work for evil.
mail filter:
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 08:57:41 a97511 No.8402586>>8402711
>The emails also reveal that HBGary tried to discredit the watchdog group US Chamber Watch, a critic of the US
Chamber of Commerce, again through disinformation. The plan was to make a "fake insider persona" within US Chamber
Watch to lead them to publicise false information in an attempt to "prove that US Chamber Watch cannot be trusted with
information and/or tell the truth."
This is a good reminder to view all self-described insiders who post here and elsewhere with caution. One shouldn't just
accept claims without proof.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 09:24:59 ea767c No.8402711
Time will tell. That fbifaggot posting about hard things will come was right, but I flew over the pngshot lately and I saw he
did not sufficiently post enough correct info. But all in all, he veered a lot of anons to the right stuff. This makes it scary.
Even disinfo can backfire.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 09:37:40 b00968 No.8402751

Barrett Brown was released.

Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 10:43:35 0ffa3a No.8403011
The anti-WL shilling and the "Assange is dead" narrative kicked into high gear shortly after the Todd & Clare date (nov.1)
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 10:45:40 0ffa3a No.8403020
Fucking lol. So this is the goal of you shill fags?
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 11:22:54 867ef3 No.8403220
0001- Online Persona Management Service. 50 User Licenses, 10 Personas per user. Software will allow 10 personas
per user, replete with background , history, supporting details, and cyber presences that are technically, culturally and
geographacilly consistent. Individual applications will enable an operator to exercise a number of different online persons
from the same workstation and without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries. Personas must be able to
appear to originate in nearly any part of the world and can interact through conventional online services and social media
platforms. The service includes a user friendly application environment to maximize the user's situational awareness by
displaying real-time local information.
Dallas-Based Journalist, Anonymous Hacktivist Released From Federal Prison Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed)
11:32:12 bdec06 No.8403277
File (hide): 5169e4feccd0e09.jpg (43.68 KB, 630x350, 9:5, bb.jpg)

>Former National Security Agency subcontractor Edward Snowden tweeted his reaction to Browns new found freedom.
> Jailed since 2012 for his investigations, #BarrettBrown has finally been released from prison. Best of luck in
this very different world.
> Edward Snowden (@Snowden) November 29, 2016
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 11:48:00 fee39e No.8403377>>8403612 >>8404619
This is another release of harmless chatter by the intelligence services designed to make Wikileaks look legit.
WL is a limited hang-out and anybody who is stupid enough to send them real classified information will end up dead or in
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 12:27:28 24844e No.8403583>>8403612 >>8404619
File (hide): b7d266e25422a9e.gif (999.49 KB, 250x251, 250:251, we just don't know.gif)

Wasn't Wikileaks and the twitter account considered compromised already? Would this just be a perfect way to drop very
potent red herrings if you were on the other side?
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 12:36:42 3a3f73 No.8403612>>8403638 >>8403772
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 12:42:18 24844e No.8403638
File (hide): 2fdce95f9c6fd4a.png (480.69 KB, 794x560, 397:280, 1445197686285-0.png)

>lol, it's all true. Believe me, you don't want to get subverted, do you?
So it's all up in the air then? I'm just trying to prevent people from digging up a false trail.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 13:05:49 ed5560 No.8403772>>8403840 >>8404080 >>8404477 >>8405602 >>8405681 >>8406379


If Wikileaks has been compromised, it would make sense to throw out seemingly important info to attempt to goad
unknowing would-be whistleblowers into identifying themselves to those now in control of wikileaks.
Consider this:
- all of this information is 5 years old. These emails are from a raid Anonymous did on HBGary back in 2011 when Aaron
Barr, being a retard, thought he infiltrated them and fingered their "leaders."
- this information is not new, it's just being made searchable, and while there may be something with present day
relevance in there, 1) if WL is compromised that would have been scrubbed and 2) HBGary is a well known internet
security laughingstock, making such a possibility doubtful.

In response to >>8403612 what are you trying to say? That this is legit simply because of a powerpoint presentation?
Guess what, here it is:
And know what else? That powerpoint is linked to via an Encyclopedia Dramatica article, which added the link to that file
back in 2011. That powerpoint is still ancient news, just like the emails. Visit if you wish to see for yourself.


I am by no means a security or internet guy, but I just spent less than 20 minutes looking around at this stuff and it's pretty
clear this is a massive red fucking flag. Why would WL attempt to distract from shit with irrelevant info? Why would they
release outdated, useless information unless they were controlled by someone attempting to make themselves still appear
legit? Where has any of the info they promised ages ago gone? Where the fuck is Assange?
Mods, requesting you unsticky this topic, it's a trail of false breadcrumbs. This smacks of someone glancing at the OP for
three seconds and immediately thinking "this should be stickied" without doing any investigation. Any of you who wish to
claim I'm a shill, explain how the fuck any of this information matters or why any one of the points I raised is wrong.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 13:16:20 48304b No.8403840
seriously, Wikileaks trying to make news about a leak that's been on TPB since 2011 is pretty retarded.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 13:53:25 3a3f73 No.8404080>>8404124 >>8404212
Wikileaks did something to celebrate the release of a leaker. It's maybe not big enough to warrant a sticky but that doesn't
mean it's not worth looking at. The DNC/Podesta leaks warped people's perception of what they do. Not all their leaks are
front page breaking news. They're just a database for government leaks, most of which are mundane. Nothing more,
nothing less. It's not an attempt to "make news," it's just business as usual.
My point about the PP slide is that the primary strategy of governments against Wikileaks is to promote FUD. All of these
theories about Assange being dead or Wikileaks being compromised are based on small amounts of circumstantial
evidence and they're used to shut down conversations.
The same thing happened to Cloudflare protection kicks in one time due to DDoS and people start freaking out
over its overlay not being from the domain. This is a common sight to see for Cloudflare-protected sites. Now
people are afraid to read archived pages because of an irrational paranoia over it being a "honeypot." If you ask them
why, they very rarely have an explanation; they relied on their perception of consensus to reach this conclusion. Now you
see people using fucking of all things despite their deletion policy and their blatant shitlib politics influencing
their business - deleting Pizzagate archives, refusing to archive image boards, and expanding to Canada out of fear of
Trump shoah'ing their servers.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 14:00:30 f23404 No.8404124
>The same thing happened to Cloudflare protection kicks in one time due to DDoS and people start freaking
out over its overlay not being from the domain. This is a common sight to see for Cloudflare-protected sites.
Now people are afraid to read archived pages because of an irrational paranoia over it being a "honeypot.
The weird shit with the loading gif had nothing to do with CloudFlare. It was something done by the creators of
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 14:14:04 ed5560 No.8404212>>8404490
>It's maybe not big enough to warrant a sticky but that doesn't mean it's not worth looking at
As I said, people can look into the material if they like, but I doubt much will be found there. I'm not saying not to look into
it, I'm saying this isn't sticky-worthy material, and posting it on the first page locks out one more thread from said page.
Since the info is so old, from my standpoint it's little better than a slide thread.
>All of these theories about Assange being dead or Wikileaks being compromised are based on small amounts of
circumstantial evidence and they're used to shut down conversations.

Even if circumstantial evidence is all we have to go on, moving forward while holding onto the idea that WL may be
compromised is terribly important. Keyword being "may." The only people trying to shut down conversation are the actual
shills and kikes, and they will often attempt to astroturf shit like that on stuff that has recently come out or stuff that could
be potentially and imminently important. I personally don't think it's worth anyone's time looking at such ancient info, but
I'm not stopping anyone either. However, if WL is compromised, even if based on only scraps of information, it's important
people keep that in mind whenever looking at anything WL does. Surely this is something you can agree on, there is
literally nothing lost by being safe about such an assumption.
If WL and Assange are still fine and doing everything in the all clear, then all this worry about WL can just be brushed
aside like nothing has happened. However, the reverse is more insidious, if you see warning signs that something as
influential as WL has been taken over by the opposition and you ignore those signs, well, why the fuck would you open
the gates to the enemy?
My point still stands, this should not be stickied, and people should still remain suspicious of WL. Better safe than sorry. In
addition, you really only answered my first two questions. Outside of Assange being a drama queen and trying to use his
absence to somehow gain more exposure, there is no reason to show us proof he's all good.
/pol/ is paranoid, but it's paranoid for good fucking reason.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 14:42:52 cd13f3 No.8404477>>8404538 >>8404786
File (hide): aa78421ef9fa90c.jpg (323.45 KB, 800x792, 100:99, lRq6T7nh.jpg)

whether or not wikileaks is compromised these recent releases were put together by wikileaks staff at some point and
warrant being discussed and disseminated.
if you dont think 60k docs from a cyber security agency hell bent on destroying anonymous from the inside is
>rebbit compromised
>4coons compromised
>rest of the internet compromised
>shillfest 2016
yeah, not relevant at all. pls unsticky this and DO NOT DIG
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 14:44:16 a97511 No.8404490
>I'm saying this isn't sticky-worthy material, and posting it on the first page locks out one more thread from said page.
Since the info is so old, from my standpoint it's little better than a slide thread.
You're right, we need another stickied thread about how performance art and corporate food logos hide a pedophile
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 14:51:40 24844e No.8404538

File (hide): 53c6d76a82b3141.jpg (29.3 KB, 395x382, 395:382, 1445522605580.jpg)

>were put together by wikileaks staff at some point and warrant being discussed and disseminated
>after all the suspicious shit that has been going on already
>when it's about shit that was released in 2011
>using nigger speak
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:06:38 d19fbd No.8404619>>8404777
no. this will be treated like it's real so you'd have to be pretty fucking retarded to publish shit like this, even redacted.
even if it's old, it'd be fucking shit of wikileaks to kick around HBGary while BB was in prison, because it'd likely fuck up his
if the reaction is going to be weebs and redditards fucking shit up and a mass wave of anti-sec propaganda why fucking
release anything at all?
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:32:41 9d65c5 No.8404754
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Guy got arrested for basically linking to a HB garry file during a maskfag hack that was orchestrated by the FBI after they
got Sabu to flip. He got raided while he was in tinychat. There was a video of it on youtube..ill try to find it.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:35:18 9d65c5 No.8404775
This was quite some time before Snowden, so it was a stark foreshadowing of our Orwellian society to later come to light,
but did not get much media attention at all. Arrested for ctrl+c, ctrl+v
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:35:43 fee39e No.8404777>>8404790
>fucking fucking fucking fucking
Trying so hard it's pathetic.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:36:55 ed5560 No.8404786
How about you read my posts before vomiting your stupidity?
>warrant being discussed and disseminated.
1) i never said not to talk about it or dig into it, as I have already stated. Twice. Stop being a faggot.

2) we don't need the thread to be stickied to talk about it. Stop being a faggot.
>if you dont think 60k docs from a cyber security agency hell bent on destroying anonymous from the inside is relevan
If you knew ANYTHING about HBGary at all, you wouldn't be this retarded. It was a "digital security" firm that was created
and ran by complete morons who knew nothing about infosec, opsec, or anything else involving security or technology.
The people in charge of this circus did absolutely stupid things and were horribly incompetent, posing a threat to nobody
even if they wanted to, simply because they were too retarded to accomplish any of their goals. Claiming this is a "cyber
security agency hell bent on destroying anon from the inside" is absolutely fucktarded because 1) they already tried and
failed miserably to do that, 2) these emails are 5 years old and are simply a showcase of said agency's horrible
incompetence, and 3) is the equivalent of saying "if you don't think millions of leaves falling from trees, hell bent on
assaulting the ground, is relevant, kys." You're giving them far too much credit.
But go ahead and continue to not read anything I already wrote. Go ahead and be a hypocrite by not actually digging into
this or learning anything about it, as I just did.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:37:12 9d65c5 No.8404790
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:37:43 21e08c No.8404795>>8404819 >>8404875
File (hide): aa7b8ac977be6f5.jpeg (5.17 KB, 300x263, 300:263,

Alright, I've been staying objective on this one, but this is too fucking suspicious. I'd bet money at this point, that wikileaks
is compromised. How is it that this guy was so conveniently let out, right as this "leak" happens? I don't fucking trust it. I
really don't fucking trust this.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:40:45 9d65c5 No.8404819
Most people know they are going to be let out on good behavior ahead of time. It is not unusual for a nonviolent offender
to be released early. You knowgotta make room for the dindus. Not to say wikileaks isn't compromised.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:46:27 21e08c No.8404857>>8404874 >>8404875
File (hide): e612adcabe91692.jpg (41.33 KB, 314x640, 157:320, Alfred_Rethel_002.jpg)

Wait what if the people from Hbgary are the same people now running CTR? Is this how we find out who the shills are?
Is there dox in thar?
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:49:53 1587f7 No.8404874
Wait what if Hbgary are the Elders of Zion? What if they're secret martians? What IF!
Jesus fucking christ..
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 15:49:54 9302f7 No.8404875
These dumps are years old and according to WL were indexed in response to him being freed (he was in prison for
distributing them in the first place).
I wouldn't be surprised if they had a hand in training CTR hires. I'm mostly surprised that they still exist given how badly
compromised they were.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 17:30:53 a750a7 No.8405435
I'm tired of all these shit tier 4 sentence shit tier threads. Take some pride in yourself nigger.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 17:55:16 5d1cd1 No.8405602
>I am by no means a security or internet guy, but I just spent less than 20 minutes looking around at this stuff and it's
pretty clear this is a massive red fucking flag.
translation: I'm a moron that jumps to conclusions. Everyone needs to listen to my opinion!
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 18:05:09 83775f No.8405681
Agreed, this is just the latest in a long series of questionable actions by wikileaks. Combine this with the lack of any
positive evidence that Assange is alive since mid October and the picture is very bad. Wikileaks should be considered
compromised until proven otherwise. If you disagree at this point you either haven't been doing your reading or you're
working with the groups that compromised them.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 18:27:09 cd13f3 No.8405836
can someone confirm that wikileaks PGP key has been revoked?

Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 19:34:52 dcd9a1 No.8406379

to the pit with you
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 19:53:08 000000 No.8406552
>>8397799 (OP)
HBGary Leaked Emails
1.9G download
2.3G download
1.3G download
1.5G download
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 20:43:57 188ed8 No.8406871
Just take a look at the fucking shills in this thread
>Don't trust wikileaks goy, it's a red herring!
>Mods UNSTICKY this thread right now! It's a distraction! We should be focusing on pizzagate!
>Shit formatting in the OP, looks like reddit spacing, might as well just delete your thread goy.
>HB Gary are unimportant nobodies, goy. Nevermind that they are being payed by the government to smear wikileaks
In fact, I suspect half you fags to be HBGary lackeys. The sheer volume of "Assange is compromised, stop reading
wikileaks NOW GOY" posts all across the internet is fishy.
That being said, if wikileaks is compromised, at least we will have examples of bona fide government disinfo.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 21:12:53 dca247 No.8407056
I recall some dude doing an sql dump, it wasn't just SE
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 21:14:19 ffbc7b No.8407071
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 21:19:14 dca247 No.8407120
that looks like regular linkedin emails. the people named are likely people he's connected with on linkedin
you bet your ass they sell info though, it's their main source of income. one or two governments probably have a network
tap in place as well. this shit is a joke
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 21:27:02 cd13f3 No.8407181>>8407251
Wikileaks PGP key has been revoked
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 21:35:13 dca247 No.8407251
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 22:05:25 01ab44 No.8407453>>8409284 >>8409604

File (hide): 4358400a48ecfdd.jpg (83.82 KB, 590x701, 590:701, 1477486207157.jpg)

>>8397799 (OP)
Holy shit it just keeps getting better and better
>curl\[1-61189\] -o "#1.eml"
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 04:13:32 70ec65 No.8409269
File (hide): d2c2f636785b252.jpg (496.83 KB, 755x660, 151:132, Wikileaks SOS.jpg)

File (hide): da5341a48ad4edc.jpg (723.09 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, wikileaks comprimised 2.jpg)

Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 04:18:48 771520 No.8409284>>8409480


huh? that link broak

Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 04:25:11 771520 No.8409311>>8409404 >>8409591
File (hide): 9ea2f8748404741.png (100.99 KB, 366x337, 366:337, heavydisapproves.png)
>"I hoped you had an enjoyable Christmas and are having fun with your pasta making."
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 04:50:52 c9af00 No.8409404
It really seems to be everywhere.
Glad I'm not the only one who saw that a called bullshit instantly.
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 05:07:05 01ab44 No.8409480
did I typo it? just enter the link, they are clearly under massive attack still
It was impossible to get anything up from here, still actually downloading the mails and look at the time
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 05:28:13 7f62f6 No.8409591
This "leak" feels like an attempt to throw us off the pizza/pasta-track. We know that there is a high risk Assange is
captured. The Yemen leaks were absolute bullshit.
Let's see what we have in this one
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 05:30:24 7f62f6 No.8409604
How about posting an actual url?
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 05:33:40 ca8a7c No.8409614>>8409654
i have bad feelings about assanges life. They needed 4 years to get control of wikileaks but finally NSA/CIA did it. After
that get assange out of game was easy, because there were no way to him to tell the world and had 4 yrs to plan his
assassination. The dead man switch was already disabled when they take care of assange. I really want assange and
wikileaks stuff were ok but something push me to think they`r not.
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 05:46:57 ca8a7c No.8409654>>8409702
he is fine
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 05:58:20 7f62f6 No.8409702
That is a four year old video you absolute faggot.
Kill yourself
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 07:29:13 cd13f3 No.8410176>>8410180
File (hide): 473cc9e02585aca.jpg (133.11 KB, 800x830, 80:83, CymFXz8XgAAELfd.jpg)

1 December, 2016
Today, 1 December 2016, WikiLeaks releases 90 gigabyte of information relating to the German parliamentary inquiry into
the surveillance activities of Germany's foreign intelligence agency Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) and its cooperation
with the United States' National Security Agency (NSA).
The 2420 documents originate from various agencies of the German government including the BND and BfV and were
submitted to the inquiry last year in response to questions posed by the committee. They include administrative
documents, correspondence, agreements and press reactions. They include 125 documents from the BND, 33 from the
Bundesamt fr Verfassungsschutz (BfV) and 72 from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
The collection offers a detailed insight, not just into the agencies themselves, but the mechanics of the inquiry. Several
documents detail how the agency in question collated the information that was requested of them. For example, a BND
document shows its preparations for collecting internal information on which private US companies are operating in the
security sector in Germany. Such internal processes are particularly pertinent to the inquiry. The committee has been
trying (unsuccessfully so far) to gain access to the full selector list that the BND holds regarding who they spy on at the
behest of the US. The BND is withholding this list from the inquiryon the grounds that releasing it could imperil the BND's
relationship with the NSA.
Whilst a number of facts have already come to light as a result of the inquiry - including WikiLeaks publication of inquiry
transcripts last year - this substantial new collection of primary source documents provides significant new evidence. The
collection contains early agreements between the BND and the NSA and internal processes at the BND, but also more
recent details on the close collaboration between the two agencies. For example, one document from the BND states that
a BND employee will be tasked to use and write software for XKeyscore, an NSA system for searching and analysing data
collected through mass surveillance.
A number of the documents show how intelligence agencies find ways to work around their own government. Documents
pertaining to an audit visit by Germany's data protection agency to the BND's offices show that BND officers withheld the
notes made by the auditors during their visit. The BND would only release the notes to the auditors once they had
checked the content for themselves.
The inquiry was established in 2014 in the wake of the Snowden revelations, which showed that not only was the NSA
spying on the whole world,but it had also partnered with the intelligence services of particular states to spy on their

citizens and those of the surrounding regions. One of these countries is Germany, which has had a close relationship with
the US in military and intelligence matters since its occupation by US forces in WWII. The US has been shown to use its
bases in Germany and its relationship with German intelligence to spy on German citizens as well as the European Union
WikiLeaks revelations of NSA spying on Angela Merkel, and top officials at German ministries, the EU and France also
contributed to the political impetus of the inquiry.
The depth of this relationship had been unknown to the German public and much of its government. The outrage that was
sparked by the Snowden NSA revelations led to the establishment of the inquiry, which later called for Mr. Snowden to
testify at it. Whereas there was initially unanimity among German political parties in 2014 for Snowden to provide expert
testimony, the government deemed that as guaranteeing that he would not be handed over to the US (a condition
imposed by Snowden for testifying) would damage Germany's political relationship with the United States. Subsequently,
the Greens and the left wing party (Die Linke) filed an official complaint to force the German Parliament to hear Mr.
Last week, on November 21st, Germany's Federal Court of Justice upheld the complaint and ruled that the committee was
obliged to hear Edward Snowden in person. However, at the next inquiry hearing three days after the ruling, Chancellor
Angela Merkels Union bloc and the Social Democrats removed Snowden's invitation from the agenda of the inquiry and
are contesting the court's decision.
Julian Assange said: This substantial body of evidence proves that the inquiry has been using documents from Mr
Snowden and yet it has been too cowardly to permit him to testify. Germany can not take a leadership role within the EU if
its' own parliamentary processes are subservient to the wishes of a non EU state.
Anonymous 12/01/16 (Thu) 07:30:15 cd13f3 No.8410180
feels like CIA now

[] File (hide): fcb036a27552bd8.png (896.92 KB, 528x1811, 528:1811, 23432afsdfds.png)

13:31:48 0eb7b3 No.8371890>>8371984 >>8372011 >>8372026 >>8372125 >>8372463 >>8372540 >>8372700 >>8372853 >>8373584 >>8373753 >
>8373755 >>8374001 >>8374050 >>8374601 >>8374763>>8375133 >>8375344 >>8375866 >>8379851 >>8381442 >>8381912 >>8381939 >>8400616 >>8401
085 >>8401132 >>8401838 >>8404006 >>8404164 [Watch

Thread][Show All Posts]

The list, which comes from a blog called ProporNot, was recently featured on, in an article entitled:
'Russian propaganda effort helped spread fake news during the election', experts say:
So now they're intertwining alternative media with their "russian hackers" meme. Get ready for a full-on assault against the
alternative media over the coming months. Now we have a definitive list of who they're targeting.
Tip of the hat to ZeroHedge:
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:44:31 027011 No.8371980>>8372053 >>8372248 >>8372639 >>8372653 >>8373986
Surprised they didn't put brietbart and all out. We should make our own "FAKE NEWS" sites and put washington post and
all other lying press on it and actually site Bullshit they spew or the narrative pushing. Then give it to all the fake news
sites to publish at once.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:44:55 2c21c3 No.8371984>>8372204 >>8372295
>>8371890 (OP)
>even attacking Ron Paul
Not surprised, been following him on goybook for a while now and he's gotten really goddamn redpilled. Them also flat out
throwing Wikileaks on there is going to backfire horribly on them. Of course now that they can't use Assange against Bush
and probably not against Trump he's gotta go
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:46:35 d79215 No.8371997>>8372539 >>8404006
File (hide): 45d779718e898ef.webm (9.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Renai Circulation Russian.webm) [play once] [loop]

>Literally every independent news source that's not them

The audacity of these kikes.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:47:59 bf5952 No.8372011>>8372027 >>8373754
>>8371890 (OP)

>links other news sources
>outright original source of the information
Fucking wew. Can Wapo get sued for this nonsense or at least the blog? Because that is some bullshit. No wonder
Filterman has been losing his shit. We should dox the blog owners and make their lives hard.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:48:05 af3ff6 No.8372012
Oh boy, even Drudge.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:49:13 748a99 No.8372025>>8400809
Infowars is kosher trash and Veterans Today is literally fake news, the kike who runs it admits 40% of he writes, and most
of what he publishes by other authors, is false.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:49:21 e7d271 No.8372026
>>8371890 (OP)
Well, they got it right with this one at least.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:49:27 af3ff6 No.8372027>>8372060 >>8372723 >>8400477
It's just one shitlib kwallege professor that composed a list of right wing sites calling them "fake news" and the media is
running with it.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:50:59 31cfc0 No.8372035
File (hide): ec1ef215275d9ed.png (215.17 KB, 732x825, 244:275, ec1ef215275d9ed53ad4ce8e26.png)

>that projection
This is getting surreal.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:51:01 7510ac No.8372036
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Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:52:07 628699 No.8372045>>8372102 >>8401120
This is pure undiluted butthurt from the MSM, they finally realized even the dingiest site on that list is more trusted than
them by this point so they are just wildly lashing out
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:53:01 3c6293 No.8372053>>8372653
File (hide): 6a3f50190306b5e.png (486.49 KB, 772x514, 386:257, tactical_pepe.png)

>Surprised they didn't put brietbart and all out.
Yeah, really, for as much as they rage against Brietbart, you'd think they'd jump on the chance to discredit them.
>We should make our own "FAKE NEWS" sites and put washington post and all other lying press on it
We really should consolidate a list. Gives us a list of sources not to trust, and targets for DOTR
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:53:27 bf5952 No.8372060
All the more reason why we should and could make her look like a fool or at the very least put together an infograph
showing how full of shit the fuckwit blogger is. Nice, quick reference material anytime somebody tries to float this
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:56:35 200904 No.8372088>>8373209 >>8400941
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Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 13:57:43 bf5952 No.8372102

File (hide): c135d46c8504eb6.jpg (27.22 KB, 460x259, 460:259, 1445491830438-0.jpg)

This. Consider:
>They are losing money due to their biased nonsense
>Their masters are ready to start trimming the fat since the media proved useless and could not get Hillary elected nor
could it secure the house or the senate
>They are being outperformed by Youtubers who to most people and their masters, look like cheapo outlets
>The media cannot outright attack Youtube as a service/source due to the fact that many of the media masters have ties
to the companies that are tied to youtube
>The media admitting their bias and their error would move them closer to death if it does not bring it about outright
The media is fucked and they know it.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:00:03 23f6c8 No.8372125
>>8371890 (OP)
Wow, educate-yourself is where I get all my news on mkultra. Pretty telling they would say that's fake news, I dont even
think many people go to that site
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:08:44 936975 No.8372201>>8372390 >>8375080 >>8380505
File (hide): cb349e2e261f695.jpg (387.05 KB, 889x918, 889:918, 770162-1a061c68bd4167e93fd.jpg)

>mfw they just provided me a list of the most trustworthy sites online
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:09:01 936975 No.8372204
> been following him on goybook for a while now and he's gotten really goddamn redpilled
screenshots pls
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:09:24 8cd89e No.8372208

Ironically, this is probably more damaging for the truth than just leaving fake news sites alone. By bunching together nonmainstream news and political blogs with actual hoax/rumor mill websites, you split the two into partisan battlelines.
People who defend alt news sites will accept the good and the bad. People who attack fake news sites will reject alt news.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:13:58 7dc58a No.8372248
>surprised no Breitbart
The New Yorker did.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:16:26 8ab8a0 No.8372269
File (hide): c6e79051348dfee.jpg (17.55 KB, 300x314, 150:157, c6e.jpg)

>The kike media is making the targets on their backs bigger and clearer.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:18:45 08d6e0 No.8372295>>8373765
Fuckers. Endthefed too. They have finally tired of people thinking against the grain. Honestly anyone still working for the
washingtonpost now should be shot.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:24:48 482d23 No.8372341
Daily reminder that WashPost is owned by Jeff Bezos who also owns Amazon. Avoid using Amazon as much as you can.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:26:02 4e9eac No.8372351 is the WP source and there is no transparency as to who they are. Whois is all private. tried
to get to the bottom of them and made it nowhere. Something super fishy about those guys.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:29:43 0eb7b3 No.8372390>>8372678
Yeah, I was thinking this too. Roughly 95% of these I didn't even know existed, but will definitely be checking them out
Not sure, is this Streisand effect or something else?
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:30:18 ec671e No.8372394>>8372416
Why didn't the leftist label "fox" as Lgenpresse?
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:31:43 7510ac No.8372408>>8372753
File (hide): 553699ee35cc3ef.jpg (47.4 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 38c27852ae5687ba085891b1fb.jpg)
The fucking gall of these kikes.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:31:58 4b3740 No.8372412
they're calling wikileaks fake even after hillary confirmed the website to be legit
are normies really that gullible?
of course they are thats why they voted for hillary
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:32:15 f0d3b9 No.8372416
Fox is kosher too
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:33:36 4b3740 No.8372431
i also noticed that dailymail isn't there
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:36:43 08d6e0 No.8372463
>>8371890 (OP)
Intellectual children are the only ones who call for bans or censorship. They don't have the capacity to successfully
counter-argue. Pretty disgusting actually. I mean, I can respect someone who's opinion differs from mine if they are willing
to talk.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:40:09 ccf249 No.8372491>>8372697
Dude what if this was the idea of a redpilled guy to sneak a list of redpilling-Media into the public.
I dont think that any americans who use their his brain just trust msm enough anymore to have them think this much for
Not after Trump won despite media telling that he had 0% chance from day one.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:44:27 1095cd No.8372526
Oh shit niggers, they just went full Lugenpresse
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:46:44 a67977 No.8372538
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:46:46 1cdef7 No.8372539>>8404006
File (hide): 3cac986f9d3ab1a.webm (3.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, alexjonesogatari.webm) [play once] [loop]

>not posting the correct version for this thread
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 14:47:09 066d73 No.8372540
>>8371890 (OP)
>endingthefed is fake
ronpaulinstitute is fake too huh?
(((truth))) brought to you by our (((officials)))
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:03:43 c4e7e6 No.8372639
>carefully check every major newspaper and site for misreported stories
feature them on our site with links to msm as source
we could troll the living shit out of them and fuck the msm's shit up
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:05:21 35d370 No.8372653
They're hoping people start using Breitbart as a crutch, that way, at a later date and time, they can kick it out from under
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:07:41 8cd89e No.8372669>>8373798
File (hide): fc3a82b3151f991.jpg (63.72 KB, 680x629, 40:37, fc3a82b3151f99118432832ceb.jpg)

Fuck it, I'll take the accelerationist pill.

I hope they ban them. I hope they expand that list to include other bad goy right wing news sites. I hope they straight up
turn Faceberg and Shitter into hugboxes with only the "correct" news. It's time these services died. God knows how many
people hate them and still use them because everyone refuses to go anywhere else. There are already so many
alternatives that respect your freedoms.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:08:47 19a473 No.8372678>>8373618

>Streisand effect
This kind of the opposite actually. Streisand implies they're trying to suppress information.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:10:23 0215da No.8372691

Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:12:04 a65aac No.8372697>>8372800
I mean yeah but veteranstoday ran an article talking about betsy devos's shadow army that is going to fight with the
government all funded by amway which also funded the alt-right today.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:12:21 7624d7 No.8372700>>8372710
>>8371890 (OP)
At least now I have a comprehensive list of newssites that I do indeed trust.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:13:45 4b3740 No.8372710
no you dont
some are probably controlled op
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:14:58 206b1a No.8372723
'''We should compare this to their CNN psyop"'.
>All of the other outlets misreported from a single tweet (forget that CNN played along by lying themselves goyim)
>The Washington Post is misreporting from a professor's made up list
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:17:57 1eb9f5 No.8372753>>8372796 >>8374281
File (hide): 048a20f5dc3a9b6.png (344.55 KB, 974x494, 487:247, Screen Shot 2016-11-26 at .png)

>>8372408 seems to be taking it well
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:21:51 7510ac No.8372796
File (hide): 77bc91a2e033d80.jpg (43.77 KB, 540x377, 540:377, 2417872383a192fb3d0a6a5eab.jpg)

Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:22:23 0eb7b3 No.8372800
I used to really like VT but their anti-trump bias has seriously turned me off of them. I noticed Gordon Duff was
uncomfortably in Obama's pocket, even when it was obvious he was a shitstick president, but supporting Hillary and
calling Trump a Russian plant was just a bridge too fucking far.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 15:30:53 612b9a No.8372853>>8373134
>>8371890 (OP)
drudge creates virtually zero content, just links and headlines
>it's all fake news, goyim
and how is wikileaks fake?
it was real enough to get Debbie Wasserman-Schultz shitcanned as the DNC head, and Donna Brazile off CNN
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 16:07:48 80e30a No.8373134
>drudge creates virtually zero content, just links and headlines
Yeah, that one has me scratching my head. Like him or not he's been an online institution for over 20 years. The brain
damaged kikes at the Washington Post should be thanking him for the years of traffic.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 16:19:24 96a235 No.8373200
sage sage 11/26/16 (Sat) 16:21:07 86c772 No.8373209
Fuck off, shill.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:17:46 ff387b No.8373521
At least at Pravda all the journalists lied because they knew a soviet death camp was the alternative - but the US
mainstream news is much worse - and its traitor "journalists" do it just for the money.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:29:12 760672 No.8373584
>>8371890 (OP)
Call them insecure, paranoid conspiracy theorists, gaslight them, and bully them for trying to take the "True
American/Anti-communist" angle.
Optional: Point out how their ideology and values stem from communist subversion, and give sources
For any ProporNot/WaPo/CNN Journalist looking through this thread, go ahead and cry wolf. Throw a screenshot of my
post as evidence. See how many gullible twats will buy it.

Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:35:22 d8e131 No.8373618>>8373654

Well, they are. They are trying to get the goyim to NOT look at these websites, by posting a list of these websites. It can
only backfire. So yes, Streisand effect applies.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:39:49 7510ac No.8373654>>8373721
File (hide): 25e4c3d2da897f7.png (22.02 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9b3610fb8c3bba89ca050c0b7c.png)

Kikes: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, since BCE 800.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:41:11 b2fb04 No.8373661
File (hide): 720ed5932218eb4.png (56.55 KB, 1776x2880, 37:60, 1439979038796.png)

>shtf prep sites

Can we bring out the gas already? The canisters are getting rusty from the humidity and shit.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:48:30 b1682d No.8373714
File (hide): 0004a0f16c9d033.jpg (25.95 KB, 640x334, 320:167, newsbud.jpg)

I'm surprised Newsbud (boilingfrogspost) isn't on this list. It's brand new and is a direct threat to MSM and so-called altnews sites that are corporately owned. I hope it stays under the radar.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:49:59 ccf249 No.8373721
i guess insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:50:11 e256a9 No.8373724
A rosenbergsilverstein by any other name would smell as sweet.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:54:47 9caf84 No.8373753
>>8371890 (OP)
PropOrNot sounds like a Soros-funded group as you can see in some of their Tweets & Reddit posts:
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:54:57 f0ef91 No.8373754
File (hide): 54ecdb04b6f2264.gif (1.76 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 54ecdb04b6f22644c2f9bda236.gif)

>links MSM
They aren't wrong.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:54:56 d57cc0 No.8373755
File (hide): d4edc6c9b1a46e8.jpg (65.87 KB, 675x675, 1:1, lying media, judenpresse.jpg)

>>8371890 (OP)
(((Jeff Bezos'))) propaganda rag.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:56:11 9b64c2 No.8373765
they have been sick of us but now they have a tactic that might actually work because they would be backed by every
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 17:59:04 e41015 No.8373785
I guess it's the next logical step for them, after the report of "CNN didn't air porn for 30 min, see how fake news spread?"
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:01:09 b5453f No.8373798
File (hide): 61ef29670026788.jpg (95.04 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 1444182208251.jpg)

You had your opportunity to set the world on nuclear fire, that chance is gone with the election night.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:01:11 994773 No.8373799>>8373815
This is the ((())) all over again, only this time, they're highlighting bad goyim for us to follow.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:02:46 2dfb37 No.8373812
So basically every single last news source but them.

Thanks, I guess it's false as long as it isn't being spouted out by millionaires with bloated egos that are paid stooges of the
I love that with every passing hour these media kikes are getting less and less relevant. I can't wait for even more
Stumpings to rain down on these faggots,
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:03:01 b2fb04 No.8373815
>>8373799 (checked)
It's the )))((( now.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:22:07 6b4dae No.8373926>>8404066
File (hide): 14fbcc351bacbc6.jpg (24.99 KB, 512x288, 16:9, images (12).jpg)

10 more years of this shit

Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:24:09 e256a9 No.8373943>>8373963 >>8373999
This is an ultraexample of Jews doing what Jews do best: bending the definition of a word until it means the opposite.
Inverting value. Controlling vocabulary takes little physical effort and can yield nice powerful results, so naturally a Jew is
attracted word play. A Jew cannot learn new tricks.
One possible attack vector against this maneuver can be to shift the meaning of "fake" to our benefit. The (((established
media))) is going to spend bonkers time and resources building the mechanisms to force this "fake news" meme, but it all
depends on the word "fake" bringing connotations of "bad", which the word naturally shoud bring. I do not want to buy
"fake" products. I do not like "fake" musicians. I do not like "fake" news. It is clear with this perversion of the word we
cannot use "fake" to mean "not-real" anymore.
We must push for "fake" to become slang for "cool", "nice", or better "dank".
Fake = dank.
Fake memes
Phake with a P H
For example, this can be pushed into nigger culture easy with fake (Kek) personas. Hip hop can amplify it.
As we diminish the meaning of "fake" we will neutralize their efforts and they will waste cash.
Just a thought.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:28:53 7510ac No.8373963>>8373967 >>8374057
File (hide): 2c1b9287da94741.png (11.12 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 48d2058c981a466024981401e0.png)

Philip K Dick either just had an aneurysm, an orgasm, or both.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:30:19 79f3aa No.8373967
An Aneurgasm. Man what a rush
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:33:54 dd60eb No.8373986
We did. An infographic is floating around.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:36:40 b7120e No.8373999>>8374057 >>8400581
Every leftist that went to a liberal arts indoctrination camp or has had to study any postmodernist philosophy or sociology
would have been taught foucoult's or baudrillard's (can't remember which hack) simulacrum; where the simulacrum is true
because it's a mirroring of what is purported to be true. It's been awhile since i've had to suffer through it, but liberals are
taught that what is fake is real and what is purported as real is fake.
Throw that at a libtard and see what gymnastics they get up to as they mustn't question the liberal indoctrination but also
have to justify why their liberal media is right but real.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:37:23 3ff57c No.8374001>>8374027 >>8401316
>>8371890 (OP)
Where did they get the idea for this fake "fake news" hysteria?
Did they hear "lugenpresse" and then pull their typical switcheroo?
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:42:09 b7120e No.8374027>>8374045
It's because jewgle and goybook are 'cracking down' on so called fake news sites. Perfect opportunity to take down some
of the competition and solidify yourself as a trustworthy news source after selling yourself out and essentially becoming
government controlled.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:44:52 d8e131 No.8374045
>not connecting the dots after this election and realizing that the MSM are under the same control as the existing
>not realizing that this google and facebook initiative is part of the same concerted effort to crush our memes
What did you think it was, a cohencidence? Come on, man.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:45:43 190fa0 No.8374050>>8374065
>>8371890 (OP)
This is pretty bad tbh, it's spreading all over European news and there will be enough gullible idiots that believe it.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:48:23 e256a9 No.8374057>>8374136
Nice little greenpill thanks for sharing. He goes to far when he Starks to talk about time being the New Testament so I
stopped reading there.
Kek wills it. This is going to be funny.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 18:49:22 d8e131 No.8374065

European news viewers that haven't grown suspicious of the channels they watch / listen to are hopeless. Even my
normie mother independently picks up on the bias in the media at this point.
There will be gullible idiots that believe it, yes. But "enough"? Enough to make it commonly accepted fact? Nope.
Europeans are collectively hiding their power levels at this point.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 19:00:14 7510ac No.8374136
File (hide): b6e6c07f9db1e14.jpg (14.57 KB, 183x255, 61:85, 3fe4ee9496dc64ca36fadd7301.jpg)

You should keep going. He had an extremely strange experience where his consciousness became confused with that of
a first century Christian named Thomas, and it lasted a couple months. He talks about it at length in, VALIS, I think?
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 19:20:39 db0a34 No.8374239
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This "Fake News" meme is being pushed to try to generate automatic responses to certain outlets, limiting the range of
effect of the undesired news sites.
Going out and trying to reason against it doesn't work for a very simple reason: The desired effect of this narrative it's not
supposed generate a rational response of skepticism to certain sites, but a primary emotional response of disdain later
rationalized somehow and some way.

This framing is simple evaluative conditioning, a kind of pavlovian conditioning that supposes a relation between certain
(initially neutral) concept and another previous stimuli, to the point that both later generate the same response. The
interesting thing about evaluative conditioning is that it tends to stick with the subject and resist behavioral extinction
procedures, unlike other forms or learning.
A good 32 pages revision is here:
You can sci-hub the link directly btw to avoid the paywall. Turn your internet off to read it over 7 VMs of Tails or whatever,
it's just a fucking research paper, and a good one.
If you never saw a DOI link in your life:
So, what should you do about this narrative? Clearly opposing it only brings more attention to it via streissand effect. So
let's think in learning terms: any animal learns to discriminate between relevant and irrelevant stimuli that signals
something. If the animal wants to obtain water, it learns that the sound the river predicts the presence of water more than
the presence of a blue sky or the sun, even when those stimuli are also present, because the blue sky and the sun don't
appear exclusively when there's water.
In the same way, you don't need to extinguish the association that's supposed to happen between certain sites and the
"fake news" meme, just make the meme unreliable to predict which site is real or not. How to do so? Associate the "fake
news" with mainstream outlets, point every time that MSM failed to report accurately (the Hillary POTUS predictions are a
great fail, just in case), create other lists with different outlets, copy the same memes they are making, etc. Show that you
can't trust any outlet, or anything, most normalfags won't know how to decide between one or another, and will prefer to
stay with their comfy ignorance. Knowing how most people lack the agency to research actively, they will act with blinders
as always.
Lastly, and THIS IS IMPORTANT, don't signal your counter-memes with spaghettis like "These are the REAL fake news"
or "This is how the jew want's us to feel about sources" or "Filter man did nothing wrong". Copy the MSM news, you want
to camouflage your memes as legit and mainstream as theirs. If you do it right, the average normalfag won't be able to
differentiate it.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 19:27:59 bbe04f No.8374281
Now that's the way to do it. Agree, amplify, and then show how the accuser is the perpetrator.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 20:22:17 fb833e No.8374601
File (hide): d13eba9fcee0874.jpg (69.46 KB, 600x585, 40:39, 1959724_10152291091615520_.jpg)

>>8371890 (OP)
Wikileaks is "fake news". I hope the average person can see by that statement alone the mainstream media is the real
fake news.
This is the left trying to censor free speech because Trump won. What a bunch of shit bags.

Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 20:43:16 26eeb5 No.8374709

File (hide): 3adec8679d1b4ab.jpeg (70.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 76867856785678.jpeg)

it's a good thing we have the wapo to tell us which news site we can trust, like CNN and MSNBC
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 20:53:20 992e36 No.8374763
>>8371890 (OP)
>site responsible for pumping our propaganda and promoting literal fake news
>accusing other sites of being "fake news" because that's (((Facebook's))) new meme
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 21:00:20 622ddc No.8374802
Looks like they need some TON OF salt sent to them
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 21:39:21 ab8f6b No.8375032
Even kike homo Glenn Greenwald called this article out on its bullshit
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 21:46:50 738d01 No.8375080
My thoughts exactly.
I love how they confirmed kikebart for the poz that it is to anyone who was on the fence.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 21:55:27 57002f No.8375133>>8375367
>>8371890 (OP)
How soon will dotr come? Hanging their editors with a belt sounds good right now.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 22:38:05 93b00b No.8375344>>8375367
>>8371890 (OP)
kek. Nice work BNI man.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 22:42:03 7510ac No.8375367
File (hide): 3d374c75c639a01.jpg (73.98 KB, 640x800, 4:5, cc9b56f0295b5edf9faa65e4ea.jpg)

>>8375133 (checked)
>>8375344 (and checked)
Yeah, I'm guessing barenakedislam is going to see a marked increase in traffic. I'm almost surprised they weren't dumb
enough to mention 4chan while they were at it.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 23:00:11 646b97 No.8375464>>8375483 >>8375617 >>8378283
File (hide): 1f47090b45f6656.jpg (91.52 KB, 682x598, 341:299, propornot-flagger.jpg)

Well, Ill be
>The Proposition or Not organization just released a Chrome plugin that will warn you of Russian influenced websites.
They call it their propaganda flagger.


Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 23:03:47 7510ac No.8375483
File (hide): 77c13fddde88413.png (202.27 KB, 1054x701, 1054:701, 77c.png)

Holy shit. They are terrified of us, but they think that just copying our memes wholesale will work. How could they
possibly be this stupid?
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 23:32:03 14c3b6 No.8375617
File (hide): 513564fec4215bb.png (220.45 KB, 720x392, 90:49, how to spot fake news.png)

Its funny that they think they still have enough creditability to tell people what is news or not. This is hilarious, do they
believe they can use our memes against us? There doubling down will spell doom for them sooner than I thought.
Anonymous 11/26/16 (Sat) 23:54:55 fb4c5e No.8375721>>8401868
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AJ sensationalizes news and outright dis-informs his readers and listeners about Zionism and Jewish power. Not because
he's an actual CIA or Mossad operative. It's because he wants to make money and not be ostracized and buried in the
MSM as being antisemetic..So I agree, he does put out "fake news". His lackey Watson is a cartoonish character that
denies that that Hollywood and the media is run by Jews.
and..Drudge is an actual Jew that probably gets his marching orders from the likudniks in Isreal.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 00:21:51 93b00b No.8375866
>>8371890 (OP)
Amren is on the list as well. Jared Taylor is going to be pleased.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 09:44:56 fa8f0c No.8378283
File (hide): e06fee072667045.png (672.33 KB, 500x601, 500:601, putsch-chan blutwisch.png)

That shit can't be real.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 13:44:39 49888a No.8379808 is also on that list, so i've been wrongthinking all this time
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 13:49:40 48b566 No.8379851
>>8371890 (OP)
Who wants to bet that this PropOrNot website is funded by Soros?
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 14:20:34 50a89d No.8380122>>8380297 >>8380908 >>8380962 >>8404234
Umm bros
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 14:46:05 9cdd0a No.8380271>>8380845
File (hide): 48bc5a07673b0b1.png (681.95 KB, 688x803, 688:803, MEANWHILE IS ISRAEL.png)

Ohwow, they literally want to discredit all this gigantic historic of Wikileaks. Maybe they really already compromised the
site and are now forcing this narrative because of this. They can release fake shit now and them try to say the entire thing
was fake from the beggining, if Pizzagate moves forward.

Btw it's incredible that they never list 8chan on this things. They know the damage would be far worst to them if even more
people came here and got some major redpills.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 14:49:13 f8f895 No.8380294
How can Alex Jonestein ever recover?
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 14:49:57 48b566 No.8380297>>8400726
So the Cultural Marxism article gets deleted but this doesn't?
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 15:16:31 82b8fc No.8380505>>8380715
File (hide): 153cfc30fe80ece.jpeg (50.43 KB, 500x334, 250:167, 1460094603839-0.jpeg)

It could be a double switcharoo.
Maybe they're naming the sites that they want us to visit. It could be that they're compromised
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 15:29:15 495c89 No.8380608
File (hide): 74893bae790f700.jpg (29.08 KB, 460x346, 230:173, arrowoflies.jpg)

Some of them are /fringe/ tier sites like in5d, but then they have the audacity to lump Wikileaks in there. Also kek at
directly putting Guccifer2 in there.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 15:37:47 495c89 No.8380680>>8380864 >>8380883
File (hide): 9da894a8b4caee7.png (364.99 KB, 666x739, 666:739, ClipboardImage.png)

Seriously how is new age shit like in5d, gaia, galaticconnection, etc. considered to be "Russian Propaganda"? Did they
happen to suggest at some point that Hillary isn't a perfect human being?
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 15:41:19 fb4c5e No.8380715
Infowars is a kosher conspiracy website run by "professional conspiracy theorists" that do everything in thier power to
deflect blame away from Jews. In fact, most of its sponsors and the actual producer of the radio show, are Jews. It's about
as trustworthy as a snake in the grass.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 15:50:23 d41da9 No.8380807
Most of those are garbage, like abovetopsecret, but DailyStormer is pretty funny and wikileaks is literally just documents
so I dont know how its "fake" or "news".
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 15:54:13 d41da9 No.8380845>>8381756
They probably dont give a fuck about 8chan. And also because 99% of people wouldnt get redpilled if they came here
they would just think "lol what the fuck is this im going to check my facebook".
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 15:56:53 f8f895 No.8380864
What if Putin is actually an angel sent from 5th density to save mankind? Really makes you think.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 15:58:23 017063 No.8380883
They threw in some legitimate bullshit to blend in.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 16:00:50 45cc53 No.8380908
File (hide): 32dd5c55d90cd05.jpg (56.81 KB, 393x385, 393:385, 1460441635855.jpg)

If you go to the talk tab near the top of the page you can see the set of criteria that must be met for a site to be entered
onto the list. The criteria make it pretty welcoming for adding (((real))) news sites onto the list.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 16:01:40 2c002a No.8380912
Wait, so Washington Post has just lifted a list from some blog and decided to report it as real news, in order to highlight
the culprits of fake news?
The MSM are doing a great job this week of highlighting the real fake news through their behaviour.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 16:07:41 495c89 No.8380962>>8401172
File (hide): eeda02c3c8b7b55.png (188.42 KB, 1685x431, 1685:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File (hide): ddcb9bf771747d2.png (129.26 KB, 662x796, 331:398, ClipboardImage.png)

>wikipeadia jumps on the bandwagon
>uses shit like pic related as references
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 17:26:58 575575 No.8381442>>8400012
File (hide): 32df6775db7c0fd.jpg (116.52 KB, 859x731, 859:731, 1846ff5a9c4a78c36e8f554b06.jpg)

>>8371890 (OP)
An anon ordered pizza with a credit card number from one of the leaked documents.
Sound pretty (((fake))) to me.
How many sites on the list are conservative-leaning and how many are progressive-leaning?
It would be nice to point out that almost all (if not all) of the targeted sites are conservative.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 18:09:50 9cdd0a No.8381756
File (hide): 0ca5049a895142e.png (720.37 KB, 1000x818, 500:409, tay's law.png)

You clearly are new here.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 18:36:55 9a2ba9 No.8381912
>>8371890 (OP)
Well I guess this is it.
There's no denying the media are huge whores that must be purged anymore.
Anonymous 11/27/16 (Sun) 18:41:22 240d8a No.8381939
File (hide): ee32e9796911fb0.jpg (16.31 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 1469159057230.jpg)

>>8371890 (OP)
Luckily, normalfags don't care enough to read that list, the only people who would actually read through it are people like
us or ultra liberals who are irredeemable and lap up whatever bullshit the MSM spews.
Also, I find it funny that they didn't include Buzzfeed on that list.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 22:01:41 0eb7b3 No.8400012>>8400690
I've always said, this election was a case of who are you gonna believe, me or your goddamned lying eyes. The sick old
bitch couldn't fill a high school gym but you're telling me she's going to beat the man who fills stadiums.
The only thing I wonder is if their polls were really that fucked, or if they knew the numbers were bullshit but they wanted
to listen and believe so bad they got high on their own supply.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 22:53:17 e256a9 No.8400419
Fake tits
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 23:04:31 000000 No.8400477
Palindrome get check'd.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 23:25:11 000000 No.8400581
As a non-libtard who has read some Baudrillard, what I gathered is that the human mind only deals with images, or
facsimiles, and does not otherwise have any access to the outside world but by the symbols the brain creates in response
to sensory stimuli. Humans make 'maps' out of the terrain in order to ascertain the important elements of it.
It's not that Baudrillard is wrong. What's important: the algorithms for fact-finding, and methods of reducing discrepancies
between the 'map' and terrain, are not well drilled in education.
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 23:30:15 09add7 No.8400611
Ever hear of "Operation KILLCEN (Kill Censorship)"? Tons of these so-called "fake news" sites have been backed up, and
continue to be backed up today. No worries, the news can't be censored.
Operation KILLCEN 2016 (Over 1,200,000 reports)!fNtgXToY!RQi64mOQx6RSuE6mkWc1Hw
KILLCEN Archive 2013 - 2015 (Over 5,000,000 Reports)!u1NiRCgZ!oZJ7ujAU4RG6hKczsN8org
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 23:30:42 da48d0 No.8400616>>8401870
>>8371890 (OP)
>infowars is a valid source meme

Fuck off, his boss is a Jew

Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 23:43:56 5898bf No.8400675
File (hide): a335bcf09c45634.png (605.14 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 1435619271850-0.png)

inb4 Trump purposefully picks from this list for his interviews
infowars or zerohedge would be fun
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 23:47:56 5898bf No.8400690>>8401184
File (hide): 2d3f1ac56c618f2.jpg (101.62 KB, 634x677, 634:677, edwad fulong monica keena .jpg)

> The sick old bitch couldn't fill a high school gym
yes this puzzles me
Obama filled bigger crowds than Trump
Obama is an amazing speaker
the dems and the elites were stuck with Hillary this Trump time around and they must hate themselves for it so bad
imagine a Trump vs Obama election, would have been MUCH harder
they just providentially ran out of decent candidates (so did the GOP btw)
sign of the times
Trump didnt just bring populism out by sheer ability, but also because the whole plutocracy is falling down all by itself
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 23:50:21 8668ee No.8400705
File (hide): ab7bce88bc54ae3.jpg (55.45 KB, 720x690, 24:23, ab7bce88bc54ae3df5f5b5ba3f.jpg)

> missing
Anonymous 11/29/16 (Tue) 23:56:19 aa7eca No.8400726
I can't even bring myself pretend to be surprised or to not understand. The Kike/Subhuman alliance's collective mind is so
simple and predictable that I can subconsciously emulate it at this point. I understand perfectly well why this is the case. I
also understand that the only solution is rope.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 00:12:41 e7b430 No.8400809
Alex Jones is CIA and has carte blanche to do and say anything so long as the racial mixing of the USA continues.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 01:03:37 283590 No.8400941>>8401232
File (hide): 1e6eb0b30472780.jpg (43.68 KB, 720x694, 360:347, earth is shit.jpg)

>No one checked these Hitler dubs
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 01:17:40 1ef5d9 No.8400981
>The list, which comes from a blog called ProporNot, was recently featured on, in an article entitled:
'Russian propaganda effort helped spread fake news during the election', experts say:
> experts

Welp, this is it then, if experts say it then it must be true.

Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 01:48:47 482d64 No.8401085

>>8371890 (OP)
Wow, is basically the Russian ABC/NBC/CNN/FOX, so placing them there clearly show's a poltical/[artisan
agenda on the part of the left/washintonpost
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 01:51:53 482d64 No.8401098
Isn't this worthy of a defamation lawsuit against all those people calling these right-wing news sites 'fake' news' ?
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 01:57:42 4b8a1c No.8401120
>Chairman Shlomo, I'm terribly sorry to interrupt your meal of foreskins and goyim blood but we've just got the polls in and
the public trust the Weekly World News more than us
That they think they have the power to make this work is making me kek heartily.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:02:22 72357f No.8401132
File (hide): f011e54653e40b6.jpg (66.65 KB, 1000x736, 125:92, 02391706.jpg)

>>8371890 (OP)
>We're not the fake news, you are.
I will accept nothing less than a burning cross.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:12:47 4b8a1c No.8401172
>The impact of corrections form the mainstream media, which may have sunk a candidate in another era
I have no idea why these people had and even continue to have such faith in fact-checking. It was at best annoyingly
pedantic and half the time they were correcting things that were obviously rhetorical flourishes.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:16:42 c77188 No.8401184
File (hide): fbb1e841d6d9239.mp4 (359.52 KB, 240x180, 4:3, 1468937019095.mp4) [play once][loop]

File (hide): 6e3549358c9425d.webm

(4.61 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1464847810232.webm)

[play once][loop]

>Obama is an amazing speaker
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:32:12 3d061e No.8401232
Fuck that picture made me laugh so hard I choked.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:39:21 d92852 No.8401254>>8401258
Doesnt Drudgereport link sites like washington post.?
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 02:40:27 3d061e No.8401258
Reality is fake you stupid goy.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 03:00:06 f09c92 No.8401316
Basically a psyop they try to pull so the people stays under the thumb of certain extremely corrupt institutions of the US
govt. through the media. There is something extremely fucky going on with the whole Syria/Russia thing combined with
the rush of EU army and the full blown spy state going suddently into overdrive in the Anglosphere.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 03:12:15 ed773b No.8401350
Drudge is fake news lol. I guess they finally got tired of him digging shit up and giving boosts to stories they wanted
buried. Hilarious.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 06:03:26 46131f No.8401838
>>8371890 (OP)
Wow that is pretty much a who's who of all the news sites I have read for the last 20 years.
Should just kill myself for massive wrong think now
The other thing is that this always bites them in the ass and as soon as they publish lists like this it makes a convient
massive compilation of sites to go and browse on.
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 06:12:40 5fdc84 No.8401868
here's your (You) you fucking JEW
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 06:13:52 5fdc84 No.8401870
kill yourself goon
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 06:32:42 51b428 No.8401938
They really don't like detailed war reporting do they?

Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 06:41:38 486d34 No.8401981

>TRS isn't listed
Show how much people care about those impotent autists
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 13:43:00 742611 No.8404006
File (hide): 64e2fc1f0c472d3.gif (3.99 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1.gif)

>>8371890 (OP)
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 13:51:48 742611 No.8404066
File (hide): 6911c7eb2ab152a.mp4 (394.95 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 1.mp4) [play once] [loop]

Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 14:06:26 7b087b No.8404164
>>8371890 (OP)
>"fake news" list
>literally "everyone who points out our lies is hitler"
kek the audacity of these kikes. kek shall smite them!
Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 14:16:42 742611 No.8404234
File (hide): 72334177f65b3fb.png (814.7 KB, 1238x703, 1238:703, oy vey.png)


Anonymous 11/30/16 (Wed) 14:26:32 542503 No.8404330

My sides, they're not too subtle at this are they?

German BND-NSA Inquiry Exhibits




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1 December, 2016

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Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) and its cooperation with the United States' National Security Agency
The 2420 documents originate from various agencies of the German government including the BND
and BfV and were submitted to the inquiry last year in response to questions posed by the committee.
They include administrative documents, correspondence, agreements and press reactions. They
include 125 documents from the BND, 33 from the Bundesamt fr Verfassungsschutz (BfV) and 72
from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
The collection offers a detailed insight, not just into the agencies themselves, but the mechanics of
the inquiry. Several documents detail how the agency in question collated the information that was
requested of them. For example, a BND document shows its preparations for collecting internal
information on which private US companies are operating in the security sector in Germany. Such
internal processes are particularly pertinent to the inquiry. The committee has been trying
(unsuccessfully so far) to gain access to the full selector list that the BND holds regarding who they
spy on at the behest of the US. The BND is withholding this list from the inquiryon the grounds that
releasing it could imperil the BND's relationship with the NSA.
Whilst a number of facts have already come to light as a result of the inquiry - including WikiLeaks
publication of inquiry transcripts last year - this substantial new collection of primary source
documents provides significant new evidence. The collection contains early agreements between the
BND and the NSA and internal processes at the BND, but also more recent details on the close
collaboration between the two agencies. For example, one document from the BND states that a BND
employee will be tasked to use and write software for XKeyscore, an NSA system for searching and
analysing data collected through mass surveillance.
A number of the documents show how intelligence agencies find ways to work around their own
government. Documents pertaining to an audit visit by Germany's data protection agency to the
BND's offices show that BND officers withheld the notes made by the auditors during their visit. The
BND would only release the notes to the auditors once they had checked the content for themselves.
The inquiry was established in 2014 in the wake of the Snowden revelations, which showed that not
only was the NSA spying on the whole world,but it had also partnered with the intelligence services of
particular states to spy on their citizens and those of the surrounding regions. One of these countries
is Germany, which has had a close relationship with the US in military and intelligence matters since
its occupation by US forces in WWII. The US has been shown to use its bases in Germany and its
relationship with German intelligence to spy on German citizens as well as the European Union
WikiLeaks revelations of NSA spying on Angela Merkel, and top officials at German ministries,
the EU and France also contributed to the political impetus of the inquiry.
The depth of this relationship had been unknown to the German public and much of its government.
The outrage that was sparked by the Snowden NSA revelations led to the establishment of the
inquiry, which later called for Mr. Snowden to testify at it. Whereas there was initially unanimity
among German political parties in 2014 for Snowden to provide expert testimony, the government

deemed that as guaranteeing that he would not be handed over to the US (a condition imposed by
Snowden for testifying) would damage Germany's political relationship with the United States.
Subsequently, the Greens and the left wing party (Die Linke) filed an official complaint to force the
German Parliament to hear Mr. Snowden.
Last week, on November 21st, Germany's Federal Court of Justice upheld the complaint and ruled
that the committee was obliged to hear Edward Snowden in person. However, at the next inquiry
hearing three days after the ruling, Chancellor Angela Merkels Union bloc and the Social Democrats
removed Snowden's invitation from the agenda of the inquiry and are contesting the court's decision.
Julian Assange said: This substantial body of evidence proves that the inquiry has been using
documents from Mr Snowden and yet it has been too cowardly to permit him to testify. Germany can
not take a leadership role within the EU if its' own parliamentary processes are subservient to the
wishes of a non EU state.

German BND-NSA Inquiry Exhibits


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