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Abualeinan 1

Zina Abualeinan
Ms. Raymond
UWRT 1104-004
My grown research
Throughout my research about abortion, I realized that the subject may
be too sensitive to some people in my audience, they either might have gone
through it or know a close family or friend that did. So I decided to make it
unbiased and completely factual based and not incorporate any real
examples of people who have gone through the difficult process.
One area that completely surprised me during my research that made
me research further and take a different detour, is finding out that Planned
Parenthood does not offer abortion as one of its main services. It has many
different services and only 3% of people go for abortions. With my findings I
wanted to emphasize the importance and people misunderstanding of
Planned Parenthood that caused them to want to defund it. If I did not know
that fact I am sure a lot of people did not know that Planned Parenthood
offers women health care and safe reproduction services, like scanning for
breast cancer.
Changing my project to strictly facts and statistics had led me to better
detailed research than before. The facts may have a bigger impact on my
audience than if I put any bias in it. Being able to reach my audience and

spread a good and positive message about their impact over abortion laws is
my goal during my presentation and research.

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