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E-Resources Critical Reflection
My group's topic for our E-Resources critical reflection was Humans Vs
Machines. We decided on this topic because we wanted to teach future
writers and students on how technology has impacted the human life. The
positives that comes with having technology, along with the negatives that it
brings. My partners who helped me with this website were Lauren Harley,
Alex Imparato, and Greicy Barahona. What i like most about our website is
the creativity that we put behind it. The way each topic is set up, catches the
learners attention. I like how when you first click on the website you see the
rotating gears which shows a visual on machines when talking about Humans
vs Machines. This once again catches the observer's attention and lets them
be more interested in what else is on our site.
As you continue to look through our website, you will see our Critical
Inquiry Questions. These are questions that are mostly asked when it comes
to humans and their technology. Questions like consistency, of relevance, of
point of view, of assumptions and etc.. Along with our critical inquiry
questions, you will see pictures that reflects our topic of technology taking
over humans everyday life. The way technology is improving and helping
humans everyday life improve. For example technology in Warfare. Advances
in technology have led to faster airplanes, laser-guided weapons, and
unmanned, bomb-carrying vehicles.
One advancement is Combat drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, enable troops

to deploy weapons in war while safely remaining thousands of miles away

from the front lines of the battlefield. As such, the lives of drone pilots are
not in danger, which helps the military limit the number of combat fatalities.
In the U.S. military, the use of drones is expanding across all branches of
operational forces.
I personally had a role in the creation of our website. We all had certain
tasks that we had to do to make this website as good as it is. We set a

deadline and we all made sure that we met it. What i did to the website was
create the home page that you see when you first click on our website. I
chose the rotating gears in the background because it related to our topic of
Humans vs Machines. We agreed that our goal for making this site was that it
will be easy to navigate and find helpful information that will possibly help
you and inspire you for future assignments. In the Critical Inquiry Questions, i
was responsible for the questions of Information & questions of
Interpretation. The questions of information were; Are our sources of
information on machines trustworthy? Is our information on machines good
or bad quality? And has our knowledge of machines ever let us down? (If so,
was our source of information to blame? Can we always trust our knowledge
of machines?). These questions allow future students to look more in depth
on technology and the positive and negative effects it has on human life. The
questions of Interpretation were; How have machines impacted our lives?
Has there been a positive or negative impact to having machines? And what
would human life be like without machines? (Without machines, how would
we solve problems (thinking). These questions allows future students to
determine how technology and machines have impacted our lives. When it
comes to humans and their everyday life, what would life as we know it be
without technology. That makes you wonder where would we be and how
would things have changed.
The three photos i added to our website was the I Robot photo, the
machine in the war, and and the lawnmower. I chose the lawnmower
because i want future students to know that technology has changed in the
labor field as well. You see improvement in labor work with technology.
IRobot that came out in 2004 that tells about robots with humans qualities
wanting to take over the city. In 2035, highly intelligent robots fill public
service positions throughout the world, operating under three rules to keep
humans safe. Despite his dark history with robotics, Detective Del Spooner
(Will Smith) investigates the alleged suicide of U.S. Robotics founder Alfred
Lanning (James Cromwell) and believes that a human-like robot (Alan Tudyk)

murdered him. With the help of a robot expert (Bridget Moynahan), Spooner
discovers a conspiracy that may enslave the human race. The photo of the
war machine is just a view of what technology is doing to warfare. More and
more things are being invented to help with war and help our soldiers.
Another one of those inventions is the Submarine. Today, the military uses
submarines to carry missiles, conduct reconnaissance, support land attacks,
and establish blockades. So overall i think our website turned out to be really
good and it will help future students learn more about Humans vs Machines.

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