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1. Read the following numbers:





Dates: December 14-th, 1978, 17/6/89, February 2-nd, 1991, the 30-th of May 1980, March 6th 1994.
Telephone numbers: 6-32-68-40; 2-11-32-68; 7-77-90-44.
2. Translate into English:
1. Acesta a fost primul tren pe care l-am gsit n gar. 2. Au trecut trei sptmni de la prima
noastr ntlnire. 3. Mii de oameni au ascultat predica de evanghelizare din biseric. 4. O treime
din cei ce au ascultat, L-au primit pe Isus n inimi. 5. Cea de-a doua cltorie pe care am fcut-o
a fost cea mai obositoare. 6. Studenii intrau n clase cte doi sau cte trei. 7. Vremea s-a
schimbat n cea de-a patra zi. 8. Sute de sportivi alearg de trei ore la curs. 9. La cea de-a
treizeci i opta ntrebare nu am putut s rspundem. 10. Citatul este din Evanghelia dup Ioan
capitolul, versetul 16, pagina 356.
3. Work on the model.
Model: It's five o'clock now. (an hour ago)
It was four o'clock an hour ago.
1. It's eleven o'clock now. (an hour ago)
2. It's eight o'clock now. (half an hour ago)
3. It's ten to six now. (twenty three minutes ago)
4. It's sixteen past seven. (thirteen minutes ago)
5. It's twentyfive to nine. (twelve minutes ago)
6. It's five minutes past three. (ten minutes ago)
4. Answer the following `uestions using the figures given in brackets. Write the years in letters:
1. When did C. Marconi invent radio? (1895)
2. When was the White House built? (1792)
3. When was Australia discovered? (1616)
4. When was th typewriter invented? (1829)
5. When was the Eiffel tower built? (1889)
6. When were the mountains on the moon discovered? (1609)
7. When did Elizabeth II became Queen of England? (1952)
8. When was W. Shakespeare born? (1564)

9. When was the Council of Jeerusalem? (50 A.D.)

10. When did the great Schism take place? (1054)
5. Answer the following `uestions:
1. How old are you?
2. How old is your father?
3. How many hours are there in a day?
4. How many days are there in a week?
5. How many months are there in a year?
6. How many students are there in your classroom?
7. How many days are there in February?
6. The summer holidays are coming. John, Jack and Paul want to go to the mountains for five
or six days in August. Fill in the blanks of the following dialogue with the dates given in
brackets. Write these dates in letters:
John: As you know, our summer holidays starts on... (1) July.
Jack: I'm going to my sister's on... (3) July for four days. So, I
can't go to the mountains
on ...(2) ...(3) and... (4).
Paul: Oh, but my brother's birthday is on... (6). I want to be at home for that.
John: And I must be here on.. .(8) and.... (9) July. My cousins are coming to visit me.
Jack: The weekend after that is my sister's wedding. That's... (17) and... (18) July so I can't go
till.... (19) July.
Paul: My uncle and my aunt are taking me on a trip to London between...(20) and (24) July. I'll
be back home on...(25) July.
John: This means we'll be able to go to the mountains after... (26) July.
7. Translate into English:
1. Aprilie, iunie, septembrie i noiembrie au cte 30 de zile; toate celelalte luni au cte 31 de zile
cu excepia lui februarie care are 28 de zile i o dat la patru ani, 29 de zile. 2. Paul are un loc
pe acel teren lung de 10 picioare i lat de 9 picioare. 3. Crciunul, Patele, Cincizecimea,
nlarea sunt srbtori pe care le onorm n fiecare an. 4. A dousprezecea noapte este titlul
unei comedii de Shakespeare. 5. Zeci de studeni ai Colegiului Biblic vor serba ncheierea
cursurilor. (graduation) 6. Deschidei Biblia la pagina 1025 i la versetul 12 vei citi o minunat
promisiune. 7. Ci pence sunt ntr-o lir? 8. Dac mpari patruzeci de mere la cinci copii, partea
fiecruia va fi opt mere. 9. n 23 aprilie vom srbtori nvierea Domnului Isus. 10. Ct este
ceasul, te rog? Este cinci fr apte minute. 11. Orele de diminea ncep la 7, 30 i se termin la
1 p.m. 12. ntre dou fr zece i dou jumtate avem pauza de mas.
8. Form meaningful sentences with the following words:
Will, quarter, to, he, come, a, at, eight. 2. Appointment, is, time, past, four, the, half. 3.
Due, is, past, two, train, the, twenty, at. 4. missing 19 page, is, chapter, 3 in. 5. into 500 is 20
how much? 6. 23-rd of April, Easter. 7. the dear to us 25-th of December is. 8. the today, 13th
of April is.
9. Translate into English:

1. Studenii s-au dus n misiune doi cte doi.

2. Am citit sute de pagini n ultimele sptmni.
3. Tocmai am cumprat dou markere (markers) pentru scris pe tabla alb.
4. Cred c acum maina are mai mult de 90 de mile la or.
5. Biletul tu de clasa nti este pentru data de 15 iulie.
6. Un sfert din locuitorii acestui orel lucreaz n port.
7. Numai dup ce am citti problema de trei ori am neles-o.
8. Ne ducem la teatru din dou n dou sptmni.
9. Dup strngerea recoltei pe acest pmnt, Domnul ne va da o motenire n cer.
10. Am ntlnit-o o dat sau de dou ori, dar nu am discutat cu ea niciodat.
11. Regele Richard III a fost unul din cei mai sngeroi regi din toat istoria Angliei.
12. Capitolul V din Apocalipsa descrie mpria lui Dumnezeu.
13. Care este rspunsul tu la cea de-a treizeci i opta ntrebare.
10. Complete the sentences:
1. My friends go to the cinema every Saturday. They go to the cinema....2. My sister goes
shopping every Monday and Friday. She goes shopping...3. We have prayer time every Monday
and Wednesday. We have prayer time .... 4. Jimmy has English every Wednesday and Thursday.
5. I go swimming every Saturday. I go swimming.... 6. Father goes to work every Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Father goes to work.... days.
11. State the categories of numerals (cardinal, ordinal, fractional, multiplicative, adverbial
used in the sentences below):
1. A stitch in time saves nine. 2. The ten-fifteen is an express with first and second classes. 3. You
sail on the 25-th at 11:37 p.m. 4. We're flying at an altitude of 1500 m. 5. He had already eaten
2/3 of the cake. 6. The disciples went to evangelize by twos. 7. I rang her up three or four times,
but nobody answered. 8. Twice ten is twenty. 9. The four persons got into the car and started
off. 10. He used to buy handkerchiefs. 11. The 10/40 Window peoples should be more in our
12. Read the following numbers:
1. One half of six is three. 2. One third of six is two. 3. Twelve objects are called a dozen. 4. One
yard is equal to three feet. 5. John is three feet and six inches tall. 6. What is the length of your
desk? 7. One fourth of eight is two. 8. A shop keeper measures a yard of ribbon or of lace with a
yardstick. 9. Room 216 is on the third floor. 10. Universities open on the 1 of October. 11. Send
John a fax; here is his number: four o seven nine one eight. 12. How many seconds are there in a
minute? 13. How many minutes are there in an hour? 14. How many months are there in a year?


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