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UWRT 1101, Literacy Narrative Project Reflection

Name: John Won

Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.
1. What option did you select, option one (discussing a known literacy) or option two (a new literacy to learn)? Why did
you go with that particular option?
Between the objects I chose option 2. I chose option 2 because all the things I have learned or experience so far
in literacy was not appealing to me. The reason why I wanted to choose a new literacy to learn is because I am a huge car
enthusiast and pursue how to build a car. What I dream to do is restore a classical car such as a mustang fastback and
ride it till I am six foot under. Also learning how to do a simple oil change would forever change the game because I could
do it at my leisure.

2. What do you want me to consider as I review your medium choice? If nothing else, tell me about your risk taking.
Risk taking is like jumping off a cliff. Same as writing this paper. High risk = high reward, no risk = no reward.

3. Influence me further as to what to focus most upon during grading: what do you want weighed most in your favor as I
grade your project? Why?
I want to you to weigh my project like an 8th grader wrote it. English is my second language and still stumble on
words that I know in Korean but cant translate it in English. But then again Ive been here since I can remember so grade
it like a 12th grader. But in all reality, I want you to focus on how easy it would be to repair your own car. Say you dont
have time to schedule an appointment for an oil change and the time is against your side. You can plan on YOUR own
time to replace the oil at your time, not someone else.

4. What would you like to change or to work on more, if you had the chance? Why so?
I wouldnt change a whole lot but what I would change it my essay because of how little information I could get
across. It felt like I was just dragging on about how learning to repair cars was easy and useful. I just kept on rambling and
rambling so I shortened it a lot. So, it doesnt describe every single detail. Also, I would like to get a first-hand on other
things such as changing the suspension before I wrote this essay.

5. Based upon what you have been assigned, verses what you have completed, what grade does your work justify?
My grade for this assignment deserves a low B due to the lack of materials that I have on this.

Rubric ~

Point Value:
Rough Draft with Peer Review
Media Piece



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