Transition Task

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Observation Task 3: Managing Transitions

List the type and function of the transitions that you observe during the entire school

Identify the strategies that are used by your MST to facilitate these transitions.

Comment on the success of these strategies in terms of both promoting positive

behavior and minimizing the incidence of challenging behavior.

Make practical suggestions about how these transitions could be modified in order to
further promote positive behavior and minimize the incidence of challenging behavior.

Discuss the possibility of managing these transitions yourselves with your MST. With reference to
your notes decide how best to do this and implement it next week. Evaluate your own performance
and redesign your strategies based on your experience. Build on your learning in this area over the
course of the placement.

Table 9: Example Managing Transitions.

Type and function of transitions

Strategies used to
facilitate transitions

Efficacy of the strategy in terms of promoting

positive behavior and minimizing challenging

When the first session

finish she asks each
one student and ask
him to stand in the

Ask children to put their hand on their friends


Singing song for

children to make
circle around her

Welcome the student to the classroom and

tell them good morning

Asking children to line up

Sitting in the circle time and get

ready for it.

Playing outside

Moving to the classroom to eat


Each teacher have

duty in a specific
The teacher prepare
the food between the
students to eat.

Encourage children to play with their friends

without causing any problems
Let children finish their food and clean up
their places by singing with teacher clean up

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