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Allard & Bakley 1

Matthew Bakley & Josh Allard

Professor Raymond
UWRT 1104
26 September 2016
The Influence of Technology on People
Our project will talk about the effects computers have on people from generation to
generation. We will first introduce what our definition of a computer is as well as our definition
of a generation. We will start at the 1940s when electronic computers were first invented. The
generation of people of that time will be compared to the next generation of people and so on.
We will work on one generation at a time, finding information about what makes that generation
different/similar from the rest. The generations of people that will be compared to each other
have a difference of ten years. That way every influence can be tracked because technology
evolves so quickly. The categories measured between generations will be social, physical, and
mental life.
Our project will be done on Google Slides, which will allow us to work on the
presentation at the same time. The straight forward structure of slide presentation will also show
how the movement in slides is a single directional timeline. Comparing the previous generation
to the next and so on. We will find research via the internet on our laptops or computers in the

Allard & Bakley 2

Matthew Bakley will have the role of researching one generation and Josh Allard will be
researching the next generation and so on. We will both be responsible for peer-reviewing each
others work to ensure no errors. Comparisons for the generations will be done together as a
Over the past ten years our generation has seen a spike in computer usage
do to the effectiveness it has, in not just at home but in the classroom. What will
happen over the next ten years? No one will know, we can only have educated
guesses. That is why we are presenting about computers, not just to share
information about computers and how they evolved and effected people from
generation to generation, but to get the majority of peoples minds thinking. Our
generation grew up learning about and experiencing a change, from box computers
and dial up to touch screen laptops and wicked fast internet, which never stops
developing. Things will only get better and we are here to share the effects of what
computers will have on us over a long period of time by exploring the effects from
earlier periods in time.

To complete the project on time we will meet once a week if not twice a week on Sunday night
in the library at 8 oclock in our designated spot we have selected unless communicated
otherwise. We have split up the research into multiple parts and have set deadlines as follows.
Starting from Matthew he will research the 1940s, 1960s, 1980s, and the 2000s. While Josh
will research the 1950s, 1970s, 1990s, and future proposed ideas on computers. Each
generation will take one week to research. So for example Matthew will have the 1940s done
on October 8 and Josh will have the 1950s research done on October 8, so we can meet

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up Sunday night to discuss research and put it into a presentation. Every week each person will
get their assigned generations done leading up to weeks before the presentation is due. Once all
research is done, we will continue to meet up more often to tweak put our visual presentation
into an oral presentation. The visual presentation should almost be completed by October 29 and
the oral presentation should be continued to be tweaked up until the due date on November 28.
Practicing presenting the project will continue throughout the month of November.
Computers have had a great effect on people and continue to have this effect to this day.
Something new will come out in computers that changed from the last generation of computers,
that impact that generation of people.

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