Nguyen 1

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Nguyen 1

Jimmy Nguyen
Professor Lynn Raymond


Technology has shaped the way the world communicates. This involves peoples literacy
narrative as well. As a child, I did not get my own laptop or phone until I was in middle school.
My years as an elementary school student consisted of reading books and writing stories in class.
When I got to middle school, I started to explore more on social networks such as, Facebook,
Myspace, and E-mail. This was during the age when I would chat and send messages to my
friends constantly. This helped my writing skills a lot more than just writing stories to myself. All
this also happened around the time when I got my first cellphone. Back then, texting was
trending, and this would lead to the extraordinary amount of typing out words and sentences. My
literacy narrative was increased exponentially due to the fact I would text or message often.
My parents did not get the same treatment as the kids in my generation. Both of my
parents did not get a cell phone until their mid-twenties, so they are not as comfortable as I am
with sending messages. Technology has improved my literacy narrative more than I could

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