Geniesse - Major Assignment 2 (Rough Draft)

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Elijah Geniesse

Professor Kashtan
UWRT 1101
October 24, 2016

Wyatt Scott was elected the Prime Minister of Canada in 2015. He won the election after
running independently and generating his own promotional campaign. He decided to approach
the election with a rather unusual outlook. Scotts goal was to reach the younger demographic of
voters and he clearly accomplished this goal. His strategy was original and ended up being
beneficial to his campaigning budget. Instead of
hiring a marketing manager to handle his
advertising, Scott decided to create low quality,
sci-fi video to show his versatility and attract a
younger demographic through a less political
medium. The video contained fantasy creatures, impossible feats, inhuman abilities, and subtle
political references. This advertisement goes completely against the status quo and all other
political campaigns, though Scott was still elected Prime Minister by his country.

Wayne Scott, riding a computer-generated, Canadian goose as the opening scene of a

political ad? This may sound absurd and unprofessional for a candidate running for National
Parliament but when you break the scene down, its not a bad idea. First off, the Canadian goose

creates a symbol of nationalism by creating a

visual relationship between Scott and his country.
In addition to this, its an eye-catching picture, if I
turned on my television and saw a man riding a
goose I would probably continue watching to see
what happens next. During this scene the candidate speaks on .. The scenes then transitions to
Scott unsheathing a sword, jumping off the goose, and falling from the sky. While he is falling he
talks about how he is an independent candidate and begins to speak about his political platform.
Scott then falls onto a dragons head, slaying it with the sword. This scene is posed in front of the
Canadian mountain landscape. He then walks up to the screen and describes how he wants to
fight for the Canada University (a public college) saying the coast is, too damn expensive.
This scene shows a young man wearing a dress, falling from the sky. Scott catches the man who
say, thanks mister in a high pitched tone. This
shows how the candidate supports the LGBT
community. Next, Scott discusses his political
point of views about the expansion of health
care and social programs rather than cutting
them down. This scenes shows Scott doing a handshake with an alien. Although there is no
correlation between what he says and what is happening on the screen, Scott uses this to keep the
watchers interested.

Next, the campaign transitions to Scott standing in front of a

some historical ruins with symbols of marijuana on them. The ruins
are topped with piles of weed, showing where he stands in the
legalization of pot throughout the nation. Scott then picks up a
remake of an old relic and shows that there is a price tag on the
bottom. Stating, the indigenous people arent even protected by their own government,
showing his political standing with protection of the people who originally lived in Canada. He
uses this to help win over a large amount of his voters.

The video then transitions again to a close up of Scoot standing in front of a Canadian
flag. The candidate pushes citizens to vote by creating an
image of himself as a hero. He speaks about changes that are
coming to Canada and state that he is here to lead the people.
He asks the watchers if they are ready for the shift. Instantly
growing a beard Scott then states, I am! Next, Scott closes out the video with a powerful, My
name is Wyatt Scott and Im running for Parliament! The flag is then pushed to the side to
reveal a giant robot trying to destroy a small town. Scott sees this and then shoots lasers out of
his eyes that hit and destroy the robot. This scenes has absolutely no political association but it
creates the image of Wyatt Scott as a hero and someone who can save Canada.

The video closes out with the words Wyatt Scott for Parliament in big bold letters. The
final screen has a recognition of his agent but of
course it isnt provided in a typical manner. The
writing say this message was authorized by Zorg
Ruler of the Universe Victoria Kelleher official
agent for Wyatt Scott. Again, this doesnt provide
any political relevance at all but it creates comedic
relief for the video. All together the video is very
unique. Scott uses an original approach to get his points across. He uses entertaining visual
effects, computer generated material, and fictional scenarios to keep the watchers interested.
While doing this he imposes small visual rhetoric to show what his political platform is and he
speaks on the things that he will fight for if he wins the election. The verbal rhetoric is fairly
straight forward in the video. He keeps the video short and sweet by saying exactly what he is
passionate about and what he will fight for. The video utilizes much visual rhetoric by keeping
the watchers eyes busy. Scott remains the center of attention through out the entire video but
there is much going on in his surroundings. The people watching are able to listen to Scott speak
while watching everything that is going on in the video. This video creates many different target
markets for Scotts campaign. It attracts science fiction fans and people who are interested in
fantasy-type material. The video also attracts people open to social change. All together the video
does a good job of using different types of rhetoric. It provides Scotts political platform and
gives examples used through association. Plus, it catches the eye and keeps the attention of
anyone watching. It may not be a typical political ad, but it definitely got the job done.

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