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Observation Table, Task 1:


Reasons for speaking in the classroom

Number of learners:

Length of lesson: one class (45 minutes)



Teacher observed: Ms.

Language Learning Goals: -

Materials used:


Reason for speaking


Learner repeats word(s) after teacher

- (whole class together)

Learner repeats word(s) after teacher

- (group / pair together)

Learner repeats word / phrase after teacher

- (individual )



Learner answers direct question from teacher


Learner answers open question from teacher


Learner asks teacher a question


Learner answers a partner in English

- (pair/ group work activity)

Learner answers a partner in Arabic

- (pair/ group work activity)


Learner speaks to the teacher informally


E //////

- (Add E for English; A for Arabic)

A /////////

Other reason(s) for speaking


After the Observation

Write your answers in the boxes:

What was the most common reason for speaking?

Learner answers direct question from teacher

What was the least common reason for speaking?

Learner asks teacher a question

Were there any boxes with no ticks?

Yes (Learner repeats word / phrase after teacher)

How much of the lesson was spent on the teacher using Teacher Talk, in
your opinion?

I fell the teacher talk 70% of the time

Do you feel it was too much / too little / just the right amount of talk? Why /
Why not?

It was too much because in this lesson the student must speck more than the teacher.

What do you think is an appropriate sequence of interaction patterns?

I dont have an answer for this question

Now consider how much Arabic was used. Do you think it was used
Why? / Why not?

The students used 80% Arabic in the class even thought it was English class. i don't think
that the students use it appropriately. Because, when the teacher ask them to translate
what they said they say it in English but they had some grammar mistake.



Why is talk important?

It is important for the teacher to talk in and out of the class with
the student to use new language and to make sure that the
students listen to language many times to help them use it when
they talk. However, it is important of the student to talk. Because
they have to use the language even in their life not only in class.

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