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Noor Farizan Ahamad (Mubadala Petroleum)

[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short
summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document
here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the

How does Facebook handle the contradiction between information and privacy?
Could you provide some solution?...........................................................................1
SOME SOLUTIONS THAT MIGHT HELP....................................................................1
1. Some things will always be public....................................................................1
2. Take the Privacy Checkup................................................................................. 1
3. Check your current privacy settings.................................................................1
4. View your profile as public................................................................................ 1
5. Clean up your past............................................................................................ 2
6. Beware of embarrassing likes........................................................................2
7. Protect your friends from prying eyes...............................................................2
8. Control your apps............................................................................................. 2
9. Anyone can find you on Facebook....................................................................2
10. Prevent search engines from linking to your profile........................................2
OR WILD How to Use Facebook for Marketing..........................................................3
Tool to Utilize:....................................................................................................... 3
IDEAS TO PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY PRODUCT / SERVICES?...............................3
1........................................................................................................................... 3
2........................................................................................................................... 3
3. Polls:................................................................................................................. 3
4. Behind-the-scenes photos:............................................................................... 3
5. Statistics or data:.............................................................................................. 3
6. Post a link to an old blog post: Theres.............................................................4
7. Questions:......................................................................................................... 4
8. Link to a guest post:......................................................................................... 4
9. Post a branded image:...................................................................................... 4
10. Infographics:................................................................................................... 4
11. Product photos:............................................................................................... 4
12. Photos that have nothing to do with your products or business:....................4
13. Behind-the-scenes product shots:...................................................................4
14. Link to a controversial blog post:....................................................................4
15. Ask for input on your products:.......................................................................4
16. Ask for reviews or testimonials:......................................................................4
17. Fan photos:..................................................................................................... 4

18. Recommend a tool:......................................................................................... 4

19. Recommend your favorite products:...............................................................4
20. Post a video testimonial:................................................................................. 5
STAND-OUT AMONG THE REST?...............................................................................5
Communication Style............................................................................................ 5

Goals.............................................................................................................. 5


Content........................................................................................................... 5


Time & Effort.................................................................................................. 5


ROI Measurement........................................................................................... 6

WHAT MAKES FACEBOOK STAND-OUT AMONG THE REST?.......................................6


Birthday reminders......................................................................................... 6


Chat with them............................................................................................... 6


Loads of apps and games............................................................................... 6


Pictures........................................................................................................... 6


Make friends................................................................................................... 7


Shared Facebook Albums:.............................................................................. 7


Skype App:..................................................................................................... 7


Interest Lists:.................................................................................................. 7


Photo Editing:................................................................................................. 7


Nearby Friends:........................................................................................... 7


Tag Friends in Videos:.................................................................................. 7


Close Friends:.............................................................................................. 8


Blocking Apps from Posting on Your Behalf:................................................8


End-users share a wide variety of information on Facebook, but a discussion of the
privacy implications of doing so has yet to emerge. We examined how Facebook
affects privacy, and found serious flaws in the system. Privacy on Facebook is
undermined by three principal factors: users disclose too much, Facebook does not
take adequate steps to protect user privacy, and third parties are actively seeking
out end-user information using Facebook


1. Some things will always be public
No matter what you do, your profile picture, cover picture and name will always be
public on Facebook. For this reason, it is especially important that the photos you
use for your profile and cover pictures are not compromising. Its probably best to
go for a pretty generic picture that reflects well on you or one that avoids
revealing your identity at all.

2. Take the Privacy Checkup

A good way of checking who can see your Facebook posts is to take the Privacy
Checkup. By clicking on the lock symbol on the Facebook toolbar, youll be guided
through the three-part Privacy Checkup. From here you can quickly change who
sees your posts and profile information.

3. Check your current privacy settings

Did you know that privacy settings on Facebook are sticky? This means that if
your last post was public, your next one will also be public unless you change the
privacy settings again. Before you post anything online know who will see the
post. If the little globe icon appears, your post will be public for anyone to see.

4. View your profile as public

Another Facebook tool, which is useful for ensuring youre not over sharing, is the
View as option. This option allows you to see your profile from the perspective of
a particular friend or as if you were just a member of the general public. By
viewing your profile as public you can quickly see if youre sharing too much

5. Clean up your past

When you first start teaching its important to look back at posts from your early
days on Facebook. There might be some pictures from freshers nights out, back
before you started worrying about your privacy settings. To avoid having to go
through each post individually and check the privacy settings, use the Limit Old
Posts option. This will change the privacy of all past posts from public or friends
of friends to friends only.

6. Beware of embarrassing likes

An aspect of your profile that is harder to control than others is the Likes section.
Even when youve limited the audience for your old posts, the things you like
are often still visible to the public.

7. Protect your friends from prying eyes

The six degrees of separation theory says that everyone can be connected by a
maximum of six steps. However when it comes to Facebook, everyone seems to
be even closer. One problem teachers frequently experience on Facebook is that
once students find one teacher, theyve generally hit a goldmine and quickly find
lots of other teachers through each others pages.

8. Control your apps

When we see a new app we want to try, its not unusual to agree to everything
without reading the terms and conditions. Sometimes we might be giving these
apps permission to post to our Facebook timelines. Usually this is fine but make
sure youre the one whos in control and that you know which apps are posting
publicly on your behalf. You can check your apps usage through your Settings tab.

9. Anyone can find you on Facebook

While you can prevent external search engines from linking to your profile, every
Facebook user (even a minor) is searchable through Facebooks own search
engine. If your students know how to spell your name, chances are they should be
able to find you. While you cant stop people from searching for you on Facebook,
you can limit who can send you friend requests, through your privacy
settings.Another solution teachers have come up with, for limiting unwanted
attention from students, is to alter the spelling of their names or use middle
names rather than last names.

10. Prevent search engines from linking to your profile

Everyone knows that if you want to find something out, nowadays you simply ask
Google. Whether youre researching a topic or looking someone up, the worlds
largest search engine is the first port of call. One way to make it more difficult for
students to find you online is to prevent Google, and other search engines, from
listing your profile in search results.


Once youve created a strong following it's important to use status updates or
photos to share your products, offers, services. You should also post things that
get your audience to engage with your posts. Things that they will click, like,
comment on, and share. The more people are engaging, the more frequently youll
appear in others timelines.
Its important to keep in mind that many use Facebook as a personal network to
connect with their friends or loved ones. Your brand needs to fit into this
atmosphere naturally in order to keep people interested in what youre posting. So
dont make it solely about selling.

Tool to Utilize: Advertising

Facebook Advertising is really picking up speed in the business world.
It uses social graph and activities to pinpoint those who fall into your buyer
demographics, making Facebook Ads incredibly effective. Facebook ads are more
likely to bring in strong leads that are actually looking for your services.
They help make sure your advertising budget isnt wasted on those who arent
really interested in what youre offering and helping to put product or service put
into the hands of the exact person who wants or needs it. To go much deeper into
mastering Facebook, download this free guide.


Never run out of social media content ideas again! The following list covers just
about everything you could possibly post on social media. From personal, to
business-related, to promotional posts.

1. Quotes: Humorous, inspiring or motivational quotes always perform well.

2. Fill-in-the-blank posts (e.g. If I had $1 million I would _________)
3. Polls: While Facebook offers built-in polls, I find running them manually works
best for boosting engagement (e.g. Which of these product is your favorite?)

4. Behind-the-scenes photos: Take candid shots of yourself, your

employees, or snap a shot of your office or workspace.

5. Statistics or data: Share new, relevant industry statistics (these perform

great in terms of retweets and shares)

6. Post a link to an old blog post: Theres nothing wrong with

recycling, and old posts will gain new engagement, extending their life.

7. Questions: Pose simple, basic questions that your followers can answer

8. Link to a guest post: Share (or re-share) a link to a post you contributed
to another site. If youre interested in learning how and why guest blogging should
be part of your online strategy, see my article, The Ultimate Guide to Building Your
Business by Guest Blogging.

9. Post a branded image: Post a funny or inspirational image with your

logo or website URL on it.

10. Infographics: Find an infographic your followers would appreciate. Check

out Daily Infographic for ideas, or better yet, create your own.

11. Product photos: Work best on sites like Pinterest or Instagram. Think
about how you can add a unique angle to the shots (e.g. an employee actually
using the product, a customer-submitted photo, etc.).

12. Photos that have nothing to do with your products or

business: Instead, they convey the feeling behind your brand. For instance,
how Starbucks shares photos on Instagram to associate their brand with sunshine,
warmth, and good friends (not just coffee).

13. Behind-the-scenes product shots: Photos of your products being

manufactured or sourced.

14. Link to a controversial blog post: Theres nothing better for

eliciting engagement than a little controversy.

15. Ask for input on your products: Your followers will love giving their
thoughts on how to improve your products.

16. Ask for reviews or testimonials: Eliciting reviews from fans or

followers is one of the best ways to get testimonials you can use as social proof on
your website.

17. Fan photos: Search for hashtags related to your business or products, and
share a customer photo on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.

18. Recommend a tool: Share a (preferably free) tool or resource you think
your followers would find useful.

19. Recommend your favorite products: If youre an e-commerce site,

share a list of your top sellers or highest-rated products. If youre a service
provider, share a list of the products that help you succeed in your business.

20. Post a video testimonial: Share a video review; or better yet, ask
your social media followers to submit their own video testimonials.


Communication Style
With social networking, there needs be a mix of both talking and listening. If
youre joining groups and networks on social media and doing all of the talking
posting about your brand and tooting your own hornyoure not going to get the
type of respect that you probably deserve, and youre likely going to miss out on
some great opportunities because youre not listening.
To be great at social networking, you have to take the time to listen and engage
with others.

1. Goals
Perhaps the biggest difference between social media and social networking is the
goal that youre trying to achieve. With social networking, your ultimate goal is to
build your network of fans/followers and foster those relationships. Whether or not
those relationships lead to new business is an unknown, but its not the ultimate

2. Content
Content is so important to every aspect of marketing, and while you need it for
both social media and social networking, the type of content you use for each is
going to be different. In social networking, its a lot of rich conversation and
questions. Youre having deep, informative conversations with people in hopes of

sparking a connection and gaining a new fan or follower while growing your
referral network.

3. Time & Effort

With social networking, theres no automated way to really grow relationships, and
you cant cut corners. Each interaction you have needs unique focus and
attention. Social networking is like datingits time consuming, and it takes a lot
of time and effort to really make it work, but its all worth it in the end.

4. ROI Measurement
In this digital age, were all trying to measure the ROI from everything that we do,
especially social media. Measuring the ROI from your social networking efforts is
going to be easier because theres more direct responseif your network of social
followers is increasing, then thats measurable ROI.


Facebook is fun, and almost everyone is on Facebook. There are other social media
sites as well like Twitter and Google Plus, but Facebook seems to be the best one.
The main advantage of Facebook is that all your friends are there and they can
read your messages and comment on them. This way you can stay connected.
Here are some best things about Facebook.

1. Birthday reminders
Thanks to Facebook, now you cannot forget birthdays. Facebook sends you
reminders of birthdays of your friends, so if anyones birthday is coming, youll get
a reminder and you can wish that person. No more upset friends.

2. Chat with them

You can also chat with your friends using Facebook chat. It is a great feature to
connect to people. Of course you can also message them. Facebook has
developed into an all-in-one website that offers public and private messages, and

3. Loads of apps and games

And if all this wasnt enough, you can enjoy apps and games on Facebook as well.
A well-known example is Farmville. Almost everyone who is on Facebook has
played this game. There are other games as well like Mafia wars etc.

4. Pictures
Did you go out on a vacation? You can share your pics with your friends with the
help of Facebook albums. There is so much that you can do on Facebook. You can
even share your videos online. Your friends can click on the videos you post and
enjoy them.

5. Make friends
You can make new friends or find old ones. With the help of the friend finder
feature of Facebook, you can now find your school friends and classmates. Its
great fun to stay in touch with people. There is so much to do on Facebook that
the fun never stops.

6. Shared Facebook Albums:

Instead of always nagging your friends to send you the lovely photos they took at
parties and get-togethers, why not create a shared Facebook album, so they can
upload their photos directly to it?

7. Skype App:
Skype makes this big world of ours smaller with free video calls, but Facebook is
usually where you and your friends spend their time. Now you can connect the two
and enjoy the best of both worlds! Make your online video calls directly through
your Facebook page. Add the Skype app to your account and start talking.

8. Interest Lists:
If you ever feel that Facebook is getting too cluttered for you, the Interest Lists
feature can help you organize content in a convenient way. You can easily create
and curate your lists, just follow these simple steps.

9. Photo Editing:
Facebook is where many people store their photos nowadays, but did you know
that you can do more than just post your pics? With apps like LunaPic, you can edit
your Facebook photos directly on your profile!


Nearby Friends:

Wouldnt it be fun to know if any of your Facebook friends are in the

neighborhood? Activate the Nearby Friends feature to receive push notifications to
your phone whenever one of your friends has checked in to a location near you.
Dont worry, you can always deactivate if you feel like it.


Tag Friends in Videos:

Tagging friends in photos is pretty self-explanatory, but not many users know that
they can tag friends in their Facebook videos as well. It works pretty much like the
photo-tagging feature.


Close Friends:

There are Facebook friends and there are Facebook friends. Your real friends
deserve to have a special position on your page. With the Close Friends list you
can keep track of what your real buddies are up to.


Blocking Apps from Posting on Your Behalf:

Integrating apps to your account is one of the best features Facebook has to offer.
With apps, you can add productivity tools, fun games or improved functionality
options. But no power user wants apps to post annoying updates on their behalf,
right? The good news is that you can control that without giving up on apps.

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