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1. What ISTE Standards does the activity cover? How?

ISTE Standards
(2.a) Students will discuss the various aspects of the U.S. Supreme Court building with
another providing one another with different information and views.
(3.a) Students will plan who they will research and how they will obtain the proper
(3.b) Students will use internet resources and library resources for research.
(3.c) Students will be required to use appropriate resources that provide accurate
(3.d) Students will process the information obtained through research and report the
results via essay
(6.a.) Students will use different technology systems in the classroom, home, and library
2. Name of the project/activity and link to the website
Tour of U.S. Supreme Court building to include post essay on one Supreme Court Justice
3. Subject Area
4. Grade Level
10th Grade
5. A short description of the activity
Students will view each location from a central screen in the classroom and then
complete at three-page essay about a current Supreme Court Justice. For distance

education students: they will view the recorded lecture and have required discussion
questions to answer and the essay.
6. Approximate time you think this lesson will take
Two 45 minute sessions in the classroom
60 minutes outside of the classroom
7. What are the procedures for the activity? What will you have your students do?
A. Students will view the tour as guided by the instructor. Instructor will provide commentary
and a handout with the information that is in addition to the webpage.
B. Students will have an open discussion about the facilities and how the facilities could
impact court cases.
C. Students will have two days to complete a three-page (double spaced) essay on a current
Supreme Court Justice and how that Justices office reflects their practices in office.
D. Students will have the day two to work on essay to include conducting research, peer
review, and instructor guidance.
E. Students will turn in the final essay on day three (no in class time allotted) in accordance
with rubric included on handout from day one. Essay is worth 50 points with 5 sections
worth 10 points each.
8. Assessment. How will you access the students?
A formative assessment will be completed through the classroom discussion and a
summative assessment will be conducted in the form of an essay with two days provided
for completion (one full day of class will be allotted for time towards essay).
9. How does the use of Technology benefit this project?
The use of technology benefits this project because, students would not be able to
experience and/or see the building and internal areas (justice offices) without the internet
source available, school resources, and the personal resources for distance students.

Technology has been able to bring historical places from far off places to the fingertips of
each student with the access to the proper technology.

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