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1 Describe completely the state of

polarization oC each oC the following
+'(a) E = i E0 cos (kz - wt) - j E0 cos (kz - wt)
(b) = IE, sin 2v(z/h - vr) - - IE,, sin 2v(z/h - vr) '(c) E = i E, sin (wt - kz) + j E, sin (wt - kz - v/4) '(d) E = i~,c,o s (wt - kz) + IE,,cos (wt - kz +
v/2). - 8;2 Consider the disturbance given by
the expression E(z, t) =
[i cos wt + j cos (wt - v/2)]~,, sin kz. What
kind of wave is it?
Draw a rough sketch showing its main
8.3 Analytically, show that the superposition
of an 9-an d an Ystate
having different amplitudes will yield an %state, as shown in
Fig. 8.8. What must F be to duplicate that
8.4 Write an expression for a 9-state
lightwave of angular frequency
o and amplitude Eo propagating along the xaxis with its plane of
vibration at an angle of 25" to the xy-plane.
The disturbance is zero at
t = 0 and x = 0.
8.5* Write an expression for a 9-state
lightwave of angular frequency
w and amplitude E, propagating along a line in
the xy-plane

at 45" to the x-axis and having its plane of

vibration corresponding to
the .?-plane. At t = 0, y = 0, and x = 0 the
field is zero.
8.6 Write an expression for an <#-state
lightwave of frequency w
propagating in the positive x-direction such
that at t = 0 and x = 0
the E-field points in the negative z-direction.
8.7* A beam of linearly polarized light with its
electric field vertical
impinges perpendicularly on an ideal linear
polarizer with a vertical
transmission axis. If the incoming beam has
an irradiance of 200~/m', what is the irradiance oC the
transmitted beam?
8.8* Given that 300 ~lm'ofli ght from an
ordinary tungsten bulb
arrives at an ideal linear polarizer. What is its
radiant flux density on
8.9* A beam of vertically polarized linear light
is perpendicularly
incident on an ideal linear polarizer. Show that
if its transmission axis
makes an angle oC 60" with the vertical only
25% of the irradiance
will be transmitted by the polarizer.
8.10 If light that is initially natural and of flux
density I; passes

through two sheets of HN-32 whose

transmission axes are parallel.
what will be the flux density of the emerging
8.11* What will be the irradiance of the
emerging beam iC the analyzer
of the previous problem is rotated 30?
8.12* The irradiance of a beam of natural light
is 400 w/m2. It
impinges on the first of two consecutive ideal
linear polarizers whose
transmission axes are 40.0" apart. How much
light emerges from the
8.13* As we saw in Section 8.10, substances
such as sugar and
insulin are opticcrlly active; they rotate the
plane of polarization in
proportion to both the path length and the
concentration of the solution.
A glass vessel is placed between a pair oC
crossed HN-50 linear
polarizers, and 50% of the natural light
incident on the first polarizer
is transmitted through the second polarizer. By
how much did the
sugar solution in the cell rotate the light
passed by the first polarizer?
8.14* The light from an ordinary flashlight is
passed through a linear
polarizer with its transmission axis vertical.
The resulting beam.

having an irradiance of 200 w/m2, is incident

normally on a vertical

8.48* The specific rotatory power lor sucrose

dissolved in water at
20C (A,, = 589.3 nm) is +66.4S0 per 10 cm of
path traversed
through a solution containing 1 g of active
substance (sugar) per cm3
of solution. A vertical .P-state (sodium light)
enters at one end of a 1 m tube containing 1000 cm' of solution, of
which I0 g is sucrose. At
what orientation will the .P-state emerge?
8.49 On examining a piece of stressed
photoelastic material between
crossed linear polarizers, we would see a set
of colored bands
(isochromatics) and, superimposed on these, a
set of dark bands (isoclinics).
How might we remove the isoclinics, leaving
only the
isochromatics? Explain your solution.
Incidentally, the proper
arrangement is independent of the orientation
of the photoelastic
8.50* Consider a Kerr cell whose plates are
separated by a distance
d. Let t? be the efl'ective length of those
plates (slightly dilferent from

the actual length because of Cringing of the

field). Show that
8.51 Compute the halt-wave voltage tor a
long~tud~nPaol ckels cell
made ot ADA (ammon~umd ~hydrogena

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