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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership & M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
Name: Meral Duran

Date: 11/27/2016

This template is adapted from

The plan should guide the LEAs use of education technology for the next three

This technology plan has created for Harmony Science Academy- Houston High School.
Timeline: 7/1/2017- 6/30/2020
Harmony Science Academy- Houston High is a charter high school which serves to 9-12.
The mission of Harmony Science Academy- Houston is preparing all students for collage
with a safe, caring and collaborative environment. The school also has a powerful
intensity on Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics (STEM).

Hispanic 48%

Enrollment 614

Asian 16%

Free/Reduced Lunch 77%

African American 22%

Student to Faculty Ratio 12-1

White 11%

Student to Counselor (12) 14:1

Student to Counselor (9-11) 98:1

Describe how a variety of stakeholders from within the LEA and the communityat-large participated in the planning process.

H. Karan, Area Superintendent

F. Karakuzu, M. Jones, J. Herrera, District Instructional Coaches
M. Subas, Principal
T. Porter, AP Operations and Budget
M. Ucar , IT Manager
J. Kallul, S. Kurnaz, Communication Technology Teachers
C. Browns, M. Adams, C. Rodrigez Parents

Technology planning committee had meetings in every week and monthly meetings with
the all stakeholders during planning process. After all those meetings, the committee
prepared the technology plan.

Summarize the relevant research and describe how it supports the plan's curricular
and professional development goals.
Summarize the plans major curricular and professional development outcomes that
are supported by research.
Describe and cite the relevant research that supports the plans outcomes.
Describe the connection between the research and the plans goals.
Describe information gathered from site visits, including best practices.
Technology has significant place in our daily life, specially in education. Technology
helps to educate children in a successful way, we must have technology integrated
education in all subject areas.
The reason of this technology plan is to give all students a full of technological
instruction and support to expand students success and make them ready to 21st century.
The technology plan develop different levels of policy and curriculum in technology in
school and school district.
Research studies in education demonstrate that the use of technology (e.g., computers)
can help increase students scores on standardized tests (Brain &Ross, 1999), and
improve students inventive thinking (e.g., problem solving) improve students selfconcept and motivation (Sivin-Kachala&Bialo, 2000). Since it is proven that technology

has a positive impact on promoting student success, federal and state governments
establish programs for integration of technology in the schools (Hew &Brush, 2006).
Using technology in schools will help students to be more successful in this everchanging world. That's why all schools need to have a technology plan and use it..
Technology plan is described by the Regional Technology Education Consortia's (RTEC)
Technology Plan Task Force: A technology plan serves as a bridge between traditional
established standards and classroom practice. It articulates, organizes, and integrates the
content and processes of education in a particular discipline with appropriate


The Plan must establish clear goals and realistic strategy for using
telecommunications and information technology to improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

1. What technology is currently available to all teachers?

All teachers are allowed to use the following technological tools:
Hardware: Laptops, Data Projectors, Document Cameras, SMART Whiteboards,
Mimio-Pads, Speakers, Classroom Performance System (Clickers), Chrome-books,
Desktop Computers.
With all these technological tools lessons are being more attractive for students. So that
teachers and students may have a more effective and positive teaching and learning
2. How hardware and software currently being used in classrooms at
each grade level and in each content area?
Study-Island is being used by English Department
ALEKS is being used by Math department
Naviance is being used by College Counseling Department
Eduphoria is being used by All Departments
Stem Scopes is being used by Science Department

1. Is technology currently available to all students?

Students may use desktop-computers in computer laboratories . Students can use their
Chromebooks during the lessons of the teacher allow them to use. Calculators can be
used by students. Also When students need to use other technological tools which are
stated above, they can use with supervision.
2. What replacement cycle has been built into the plan; and what
funding is needed to support the replacement policy?
Technology policy is a part of technology course syllabus in HSA-Houston High. The
policy says: Students and their parents need to keep in mind that use of School
Technology is a privilege and not a right and that everything done on any School owned
computer, network, or electronic communication device may be monitored by school
authorities. Inappropriate use of School Technology may cause restricted or banned
computer use, disciplinary consequences, removal from courses, loss of credit, receiving
a failing grade, and/or legal action as stated in Student Code of Conduct.

1. What funding sources, including federal, state, or local programs are

available to support the plan?
HSA-Houston High has won government Race to the Top- District grant which is the
primary support of innovation. HSA- Houston High needs to use this grant to
increase the usage of technology in school. They can arrange some workshop for
teachers to expand technology usage in their lessons. They also can buy new
technological tools.
2. What grant writing opportunities are available? Would allocating
resources for grant writing proposals be a viable option?
The school will apply to one of the important grant which is 84.327S-01 SteppingUp Technology Implementation and it gives $471,526. HSA -High will Technology

committee will work on a proposal letter to win this grant.

1. How are students using online communication technologies,

including but not limited to social networking and instant
School uses a domain school e-mail to have a connection with their teachers. Besides
that, teachers are being encouraged to have and use Edmodo which is an educational
technology. With Edmodo teacher get in touch easy with the students and the parents.
Edmodo also offers collaboration and coaching tools for the all grades teachers.
2. What materials will be used to instruct students about Internet safety,
including how to use technologies to protect themselves and their
privacy online?
HSA-Houston High plannig to have a cyber bullying conference by a professional to
make students aware of Internet safety. Furthermore, technology course teachers are
planning to prepare informational handouts for students. Teachers also planning to
post different informational posters about the cyber bullying on schools' bulletin
The Plan must have a professional development strategy to ensure that staff
understands how to use these new technologies to improve education services
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

1. What do teachers and administrators consider as their needs for

professional development?
21st century schools must provide well organized and targeted professional development
workshops for educators to encourage them to use technology in their lessons and

integrate technology into curriculum. Administrators and educators must work together
with other educators to analyze available research, as well as to figure out technologies fit
for each subject. These efforts will help teachers to integrate technology into curriculum.
Henceforth bringing more resources options into the classroom; increasing student
engagement to class; and providing effective new teaching tools for teachers.
Since HSA-Houston High has begun executing STEM Program, technological mastery
and implementing technology skills of administrators and teachers have an important role
to be successful implementing STEM program. All of the administrators and teachers
needs to be aware of the significance of technology usage. School wants Math and
science teachers to join two trainings in a year. Also other teachers should have at least
one training to use technology in correct ways in their lessons to prepare 21st century
learners to this technological world.
2. How does your LEA regularly assess teachers ability to utilize
technology in a standards-based curriculum?
Administrators and district instructional coaches will make walk-throughs and
observations to check how technology tools are being used in classrooms.

1. What professional development will be provided to ensure

teachers and administrators will be able to effectively accomplish
the curricular goals for students described in section 2?
Professional development sessions will be arranged for school-wide and district-wide to
train all teachers to get to know and use new technologies in their lessons. Additionally,
all teachers will be encouraged to attend new technology trainings. All expenses will be
reimbursed for this trainings.
2. How will teachers and administrators be trained and provided ongoing support in the effective integration of technology into the
Trainings will based on hands-on technology to be sure all teachers and administrators

will be able to use technology in their lessons and professions effectively.

The Plan must include an assessment of the telecommunication services,
hardware, software, asset management, and other services that will be needed to
improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

1. What technologies are available to facilitate home/school

communication such as email, web pages, and voice mail?
HSA- Houston High has a good communication system between school and parents.
School gets all parents' email addresses and telephone numbers at the beginning of the
year. School will send e-mails to parents when they need. Also they make phone calls and
send text messages to communicate with parents. HSA-Houston High also has a very
useful web site. The website is being updated regularly by the IT manager of the school.
On the website, they also have Let's Talk tools, to communicate with existing parents,
future parents and the community members.
2. What technology access do parents have at home? What
technologies do parents prefer for home/school communication?
At the beginning of the school year, school will give a survey to ask parents what type of
technology can be used to communicate with them. The school is located in a ares
which has lots of low-income families. That's why some of the parents do not have
internet at their homes, even on their phones. By asking the communication way to the
parents, the school wants to not leave any parents who do not know what's happening in
the school.

1. Where will the technology be placed (WI-FI System) to effectively

support the Curriculum and Professional Development components
(mobile labs, classrooms, handheld technologies, etc)?

School has an effective WI-FI system inside to make all stakeholders use technology
2. What filtering software will be used to prevent staff or student

access to inappropriate Internet sites (AB 307 and CIPA)?

School will use the Norton Internet Security. This software will be used as a filtering
The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school to monitor
progress toward the specific goals and make mid-course corrections in response
to new developments and opportunities as they arise.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

1. What indicators of success will be used to evaluate whether

implementation of the plan has made a positive impact on student
Students will have benchmark and practice state assessments tests. After testings,
administrators and teachers will evaluate the test results see how the usage of technology
affects students' learning. Is there a positive interrelationship between usage of
technology and students success?According to the results of evaluation, the technology
committee can make some changes on the technology plan
2. Who will participate in the monitoring and evaluation process?
During the evaluation process, administrators and teachers will have the main roles for

1. How will teachers, parents, and other stakeholders provide

suggestions and opinions in the evaluation process?
Quarterly an online survey will be send to all stakeholders to ask their suggestions and

opinions. Also a paper-based survey will be sent to the parents who do not have internet
2. What is the schedule for collecting and aggregating data and
analyzing results?
Data-analysis has a very important place in technology plan. With data-analyzing the
school will check and see how technology plan works. Is it useful or not? For this
reason, technology plan committee will have a meeting on the last day of every month
and they will be able to make any changes on the technology pan if needed.

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