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Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

To: John McLean

From: Raysean Joseph
Subject: Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Akkad, O. E., & Bowness, S. (2013, February 26). Telework or teamwork?
Yahoo and the evolution of the office. Retrieved from
In this article the authors discuss how telecommuting has worked and failed
within a few companies. Companies like Yahoo who banned working from home to
pursue other ways in keeping the company more competitive, Telus who stumbled
across telecommuting when Olympic organizers asked them to minimize workers
entering downtown, resulted in telecommuting being a success for them. You've
also got others in which prefer to work in office spaces because they enjoy the
different environment/scenery. In conclusion in many different companies
telecommuting can and cannot work, some workers find it helpful working from
home some prefer office hours, companies must create opportunities to negate
those issues from occurring. The relevance of this article is that it shows how
companies can provide opportunities within different fields of work where
telecommuting can be beneficial for workers and the company. For example Phone
companies, IT workers and call-centres etc... provide cell phones and/or laptops that
are linked to their system where workers can connect and work from home when
convenient, or go into the office to interact and here different viewpoints in order to
make better decisions.
Bhiro, M. M. (2014, January 12). Telecommuting Is The Future of Work.
Retrieved from
In this article it discusses the way companies can make telecommuting work.
Both sides of a company, managers and employees, both have major parts to play
in making telecommuting successful. From recruiting the right candidates with the
right skills, attitudes and work ethic, also managers must understand and work with
their employees to make a better telecommuting team. Employees must have the
right skills necessary for that field of work, this requires employees to know
themselves, to be self-motivated, focused, curious and flexible. In conclusion
managers and employees must collaborate, know themselves and know the culture

and people you will interact with. This article is relevant through its ability to give us
insight on how telecommuting can succeed within a company and the necessary
skills an employee must have, the understanding and communication managers
must have in order for it to succeed.
Greer, T. W. (2014, May). Overcoming telework challenges: Outcomes of
successful telework strategies. Overcoming Telework Challenges: Outcomes of
Successful Telework Strategies., 1-1. Retrieved from
In this articles summary, this study gives us a detailed and analytical insight
on the nature of telework and how it can be successful and beneficial to companies.
Through this study we see how companies identified 6 major distractions that effect
a teleworking teams success. These are common distractions in which are known
throughout the world. Although theirs 6 major distractions theirs also 12 ways to
make sure that your teleworking plan succeeds. Through the analytics and studies
of teleworkers and the nature of teleworking theirs been many results and
outcomes that have come out positive pushing towards the importance of
teleworking. In conclusion these strategies can help teleworkers succeed, grow and
overcome all obstacles they may face. Managers play an important role in order to
make teleworkers succeed by providing the necessary equipment, skills and team
culture to help become successful. This article is relevant because it gives us
statistics and analytics to support the reason for most companies pushing towards
Jones, J. M. (2015, August 19). Telecommuting for Work Climbs to 37%.
Retrieved from
This article is a study of how telecommuting in the US has climbed 37% more
than previous years. The improvement of technology has allowed for telecommuting
to be preferable by workers if the position calls for it, most of these workers are well
educated, higher paid and have white-collar career jobs. The study shows theres
different ways to telecommute where workers work office hours, as well as working
additional time at home which at one point was the most common way of
telecommuting, but now workers prefer to telecommute during work hours, a lot of
times workers are taking out a few days a month when convenient to telecommute

while on other days are in the office, this shows the growth in telecommuting. This
study also shows the productivity of telecommuters has grown evenly with those
who work in the office. In conclusion surveys and studies show the growth of
telecommuting and how it has become a big part of companys benefits nowadays,
which shows its relevance in today's society giving employees a better chance at
balancing life.
Mahler, Julianne. "The Telework Divide: Managerial and Personnel Challenges
of Telework." Sage. Sage, n.d. Web.
This article discusses analytics and finding based on telecommuting show the
advantages and also limitations of telecommuting. This study shows how
telecommuting can be be inexpensive and profitable but companies must not allow
those factors to get in the way of the bigger picture which is the limitations of
telecommuting, which make work life harder for employees to communicate, focus,
organize and properly balance out there work, telecommuting also give companies
a harder time in managing employees and their productivity. In conclusion
telecommuting can work but also can be difficult if recruiting and training are not
done properly companies must recruit workers that have the necessary skills and
work ethic in order to succeed in telecommuting, and vice versa employees must be
to balance everything and continue to be focused, self-motivated, and hardworking,
managers and employees must find a balance and communicate as a well-rounded
team to make telecommuting work.

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