Multimedia Lesson

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Name: Carolann Gifford

Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Content Area: Social Studies
Technology Used (check all that apply):





Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

SS2H1 Describe the lives and contributions of historical figures in Georgia history.
f. Jimmy Carter (leadership and human rights)
Brief Description of Learning Experience:
Teachers will direct and assist students in creating a video like my sample video. After covering a topic and learning about a
specific person/thing students will create a video showing pictures and videos that they have gathered together such as my
example with Jimmy Carter. This project will most likely take around a week to complete and will be an end of the unit project.
The students will share their video with their peers in class and with their parents through our class blog. The students work will
be assessed by the teacher using a rubric of what they included/did not include. They will be required to grade themselves before
the teacher will grade them to see if there are any improvements that they may want to address before finalizing and turning in
their project.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking:
This lesson would reach a LoTi level four because students are engaging in higher order thinking as they are creating an
authentic video on a topic that they must research to find pictures and videos to create. They are also producing original
products that they created and are sharing these products with their classmates and parents through publishing it to the
class blog.
Importance of technology:
A multimedia authoring tool is critical for this lesson idea because without it students could not create an original video. They
would not be able to put an actual video or sounds/audio in it without it being a multimedia video creation tool. This project
could be done in a similar way without this technology where students could create a physical book using still pictures but would
not be able to put in sound/audio or a video to enhance it. They would also not be able to publish to share with parents and peers
on the class blog if they created an actual physical book. The technology aspect would definitely be lost without using this tool to
help create a video. This tool extends students learning and creative abilities in creating their project.
Inspiration (optional):

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Briefly discuss some possible issues surrounding internet safety and student
privacy that could arise while implementing this learning experience and explain how youd minimize risks to
students/yourself, alleviate any fears by parents/administrators, and follow school districts Internet Safety/Use Policy.
This multimedia authoring tool poses no issues to internet safety/privacy concerns. The only student information that may be
present in the video that students create is their name which could be taken off or changed when they publish to the class blog if
parents are concerned/dont allow their students information to be given. However, putting only their name in the video does not
hinder or go against our county laws as a students name is considered directory information.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:
I used Windows Movie Maker to create a model or example for this lesson idea. I used a second grade social studies
standard that focused on Jimmy Carter and his life and presidency. This example is like something that a student would
create using Movie Maker.

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