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SkyPilot Networks Administration Guide

2005 SkyPilot Networks, Inc. All rights reserved

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SkyPilot EMS 1.2p1

Document Last Revised: December 19, 2005

Table of Contents
About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Audience and Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
How This Guide Is Organized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii
Conventions Used in This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

Chapter 1

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
About Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) . . . . . 4

Chapter 2

Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Provisioning Overview . . . . . . . . . .
Provisioning Parameters Overview. . .
Required Provisioning Parameters . . .
Optional Provisioning Parameters . . .
General Provisioning Guidelines . . . .
Manually Provisioning a Device . . . . .
Automatically Provisioning a Network

Chapter 3



































. 8









Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Monitoring a Networks Topology by Using SkyControl
Monitoring Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitoring Link States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Managing IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix A


Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Managing Software Images
Managing Customers . . . .
Access Control Lists (ACLs) .
SkyPilot Security Manager .
About the SkyPilot MIB . . .
Reports and Statistics . . . .

Chapter 4










SkyPilot EMS Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

Using SkyPilot EMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Managing Network Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Configuring Performance Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Administration Guide | iii

Appendix B

SkyProvision Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

Using SkyProvision . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Searching for Configured Devices . . . .
Configuring Domains . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Node Profiles . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Customers. . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Configuring QoS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring Software Images . . . . . . .

Appendix C


















. . 88
. . 91
. . 91
. . 94
. 100
. 103
. 106
. 109
. 112
. 114
. 117

















. 124
. 129
. 131
. 136
. 141

Command-Line Interface Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Accessing the Command-Line Interface
Using the Command-Line Interface . . .
Command Summary . . . . . . . . . . . .
Provisioning Parameters Scope. . . . . .
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix E


SkyControl Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Using SkyControl. . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing Your SkyPilot Network. . .
Configuring Data Collection Tasks .
Using Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing Statistics . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix D


















. 144
. 147
. 148
. 153
. 155

Web-Based Command Tool Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

About the Web-Based Command Tool . . .
Accessing the Web-Based Command Tool.
Link Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Provisioning Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Password Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Version Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Utilities Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .















. 254
. 254
. 260
. 261
. 275
. 276
. 278

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

iv | Table of Contents

About This Guide

This document contains guidelines for performing operations, administration, and
maintenance tasks for SkyPilot network deployments. Topics discussed include
using SkyProvision to provision SkyPilot devices, using SkyControl to monitor a
SkyPilot network, and troubleshooting.
This chapter explains whats in this guide and how its organized.

Chapter Highlights
Audience and purpose
How this guide is organized
Conventions used in this guide

Administration Guide | v

Audience and Purpose

This guide is intended for administrators who are responsible for managing a
SkyPilot network. It explains ongoing operations, administration, and maintenance
tasks, such as provisioning SkyPilot devices, customizing a SkyPilot network, and
monitoring SkyPilot status.
This guide assumes administrator-level knowledge of IP networks and a familiarity
with wireless networking. Additionally, the procedures assume that SkyPilot
devices have already been successfully installed and configured according to the
instructions in the following documents:
Getting Started with the SkyPilot Network
SkyGateway and SkyExtender Installation and Configuration Manual
SkyConnector Indoor Installation Guide
SkyConnector Outdoor Installation Guide
OS Installation Guide: Red Hat Linux 9.0
OS Installation Guide: Fedora Core 2
OS Installation Guide: Red Hat Enterprise
SkyPilot EMS Installation Guide
Complete SkyPilot documentation is available on the SkyPilot website at


This document does not include complete information about the

SkyExtender DualBand. For DualBand installation, configuration, and
detailed provisioning information, refer to the SkyExtender DualBand
Installation and Setup Guide.

vi | About This Guide

How This Guide Is Organized

This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the SkyPilot Networks hardware and
software components, as well as the operations, administration, and
maintenance tasks that you can perform.
Chapter 2, Operations, describes how to provision SkyPilot devices (either
manually or automatically) and provides guidelines for customizing SkyPilot
Chapter 3, Administration, describes routine maintenance tasks, such as
managing software and customers, configuring security, and creating reports,
and directs you to the corresponding detailed procedures.
Chapter 4, Maintenance, describes techniques for operating and maintaining
your SkyPilot network, as well as solutions to common troubleshooting issues.
Appendix A, SkyPilot EMS Reference, provides detailed instructions for
SkyPilot network management functions that arent specific to SkyProvision or
Appendix B, SkyProvision Reference, provides detailed instructions for
configuring provisioning parameters for automatically provisioned devices,
and for performing administrative functions for your SkyPilot network.
Appendix C, SkyControl Reference, provides detailed instructions for SkyPilot
network administrative and maintenance functions.
Appendix D, Command-Line Interface Reference, provides instructions for
accessing SkyPilot devices command-line interface, as well as detailed
descriptions of all the available commands.
Appendix E, Web-Based Command Tool Reference, provides instructions for
accessing SkyPilot devices Web-based command tool, as well as detailed
descriptions of all the available commands.
The Glossary provides a list of terms and definitions relating to wireless
broadband in general, and the SkyPilot network in particular.

How This Guide Is Organized | vii

Conventions Used in This Guide

This section describes the text and syntax conventions used throughout this

Text Conventions
This guide uses the following text conventions:
Italic is used to introduce new terms.
Bold is used to indicate what you click or type in a graphical user interface (for
example, commands names or text being entered). In examples showing user
interaction with the command-line interface, bold is used to indicate user
input as opposed to command output.
A monospace font is used for code elements (variable names, data values,
function names, and so forth), command lines, scripts, and source code
Italic-monospace is used for replaceable elements and placeholders

within code listings.

Syntax Conventions
This guide uses the following conventions when showing syntax:
Angle brackets, < and >, enclose mandatory elements. You must enter
these elements. For example:
ping <IP-address>

Square brackets, [ and ], enclose optional elements. You can omit these
elements. For example:
show filter [filter-table-number]

Square brackets are also used to show the current value of parameters in the
output of some commands.
A vertical bar, |, separates choices. For example:
show bridge [cache|port]

viii | About This Guide

After deploying your SkyPilot network (as described in the Getting Started with the
SkyPilot Network guide), you will need to perform operations, administration, and
maintenance (OAM) tasks to increase performance, stability, and reliability. This
chapter describes these tasks and the tools you use to perform them.

Chapter Highlights
System overview
About operations, administration, and maintenance (OAM)

Administration Guide | 1

System Overview
SkyPilot Networks delivers a wireless, end-to-end broadband solution that
seamlessly supports high-capacity, high-coverage networks. Designed for
managed-access networks and service providers, the SkyPilot network takes
broadband wireless the last mile with a cost-effective, robust infrastructure
SkyPilot gives carriers an opportunity to expand rapidly into new markets and
extend their offerings to include VoIP and high-bandwidth applications such as
video and location-based services. The SkyPilot solution offers a tipping point for
converting dial-up customers to broadband, and will help drive the growth of
neighborhood hotspots, offering ubiquitous wireless connectivity to local

Hardware Components
A SkyPilot network includes the following physical components:
SkyGatewayOperates as a base station for your wireless network. It
provides an interface between wired infrastructure and a wireless network of
subscribers who enjoy secure, high-speed access to the Internet or wide area
A SkyPilot wireless network requires at least one SkyGateway for normal
operations. If desired, you can add additional SkyGateways to increase
network capacity or provide redundancy. The SkyGateway typically resides at
a location that provides easy access to wired infrastructureusually a POP or
data center.


There must be at least one functioning SkyGateway in your SkyPilot

network before any other devices (SkyExtenders or SkyConnectors)
can form communications links.

SkyExtenderFunctions as a repeater and extends the wireless range of a

SkyGateway. SkyExtenders are optional equipment; by adding them to your
network, you can expand your coverage area and provide redundancy

2 | Chapter 1 Introduction

through SkyPilots mesh-networking features. SkyExtenders provide a costeffective way to add capacity and balance network loads.
A SkyExtenders Ethernet interface can supply local subscriber service in
addition to wirelessly forwarding data on behalf of other end users.
SkyExtender DualBandCombines SkyPilots long-range, high-capacity
5 GHz mesh backhaul with a high-powered 802.11b/g access point that allows
service providers and municipalities to offer standard Wi-Fi services over great
distances, for targeted hot zones or dense, ubiquitous coverage patterns.
SkyConnectorLinks your subscribers to the SkyPilot wireless network. An
Ethernet interface on the SkyConnector enables connecting to the
subscribers computers or a local area network (via a switch or router).
For information about how the SkyPilot components work together in the various
network topologies, refer to Getting Started with the SkyPilot Network.

Software Components
The software components of a SkyPilot system are:
SkyProvisionA server-based application that automates device
provisioning by enabling devices to get their configuration information from
the SkyPilot EMS server. SkyProvision is also used for updating network node
firmware and for setting device and system configuration options.
SkyControlAn SNMP management system for real-time device
monitoring and management. This software provides a graphical view of your
network topology with at-a-glance updates on topology, routing, and
performance. SkyControl supports both standard and private MIBs.
Third-party applicationsProvided as part of the SkyPilot EMS server
installation. The server package includes open-source versions of FTP, HTTP,
and DHCP servers plus an open-source database for storing device
configuration information. For more information about these third-party
applications, refer to the SkyPilot EMS Installation Guide.
Command-line interfaceA text-based interactive application built into all
SkyPilot devices. This interface enables you to manually provision a device,
retrieve information about the devices status, and do real-time logging.

System Overview | 3

Web-based command toolA Web serverbased application built into all

SkyPilot devices. This tool provides a subset of the command-line interface
functionality in an easier to use graphical interface.
For more information about how to use the software components, see OAM
Tools and Resources on page 5.

About Operations, Administration, and

Maintenance (OAM)
After deploying your SkyPilot network, you will need to perform operations,
administration, and maintenance (OAM) tasks to optimize performance and
uptime. Operations refer to ongoing provisioning and customizing activities.
Administration involves routine management tasks, such as managing software
and customers, configuring security, and creating reports. Maintenance
encompasses system monitoring, address management, and troubleshooting

OAM Tasks
A SkyPilot network administrator is usually responsible for the tasks described in
Table 1-1.
Table 1-1. OAM Tasks

Refer To

Provisioning SkyPilot devices

Provisioning Overview on page 8

Managing devices firmware

Managing Software Images on page 42

Creating reports

Reports and Statistics on page 48

Monitoring system status

Monitoring a Networks Topology by

Using SkyControl on page 52
Monitoring Alarms on page 53
Monitoring Link States on page 53


4 | Chapter 1 Introduction

Troubleshooting on page 57

OAM Tools and Resources

Table 1-2 describes the tools and resources related to performing OAM tasks.
Table 1-2. OAM Tools and Resources
Tool or Resource



SkyProvision is a component of the SkyPilot EMS (Element

Management System) that automates device provisioning
by enabling devices to get their configuration information
from the EMS server. Using SkyProvision, you create
configuration profiles that are distributed to devices across
the wireless mesh network.
For more information see Automatically Provisioning a
Network on page 35.


SkyControl is an SNMP management system for real-time

monitoring and management of automatically provisioned
devices. This software provides a graphical view of your
network topology with at-a-glance updates on topology,
routing, and performance. SkyControl supports both
standard and private MIBs. Like SkyProvision, SkyControl is
a component of the SkyPilot EMS.
For more information, see Monitoring a Networks
Topology by Using SkyControl on page 52.


A comprehensive command-line interface is built into all

SkyPilot devices.
For more information, see Command-Line Interface
Provisioning on page 35.

command tool

A comprehensive Web serverbased interface is built into

all SkyPilot devices.
For more information, see Web-Based Command Tool
Provisioning on page 35.

About Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) | 5

SkyPilot operations tasks include ongoing provisioning and customizing activities.
This chapter describes how to provision SkyPilot devices (either manually or
automatically) and provides guidelines for customizing SkyPilot devices.

Chapter Highlights
Provisioning overview
Provisioning parameters overview
Required provisioning parameters
Optional provisioning parameters
General provisioning guidelines
Manually provisioning a device
Automatically provisioning a network

Administration Guide | 7

Provisioning Overview
Provisioning is the process of customer authorization and service configuration.
When a SkyPilot device is provisioned, it authenticates itself on the network and
downloads the appropriate configuration file containing customer-specific
settings, such as Quality of Service rate limits. This device provisioning is
independent of end-user provisioning, but it can be used to assist with end-user
provisioning by serving IP addresses via DHCP to end-user equipment such as
personal computers and home routers.
Table 2-1 summarizes the steps required to provision a device.
Table 2-1. Device Provisioning Steps

Refer To

Decide whether to
configure the device for
manual or automatic

Choosing a Provisioning Mode on

page 8

Provision the device.

Either of the following:

Manually Provisioning a Device on
page 32
Automatically Provisioning a
Network on page 35

Choosing a Provisioning Mode

SkyPilot offers a choice of two provisioning modes:
ManualAllows device configuration with the minimum settings required
for a wireless link. Configuration settings are stored in flash memory; manually
provisioned devices are not dependent on a SkyPilot EMS server for
configuration. Manual provisioning is a logical choice if youre installing a test
network or rolling out a small-scale installation thats not expected to expand.
For more information about manual provisioning, see Manually Provisioning a
Device on page 32.

8 | Chapter 2 Operations

AutomaticAllows unattended configuration of SkyPilot devices from a

central SkyPilot EMS server at your network operations center (NOC). Although
automatic provisioning requires more initial setup time than manual
provisioning, it greatly simplifies network administration as your network
grows. For more information about automatic provisioning, see Automatically
Provisioning a Network on page 35.

Provisioning Mode and Device Operations

The provisioning mode you choose for devices (automatic or manual) affects the
procedure that devices use to come online.
Figures 2-1, 2-2, and 2-2 illustrate the steps taken by devicesboth manually and
automatically provisionedfrom power-on through the formation of network
Figure 2-1 shows the steps taken by a SkyGateway up to the point at which
the device begins sending hello beacons that other SkyPilot devices can use to
form links on the wireless network.
Figure 2-2 shows the steps taken by SkyExtenders and SkyConnectors up to
the point at which the device starts forming links with other devices on the
wireless network.

Provisioning Overview | 9

Figure 2-1. SkyGateway Power-On and Link Formation

10 | Chapter 2 Operations

Figure 2-2. SkyConnector/SkyExtender Power-On, Link Formation (Page 1 of 2)

Provisioning Overview | 11

Figure 2-2. SkyConnector/SkyExtender Power-On, Link Formation (Page 2 of 2)

12 | Chapter 2 Operations

Mixed Provisioning
If necessary, you can set up a mixed networka SkyPilot network in which
different devices use different provisioning modes. Although a mixed network will
operate normally, individual devices will behave differently depending on the
provisioning mode:
Automatically provisioned devices will establish network links only when
SkyProvision is available to provide configuration information from an EMS
Manually provisioned devices will form network links according to
configuration settings stored in flash memory.
There is no requirement that all devices be configured the same way (automatic
provisioning or any method of manual provisioning). For example, you could use
Command-Line Interface commands to configure or test individual nodes before
adding them to your network.

Provisioning Parameters Overview

Table 2-2 lists the provisioning parameters (as they would be specified from the
command line) and shows whether theyre required or optional, as well as how
they can be set: from the command-line interface (CLI), the Web-based command
tool, and/or SkyProvision.
Table 2-2. Provisioning Parameters (Page 1 of 2)







Depends on system configuration

Can be set indirectly, via profile settings





Provisioning Parameters Overview | 13

Table 2-2. Provisioning Parameters (Page 2 of 2)





















Depends on system configuration

Can be set indirectly, via profile settings

14 | Chapter 2 Operations

Required Provisioning Parameters

Regardless of which provisioning mode you configure for SkyPilot devices, every
device must have the following parameters set before it can be operational:
Frequency (see Frequency on page 16)
Domains (see Domains on page 16)
In addition, if youre planning to operate the device as a manually provisioned
device, you must change the devices provisioning mode from its default
(automatic) to manual.
Depending on your deployment, you may need to configure additional
provisioning parameters:
If virtual local area networks (VLANs) are being used in the wired network to
which the SkyGateway will connect, you need to configure the management
VLAN parameters for the SkyGateway. See Virtual Local Area Networks
(VLANs) on page 17.
If the SkyPilot devices Ethernet interface is configured to autonegotiate but
the device fails to negotiate Ethernet connectivity, you may need to configure
the Ethernet interface for a fixed speed and duplexity. See Ethernet Interface
on page 19.
If the network is using a nonstandard netkey (that is, anything other than the
default netkey, SkyPilot Networks, Inc.), you need to set the devices
netkey to match the other devices. See set netkey on page 180. (The netkey
cant be changed using SkyProvision or the Web-based command tool.)
Although not required by SkyPilot devices in order to forward end-user data,
you should configure the IP address information so that you can access the
device itself. See Managing IP Addresses on page 54.
Depending on client requirements for networks containing SkyExtender
DualBands, you may need to reconfigure the DualBands default WPA-shared
key, publicpublic. For information about configuring the DualBand, refer to
the SkyExtender DualBand Installation and Setup Guide.

Required Provisioning Parameters | 15

In order for devices within a SkyPilot network to form links, they must operate on
the same frequencies. You can configure a variety of frequency settings, including
the primary (preferred) frequency, multiple allowed frequencies, and the dwell
time a device waits on its primary frequency before attempting to use a frequency
from its Allow list to achieve successful communications with network nodes.
Which frequencies you can set depends on the device:
SkyGatewayThe frequency over which it will be broadcasting. (For
SkyGateways, this is the primary frequency; the Allow list is ignored.)
SkyExtenders and SkyConnectorsThe primary frequency, as well as the
range of frequencies that the device is allowed to use in its hunting.
SkyExtenders and SkyConnectors dwell on the primary frequency longer than
frequencies in their Allow list.
For manually provisioned devices, you set the frequency by using the set prov
freq command, described on page 190.

For automatically provisioned devices, you modify the frequency settings in the
node profile thats assigned to the device (see Configuring Node Profiles on
page 94).

A single domain can be defined to encompass your entire SkyPilot network,
including all its nodes. Or domains can be used to segregate a network into two or
more smaller networks, where each smaller network has the same characteristics
as the larger network:
One or more SkyGateways
One or more SkyConnectors
Any number of SkyExtenders (including none)


A SkyConnector can be configured to belong to a single domain or all

domains. If configured for only a single domain, it can use any of the
SkyGateways within its domain, and it will choose the one with the lowest
cost route, taking into account the current bandwidth available in both

16 | Chapter 2 Operations

directions (upstream/downstream), as well as the throughput available

further along the route to the ultimate destination. The SkyConnector
cannot, however, form links with SkyGateways outside its domain even if
those SkyGateways are operating at a frequency in the devices Allow list.
Conversely, if the SkyConnector belongs to all domains, it can join any
device operating on an allowed frequency, regardless of that devices
Typical domain configuration activities include:
Creating a domain for each SkyGateway and then load-balancing the
SkyConnectors across multiple SkyGateways (domains). In addition to
performance considerations, load balancing enables you to offer differentiated
services. For example, a smaller number of business users could be assigned to
one SkyGateway, while a larger number of residential users could be allocated
to a second SkyGateway.
Establishing domains with multiple SkyGateways that provide redundancy. In
this case, the SkyConnectors will select a SkyGateway based on cost route. If a
SkyGateway goes offline, the SkyConnectors using that SkyGateway
automatically select another SkyGateway within the same domain.
For manually provisioned devices, you set the domain by using the set prov
domain command, described on page 189.

For automatically provisioned devices, you use the Domain Maintenance function
within SkyProvision to add, modify, and delete domains (see Configuring
Domains on page 91), and then you apply the domains to node profiles (see
Configuring Node Profiles on page 94).

Virtual Local Area Networks ( VLANs)

Virtual local area networks (VLANs) are portions of a network that are configured as
logical topologies defined by software, connected to the same physical network
infrastructure. Devices on separate VLANs of a network behave as if theyre on
physically separated networks. VLANs function by logically segmenting the
network into different broadcast domains so that packets are switched only
between ports that are designated for the same VLAN.

Required Provisioning Parameters | 17

VLANs offer significant performance benefits, such as efficient use of bandwidth,

flexibility, performance, and security, by enabling the following capabilities:
Restricting the dissemination of broadcast and node-to-node traffic, thereby
reducing the burden of extraneous network traffic.
Using standard router-based security measures (since all packets traveling
between VLANs must also pass through a router).
Segregating and switching ISP traffic. Wholesale operators can offer end users
a choice of any provider instead of only the provider operating a particular
network. In such cases, each SkyConnector would be assigned to a single ISP.
Additionally, end user data can be separated by assigning VLANs to each
SkyExtender or SkyConnectors Ethernet interface.
Isolating management traffic from user traffic. You can configure a
management VLAN, independent of a VLAN for end users. Management traffic
is thereby segmented and secure.
There are two types of VLAN:
Management VLANUsed to tag and strip data with a configured VLAN ID
as the data enters or exits the management interface of a device. In a SkyPilot
network, you configure the management VLAN only on the SkyGateway,
which then automatically propagates the VLAN configuration throughout the
You must manually configure the SkyGateway VLAN because the VLAN tag
can affect whether the SkyGateways management traffic can reach a
provisioning server (the EMS server).
Data VLANUsed to tag and strip data with a configured VLAN ID as the data
enters or exits the Ethernet interface of SkyExtenders and SkyConnectors. The
VLAN tag is added on a per SkyExtender and SkyConnector basis.
A SkyConnectors or SkyExtenders Ethernet interface can be associated with either
a single VLAN or no VLAN. When configured to a VLAN, all user Ethernet traffic
transmitted upstream by a SkyConnector or SkyExtender is tagged with the
configured VLAN ID. However, this VLAN tag is stripped from all Ethernet packets
sent from a local SkyConnector or SkyExtender 10/100bT Ethernet interface.
(Packets forwarded by the SkyGateway and SkyExtenders retain the VLAN tag.)

18 | Chapter 2 Operations


To avoid time-consuming troubleshooting, remember that once a

SkyConnector or SkyExtender is configured to a VLAN, any packets
received through their 10/100bT ports that contain a different VLAN tag
are dropped. (In contrast, if a SkyConnector or SkyExtender is not
configured to a VLAN, any tagged packets are forwarded unchanged.)

For a manually provisioned device, you configure its VLAN by using the
command-line interface command (see set prov vlan on page 193) or its
Web-based command tool counterpart (see VLAN Page on page 264).
For automatically provisioned devices, you use SkyProvision to add, modify, and
delete VLANs (see Configuring VLANs on page 103).

Ethernet Interface
A nodes 10/100bT Ethernet interface can be enabled or disabled; and its physical
settings configured for autonegotiation or set to full or half duplex, and its speed
set to 100 or 10.
For SkyExtender-only applications (that is, where there is no subscriber interface),
if you do not plan to connect any devices to a SkyExtenders Ethernet interface,
you may want to disable the Ethernet interface for security reasons.
For SkyConnector-only or combined applications (where a SkyExtender forms
wireless links to SkyConnectors and serves a local customer via the SkyExtenders
Ethernet interface), you can selectively enable or disable the Ethernet interface to
control subscriber access.
For manually provisioned devices, you set the Ethernet interface status by using
the command-line interface command (see set eth on page 172) or its Webbased command tool counterpart (see Ethernet Page on page 267).
For automatically provisioned devices, you use the Node Profile function within
SkyProvision to create profiles with the desired Ethernet interface status (see
Configuring Node Profiles on page 94), and then you apply the node profiles to
specific nodes (see Configuring Nodes on page 100).

Required Provisioning Parameters | 19

Optional Provisioning Parameters

As shown in Table 2-2, most of the provisioning parameters are optional. That is,
you dont have to set them in order for your SkyPilot network devices to be
operational. However, to fully utilize and customize SkyPilot utilities such as
reporting, youll typically set many of the provisioning parameters discussed in
these sections:
SNMP on page 20
Time Zones on page 22
Quality of Service (QoS) on page 22
Filtering on page 27
You can find information about the remaining optional parameters listed in
Table 2-2 in the applicable reference appendices:
Appendix B, SkyProvision Reference
Appendix C, SkyControl Reference
Appendix D, Command-Line Interface Reference
Appendix E, Web-Based Command Tool Reference

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a standard for gathering
statistical data about network traffic and the behavior of network components.
SNMP uses management information bases (MIBs), which define what information
is available from any manageable network device.
SNMP is an application-layer protocol designed to facilitate the exchange of
management information between network devices. By using SNMP-transported
data (such as packets per second and network error rates), network administrators
can manage network performance, find and solve network problems, and plan for
network growth.

20 | Chapter 2 Operations


Although you can disable SNMP for a device, its highly recommended
that you do not. If you disable SNMP for any device, your monitoring
capabilities with SkyControl will be limited, providing an incomplete
picture of your SkyPilot network.

SNMP Community Strings

A community string functions as an identifier (similar to a user ID) that allows
access through an SNMP agent to network information or objects defined within a
devices MIB. The community string is transmitted with all SNMP requests to a
device. If the community string is correct (it matches the configured value), the
device responds with the requested information. If the community string is
incorrect, the device simply discards the request and does not respond. There are
two types of community string for SNMP-capable devices:
Read-onlyEnables a remote device to retrieve information from an SNMPcapable device. The read-only community string is user-configurable and
should be changed from its default value, public. The read-only string is also
referred to as an SNMP get.
Read-writeAllows a remote device to read information from, and modify
settings on, an SNMP-capable device. The read-write community string is userconfigurable and should be changed from its default value, private. The
read-write string is also referred to as an SNMP set.

SNMP Trap Receivers

SNMP trap receivers instruct a node where to send SNMP traps. To avoid having
an impact on performance, SkyPilot recommends a maximum of 10 trap receivers.

Configuring SNMP
For manually provisioned devices, you configure SNMP by using the commandline interface command (see set snmp on page 196) or its Web-based
command tool counterpart (see SNMP Page on page 266).
For automatically provisioned devices, you use the Node Profile function within
SkyProvision to create profiles with the desired SNMP settings (see Configuring
Node Profiles on page 94), and then you apply the node profiles to specific nodes
(see Configuring Nodes on page 100).

Optional Provisioning Parameters | 21

Time Zones
You can specify an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server IP address and set the GMT
offset for accurate time. The NTP server provides the time to NTP clients (SkyPilot
nodes). When a SkyPilot node starts up, it has a default time of January 1, 1970.
Using an NTP server, the node adjusts its time to be synchronized with the NTP
server, which is usually UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) or GMT.
SkyPilot equipment does not display the correct time until an NTP server is
specified. You must either provide an NTP server option in your DHCP
configuration file or set the time zone during provisioning (by using commandline interface or Web-based command tool manual provisioning, or by setting the
time zone in an automatically provisioned nodes node profile).

Quality of Service (QoS)

To maintain high QoS, the SkyPilot network implements a variety of controls:
Ingress rate controlThe SkyPilot system offers support for operatorconfigured maximum data rates in both the downstream (traffic going to a
subscriber) and upstream (traffic coming from a subscriber) directions. The
SkyGateway controls the maximum downstream rate on a per-subscriber
basis, while the individual subscriber nodes control the maximum upstream
rate. This policing and shaping of traffic at the ingress points of the network
controls access to critical bandwidth resources and minimizes the QoS
mechanisms needed for traffic routed through the mesh network.
Scheduling fairnessTo manage any shared-access system (including
wireless broadband) economically, a network operator must be able to
oversubscribe user data rates relative to the overall bandwidth of the system.
Therefore, there will likely be times when the overall demand is higher than
the available bandwidth. SkyGateway supports per-subscriber queuing in the
downstream direction, with queue control based on the configured maximum
downstream rate for each subscriber. These mechanisms ensure that each
user receives a proportionate share of available bandwidth during
oversubscribed periods.
PrioritizationSkyPilot software architecture allows for prioritization of data
based on protocol type, IP address, or other differentiators. This provides a

22 | Chapter 2 Operations

means of prioritizing the transmission of VoIP packets and any other type of
Traffic rate controlsYou can set traffic levels based on subscription rates.
For example, you could create a gold level for fastest service and a silver level
for slower service. The traffic levels are achieved by rate limiting. In
oversubscription conditions the data rates from subscribers will be reduced
proportionally. That is, a user with a 1 Mbps configured rate could be reduced
to 500 Kbps, while a configured rate of 500 Kbps is reduced to 250 Kbps.
QoS classifiersThese are used to classify traffic according to the types of
packets that will be directed to a subscribers high-priority queue, for both
upstream and downstream traffic. All other traffic will be directed to the
subscribers standard (low-priority) queue.
For any given subscriber, this classification mechanism ensures that all
queued high-priority packets are transferred before any queued low-priority
packets. However, the system as a whole transfers packets based on traffic
rate control and fairness criteria, thus ensuring that the low-priority packets of
one subscriber will continue to flow even when high-priority packets are
queued for another subscriber.


You are not required to configure traffic rate control or QoS classifiers. By
default (that is, with no QoS classifiers applied), there is no restriction on
the maximum throughput, and no traffic priorities or classifications are

Configuring QoS
For manually provisioned devices, you configure QoS by using command-line
interface commands (see set classifier on page 170 and set
trafficrate on page 201) or their Web-based command tool counterparts

(see QoS Pages on page 273).

For automatically provisioned devices, you use the QoS functions within
SkyProvision (see Configuring QoS on page 114).

Optional Provisioning Parameters | 23

Traffic Rate Controls

Table 2-3 lists the elements that describe traffic rate controls.
Table 2-3. Traffic Rate Controls



Unique (within traffic rate control profile names) string of up

to 64 alphanumeric characters. This is used only within

Upstream Rate

Number from 64 to 10,000, specifying upstream traffic rate

(relative to the device using the profile) in kilobits per second.
This has no effect on the SkyGateway.


Number from 64 to 10000, specifying downstream traffic rate

(relative to the device using the profile) in kilobits per second.
This has no effect on the SkyGateway.

Broadcast Rate

Number from 10 to 10,000, specifying the broadcast rate in

kilobits per second. This applies only to SkyGateways.

Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this traffic rate control record was

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this traffic rate control record was
last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

24 | Chapter 2 Operations

QoS Classifiers
Table 2-4 lists the elements that describe QoS Classifiers.
Table 2-4. QoS Classifiers (Page 1 of 3)



Unique (within QoS classifier names) string of up to 64

alphanumeric characters. This is used only within


Matching parameters for the IP ToS (Type of Service) byte

range and mask. An IP packet with IP ToS byte value ip-tos
is considered a match if:
tos-low <= (ip-tos AND tos-mask) <= tos-high

If this field is omitted, then comparison of the IP packet ToS

byte for this entry is irrelevant.

Matching parameters for the IP ToS (Type of Service) byte

range and mask. An IP packet with IP ToS byte value ip-tos
is considered a match if:
tos-low <= (ip-tos AND tos-mask) <= tos-high

If this field is omitted, then comparison of the IP packet ToS

byte for this entry is irrelevant.

Matching parameters for the IP ToS (Type of Service) byte

range and mask. An IP packet with IP ToS byte value ip-tos
is considered a match if:
tos-low <= (ip-tos AND tos-mask) <= tos-high

If this field is omitted, then comparison of the IP packet ToS

byte for this entry is irrelevant.
IP Protocol

Select a name from the protocol list.

IP Protocol

The particular IP protocol, selected from a provided list, or

one of these two special values:
256Matches traffic with any IP protocol value
257Matches both TCP and UDP traffic
Values greater than 257 must be invalidated for comparisons
(that is, no traffic can match this entry).

IP Source

Maximum of 12 digits in dotted notation.

Optional Provisioning Parameters | 25

Table 2-4. QoS Classifiers (Page 2 of 3)



IP Source Mask

Maximum of 15 digits in dotted notation.

IP Destination

Maximum of 12 digits in dotted notation.

IP Destination

Maximum of 15 digits in dotted notation.

TCP/UDP Source
Port Start

(Default = 162) Starting value for the source port as a number

from 1 to 65535. The combination of IP address and port
must be unique within all configured QoS classifiers.

TCP/UDP Source
Port End

(Default = 162) Ending value for the source port as a number

from 1 to 65535. The combination of IP address and port
must be unique within all configured QoS classifiers.

Destination Port

(Default = 162) Starting value for the destination port as a

number from 1 to 65535. The combination of IP address and
port must be unique within all configured QoS classifiers.

Destination Port

(Default = 162) Ending value for the destination port as a

number from 1 to 65535. The combination of IP address and
port must be unique within all configured QoS classifiers.

Source MAC

Maximum of 12 digits in dotted notation.

Source MAC

Maximum of 15 digits in dotted notation.

Destination MAC

Maximum of 12 digits in dotted notation.

Destination MAC

Maximum of 15 digits in dotted notation.

Ether Type

Protocol of the traffic to filter; for example, IPv4 and IPv6. (For
the complete list of protocols, refer to the IEEE website,

User Priority
Level Low

Lower limit of the range of the 801.1p flag in the TCP/IP

header for which packets are forwarded instead of dropped.

26 | Chapter 2 Operations

Table 2-4. QoS Classifiers (Page 3 of 3)



User Priority
Level High

Upper limit of the range of the 801.1p flag in the TCP/IP

header for which packets are forwarded instead of dropped.

Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this QoS classifier record was


Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this QoS classifier record was last


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Filters are used to control user data packet transfer through a SkyPilot network.
The filtering actions are performed on data packets received over the SkyPilot
devices 10/100bT interface. Four protocol fields can be examined. Filtering to
allow or deny packets is applied separately to these protocol fields. If multiple
filters are defined for a given protocol field, the filters are performed in the order in
which theyre listed in the SkyProvision display or command output. The default
filter is always performed last.
Unlike ACLs (access control lists), which examine data destined for a given SkyPilot
node, filters are used to filter all data passing through a given node.
You can configure filters for the following protocol fields:
Ethernet Type Limits the traffic through a node to data of a specific

protocol type. EtherTypes values include the following (refer to the IEEE
website,, for the current
complete listing):

AppleTalk over Ethernet

Optional Provisioning Parameters | 27

IP ProtocolLimits the traffic through a node to IP data of a specific

subprotocol type. Protocol sub-types include:



IP AddressLimits the traffic through a node to data with specified source

and/or destination IP addresses.

PortLimits the traffic through a node to data with a specified port ID, which

generally identifies a subprotocol type. Valid port IDs include:


DHCP Client
DHCP Server

Configuring Filters
For manually provisioned devices, you configure filters by using the commandline interface command (see set filter on page 174) or its Web-based
command tool counterpart (see Filters Page on page 268).
For automatically provisioned devices you use SkyProvision, and select Enable in
the nodes node profile Filter field. You must also set the permission to Allow in
the nodes node profile for the corresponding filter. (For more information, see
Configuring Node Profiles on page 94.)

28 | Chapter 2 Operations

EtherType Filters
Table 2-5 lists the elements that describe EtherType filter records.
Table 2-5. EtherType Filters



Free-form text of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. Each

filter must have a name thats unique (to the given filter type).


IP subprotocol allowed by this filter. For the list of types, refer

to the following IEEE Web page:


Number of the filter level.


(Default = Allow) Allow/deny setting for data that matches

the filtering criteria established by this filter.

Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this filter record was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this filter record was last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

IP Protocol Filters
Table 2-6 lists the elements that describe IP protocol filter records.
Table 2-6. IP Protocol Filters (Page 1 of 2)



Free-form text of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. Each

filter must have a name thats unique (to the given filter type).


IP subprotocol allowed by this filter. For the list of types, refer

to the following IEEE Web page:

Protocol Number

Number of this filters protocol.


(Default = Allow) Allow/deny setting for data that matches

the filtering criteria established by this filter.

Optional Provisioning Parameters | 29

Table 2-6. IP Protocol Filters (Page 2 of 2)



Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this filter record was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this filter record was last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

IP Address Filters
Table 2-7 lists the elements that describe IP address filter records.
Table 2-7. IP Address Filters (Page 1 of 2)



Free-form text of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. Each

filter must have a name thats unique (to the given filter type).

IP Address

IP address to compare to a packets source or destination

address to determine how this filter is applied. Up to 12
numeric characters in dot notation.

Subnet Mask

Subnet mask used to group IP address to compare to a

packets source or destination address to determine how this
filter is applied; up to 12 digits in dotted notation.


The packet data to which the IP Address and Subnet Mask

fields are compared, specified as one of the following:
Packet source
Packet destination
Source IP of an ARP request or response


30 | Chapter 2 Operations

(Default = Allow) Allow/deny setting for data that matches

the filtering criteria established by this filter.

Table 2-7. IP Address Filters (Page 2 of 2)



Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this filter record was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this filter record was last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Port Filters
Table 2-8 lists the elements that describe Port filter records.
Table 2-8. Port Filters



Free-form text of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. Each

filter must have a name thats unique (to the given filter type).


Port number to compare to a packets source or destination

port to determine how this filter is applied; a number from 1
to 65535.


(Default = TCP) Protocol allowed by this filter, selected from a



What the filters Port value is compared to, specified as

DestinationData packets destination port
SourceData packets protocol source port

Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this filter record was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this filter record was last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Optional Provisioning Parameters | 31

General Provisioning Guidelines

Some requirements are independent of the provisioning mode you choose. To
ensure that network devices form effective links, always follow these guidelines:
Set the domain of SkyExtenders and SkyConnectors to match the domain
assigned to the SkyGateway, or to all domains.
To allow devices to establish network links more quickly, make sure that the
primary frequency of SkyExtenders and SkyConnectors is the same as the
primary frequency assigned to the SkyGateway.
Avoid adding unused frequencies to a devices allowed frequency list.
Make sure that the netkeys (shared network keys) match on all devices
attempting for form links. All SkyPilot devices ship with a same default public
netkey: SkyPilot Networks, Inc.

Manually Provisioning a Device

Manually provisioned SkyPilot nodes use the parameters configured through the
command-line interface or Web-based command tool. The nodes store the
parameter settings in flash memory, where they remain available for recall when
the device starts up. Once the device starts up, it is operationally ready.
Assuming no security changes have been made that would affect the ability of
SkyPilot devices to proceed (such as VLAN settings, netkey values, or domain IDs),
all SkyPilot devices will discover and establish links with the wireless network
without any required commands, even in manual provisioning mode. However,
the following exceptions apply and can require manual intervention on the part of
the operator:
The SkyGateway must be configured with a primary transmit frequency which
it will use to transmit data and establish links.
If your deployment uses a management VLAN, the VLAN must be manually
configured on the SkyGateway. This is necessary because a VLAN ID could
affect whether SkyPilot management traffic passes through the wired network
to which the SkyGateway is connected through its Ethernet interface.

32 | Chapter 2 Operations

If VLANs have been configured for end-user data in the wired network to
which the SkyGateway is connected through its Ethernet interface, VLANs
must be configured on all SkyExtender and SkyConnector devices in order for
end-user data to be appropriately tagged, sent, and received.
If keys have been changed on connected devices, the new netkey must be
manually configured on any device trying to join that network. This is
necessary because the netkey is the basis for determining if a link is trusted,
therefore making it impossible to rely on automated provisioning to supply
this parameter. If default netkeys are used, no change is necessary.
The remaining configuration settings are optional; theyre not required to be set in
order for a device to join the network and pass end-user data. Changes made
during manual provisioning are stored in flash memory, and therefore do not take
effect until the device is restarted.

Procedure Overview
Table 2-9 summarizes the steps required to manually provision a device.
Table 2-9. Manually Provisioning a Device (Page 1 of 2)

Refer To

Decide whether to
provision the device by
the command-line
interface or Web-based
command tool.

Choosing a Manual Provisioning

Method on page 34

If the device is not already

installed in a SkyPilot
network, prepare the
device for installation by
installing the necessary
cabling and readying the
device for service.

The appropriate installation manual:

Power on the device.

Connect a computer to
the device and access the
command-line interface.

SkyGateway and SkyExtender

Installation and Configuration Manual
SkyConnector Indoor Installation Guide
SkyConnector Outdoor Installation

Appendix D, Command-Line Interface


Manually Provisioning a Device | 33

Table 2-9. Manually Provisioning a Device (Page 2 of 2)


Refer To

Provision the device.

Any one of the following methods,

making sure to set at least the minimum
provisioning parameters (see Required
Provisioning Parameters on page 15):
Appendix D, Command-Line
Interface Reference
Appendix E, Web-Based Command
Tool Reference

Power off the device.

If the device is not already

installed in a SkyPilot
network, complete the

The appropriate installation manual:

SkyGateway and SkyExtender
Installation and Configuration Manual
SkyConnector Indoor Installation Guide
SkyConnector Outdoor Installation

Power on the device.

Choosing a Manual Provisioning Method

There are two methods of performing manual provisioning:
Command-line interface provisioningA full set of command-line
commands for the entire set of configuration options for SkyPilot devices.


The set prov command provides a convenient method for setting

all the basic provisioning parameters for a device. This command
queries you for all the provisioning parameters so that you dont need
to set each parameter individually. For more information, see
Provisioning Batch Command on page 184.

Web-based command tool provisioningA Web serverbased interface

that provides the same set of configuration options as the command-line

34 | Chapter 2 Operations

Command-Line Interface Provisioning

For manual provisioning, all SkyPilot devices provide a command-line interface
that allows you to interact with the equipment through typed commands. (Youll
also use the command-line interface to configure the management VLAN, if any,
when setting up automatic provisioning for a SkyGateway.)
You can access the command-line interface by connecting a PC or laptop to the
devices Ethernet interface and using Telnet to start a communications session.
The SkyGateway and SkyExtender also include a serial port for connecting to a
console via a serial cable.
For details about accessing and using the command-line interface and a full
description of the command-line interface commands, refer to Appendix D,
Command-Line Interface Reference.

Web-Based Command Tool Provisioning

The Web-based command tool provides two levels of access
View-only levelProvides end users with access to a single Web page
displaying the current operating status of a SkyPilot device.
Administrator levelPassword-protected access to multiple pages of
content and a mechanism for modifying the configuration of the monitored
SkyPilot device.
The command tool provides a more accessible alternative to the command-line
interface that an administrator can use to monitor and manage of SkyPilot devices.
For details about accessing and using the Web-based command tool and a full
description of the Web-based command tool commands, refer to Appendix E,
Web-Based Command Tool Reference.

Automatically Provisioning a Network

Automatically provisioned SkyPilot nodes use the parameters configured through
SkyProvision (a graphical interface thats part of SkyPilot EMS). The parameter
settings are stored in a SkyPilot servers database and are retrieved by devices

Automatically Provisioning a Network | 35

upon completion of the devices startup (for SkyGateway) or formation of links (for
SkyExtenders and SkyConnectors). Once the device receives its configuration
information from the server, the device is available to participate in the SkyPilot

Procedure Overview
Table 2-10 summarizes the steps required to automatically provision a network.
Although SkyPilot devices can be provisioned in any order, by following this
sequence you can ensure that devices are able to form links as soon as they come
Table 2-10. Automatically Provisioning a SkyPilot Network (Page 1 of 3)

Refer To

For new SkyPilot network

deployments, custominstall the operating
system software on the
SkyPilot Networks server.

The appropriate installation manual:

For new SkyPilot network

deployments, install the
server component of
SkyPilot EMS, and then
install the client
component of SkyPilot
EMS on any appropriate

SkyPilot EMS Installation Guide

For new SkyGateways, set

up the DHCP server and, if
the provisioning server is
behind a firewall, specify
ports for data traffic
between the server and
SkyPilot devices.

Adding Devices to the DHCP

Configuration File on page 55

36 | Chapter 2 Operations

OS Installation Guide: Red Hat Linux 9.0

OS Installation Guide: Fedora Core 2
OS Installation Guide: Red Hat Enterprise

Table 2-10. Automatically Provisioning a SkyPilot Network (Page 2 of 3)


Refer To

Provision the

The following automatic provisioning

Provisioning a Device on page 38
Starting SkyProvision on page 88
SkyProvision Display Pane on
page 90
Searching for Configured Devices on
page 91

For new SkyGateways,

complete the installation
and power it on.

The appropriate installation manual:

SkyGateway and SkyExtender
Installation and Configuration Manual
SkyConnector Indoor Installation Guide
SkyConnector Outdoor Installation

Optionally, log in to the

SkyGateway and
configure the
management VLAN.

The SkyPilot EMS Interface on page 79

For new SkyExtenders,

install the device and
power it on.

SkyGateway and SkyExtender Installation

and Configuration Manual

Automatically Provisioning a Network | 37

Table 2-10. Automatically Provisioning a SkyPilot Network (Page 3 of 3)


Refer To

Provision the

The following automatic provisioning

Provisioning a Device on page 38
Starting SkyProvision on page 88
SkyProvision Display Pane on
page 90
Searching for Configured Devices on
page 91


For new SkyConnectors,

install the device and
power it on.

The appropriate installation manual:

SkyConnector Indoor Installation Guide
SkyConnector Outdoor Installation


Provision the

The following automatic provisioning

Provisioning a Device on page 38
Starting SkyProvision on page 88
SkyProvision Display Pane on
page 90
Searching for Configured Devices on
page 91

Provisioning a Device
SkyPilot provisioning is a modular process whereby you add specific configuration
parameter building blocks to the database. Then you create a profilea collection
of configuration parameters which can be assigned to multiple devices that
require common parameter settings. This enables you to easily change a
parameter setting for every device using a common profile, just by changing the
parameter setting once, in that profile. After a profile is changed, every device
inherits the change the next time the device requests its configuration.

38 | Chapter 2 Operations

Automatically provisioned devices receive their configuration files from the EMS
server in the following situations:
Every time the device attempts to form a link
Every time the device reroutes
At a previously configured interval within the devices configuration file
When the reload command is entered from the command line
When an SNMP write occurs on the devices MIB reload variable
Table 2-11 describes the necessary steps to configure a SkyPilot device for
automatic provisioning.
Table 2-11. Configuring a Device for Automatic Provisioning


Refer To

For new domains, create the


Configuring Domains on page 91

For new software images, add

them to the database.

Managing Software Images on

page 42

Configure a node profile, which

contains the devices desired
configuration settings.

Configuring Node Profiles on

page 94

Configure a node for the

device, and assign an
appropriate node profile to the

Configuring Nodes on page 100

Optionally, configure a
management or data VLAN to
which the device can be

Configuring VLANs on page 103

This table describes only those SkyProvision functions that are necessary for
enabling a device for automatic provisioning; you can perform many additional
functions using SkyProvision.

Automatically Provisioning a Network | 39


SkyPilot network administration involves routine management tasks, such as
managing software and customers, configuring security, and creating reports. This
chapter describes these management tasks and directs you to the corresponding
detailed procedures.

Chapter Highlights
Managing software images
Managing customers
Access control lists (ACLs)
SkyPilot security manager
About the SkyPilot MIB
Reports and statistics

Administration Guide | 41

Managing Software Images

Every SkyPilot node has two software images embedded in flash memory:
Active imageUsed by the node when it boots.
Backup imageUsed when a node is instructed by a configuration file to
download a new software image; the backup image is overwritten with the
newly downloaded image. Additionally, used if the active image becomes
unbootable, in which case the backup image is automatically selected as the
primary image.
The device assigns each image a state:
AcceptedEither the image is known to be good (the device has successfully
formed links) or its state has been manually set to accepted (via the set
activeimage command, described on page 167).


Its not recommend that you manually accept an image; doing so

can cause an unbootable image to be used.

TrialThe image has been successfully downloaded but has not yet been
used to form links.
UnbootableThe image either was either partially downloaded or was
determined during startup to be corrupt.
Nodes on a SkyPilot network are able to interoperate using different software
versions, with the following restrictions:
Software versions 1.02p2 and earlier are all compatible with each other.
Software versions 1.1 and later are all compatible with each other.
SkyPilot nodes use anonymous FTP to download new software images. The FTP
server therefore becomes the central repository of software images.

42 | Chapter 3 Administration

Configuring Software
For manually provisioned devices, you configure a devices software by using the
command-line interface commands (see ftpimage on page 159 and set
activeimage on page 167) or their Web-based command tool counterparts

(see Update Image Page on page 277).

For automatically provisioned devices, you use the Software Maintenance screen
within SkyProvision to browse and select software images from the FTP repository
(see Configuring Software Images on page 117) and then tie (or assign) the
image to a node profile. (For more information about node profiles, see
Configuring Node Profiles on page 94.)

Software Maintenance Elements

Table 3-1 lists the elements that describe Software Maintenance records.
Table 3-1. Software Maintenance Elements



A file name selected from a list. This list includes every

SkyPilot software image thats in the EMS servers
/var/ftp/pub/images directory.

Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this software maintenance record

was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this software maintenance record

was last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Managing Software Images | 43

Software Schedule Elements

Table 3-1 lists the elements that describe Software Schedule records.
Table 3-2. Software Schedule Elements


Schedule Date

(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Node Profile

Managing Customers
Customers are individual subscribers, as well as companies with users of their own.
Multiple automatically provisioned SkyPilot nodes can be tied (assigned) to any
given customer (although each node can be assigned to only a single customer).
You can perform searches for existing customers based on any combination of
customer information, including customer ID, first name, last name, company
name, address 1, address 2, city, state/province, postal code, country, daytime
phone, and evening phone. In addition to adding, modifying, and deleting
customers, you can also assign and remove nodes from customers (by modifying
a customer profile).
To manage customer records, you use the Customer Maintenance function within
SkyProvision (see Configuring Customers on page 106).

44 | Chapter 3 Administration

Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Access control lists (ACLs) enhance system security by controlling access to the
local management interface on a SkyPilot node port; for example, restricting
access to a given node to just a specified set of management stations.
ACLs also can limit the number of management stations permitted to gain Telnet
access to a given node port. Management stations that are denied Telnet access
can still use SNMP to monitor a nodes status.
By default (that is, if you do not configure ACLs), there are no access restrictions to
SkyPilot devices. To avoid any negative impact on performance, SkyPilot
recommends limiting ACLs to 8 entries.
Unlike filters, which filter all data passing through a given SkyPilot node, ACLs
examine data destined for a given node.

Configuring ACLs
For a manually provisioned device, you configure its ACL by using the commandline interface command (see set acl on page 166) or its Web-based command
tool counterpart (see ACL Page on page 265).
For automatically provisioned devices, you use the Access Control List function
within SkyProvision (see Configuring Access Control Lists (ACLs) on page 112).

Access Control Lists (ACLs) | 45

ACL Elements
Table 3-3 lists the elements that describe ACL records.
Table 3-3. ACL Elements



Free-form text of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. Each

access control list must have a unique name.

IP Address

IP address from which this ACL allows access; up to 12 digits

in dotted notation.

Subnet Mask

Subnet mask used to allow a group of IP addresses to access

a node; up to 12 digits in dotted notation.


Destination port through which access is granted; a number

from 1 to 65535.


(Default = TCP) Protocol allowed by this ACL, selected from a


Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this ACL record was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this ACL record was last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

SkyPilot Security Manager

The SkyPilot Security Manager provides a complete set of network security
functions, including the capability to set up user profiles, to assign users to
security groups, and to configure which EMS functions users and/or groups can
For information about using the SkyPilot Security Manager, see Managing
Network Security on page 82.

46 | Chapter 3 Administration

About the SkyPilot MIB

The SkyPilot MIB contains MIB variables (MIB objects) that have been configured to
enable data collection through a devices data collection tasks, as described
below. The SkyPilot MIB is the source of information for SkyControls reporting and
system statistics functions.
For the current MIB object definitions, refer to the spMib.txt file, located in the
/root/SkyPilot/EMS/client/mibs directory.


You must not change the spMib.txt file. If you change this file and load
it into a MIB browser, the SkyPilot nodes SNMP operations will not work
properly, and SkyControl will not be able to perform its monitoring

Performance Thresholds
Performance thresholds are severity level profiles that can be associated with MIB
objects for which data collection tasks are configured. So, for example, you can
specify that when a MIB objects value crosses a threshold level, a threshold event
will be generated and the data will be added to any data collection task having
the corresponding MIB object and threshold.
To configure performance thresholds, you use the Performance Threshold
function within SkyPilot EMS (see Configuring Performance Thresholds on
page 83).

Data Collection Tasks

Data collection tasks collect data from SkyPilot MIBs for a specific device, at
defined intervals, for defined periods of time. The collected information is stored
on the EMS server, in its database.


After configuring a devices data collection task, you must explicitly start
the task before any of its statistics can be viewed.

To configure data collection tasks, you use the devices Configure Task function
within SkyControl (see Configuring Data Collection Tasks on page 131).

About the SkyPilot MIB | 47

Reports and Statistics

You can use several closely related methods to view current and historical SkyPilot
device data. You can view:
ReportsSamples of collected data that are grouped into meaningful and
informative data sets, which are useful, for example, in evaluating a particular
devices performance.
With SkyControl functions you can generate reports using collected data for
the SkyPilot MIB objects. You can configure report parameters such as the
included objects, frequency of data collection, and report format. The EMS
automatically builds any reports you configure, and you can view them at any


Reports put less of a performance load on the EMS server than similar
statistics functions, and so should be used whenever possible.

Current statisticsSnapshot (that gets updated in real time) of MIB objects

selected from previously configured data collection tasks (see Data Collection
Tasks on page 47).
Collected statisticsHistorical data view of MIB objects selected from
previously configured data collection tasks (see Data Collection Tasks on
page 47).

48 | Chapter 3 Administration

Reports Elements
Table 3-4 lists the elements that describe Reports.
Table 3-4. Reports Elements


Report Name

Free-form text of alphanumeric characters. Each report must

have a name thats unique (within report names).

Type of Report

Type that reflects the time range over which data is collected
and averaged into a single report data point. The endpoint of
the sampling cycle depends on the type of report:
HourlyAt the stroke of the hour
DailyAt midnight
WeeklySaturday at midnight (that is, midnight
between Saturday and Sunday)
MonthlyLast day of the month at midnight (that is, just
before the next month begins)


MIB variables (MIB objects) that have been configured for

data collection through any of the devices data collection
tasks. (For more information about data collection tasks, see
Data Collection Tasks on page 47.)

Reports and Statistics | 49


SkyPilot maintenance tasks include developing monitoring and troubleshooting
strategies. This chapter describes techniques for operating and maintaining your
SkyPilot network, as well as solutions to common troubleshooting issues.

Chapter Highlights
Monitoring a SkyPilot network by using SkyControl
Monitoring alarms
Monitoring link states
Managing IP addresses
Using utilities

Administration Guide | 51

Monitoring a Networks Topology by Using

SkyControl is SkyPilots customized SNMP management system for real-time
monitoring and management of automatically provisioned devices. One of
SkyControls unique features is that it provides a graphical view of your network
topology (including all network nodes and links) with at-a-glance updates on
topology, routing, and performance.
SkyControls SNMP implementation includes:
Default community stringspublic (read-only) and private (read-write)
Support for the following standard MIBs:




The private/enterprise SkyPilot MIB, which offers information about the

following SkyPilot hardware components and software elements:

Nodesstatus, uptime, software/hardware version, and more

Linksstate, RSSI, modulation, antenna, and more

Routing tablesforwarding, routing, MAC, and more

ACLs (access control lists)


For more information about using the SkyPilot MIB, see About the SkyPilot MIB
on page 47. For a complete description of every SkyPilot MIB element, refer to the
SkyPilot MIB file, spMib.txt, located in the
/root/SkyPilot/EMS/client/mibs directory.

52 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

Monitoring Alarms
By monitoring your SkyPilot network alarms, you can take appropriate corrective
action, as well as prevent major network disruptions.
The SkyPilot EMS alarm system provides the capability to configure alarm levels,
set up email notifications, generate reports, and more.

Monitoring Link States

By monitoring link states in your SkyPilot network, you can troubleshoot a variety
of provisioning and operational problems. For automatically provisioned devices,
use SkyControl to monitor link states. For manually provisioned devices, use the
command-line interface command (see show prov on page 235) or its Webbased command tool counterpart (see Links on page 260).
Table 4-1 describes the possible link states.
Table 4-1. Link States (Page 1 of 2)


EMS Version

act mgmt

The link is to a child node and is



act path

The link is the next hop to the

gateway and is active.



The link is in standby state and is

available for failover.

1.0.0 to 1.0.2p2


The link is in standby state and has

been optimized.

1.1 and higher


The link is in standby state but has

not yet been optimized.

1.1 and higher


The link is currently inactive; there is

no longer a connection.



The link is currently being optimized.


Monitoring Alarms | 53

Table 4-1. Link States (Page 2 of 2)



EMS Version


The link is being authorized and



auth fail

Authorization has failed (usually

caused by incorrect netkeys).


prov fail

Provisioning has failed due to DHCP

failure or provisioning server failure.



A hello beacon has been received

from a child node, and the
connection is initiating.



A hello beacon has been received

from a parent node, and a
connection is initiating.


Managing IP Addresses
All SkyPilot devices ship with the default IP address, accessible only
from the Ethernet interface. A SkyGateway replaces this default when it performs
DHCP or is explicitly configured with a static IP address. SkyExtenders and
SkyConnectors always make this default IP address available in addition to any IP
address received through DHCP or statically configured. The SkyExtender
DualBand requires two separate IP addresses: the Extender portion (which uses and the Access Point portion (which retains as its default
IP address in addition to any IP received through DHCP or statically configured).

54 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

Adding Devices to the DHCP Configuration File

To enable dynamic IP addressing of a SkyPilot device, you must add the device to
your DHCPs server configuration.
To add or modify the DHCP server:

Connect to the server using an SSH client, and log in as root.

Using any text editor, open the DHCP configuration file, dhcp.conf (typically
located in the /etc directory).

Using an existing entry as a model, add a new entry for the device you plan to
install, paying particular attention to the new nodes Ethernet MAC address.
Entries look similar to the following:
host cpe0135 {
hardware ethernet 00:0A:DB:00:01:35;
option host-name "cpe0135";

During SkyPilot EMS installation, default options that are inherited by all
subsequent entries (such as the above sample and your new entry) are added
at the beginning of the DHCP configuration file.

Save your changes and close the file.

Refresh the DHCP server by entering the following command:


The response should look similar to the following:

Shutting down dhcpd:
Starting dhcpd:




Verify that the DHCP server restarts successfully.

You should see OK in the command output (as shown in the example above),
or you can tail the startup messages (by using the tail f /var/log/messages command) and watch for the
Start up of dhcpd successful message.

Managing IP Addresses | 55

Monitoring DHCP Activity

You can monitor the DHCP activity on your SkyPilot network, as described by the
following procedures.
To monitor DHCP activity:
Enter the following command:
tail -f /var/log/messages

To end DHCP monitoring:

Press CTRL-C.

Using Utilities
SkyPilot devices include a number of built-in utilities to help you with
troubleshooting and maintenance tasks:
PingLayer 3 ping utility. Use the command-line interface (see ping on
page 162) or the Web-based command tool (Utilities Pages on page 278).
Node testTwo-way link layer ping test. Use the command-line interface (see
nodetest on page 161) or the Web-based command tool (Utilities Pages
on page 278).
RebootDevice reboot. Use the command-line interface (see reboot on
page 163) or the Web-based command tool (Utilities Pages on page 278).
TraceroutePath trace from the local node to the destination MAC address.
Use the command-line interface (see traceroute on page 251) or the
Web-based command tool (Utilities Pages on page 278).

56 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

This section presents procedures for troubleshooting problems of various kinds,
including startup and connectivity, with a SkyPilot device. Each procedure is
presented in a table set up like this (with varying numbers of steps and substeps).

You'll be told to check for something as described in what follows:

Here there will be a description

of an action to take to
accomplish the check.

Here youll see paragraphs describing what

to do next, depending on the outcome of
the action you took.
The following open-lock symbol is shown
when you have solved the problem:
If advised to contact SkyPilot customer
support, you can do so by email
( or by telephone at
(408) 764-8000.

For additional troubleshooting information, refer to the appropriate device

documentation or on the SkyPilot website at
The section makes numerous references to commands that are available through
the command-line interface that all SkyPilot devices provide, either through
Telnet over an Ethernet connection or (for SkyGateway and SkyExtender only) via a
terminal session from a console connected to the devices serial port. For
instructions on accessing the command-line interface, see Accessing the
Command-Line Interface on page 144. For detailed descriptions of the
commands, as well as sample output for many of these commands, see the
appropriate sections in Appendix D, Command-Line Interface Reference.
The specific troubleshooting procedures are described in the following sections:
Power-On Problems (the next section)
Ethernet Connectivity Problems on page 59
IP Connectivity Problems on page 60
SkyGateway Transmission Problems on page 64
Link Failure Problems on page 67

Troubleshooting | 57

Power-On Problems
Use the following procedure to troubleshoot the failure of a SkyPilot device to
power on. This procedure applies to any SkyPilot device and to either provisioning
mode (manual or automatic).
Table 4-2. Power-On Troubleshooting (Page 1 of 2)

Check whether the device is getting power:

Verify that the device is plugged

into an AC power supply.

Test your power source with a

voltage meter.

If power is available, go to step 2.

If power is not available, try an alternate
power source and restart.

If the red light is lit, go to step 3.

If the red light is not lit, replace the power
injector and restart.

Check whether the device is properly cabled:

Verify that the device is
connected to the power
injector with a straight-through

If not plugged in, plug in and restart.

Check whether the power injector is OK:

Check whether the red light on
the power injector is lit.

If plugged in, go to substep b.

If the correct cable is being used, go to

step 4.
If the wrong cable is connecting the device,
replace it with the correct cable and

Check whether the cable is defective:

58 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

Table 4-2. Power-On Troubleshooting (Page 2 of 2)

Use a cable tester to check the

If the cable is not defective, go to step 5.

If the cable is defective, replace it and

Check whether the cable is plugged into the correct port:

On a SkyGateway or
SkyExtender, confirm that the
cable is plugged into the
horizontal powered Ethernet
interface and not the vertical
serial port.

If the cable is plugged into the serial port,

attach it to the powered Ethernet interface
and restart.
If the cable is connected to the correct port
on a SkyGateway or SkyExtender, or if the
device is a SkyConnector, contact SkyPilot
customer support.

Ethernet Connectivity Problems

Use the following procedure to address problems that a SkyPilot device can have
in making Ethernet connections. This procedure applies to any SkyPilot device and
to either provisioning mode (manual or automatic).
Table 4-3. Ethernet Connectivity (Page 1 of 2)

Check whether the SkyPilot device is connected with the proper cables:
Verify the use of the following
CAT5 twisted-pair cables:
Straight-through cable
between power injector and
the device

If the correct cables are being used, go to

step 2.
If an incorrect cable is being used, replace it
and restart.

For SkyExtenders and

SkyGateways: straightthrough cable between
power injector and an
Ethernet switch or hub
For SkyExtenders and
SkyGateways: crossover
cable between power
injector and computer

Check whether any of the cables are defective:

Troubleshooting | 59

Table 4-3. Ethernet Connectivity (Page 2 of 2)

Use a cable tester to check each
cable connected to the device.

If none of the cables are defective, go to

step 3.
If a cable is defective, replace it and

Check whether Ethernet is enabled on all network devices connected to the

SkyPilot device:
Confirm that Ethernet is
enabled on all equipment
connected to the SkyPilot
device youre troubleshooting.

If the Ethernet is enabled on all devices, go

to step 4.

Check whether all of the connected devices are able to autonegotiate an

Ethernet connection:

Confirm that each network

device is able to auto-negotiate
an Ethernet connection.

To check the SkyPilot device,

use the show eth command to
view its current settings.

If all network device settings are correct go

to substep b.
If the settings for any device are incorrect,
modify its configuration and restart the
If the settings for the SkyPilot device are
incorrect use the set eth command to
modify the Ethernet configuration, and
then restart the device.
If the device settings are correct and the
problem persists, contact SkyPilot customer

IP Connectivity Problems
This section addresses device problems related to IP connectivity. It includes the
following subsections for solving problems related to IP connectivity for
SkyGateways (manually and automatically provisioned), as well as SkyExtenders
and SkyConnectors (again, both manually and automatically provisioned):
Manually Provisioned SkyGateway IP Connectivity Problems (the next
Automatically Provisioned SkyGateway IP Connectivity Problems on page 62
SkyExtender and SkyConnector IP Connectivity Problems on page 63

60 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

The primary causes of IP connectivity problems with SkyPilot devices are a failure
to acquire a GPS signal (in the case of a SkyGateway or SkyExtender), the location
of a device on the wrong subnet, and conflicts with VLAN management solutions.

Manually Provisioned SkyGateway IP Connectivity Problems

Use the following procedure to troubleshoot IP connectivity problems with a
manually provisioned SkyGateway.
Table 4-4. Manually Provisioned SkyGateway Connectivity

Check whether the SkyGateway is able to acquire a GPS signal:

Log in to the SkyGateway via
the serial port and observe the
output at startup to verify the
acquisition of a GPS signal.
See Accessing the CommandLine Interface, on page 144, for
instructions on accessing the
command-line interface of a
SkyPilot device.

If the SkyGateway is failing to acquire a

signal, move it to an alternate location and

Check whether the SkyGateway is on the correct subnet:

Use the show prov command
to verify that the SkyGateway is
configured with the desired IP
address. (A SkyGateway does
not have a default IP address.)

If the output confirms that the SkyGateway

is receiving a GPS signal, go to step 2.

If the command output shows the correct

IP address, go to step 3.
If the output shows an incorrect IP address,
use the set ip command to assign the
correct IP address, and then restart the

Check whether VLAN settings are preventing access to the SkyGateway:

Use the show vlan command
to check whether a
management VLAN is
configured on the SkyGateway.

If the SkyGateway has been incorrectly

configured with a management VLAN,
modify (or remove) the VLAN with the
set vlan command and restart.

Troubleshooting | 61

Automatically Provisioned SkyGateway IP Connectivity Problems

Use this procedure to troubleshoot IP connectivity problems with a SkyGateway
thats provisioned automatically from the EMS server.
Table 4-5. Automatically Provisioned SkyGateway Connectivity

Check whether the SkyGateway is able to acquire a GPS signal:

Log in to the SkyGateway via
the serial port and observe the
output at startup to verify the
acquisition of a GPS signal.
See Accessing the CommandLine Interface, on page 144, for
instructions on accessing the
command-line interface of a
SkyPilot device.

If the output confirms that the SkyGateway

is receiving a GPS signal, go to step 2.
If the SkyGateway is failing to acquire a
signal, move it to an alternate location and

Check whether VLAN settings are preventing access to the SkyGateway:

If a management VLAN is
present, it might be preventing
local access to the SkyGateway
from the network.

If the SkyGateway has been incorrectly

configured with a management VLAN,
modify (or remove) the VLAN with the
set vlan command and retest.

Use the show vlan command

to check whether a
management VLAN is
configured on the SkyGateway.

If the VLAN settings are correct and the

problem persists, contact SkyPilot customer

Check whether the SkyGateway is on the correct subnet:

Use the show dhcp command
to verify that the SkyGateway
received an IP address from
DHCP. (A SkyGateway does not
have a default IP address.)

If the command output shows that the

SkyGateway did not get an IP address from
DHCP or that it received an incorrect IP
address, modify the configuration on the
DHCP server and retest.
If the output shows that the SkyGateway
has received an IP address from DHCP,
contact SkyPilot customer support.

62 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

SkyExtender and SkyConnector IP Connectivity Problems

Use this procedure to troubleshoot IP connectivity problems with a SkyExtender
or SkyConnector.
Table 4-6. SkyExtender and SkyConnector Connectivity (Page 1 of 2)

(SkyExtender only) Check whether the device is able to acquire a GPS signal:
Log in to the SkyExtender via
the serial port and observe the
output at startup to verify the
acquisition of a GPS signal.
See Accessing the CommandLine Interface, on page 144, for
instructions on accessing the
command-line interface of a
SkyPilot device.

If the output confirms that the SkyExtender

is receiving a GPS signal, go to step 2.
If the SkyExtender is failing to acquire a
signal, move it to an alternate location and

Check whether the subscribers client computer is on the correct subnet:

To communicate over the LAN,
a subscribers computer must
be on the same subnet as the
SkyPilot device.
Both SkyExtenders and
SkyConnectors use the IP

If the computers network settings are

correct, go to step 3.
If the computers network settings are
incorrect, apply the correct settings and

Open the network settings

panel of the computer to
confirm that it is using these
IP address:
Subnet mask:

Troubleshooting | 63

Table 4-6. SkyExtender and SkyConnector Connectivity (Page 2 of 2)


Check whether VLAN settings are preventing access to the device:

If a management VLAN is
present on the SkyGateway, it
will prevent local network
access to a SkyExtender or
SkyConnector after the device
forms a link with the

If the SkyGateway has not been configured

with a management VLAN, go to substep b.
If the SkyGateway has been configured
with a management VLAN, modify (or
remove) the VLAN with the set vlan
command and retest.

On the SkyGateway, use the

show vlan command to check
whether a management VLAN is
configured for that device.

If a data VLAN is present on the

SkyExtender/SkyConnector, it
will prevent local network
access to the device.

If the command output indicates that a

data VLAN is present on the device, use the
set vlan command to remove the VLAN,
and then retest.

For a SkyExtender, log in to the

device via the serial port; for a
SkyConnector, log in via Telnet
across the wireless network.
Then use the show vlan
command to check whether a
data VLAN has been enabled on
the device.

If the output does not indicate that a data

VLAN is present and the problem persists,
contact SkyPilot customer support.

SkyGateway Transmission Problems

Use the procedures in this section to troubleshoot SkyGateway devices with
wireless transmission problems. There are subsections, one for each type of
Manually Provisioned SkyGateway Transmission Problems (the next section)
Automatically Provisioned SkyGateway Transmission Problems on page 65

64 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

Manually Provisioned SkyGateway Transmission Problems

Use this procedure to troubleshoot wireless transmission problems with a
manually provisioned SkyGateway (which immediately begins transmitting
network signals upon completing startup).
Table 4-7. Manually Provisioned SkyGateway Transmission
Check whether the SkyGateway is in manual provisioning mode:
Log in to the SkyGateway via
the serial port and use the
show prov command to
confirm that the SkyGateway
was placed in manual
provisioning mode.

If the command output indicates that the

device is not in manual provisioning mode,
use the set prov manual command to
set that mode, and then restart the
SkyGateway. (After a SkyGateway is placed
in manual provisioning mode, restarting it
is necessary to activate the mode.)
If the SkyGateway is in manual provisioning
mode but is unable to transmit signals,
contact SkyPilot customer support.

Automatically Provisioned SkyGateway Transmission Problems

Use this procedure to troubleshoot wireless transmission problems with a
SkyGateway thats set up for automatic provisioning.
Table 4-8. Auto. Provisioned SkyGateway Transmission (Page 1 of 2)

Check whether the SkyGateway is getting its IP settings from DHCP:

Log in to the SkyGateway via
the serial port and use the
show dhcp command to
confirm that the SkyGateway
received the correct IP settings,
including IP address, subnet
mask, default gateway, HTTP
server (SkyProvision), and FTP
server (SkyProvision).

If the command shows that the device

received the correct IP settings, go to
step 2.
If the device did not receive IP settings from
DHCP or has incorrect settings, modify the
configuration on the DHCP server and

Troubleshooting | 65

Table 4-8. Auto. Provisioned SkyGateway Transmission (Page 2 of 2)


Check whether the SkyGateway received a configuration file with correct

A SkyGateway set up for
automatic provisioning receives
its configuration from the
SkyProvision server.
Use the show config
command to confirm that the
device received correct
configuration information,
including the desired frequency
and domain. If no settings are
present, the SkyGateway did not
receive a configuration file.
You can also review the
contents of the
/var/log/messages file on
the SkyProvision server to verify
that the SkyGateway is
requesting a configuration and,
if so, that SkyProvision is
responding to the request.

66 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

If the command output indicates that the

SkyGateway is not getting its configuration
from SkyProvision or that it received
incorrect settings, first confirm that the
SkyProvision server is running. If the server
is up, modify the configuration settings for
the SkyGateway and retest.
If the output indicates that the SkyGateway
is getting the correct configuration settings
from the SkyProvision server, contact
SkyPilot customer support.

Link Failure Problems

This section describes steps for troubleshooting all SkyPilot devices having
problems forming links that allow network communications. By branching off to
different subsections where applicable, this troubleshooting procedure applies to
both manually provisioned devices and devices set up for automatic provisioning
through SkyProvision.

Failing to Form Links (General)

To troubleshoot problems that any SkyPilot device (whether provisioned manually
or automatically) may have in forming links that allow it to connect with other
devices on the wireless network, begin with the following steps.
Table 4-9. Link Formation Troubleshooting (General) (Page 1 of 5)

Check whether the device is listening on the desired frequency:

Initially, a SkyPilot device scans

for frequencies that are on its list
of primary or allowed
Use the show prov freq
command on the device to
verify that the desired frequency
is on the list. (You can also use
this command on the
SkyGateway to check the

Use the set log hello 3

and (Telnet only) debug on
command to observe frequency
hunting in real time. The log will
tell you whether the device is
switching to the desired
Note that after attempting each
allowed frequency twice, the
device opens up to all

If the command output indicates that the

desired frequency is on the list of primary or
allowed frequencies, go to substep b.
If the desired frequency is not on the list,
use the set freq command to specify the
desired frequency as the devices primary
frequency, and then restart.

If the log confirms that the device is

switching to the desired frequency, go to
step 2.
If the log does not show the device
switching to the desired frequency, use the
set freq command to specify the desired
frequency as the primary frequency, and
then restart.

Check whether the device is detecting signals from other devices:

Troubleshooting | 67

Table 4-9. Link Formation Troubleshooting (General) (Page 2 of 5)


Use the show link command

to find out whether the device is
also receiving hello packets
from a SkyGateway or

If the command output indicates that the

device s not hearing a SkyGateway or any
SkyExtenders, go to substep b.

Use the set log hello 3

and (Telnet only) debug on
command to observe frequency
hunting in real time.

If the log indicates that the device is

switching to the desired frequency but
failing to receive hello packets, go to
substep c.

The log will tell you whether the

device is receiving hello packets
from other devices when it
switches to the desired

If the log confirms that the device is

switching to the desired frequency and also
receiving hello packets from other devices,
go to step 3.

Adjust the device mount for

improved signal reception and
display the log again as in
substep b.

If the log indicates that the device is still not

receiving hello packets, try additional
mounting points. If the device still fails to
receive hello packets, go to substep d.

If the output confirms that the device is

hearing a SkyGateway or one or more
SkyExtenders, go to step 3.

If the log confirms that the device is now

receiving hello packets, secure the mount
and restart the device.

Move the device to an alternate

site with proven coverage (for
example, next to a connected
device) and display the log
again as in substep b.

If the log confirms that the device is now

receiving hello packets, add an
intermediary SkyExtender to improve signal
coverage at the devices original
If the log indicates that output is
significantly lower than shown by other
devices operating at this location, contact
SkyPilot customer support.

Check whether the device is failing to start optimization:

Use the show link command

to see if the MAC addresses
heard by the device are
remaining inactive. Look for
evidence of link states that have
changed from inactive to
non-opt (non-optimized).

68 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

If the command output fails to show

inactive links that have changed to the
non-opt state, go to substep b.
If the output shows non-opt states, the
device is starting link optimization. Go to
step 4.

Table 4-9. Link Formation Troubleshooting (General) (Page 3 of 5)


Use the set log link 3 and

(Telnet only) debug on
command to observe link state
changes in real time. Look for
link states that change from
inactive to non-opt.

If the log fails to show inactive links

changing to non-opt links, go to substep c.

Use the show link opt

command to view a table
displaying average RSSI and the
number of hello packets the
device is hearing. (The device
will not attempt to optimize a
link until it hears 5 packets.)

If the table shows a low RSSI value (less than

10), the signal is probably too weak for the
device to attempt optimization. Go to
substep d.

If the log shows inactive links changing

to non-opt links, the device is starting link
optimization. Go to step 4.

An RSSI value of less than 10 on

the optimal antenna pair
indicates a weak signal. An RSSI
value of 20 or greater is

If the table indicates a threshold RSSI value

(10 or greater), the signal should be strong
enough for the device to attempt
optimization. The problem is likely related
to local radio interference, which can
reduce the number of packets the device
can hear. Monitor the area for sources of
interference and retest.

Adjust the device mount for

improved signal reception and
display the table again as in
substep c.

If the table shows RSSI values less than 10,

try additional mount adjustments. If the
device continues to display RSSI values less
than 10, go to substep e.
If the table shows that RSSI is now 10 or
greater, secure the mount and restart the

Move the device to an alternate

site with demonstrated signal
coverage (for example, next to a
connected device) and display
the table again as in substep c.

If the table shows RSSI values of 10 or

greater, add an intermediary SkyExtender to
improve signal coverage at the device's
original location.
If the table indicates that output is
significantly lower than shown by other
SkyPilot devices operating at this location,
contact SkyPilot customer support.

Check whether the device is failing to complete link optimization:

Use the show link command

to see if the MAC addresses
heard by the device have ever
reached the pre-auth (preauthorized) state, which
indicates optimized links.

If the command output does not show

pre-auth states, go to substep b.

If the output shows pre-auth states, the

device is able to optimize links. Go to
step 5.

Troubleshooting | 69

Table 4-9. Link Formation Troubleshooting (General) (Page 4 of 5)


Use the set log link 3 and

(Telnet only) debug on
command to observe link state
changes in real time. Look for
link states that change from
non-opt to pre-auth.

If the log fails to show non-opt links

changing to pre-auth links, go to
substep c.

Use the show link opt

command to view a table
displaying average RSSI and the
number of hello packets the
device is hearing. (The device
will not complete optimization
of a link until it hears 5 packets.)

If the table shows a low RSSI value (less than

10), the signal is probably too weak for the
device to attempt optimization. Go to
substep d.

An RSSI value of less than 10 on

the optimal antenna pair
indicates a weak signal. An RSSI
value of 20 or greater is

Adjust the device mount for

improved signal reception and
display the table again as in
substep c.

If the log shows non-opt links changing to

pre-auth links, the device is successfully
optimizing links. Go to step 5.

If the table indicates a threshold RSSI value

(10 or greater), the signal should be strong
enough for the device to complete
optimization. The problem is likely related
to local radio noise thats interfering with
SkyPilot signals. (Local radio interference on
either side of a link can reduce the number
of packets a device can hear, and prevent it
from completing optimization.) Monitor
the area for sources of interference and
If the table shows RSSI values remaining
below 10, try additional mount
adjustments. If the device continues to
display RSSI values less than 10, go to
substep e.
If the table shows that RSSI is now 10 or
greater, secure the mount and restart the

Move the device to an alternate

site with demonstrated signal
coverage (for example, next to a
connected device) and display
the table again as in substep c.

If the table shows RSSI values of 10 or

greater, add an intermediary SkyExtender to
improve signal coverage at the device's
original location.
If the table indicates that output is
significantly lower than shown by other
SkyPilot devices operating at this location,
contact SkyPilot customer support.

Check whether the device is authenticating links:

70 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

Table 4-9. Link Formation Troubleshooting (General) (Page 5 of 5)


Use the show link command

to see if the MAC addresses
heard by the device have ever
reached the standby state,
which indicates authorized links.
If authentication failures prevent
link states from reaching
standby, they will return to
auth-fail and inactive.

If the output shows standby states, the

device is successfully forming links and is
probably looking for alternates. Once the
device exhausts attempts to form more
links, it will choose an optimal standby link
as the active path and come online.

Use the set log link 3 and

(Telnet only) debug on
command to observe link state
changes in real time. Look for
link states that change from
pre-auth to standby.

If the log fails to show pre-auth links

changing to standby links, go to
substep c.

Use the set log auth 3 and

(Telnet only) debug on
command to observe
authorization events in real
time. Look for reports of
authentication failure due to
timeouts or mismatched net

If the log reports any failure to authenticate

due to timeouts or mismatched keys, go to
substep d.

Use the verifykey command

to confirm the presence of a
SkyPilot private key for the

If a private key exists, go to substep e.

Use the show netkey

command to confirm that the
hashed equivalent of the netkey
is identical to the value on all
other connected devices.
Mismatched keys will cause
authentication to fail.

If the command output does not show

standby states, go to substep b.

If the log shows pre-auth links changing

to standby links, the device is successfully
forming links and is probably looking for
alternates. Once the device exhausts
attempts to form more links, it will choose
an optimal standby link as the active path
and come online.

If the log reports successful authentication,

the problem may be with provisioning. Go
to step 6.

If no private key exists, contact SkyPilot to

obtain a private key.
If the netkeys do not match, use the
set netkey command to modify the

public key so that it matches the key used

by other devices on the network. Restart
the device.
If the netkeys match and the device
continues to report authentication failures,
contact SkyPilot customer support.

Continue this procedure with the steps in the next section for manually
provisioned devices, or with the steps in Failing to Form Links (Automatic
Provisioning) on page 73 for automatically provisioned devices.

Troubleshooting | 71

Failing to Form Links (Manual Provisioning)

This subsection continues the general procedure in the preceding subsection to
address problems that manually provisioned SkyPilot devices may have in forming
links that allow it to connect with other devices on the wireless network. Be sure
first to perform the steps in that subsection (Failing to Form Links (General) on
page 67).
Table 4-10. Link Formation Troubleshooting (Manual Prov.) (Page 1 of 2)

Check whether the problem is related to a conflict due to configuration:

Use the show link command

to see if the MAC addresses
heard by the device have ever
reached a standby state.
If authentication is successful
but link states fail to change
from pre-auth to standby,
they will return to prov-fail
and eventually go back to

Use the set log link 3 and

(Telnet only) debug on
command to observe link state
changes in real time. Look for
link states that change from
pre-auth to standby.

72 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

If the command output does not show

standby states, go to substep b.

If the output shows standby states, the

device is successfully forming links and is
probably looking for alternates. Once the
device exhausts attempts to form more
links, it will choose an optimal standby link
as the active path and come online.

If the log fails to show pre-auth links

changing to standby links, go to
substep c.
If the log shows pre-auth links changing
to standby links, the device is successfully
forming links and is probably looking for
alternates. Once the device exhausts
attempts to form more links, it will choose
an optimal standby link as the active path
and come online.

Table 4-10. Link Formation Troubleshooting (Manual Prov.) (Page 2 of 2)


If the SkyGateways
configuration parameters do
not match the frequency or
domain settings of the
SkyGateway or SkyExtender its
using to form links, devices will
sever the links before
connections can be made.

If the command output shows mismatched

configuration information, modify the
configuration to allow the SkyGateways
frequency and/or domain and retest.
If the provisioning information matches the
SkyGateways frequency and/or domain
and the device is still reporting provisioning
failures, contact SkyPilot customer support.

Use the show prov command

to confirm that the
SkyGateways configuration
settings for frequency and/or
domain match the frequency
and/or domain it is trying to use.

Failing to Form Links (Automatic Provisioning)

This subsection continues the general procedure in the subsection Failing to
Form Links (General), on page 67, to address problems that an automatically
provisioned SkyPilot device might have forming links that allow it to connect with
other devices on the wireless network. Be sure to first perform the steps in the
earlier subsection.
Table 4-11. Link Formation (Automatic Provisioning) (Page 1 of 4)

Check whether the device is failing to receive a configuration due to problems

related to DHCP:

Use the show link command

to see if the MAC addresses
heard by the device have ever
reached a standby state
(which indicates successful
If authentication is successful
but link states fail to change
from pre-auth to standby,
they will return to prov-fail
and eventually go back to

If the command output does not show

standby states, go to substep b.

If the output shows standby states, the

device is successfully forming links and is
probably looking for alternates. Once the
device exhausts attempts to form more
links, it will choose an optimal standby link
as the active path and come online.

Troubleshooting | 73

Table 4-11. Link Formation (Automatic Provisioning) (Page 2 of 4)


Use the set log link 3 and

(Telnet only) debug on
command to observe link state
changes in real time. Look for
link states that change from
pre-auth to standby.

If the log fails to show pre-auth links

changing to standby links, go to
substep c.

An incorrect DHCP
configuration will prevent the
device from obtaining its
configuration from the
provisioning server.

If the command output indicates that the

device received an IP address from the
DHCP server, go to step 7.

Use the show dhcp command

to verify that the device is
getting an IP address and other
configuration information from
the DHCP server.

Use the set log prov 3 and

(Telnet only) debug on
command to observe
provisioning events in real time.
Monitor the DHCP server log to
confirm that the device
successfully made its request,
and check the serers response.
Note that if youre using the ISC
DHCP server, you can monitor
server output in real time by
monitoring the
/var/log/messages file.

If the log shows pre-auth links changing

to standby links, the device is successfully
forming links and is probably looking for
alternates. Once the device exhausts
attempts to form more links, it will choose
an optimal standby link as the active path
and come online.

If the command output indicates that the

device is not getting an IP address from the
DHCP server, or that its receiving incorrect
information from the DHCP server, edit the
DHCP content to include the correct
information, and restart.
If the provisioning information matches the
SkyGateways frequency and/or domain
and the device is still reporting provisioning
failures, contact SkyPilot customer support.
If the log indicates that the device received
an IP address from the DHCP server, go to
step 8.
If the log indicates that the device is not
getting an IP address and other
configuration information from the DHCP
server, or that its receiving incorrect
information from the DHCP server, edit the
DHCP content to include the correct
information, and restart.

Check whether the problem is related to unsuccessful provisioning:

74 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

Table 4-11. Link Formation (Automatic Provisioning) (Page 3 of 4)


Use the show link command

to see if the MAC addresses
heard by the device have ever
reached a standby state
(which indicates successful
If authentication is successful
but link states fail to change
from pre-auth to standby,
they will return to prov-fail
and eventually go back to

Use the set log link 3 and

(Telnet only) debug on
command to observe link state
changes in real time. Look for
link states that change from
pre-auth to standby.

If the command output does not show

standby states, go to substep b.

If the output shows standby states, the

device is successfully forming links and is
probably looking for alternates. Once the
device exhausts attempts to form more
links, it will choose an optimal standby link
as the active path and come online.

If the log fails to show pre-auth links

changing to standby links, go to
substep c.
If the log shows pre-auth links changing
to standby links, the device is successfully
forming links and is probably looking for
alternates. Once the device exhausts
attempts to form more links, it will choose
an optimal standby link as the active path
and come online.

Troubleshooting | 75

Table 4-11. Link Formation (Automatic Provisioning) (Page 4 of 4)


If the devices configuration

parameters do not match the
frequency and/or domain
settings of the SkyGateway or
SkyExtender its using to form
links, devices will sever the links
before connections can be

If the command output does not show

configuration parameters, SkyProvision may
have no record of the SkyGateway. Go to
substep d.
If the output shows mismatched
configuration information, modify the
configuration to allow the SkyGateway's
frequency or domain, and restart.

Use the show config

command to confirm that the
device has completed
provisioning, and to view
configuration parameters.

Use the set log prov 3 and

(Telnet only) debug on
command to observe
provisioning events in real
time.Look for reports of failure
to download the devices
configuration file, or rejection of
a links domain or frequency
based on the contents of the
device configuration.
Note that you can verify that
SkyProvision is offering a
configuration file by monitoring
the /var/log/messages
file, which contains a log of
SkyProvision configuration

76 | Chapter 4 Maintenance

If the log reports failures related to the

domain and frequency values stored in the
device's configuration file, edit the settings
to include the correct values, and restart
the device.
If the log does not report any offering of a
configuration file, verify that the device's
information has been correctly added into
SkyProvision, and restart.
If you confirm that the provisioning server is
sending the correct configuration file to the
device but the device continues to report
that the file was not offered or that the
device continues to sever links, contact
SkyPilot customer support.

SkyPilot EMS Reference
SkyPilot EMS enables you to perform management and monitoring functions,
such as security configuration and alarm monitoring, that arent specific to
SkyProvision or SkyControl. This appendix provides detailed instructions for the
management and monitoring functions.

Appendix Highlights
Using SkyPilot EMS
Managing network security
Configuring performance thresholds

Administration Guide | 77

Using SkyPilot EMS

SkyProvision is a server-based application that automates device provisioning by
enabling devices to get their configuration information from the SkyPilot EMS

Starting the EMS Client

You can run multiple EMS clients on a single or multiple machines.
To start SkyPilot EMS:

Execute the SkyPilot EMS Client startup script, startemsclient.bat (for

Windows systems) or (for Linux systems), from the
SkyPilot/EMS/bin directory.
The Login window is displayed.

Enter your user name and password. (The default value for both user name
and password is admin.)

Click Login.

78 | Appendix A SkyPilot EMS Reference

The SkyPilot EMS interface is displayed.

The SkyPilot EMS Interface

Figure A-1 illustrates the SkyPilot EMS interface.
Figure A-1. SkyPilot EMS Interface
Menu bar
Tool bar
Navigation pane

Display pane

Alarm summary
Alarm pane

Menu barContains menus and commands which allow you to set global
network configuration items, as well as manage the windows in the EMS
display pane.
Navigation paneContains a Windows Explorerlike, hierarchical display of
the SkyPilot OAM tools: SkyProvision and SkyControl.
Display paneShows the interface for the SkyPilot OAM tool selected in the
navigation pane. Multiple windows can be shown at one time in the display

Using SkyPilot EMS | 79

Tool barContains context-sensitive buttons used to manipulate objects in

the display pane, such as locking a nodes position on a SkyControl domain
display. The tool bar buttons are enabled only when they are applicable to the
display panes active window.
Alarm summaryShows the number of active alarms for each alarm type:
critical, major, minor, and warning.
Alarm paneLists all active alarms for each alarm type.

Stopping the EMS Client

You can stop the EMS Client anytime without affecting your SkyPilot network
To stop SkyPilot EMS:

From the menu bar, click File Exit.

SkyProvision displays a Quit Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

File Menu
The File menu lets you end a SkyPilot EMS client session. See Stopping the EMS
Client (previous section).

View Menu
The View menu provides you with the ability to refresh the EMS client display (by
clicking View Refresh).

Object Menu
The Object menu provides context-sensitive action choices that change in
response to selecting SkyProvision and SkyControl functions from their respective
navigation trees. For example, expanding the SkyProvision tree and clicking
Customer Maintenance causes the Object menu to change to Customer
Maintenance. Subsequently clicking VLAN causes the Object menu to change
again, this time to VLAN.

80 | Appendix A SkyPilot EMS Reference

Fault Menu
The Fault menu provides access to alarm maintenance, event log, and trap
functions. See Monitoring Alarms on page 53.

Performance Menu
The Performance menu provides access to global data collection and report
configuration functions. See Reports and Statistics on page 48.

Security Menu
The Security menu enables you to manage network security (by clicking
Security Security Manager). See Managing Network Security on page 82.

Tools Menu
The Tools menu offers the following choices:
Look & FeelTo change the display pane appearance.
MIB BrowserTo access to the SkyPilot MIB (Management Information Base),
as well as any other MIBs you have installed. (This function requires prior
installation of SkyControl, as well as the appropriate SkyPilot EMS license.)
TelnetTo open a Telnet connection from your computer to any SkyPilot
device through a serial connection.
MAC Address ReportTo create a report listing all MAC addresses that are
missing from node maintenance or SkyControl.
Alarm Color SettingsTo change the colors used to indicate alarm severity
in the Alarm Summary and Alarm Pane sections of the EMS interface.
Link Status SettingsTo change the color and line style used to show link
status in SkyControl network displays.
Change PasswordTo change the password corresponding to the current
SkyPilot EMS sessions user name.

Using SkyPilot EMS | 81

Window Menu
The Window menu provides standard Windows-based display options:
CascadeTo show all open SkyProvision and SkyControl display pane
windows, cascaded.
Tile HorizontalTo show all open display pane windows, tiled horizontally
(each sized to the display panes current horizontal size).
Tile VerticalTo show all open display pane windows, tiled vertically (each
sized to the display panes current vertical size).
Minimize AllTo minimize all open display pane windows.
Close AllTo close all open display pane windows.
EMS-windowTo make the EMS-window the active display pane window.

Help Menu
The Help menu provides version and copyright information about the SkyPilot
EMS client (by clicking Help About).


Context-sensitive help information is available for every SkyProvision

function. Click the Help action choice from any display pane window.

Managing Network Security

The SkyPilot EMS provides a complete set of network security functions, including
the capability to set up user profiles, to assign users to security groups, and to
configure which EMS functions users and/or groups can access.
To access the security functions:

From the SkyPilot EMS Menu Bar, choose Security Security Manager.

82 | Appendix A SkyPilot EMS Reference

SkyPilot EMS displays the Security Manager screen.

Add, modify, and/or delete users and/or groups as desired.

Click Close.

Configuring Performance Thresholds

Performance thresholds are severity level profiles that can be associated with MIB
objects for which data collection tasks are configured. So, for example, you can
specify that when a MIB objects value crosses a threshold level, a threshold event
will be generated and the data will be added to any data collection task having
the corresponding MIB object and threshold.

Adding a New Threshold

Once you add a threshold, it can be used in data collection task configuration.
To add a performance threshold:

From the SkyPilot EMS Menu Bar, choose Performance Configure

SkyPilot EMS displays the Configure Threshold screen.

Click New.

Configuring Performance Thresholds | 83

SkyPilot EMS enables the threshold properties elements on the Configure

Threshold screen.

Enter the threshold elements.

Click Save.
Focus returns to the Configure Threshold screen, and your new threshold is
shown in the list of thresholds.

Click Close.

Editing a Threshold
You can edit (modify) any threshold that is not currently tied to a data collection
task object.
To edit a performance threshold:

From the SkyPilot EMS Menu Bar, choose Performance Configure

SkyPilot EMS displays the Configure Threshold screen.

Click the name of the threshold whose settings you want to modify, and then
click Edit.

84 | Appendix A SkyPilot EMS Reference

SkyPilot EMS enables the threshold properties elements on the Configure

Threshold screen.

Edit the threshold elements.

Click Save.
Focus returns to the Configure Threshold screen.

Click Close.

Deleting a Threshold
You can delete any threshold that is not currently tied to a data collection task
To edit a performance threshold:

From the SkyPilot EMS Menu Bar, choose Performance Configure

SkyPilot EMS displays the Configure Threshold screen.

Click the name of the threshold whose settings you want to delete, and then
click Delete.
SkyPilot EMS displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Click Close.

Configuring Performance Thresholds | 85


SkyProvision Reference
SkyProvision enables you to configure provisioning parameters for automatically
provisioned devices and to perform administrative functions for your SkyPilot
network. This appendix provides detailed instructions for those provisioning and
administrative functions.

Appendix Highlights
Using SkyProvision
Searching for configured devices
Configuring domains
Configuring node profiles
Configuring nodes
Configuring VLANs
Configuring customers
Configuring SNMP
Configuring access control lists (ACLs)
Configuring QoS
Configuring software images

Administration Guide | 87

Using SkyProvision
SkyProvision is a server-based application that automates device provisioning by
enabling devices to get their configuration information from the SkyPilot EMS

Starting SkyProvision
You access SkyProvision from the SkyPilot EMS Client.
To start SkyProvision:

Execute the SkyPilot EMS Client startup script, startemsclient.bat (for

Windows systems) or (for Linux systems), from the
SkyPilot/EMS/bin directory.
The Login window is displayed.

Enter your user name and password. (The default value for both user name
and password is admin.)

Click Login.

88 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

The SkyPilot EMS interface is displayed.

(For information about the SkyPilot EMS interface elements, see The SkyPilot
EMS Interface on page 79.)

Click the + symbol next to SkyProvision in the navigation pane.

The SkyProvision item in navigation pane expands to show the entire set of
provisioning functions.

Using SkyProvision | 89

SkyProvision Display Pane

Figure B-1 illustrates the SkyProvision display pane.
Figure B-1. SkyProvision Display Pane

Anchored column

Action choices

Anchored columnsColumns that are not resizeable and that do not move
when you use the slider or arrows at the bottom of the display. Names of
anchored columns are indicated by bold text in the display pane.
SliderThe bar between the arrows just below the display. Use the slider to
move the columns to the right and left so that you can see all the information.
Action choicesContext-sensitive buttons that let you quickly perform
common actions without using the multiple-level menu commands.


The detailed descriptions of SkyProvision functions in the following

sections generally instruct you to choose commands by clicking in
menus; however, you can alternatively use keyboard shortcuts for the
commands, use the action choice buttons, or in many cases, doubleclick the desired parameter type on the navigation screen and select
an item from the resulting display.

90 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Searching for Configured Devices

Some provisioning functions enable you to search for existing configured devices.
To search for configured devices:

Select how you want to match items: any or all.

From the left pull-down menu, select the device to search for.

Click Apply.

Click Search.
The results are displayed.

Configuring Domains
A single domain can be defined to encompass your entire SkyPilot network,
including all its nodes. Or domains can be used to segregate a network into two or
more smaller networks. Each smaller network has the same characteristics as a
larger SkyPilot network. For more information about domains, see Domains on
page 16. The following sections describe the elements of a domain and explain
how to add, modify, and delete domains.

Domain Elements
Table B-1 lists the elements that describe domains.
Table B-1. Domain Elements (Page 1 of 2)



Unique (to domain names) string of up to 64 alphanumeric

characters. This is used only within SkyProvision.


Number from 1 to 4096 used by all nodes within a given


Searching for Configured Devices | 91

Table B-1. Domain Elements (Page 2 of 2)



Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this domain record was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this domain record was last



(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Adding a Domain
Once you add a domain, it can be used in any node profile.
To add a domain:

From the menu bar, choose Domain Add.

SkyProvision displays the Add Domain screen.

Enter the domain elements.

For more information, see Domain Elements on page 91.

Click OK.

92 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Modifying a Domain
You can modify the settings of any domain that is not assigned to any node
To modify a domain:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Domain.
SkyProvision displays the Domain screen.

In the display pane, right-click the name of the domain you want to modify
and choose Modify.

Edit the domain elements. For more information, see Domain Elements on
page 91.

Click OK.

Deleting a Domain
You can delete any domain that has no nodes assigned to it.
To delete a domain:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Domain.
SkyProvision displays the Domain screen

Configuring Domains | 93

Select the domain you want to delete by right-clicking its domain name in the
display pane and choosing Delete.
SkyProvision displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Configuring Node Profiles

Node profiles are used to save parameter settings that define a SkyPilot network
node and can be applied to multiple nodes. Using node profiles simplifies the
process of configuring nodes and making subsequent changes. For example, you
could create a node profile named Orangevale that contains settings common to
all SkyConnectors in the Orangevale neighborhood. Then whenever you have a
new SkyConnector to configure for someone living in Orangevale, you can simply
assign the Orangevale profile to the new SkyConnector network node. And to
make the same change to all those SkyConnector nodes, youd need to make the
change only once: to the Orangevale node profile.
The following sections describe the elements of a node profile and explain how to
add, modify, and delete node profiles.

Node Profile Elements

Table B-2 lists the elements that describe node profiles. (The elements apply to all
nodes using the given node profile).
Table B-2. Node Profile Elements (Page 1 of 3)



Free-form text of up to 128 alphanumeric characters. Each

node profile must have a unique name.

Primary Software

Software image to store in the nodes flash memory and to

use as its active running software.
If the selected image is different from what is currently stored
in the nodes backup flash partition, the node will
automatically download the selected image, overwriting
what is currently in the backup flash partition.

94 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Table B-2. Node Profile Elements (Page 2 of 3)



Backup Software

Software image to store in the nodes backup flash partition.

Select a name from the Backup Software list.
If the selected image is different from what is currently stored
in the nodes backup flash partition, the node will
automatically download the selected image, overwriting
what is currently in the backup flash partition.
For information about when and how nodes update the
software in their active partition, see Managing Software
Images on page 42.

Traffic Rate

Traffic rate control profile, if any, to apply to the node.


Primary frequency at which the node will communicate over

the network.


Domain to which the node will belong. See Domains on

page 16.


Time zone setting for the node. See Time Zones on page 22.


(Default = Enabled) Enabled/disabled setting for the nodes

10/100bT Ethernet interface. See Ethernet Interface on
page 19.


(Default = Read-Write) Type of community string for the

node. See Configuring SNMP on page 109.


(Optional) Password for Telnet session access to the node.

Free-form text of up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

In the absence of a traffic rate control, there will be no

restriction on the maximum throughput. For more
information about traffic rate control, see Quality of Service
(QoS) on page 22.

In the absence of a password, the default password, public,

will apply.

(Default = Disabled) Enabled/disabled setting for the nodes

filtering. When Disabled is selected, the corresponding filterrelated node profile fields are also disabled (grayed out). See
Filtering on page 27.

Configuring Node Profiles | 95

Table B-2. Node Profile Elements (Page 3 of 3)



EtherType Filter

Allow/deny setting for the nodes EtherType filtering. When

Allow is selected, any EtherType filters currently defined will
be applied. See Filtering on page 27.

IP Protocol Filter

Allow/deny setting for the nodes IP protocol filtering. When

Allow is selected, any IP Protocol filters currently defined will
be applied. See Filtering on page 27.

IP Address
Destination Filter

Allow/deny setting for the nodes IP destination address

filtering. When Allow is selected, any IP destination address
filters currently defined will be applied. See Filtering on
page 27.

IP Address
Source Filter

Allow/deny setting for the nodes IP source address filtering.

When Allow is selected, any IP source address filters currently
defined will be applied. See Filtering on page 27.

Port Destination

Allow/deny setting for the nodes port destination filtering.

When Allow is selected, any port destination filters currently
defined will be applied. See Filtering on page 27.

Port Source Filter

Allow/deny setting for the nodes port source filtering. When

Allow is selected, any port source filters currently defined will
be applied. See Filtering on page 27.

ARP Source

Allow/deny setting for the nodes ARP (address resolution


Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this node profile record was


Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this node profile record was last


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

96 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Node Profile Attribute Elements

Node Profile Attribute elements enable you to associate a variety of preconfigured
options, such as QoS classifiers, with existing node profiles. Table B-3 lists the
elements that describe Node Profile attributes.
Table B-3. Node Profile Attribute Elements

Refer To


Configuring Access Control Lists (ACLs) on page 112


Quality of Service (QoS) on page 22


Filtering on page 27


Frequency on page 16


Configuring SNMP on page 109


Configuring VLANs on page 103

Adding a Node Profile

You can add node profiles to your system anytime.
To add a node profile:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Node Profile.

From the menu bar, choose Node Profile Add.

Configuring Node Profiles | 97

SkyProvision displays the Add Node Profile screen.

Enter the node profile elements. For more information, see Node Profile
Elements on page 94.

Click OK.

Modifying a Node Profile

You can modify any node profile that is not assigned to a node.
To modify a node profile:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Node Profile.
SkyProvision displays the Node Profile screen.

Select the node profile you want to modify by right-clicking its name in the
display pane and choosing Modify.

Edit the node profile elements. For more information, see Node Profile
Elements on page 94.

Click OK.

98 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Deleting a Node Profile

You can delete any node profile that is not assigned to a node.
To delete a node profile:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Node Profile.
SkyProvision displays the Node Profile screen.

Select the node profile you want to delete by right-clicking its name in the
display pane and choosing Delete.
SkyProvision displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Managing Node Profile Attributes

You can modify the node profile attributes of any node profile that is not assigned
to a node.
To manage node profile attributes:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Node Profile.
SkyProvision displays the Node Profile screen.

Select the node profile you want to manage by clicking its name in the display

Click Attributes.

Click the tab for the attribute element you want to associate with the node
profile. For more information, see Node Profile Attribute Elements on
page 97.

Select each desired item, and then click Apply.

Configuring Node Profiles | 99

Configuring Nodes
A SkyPilot network node is any SkyPilot device on the mesh network
SkyGateways, SkyExtenders, and SkyConnectors (both indoor and outdoor). The
following sections describe the elements of a node and explain how to add,
modify, and delete nodes.

Node Elements
Table B-4 lists the elements that describe node records.
Table B-4. Node Elements (Page 1 of 2)


MAC Address

Unique 12-character hexadecimal hardware address for this


Node Type

(Default = SkyConnector Indoor) Type of SkyPilot device.

Select a type from the Node Type list.


(Optional) Unique free-form text of up to 32 alphanumeric


IP Address

IP address and netmask settings that enable SkyControl to

poll the node. Up to 12 numeric characters in dotted
If you leave the IP address blank, then SkyControl will query
the SkyGateways, which maintain records of every connected
device's IP address. For more information about SkyControl
polling, see Viewing Your SkyPilot Network on page 129.

Address 1

Address specifying where the node is physically located; for

example, a users home address where a SkyConnector
Outdoor device is mounted. Free-form text of up to 255
alphanumeric characters.

Address 2

(Optional) Additional address information about where the

device is physically located. Free-form text of up to 255
alphanumeric characters.


City where the device is physically located. Free-form text of

up to 128 alphanumeric characters.

100 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Table B-4. Node Elements (Page 2 of 2)




State where the device is physically located. Free-form text of

up to 64 alphanumeric characters.

Postal Code

Postal code of where the device is physically located. Up to

10 numeric characters.


Country where the device is physically located. Select a

country from the Country list.

Node Profile

Node profile containing parameter settings to apply to this

node. Select a node profile from the Node Profile list. Click
Detail to view the configuration settings for the selected
node profile.
For detailed information about using node profiles, see
Configuring Node Profiles on page 94.


Customer that owns the device. Select the customer name

from the Customer list. Click Detail to view the complete
customer record for the selected customer.
For detailed information about using customer profiles, see
Configuring Customers on page 106.

Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this node record was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this node record was last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Adding a Node
You can add nodes to your SkyPilot network anytime.
To add a node:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Node.

From the menu bar, choose Node Add.

Configuring Nodes | 101

SkyProvision displays the Add Node screen.

Enter the node elements. For more information, see Node Elements on
page 100.

Click OK.

Modifying a Node
You can modify a nodes settings anytime.
To modify a node:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Node.
SkyProvision displays the Node screen.

Select the node you want to modify by right-clicking its name in the display
pane and choosing Modify.

Edit the node elements. For more information, see Node Elements on
page 100.

Click OK.

102 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Deleting a Node
You can delete a node from your SkyPilot network anytime.
To delete a node:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Node.
SkyProvision displays the Node screen.

Select the node you want to delete by right-clicking its name in the display
pane and choosing Delete.
SkyProvision displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Configuring VLANs
Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs or Virtual LANs) are portions of a network
configured as logical topologies defined by software, connected to the same
physical network infrastructure. Devices on separate VLANs of a network behave
as if they are on physically separated networks. VLANs function by logically
segmenting the network into different broadcast domains so that packets are only
switched between ports that are designated for the same VLAN. For more
information about VLANs, see Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) on page 17.
The following sections describe the elements of a VLAN and explain how to add,
modify, and delete VLANs.

Configuring VLANs | 103

VLAN Elements
Table B-5 lists the elements that describe VLANs.
Table B-5. VLAN Elements



Unique (to VLAN names) string of up to 64 alphanumeric

characters. This is used only within SkyProvision.


Number from 1 to 4096 used as the VLAN tag for all nodes
within the given VLAN.


Type of VLAN. Select a type from the VLAN Type list.

Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this domain record was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this domain record was last



(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Adding a VLAN
You can add a VLAN to your SkyPilot network anytime.
To add a VLAN:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click VLAN.

From the menu bar, choose VLAN Add.

SkyProvision displays the Add VLAN screen.

Enter the VLAN elements. For more information, see VLAN Elements on
page 104.

Click OK.

104 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Modifying a VLAN
You can modify VLAN configurations anytime.
To modify a VLAN:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click VLAN.

Select the VLAN you want to modify by right-clicking its name in the display
pane and choosing Modify.
SkyProvision displays the Modify VLAN screen.

Edit the VLAN elements. For more information, see VLAN Elements on
page 104.

Click OK.

Deleting a VLAN
You can delete a VLAN from your SkyPilot network anytime.
To delete a VLAN:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click VLAN.

Select the VLAN you want to delete by right-clicking its name in the display
pane and choosing Delete.
SkyProvision displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Configuring VLANs | 105

Configuring Customers
The Customer Maintenance functions allow you to manage customer records in
your SkyPilot network database. (For information about customers, see Managing
Customers on page 44.)
The following sections describe the elements of a customer profile and explain
how to add, modify, and delete customer profiles.

Customer Profile Elements

Table B-6 lists the elements that describe Customer Profiles.
Table B-6. Customer Profile Elements (Page 1 of 2)


First Name

Free-form text of up to 64 alphanumeric characters.

Last Name

Free-form text of up to 64 alphanumeric characters.

Address 1

Free-form text of up to 255 alphanumeric characters.

Address 2

Free-form text of up to 255 alphanumeric characters.

Postal Code
Day Phone
Evening Phone

106 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Table B-6. Customer Profile Elements (Page 2 of 2)



Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this software maintenance record

was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this software maintenance record

was last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Adding a Customer Profile

You can add a customer profile to your SkyPilot network anytime.
To add a customer profile:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Customer Maintenance.
SkyProvision displays the Customer Maintenance screen.

From the menu bar, choose Customer Maintenance Add.

SkyProvision displays the Add Customer screen.

Configuring Customers | 107

Enter the customer profile elements. For more information, see Customer
Profile Elements on page 106.

Click OK.

Modifying a Customer Profile

You can modify customer profiles anytime.
To modify a customer profile:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Customer Maintenance.
SkyProvision displays the Customer Maintenance screen.

Select the customer profile you want to modify by right-clicking its name in
the display pane and choosing Modify.
SkyProvision displays the Modify Customer screen.

Edit the customer profile elements. For more information, see Customer
Profile Elements on page 106.

Click OK.

Deleting a Customer Profile

You can delete any customer profile that is not assigned to a node.
To delete a customer profile:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Customer Maintenance.
SkyProvision displays the Customer Maintenance screen.

Select the customer profile you want to delete by right-clicking its name in
the display pane and choosing Delete.
SkyProvision displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

108 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Configuring SNMP
Before you can use SkyControl to monitor an automatically provisioned device,
you must first configure corresponding SNMP parameters. For information about
SNMP, see SNMP on page 20. For information about SkyControl, see Monitoring
a Networks Topology by Using SkyControl on page 52.

SNMP Community String Elements

Table B-7 lists the elements that describe SNMP community strings.
Table B-7. SNMP Community String Elements



Unique (to SNMP community strings) string of up to 64

alphanumeric characters. This is used only within


Identifier that allows access through an SNMP agent to


(Default = Read-Only) Specifies type of access allowed by the

community string:

a devices MIB objects. Free-form text of up to 128

alphanumeric characters.

Read-OnlyMIB object can be read but not modified.

Read-WriteMIB object can be read and modified.
Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this SNMP community string

record was created.

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this SNMP community string

record was last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Configuring SNMP | 109

SNMP Trap Receiver Elements

Table B-8 lists the elements that describe SNMP trap receivers.
Table B-8. SNMP Trap Receiver Elements



Unique (to SNMP trap receivers) string of up to 64

alphanumeric characters. This is used only within

IP Address

IP address to which any node using this trap receiver will

send SNMP traps. Up to 12 numeric characters in dotted
notation. The combination of IP Address and Port must be
unique (to SNMP trap receivers).


(Default = 162) Port to which any node using this trap

receiver will send SNMP traps. Numeric entry from 1 to
65,535. The combination of IP Address and Port must be
unique (to SNMP trap receivers).

Date Created

(Read-only) Date and time this SNMP trap receiver record was

Date Modified

(Read-only) Date and time this SNMP trap receiver record was
last modified.


(Optional) Free-form text of up to 255 characters. This is not

used by SkyProvision or SkyControl; it is for administrator
reference only.

Adding an SNMP Parameter

You can add SNMP parameters anytime.
To add an SNMP parameter:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click SNMP.

Click either of the SNMP parametersSNMP Community String or SNMP

Trap Receiver.
The menu bar includes a choice corresponding to the SNMP parameter you

110 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

From the menu bar, choose snmp-parameter Add, where

snmp-parameter corresponds to the SNMP parameter you selected.
SkyProvision displays the Add screen corresponding to the SNMP parameter
you selected.

Enter the SNMP parameter elements. For more information, see one of the

SNMP Community String Elements on page 109

SNMP Trap Receiver Elements on page 110

Click OK.

Modifying an SNMP Parameter

You can modify any of your SkyPilot networks SNMP parameters.
To modify an SNMP parameter:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click SNMP.

Click either of the SNMP parametersSNMP Community String or SNMP

Trap Receiver.
SkyProvision displays the SNMP screen corresponding to the SNMP parameter
you selected.

Select the SNMP parameter you want to modify by right-clicking its name in
the display pane and choosing Modify.
SkyProvision displays the Modify screen corresponding to the SNMP
parameter you selected.

Edit the SNMP parameter elements. For more information, see one of the

SNMP Community String Elements on page 109

SNMP Trap Receiver Elements on page 110

Click OK.

Configuring SNMP | 111

Deleting an SNMP Parameter

You can delete SNMP parameters anytime.
To delete an SNMP parameter:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click SNMP.

Click either of the SNMP parametersSNMP Community String or SNMP

Trap Receiver.

Select the SNMP parameter you want to delete by right-clicking its name in
the display pane and choosing Delete.
SkyProvision displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Configuring Access Control Lists (ACLs)

The Access Control List functions allow you to manage customer records in your
SkyPilot network database. (For information about ACLs, see Access Control Lists
(ACLs) on page 45.)
The following sections explain how to add, modify, and delete ACLs.

Adding an ACL
You can add ACLs anytime.
To add an ACL:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Access Control List.
SkyProvision displays the Access Control List screen.

From the menu bar, choose Access Control List Add.

112 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

SkyProvision displays the Add Access Control List screen.

Enter the ACL elements. For more information, see ACL Elements on
page 46.

Click OK.

Modifying an ACL
You can modify any ACL that is not currently assigned to a node.
To modify an ACL:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Access Control List.
SkyProvision displays the Access Control List screen.

Select the ACL you want to modify by right-clicking its name in the display
pane and choosing Modify.
SkyProvision displays the Modify ACL screen.

Edit the ACL elements. For more information, see ACL Elements on page 46.

Click OK.

Configuring Access Control Lists (ACLs) | 113

Deleting an ACL
You can delete any ACL that is not assigned to a node.
To delete an ACL:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Access Control List.
SkyProvision displays the Access Control List screen.

Select the ACL you want to delete by right-clicking its name in the display
pane and choosing Delete.
SkyProvision displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Configuring QoS
Adding a QoS Classifier Profile
You can add QoS classifier profiles anytime.
To add a QoS classifier profile:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item,
expand the QoS tree item, and double-click Classifier.
SkyProvision displays the Classifier screen.

From the menu bar, choose Classifier Add.

SkyProvision displays the Add Classifier screen.

114 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Enter the classifier elements. For more information, see QoS Classifiers on
page 25.

Click OK.

Modifying a QoS Classifier Profile

You can modify QoS classifier profiles that are not currently assigned.
To modify a QoS classifier profile:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item,
expand the QoS tree item and double-click Classifier.
SkyProvision displays the Classifier screen

Select the QoS classifier profile you want to modify by right-clicking its name
in the display pane and choosing Modify.
Sky Provision displays the Modify Classifier screen.

Edit the QoS classifier elements. For more information, see QoS Classifiers on
page 25.

Click OK.

Deleting a QoS Classifier Profile

You can delete any QoS classifier profile that is not assigned to a node.
To delete a QoS classifier profile:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item,
expand the QoS tree item, and double-click Classifier.
SkyProvision displays the Classifier screen

Select the QoS classifier profile you want to delete by right-clicking its name in
the display pane and choosing Delete.
SkyProvision displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Configuring QoS | 115

Adding a Filter
You can add filters anytime.
To add a filter:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Filter.

Click any of the filter typesEtherType Filter, IP Protocol Filter, IP Address

Filter, or Port Filter.
The menu bar includes a choice corresponding to the filter type you selected.

From the menu bar, choose your-filter Add, where your-filter corresponds
to the filter type you selected.
SkyProvision displays the Add Filter screen corresponding to the filter type
you selected.

Enter the Filter elements. For more information, see one of the following:

EtherType Filters on page 29

IP Protocol Filters on page 29

IP Address Filters on page 30

Port Filters on page 31

Click OK.

Modifying a Filter

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Filter.

Click any of the filter typesEtherType Filter, IP Protocol Filter, IP Address

Filter, or Port Filter.

Select the filter you want to modify by right-clicking its name in the display
pane and choosing Modify.
SkyProvision displays the Modify screen corresponding to the filter you

116 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Edit the Filter elements. For more information, see one of the following:

EtherType Filters on page 29

IP Protocol Filters on page 29

IP Address Filters on page 30

Port Filters on page 31

Click OK.

Deleting a Filter
You can delete any filter that is not assigned to a node.
To delete a filter:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item
and double-click Filter.

Click any of the filter typesEtherType Filter, IP Protocol Filter, IP Address

Filter, or Port Filter.

Select the filter you want to delete by right-clicking its name in the display
pane and choosing Delete.
SkyProvision displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes to delete.

Configuring Software Images

The Software Maintenance and Software Schedule functions allow you to manage
software updates on your SkyPilot devices. (For information about software
images, see Managing Software Images on page 42.)
The following sections explain how to add, modify, and delete software images
and schedules.

Configuring Software Images | 117

Adding a Software Image

You can add software images anytime.
To add a software image:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item,
expand the Software tree item, and double-click Software Maintenance.
SkyProvision displays the Software Maintenance screen.

From the menu bar, choose Software Maintenance Add.

SkyProvision displays the Add Software screen.

Enter the software maintenance elements. For more information, see

Software Maintenance Elements on page 43.

Click OK.

Modifying a Software Image

You can modify the software images database record by changing the comment.
To modify a software image:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item,
expand the Software tree item, and double-click Software Maintenance.
SkyProvision displays the Software Maintenance screen.

Right-click the name of the software image you want to modify, and choose

Edit the software image elements.

118 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Click OK.

Deleting a Software Image

You can delete any software image from the database of available images,
although this does not delete the file itself from disk.
To delete a software image:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item,
expand the Software tree item, and double-click Software Maintenance.
SkyProvision displays the Software Maintenance screen.

Right-click the name of the software image you want to delete, and choose
SkyControl displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Adding a Software Schedule

You can add software schedules anytime.
To add a software schedule:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item,
expand the Software tree item, and double-click Software Schedule.
SkyProvision displays the Software Schedule screen.

From the menu bar, choose Software Schedule Add.

Configuring Software Images | 119

SkyProvision displays the Add Software Schedule screen.

Enter the software schedule elements. For more information, see Software
Schedule Elements on page 44.

Click OK.

Modifying a Software Schedule

You can modify any software schedule that is not assigned to a node.
To modify a software schedule:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item,
expand the Software tree item, and double-click Software Schedule.
SkyProvision displays the Software Schedule screen.

Right-click the name of the software image you want to modify, and choose

Edit the software schedule elements.

Click OK.

120 | Appendix B SkyProvision Reference

Deleting a Software Schedule

You can delete any software schedule that is not assigned to a node.
To delete a software schedule:

In the navigation pane of the SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyProvision tree item,
expand the Software tree item, and double-click Software Schedule.
SkyProvision displays the Software Schedule screen.

Right-click the name of the software schedule you want to delete, and choose
SkyControl displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Configuring Software Images | 121


SkyControl Reference
SkyControl enables you to perform administrative and maintenance functions for
your SkyPilot network. This appendix provides detailed instructions for those
administrative and maintenance functions.

Appendix Highlights
Using SkyControl
Viewing your SkyPilot network
Configuring performance thresholds
Configuring data collection tasks
Using reports
Viewing statistics

Administration Guide | 123

Using SkyControl
SkyControl is an SNMP management system for real-time device monitoring and
management. This software provides a graphical view of your network topology
with at-a-glance updates on topology, routing, and performance.

Starting SkyControl
You access SkyControl from the SkyPilot EMS Client. If SkyProvision is already
active, then you dont need to start another SkyPilot EMS sessionboth
SkyProvision and SkyControl can be run within a single SkyPilot EMS session.
To access SkyControl:

Execute the SkyPilot EMS Client startup script, startemsclient.bat (for

Windows systems) or (for Linux systems), from the
SkyPilot/EMS/bin directory.
The Login Window is displayed.

124 | C SkyControl Reference

Enter your user name and password. (The default values for both user name
and password are admin.)

Click Login.
The SkyPilot EMS Interface is displayed.

Click SkyControl in the navigation pane.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains; the Tools sub-menu in the Menu Bar
changes to SkyControl tools; and the display pane changes to a blank display
(which will be filled once you select domains to monitor).

SkyControl Interface
Figure C-1 illustrates the following parts of the SkyControl Interface, including
elements on its display pane:
Map tool barTool bar that is active when there is a monitored domain map
shown in the display pane.

Use the Arrow to lock and unlock a nodes position on the map display.
When the node is unlocked, you can drag it to any position on the map.

Use the Zoom Level buttons to zoom in and out of the map display to any
level. Use the left button for maximum zoom out; use the right button for
maximum zoom in; and use the buttons in between for intermediate
zoom levels. The current zoom level is indicated by the corresponding
buttons highlight.

Use the Magnifying Glass to zoom in and out of the map display by a
single level. (When you use either magnifying glass, the zoom level
highlight changes to show the new zoom level.)

Using SkyControl | 125

Display backgroundBackground image on which the nodes and links are

shown. You can customize the background, and then position the networks
node icons in the correct location so that the network topology display very
accurately represents real life. For example, if you use a street map as the
background, and an end-users location is at the corner of Pine and Main
streets, then you can drag and drop the associated SkyConnector icon directly
on to the map at the corner of Pine and Main. (For directions on customizing
the display background, see Customizing the SkyControl Display Pane on
page 127.)
Link linesRepresentations of links between nodes. Link lines are added as
nodes form links with each other, which begins for each node when the
nodes polling starts.
Node iconsRepresentations of SkyPilot nodes. A gray icon indicates that
there is no polling for the node. A red icon indicates that the node is not
responding, and therefore is not currently an active part of the network. And a
green icon means that the node is active. Table C-1 shows the icons for each
type of node.
Table C-1. Node Icons


SkyConnector Outdoor

SkyConnector Indoor

SkyExtender DualBand

126 | C SkyControl Reference

Figure C-1. SkyControl Interface

Map tool bar

Link line
Node icons
Display background

Customizing the SkyControl Display Pane

For each EMS Client session (that is, each separate SkyControl instance), you can
customize the display pane, including the display background, on a per-domain
basis. So, for example, you could show all the links for one domain, but only active
links for another domain.


Its important to remember what display settings you have configured.

Otherwise you might spend time troubleshooting a device thats not
appearing in a non-operating domains SkyControl display, only to
discover that youve configured the display to show only provisioned

To customize a domains display pane:


In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

If you dont want to change the display background, skip to step 4.

To change the background, right-click the domain name whose background
you want to customize, and choose Change Background.

Using SkyControl | 127

SkyControl displays the Change Background screen.

Browse to the desired file, select it, and click Open.

SkyControl replaces the previous background with the one youve just
selected. (If the domain isnt currently displayed, then you will see the new
background the next time you view the domain.)


You must separately add the image to every PC on which you run the
EMS Client.

If you dont want to change which nodes and links are shown (including
whether their accompanying labels are shown), youre done with this
To change the displays configuration, right-click the domain name whose
display you want to customize, and choose Display Configuration.

128 | C SkyControl Reference

SkyControl displays the Display Configuration screen.

Select the desired options.

Click OK.

Viewing Your SkyPilot Network

One of SkyControls key features is that it provides a graphical view of your
network topology (including all network nodes and links) with at-a-glance
updates on topology, routing, and performance.
You can view a single domain or multiple domains at a time (one domain per
window). And as previously described (see Customizing the SkyControl Display
Pane on page 127), you can change the display configuration on a per-domain
SkyControl directly polls all SkyPilot devices that are provisioned with a static IP
address. In addition, SkyControl polls SkyGateways to retrieve the list of devices
connected to the SkyGateway, including their IP addresses. In this manner, devices
with dynamically assigned IP addresses can be monitored by SkyControl.


When a device with a dynamically assigned IP address is added to the

network, SkyControl cannot poll the new node until its IP address is
discovered (by polling the SkyGateway). Once the IP address is
discovered, you must tell SkyControl to start polling all devices (even if

Viewing Your SkyPilot Network | 129

SkyControl is already polling all devices) or select the device and start its
default task. Likewise, if a nodes IP address changes, you must stop and
restart the polling for that node in order for SkyControl to monitor and
poll the node at its new address.
To view a domain:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

In the navigation pane, double-click the domain you want to view.

SkyControl displays the domains primary SkyGateway in the display pane.
However, no other network nodes are shown until you instruct SkyControl to
begin polling the SkyGateway, as described in the next step.

In the navigation pane, right-click the domain name youre viewing, and
choose Start Polling All Devices.
The nodes within the domain automatically discover one another, and
SkyControl automatically adds node icons to the display, as well as link lines
once the links are formed.


By default, polling is on for all devices. However, if you dont need to

monitor the network for some time, its recommended that you stop
the SkyControl polling in order to avoid filling the database with
unneeded data.

To view detailed information about any given node, right-click either the
corresponding node icon or the nodes name in the navigation pane, and
choose Device Details.

130 | C SkyControl Reference

SkyControl displays the Device Details screen.

Configuring Data Collection Tasks

The following sections describe how to add, modify, and delete data collection

Adding a New Data Collection Task

To configure a new report:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

Expand the domain tree that contains the device for which you want to
configure a data collection task.
The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of devices in the domain.

Right-click the device name for which you want the report, and choose
Configure Task.
SkyControl displays the Configure Task screen.

Click New.

Configuring Data Collection Tasks | 131

SkyControl displays the Create New Task screen.

Enter the Task elements. For more information, see Data Collection Tasks on
page 47.

Click OK.
Focus returns to the Configure Task screen, and your new data collection task
is shown in the list of tasks (test_051214 in the following figure).

Click Close.

132 | C SkyControl Reference

Modifying a Data Collection Tasks Settings

You can modify the settings of any data collection task that is not running.
To modify a data collection tasks settings:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

Expand the domain tree that includes the device that contains the data
collection task you want to modify.
The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of devices in the domain.

Right-click the device name for which you want the report, and choose
Configure Task.
SkyControl displays the Configure Task screen.

Click the name of the report whose settings you want to modify, and then
click Edit.

Configuring Data Collection Tasks | 133

SkyControl displays the Configure Task screen.

Edit the Task elements. For more information, see Data Collection Tasks on
page 47.

Click OK.
Focus returns to the Configure Task screen.

Click Close.

134 | C SkyControl Reference

Deleting a Data Collection Task

You can delete any data collection task that is not running and that is not included
in reports.
To delete a data collection task:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

Expand the domain tree that includes the device containing the data
collection task you want to delete.
The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of devices in the domain.

Right-click the device name, and choose Configure Task.

SkyControl displays the Configure Task screen.

Click the name of the data collection task you want to delete, and then click
SkyControl displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Configuring Data Collection Tasks | 135

Using Reports
The following sections describe how to add, modify, and delete reports.

Adding a New Report

To configure a new report:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

Expand the domain tree that contains the device for which you want a report.
The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of devices in the domain.

Right-click the device name for which you want the report, and choose
Configure Report.
SkyControl displays the Configure Report screen.

Click New.
SkyControl displays the Create New Report screen.

Enter the Report elements. For more information, see Reports Elements on
page 49.

136 | C SkyControl Reference

Click OK.
Focus returns to the Configure Report screen, and your new report is shown in
the list of reports (test-report in the following figure).

Click Close.

Modifying a Reports Settings

You can modify any report that is not currently running.
To modify a reports settings:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

Expand the domain tree that contains the device for which you want a report.
The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of devices in the domain.

Right-click the device name for which you want the report, and choose
Configure Report.
SkyControl displays the Configure Report screen.

Using Reports | 137

Click the name of the report whose settings you want to modify, and then
click Edit.
SkyControl displays the Edit Report screen.

Edit the Report elements. For more information, see Reports Elements on
page 49.

Click OK.
Focus returns to the Configure Report screen.

Click Close.

138 | C SkyControl Reference

Purging a Report
You can set up automatic purging of reports from your system to avoid
unnecessarily filling up disk space. You can specify a different purge frequency for
each type of report (hourly, daily, and so on).
To set up report purging:

From the SkyPilot EMS Menu Bar, choose Performance Configure Report
Data Clear Interval.
SkyPilot EMS displays the Configure Report Data Clear Interval screen.

Select the report type from the Report Type list.

Enter a number to specify the age of data that you want to purge.

Click OK.

Deleting a Report Configuration

You can delete any report that is not currently running.
To delete a report configuration:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

Expand the domain tree that contains the device for which you want a report.
The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of devices in the domain.
SkyControl displays the Configure Report screen.

Using Reports | 139

Click the name of the report whose settings you want to delete, and then click
SkyControl displays a Delete Confirmation message.

Click Yes.

Viewing a Report
To view a report:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

Expand the domain tree that contains the device for which you want view a
The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of devices in the domain.

Right-click the device name for which you want the report, and choose View
SkyControl displays the View Report screen.

Select the report you want to view and which MIB objects to include, and click
View or Chart.
SkyControl displays the report.

140 | C SkyControl Reference

Viewing Statistics
The following sections describe how to view both current and collected statistics.
For information about SkyPilot statistics, see Reports and Statistics on page 48.

Viewing Current Statistics

You can view the current statistics for any data collection task that is not running.
To view current statistics:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

Expand the domain tree that contains the device for which you want view a
The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of devices in the domain.

Right-click the device name for which you want the report, and choose View
Current Statistics.
SkyControl displays the Current Statistics screen.

Select the data collectors and MIB objects you want to view, and click Start.
SkyControl displays the statistics in real-time, similar to the following:

Viewing Statistics | 141

When youre done viewing the statistics, click Close.

Viewing Collected Statistics

You can view collected statistics for any data collection task that is not running.
To view collected statistics:

In the navigation pane of SkyPilot EMS, expand the SkyControl tree.

The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of configured domains.

Expand the domain tree that contains the device for which you want view a
The navigation pane expands (if it is not already expanded) to show the
complete list of devices in the domain.

Right-click the device name for which you want the report, and choose View
Collected Statistics.
SkyControl displays the Collected Statistics screen.

Select the parameters, configure the graph elements (such as the axis
settings), and choose the time frame, and then click any of the following:

PlotPlots the statistics corresponding to the settings youve chosen

ClearClears the display so you can change the settings

SaveSaves the display

PrintPrints the display

When youre done viewing the statistics, click Close.

142 | C SkyControl Reference

Command-Line Interface Reference
The Command-Line Interface is a text-based interactive application built into all
SkyPilot devices. This interface enables you to manually provision a device,
monitor and manage a device, and enable real-time logging.
This appendix provides instructions for accessing SkyPilot devices command-line
interface, as well as detailed descriptions of all the commands available through
the command-line interface.

Appendix Highlights
Accessing the command-line interface
Using the command-line interface
Command summary
Provisioning parameters scope

Administration Guide | 143

Accessing the Command-Line Interface

You can connect to any SkyPilot device and access its command-line interface
through Telnet over an Ethernet connection, or (for SkyGateway and SkyExtender
only) via a terminal session from a console connected to the devices RJ-45 serial
port. After logging in (by supplying a password), you can enter commands at the
command prompt. See the following sections for procedure details:
Getting Access via Ethernet on page 144
Getting Access via a Serial Connection on page 146

Getting Access via Ethernet

To set up a Telnet session:

Prepare a PC or laptop.
Open the network settings panel and assign the computer an IP address from to, and a subnet mask of (For
information changing a devices IP address from its default, see Managing IP
Addresses on page 54.)

Connect the computer to the SkyPilot device, as shown in Figure D-1.


Use an Ethernet crossover cable (provided) to connect the computer to

the power injector.

Connect the Ethernet straight-through cable (provided) between the

power injector and the Ethernet interface on the base of the SkyGateway
or SkyExtender.

Plug the AC adapter into the power injector.

144 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Figure D-1. Ethernet Connection to a SkyGateway/SkyExtender

Start a Telnet session.

From the Telnet session, connect to the device by supplying its IP address.

Log in by entering the password at the command prompt. (Use the default,
public, if you havent changed the password.)

Accessing the Command-Line Interface | 145

Getting Access via a Serial Connection

You can use a serial connection to access SkyGateway and SkyExtender devices
(but not SkyConnectors).
To establish a serial connection:

Connect the console to the SkyPilot device, as shown in Figure D-2.


Plug the DB-9 adapter into a serial port on the console.

Plug one end of the serial straight-through cable (provided) into the DB-9
adapter and the other end into the RJ-45 serial port under the base of the
SkyGateway or SkyExtender.

Connect the Ethernet straight-through cable (provided) between the

power injector and the Ethernet interface on the base of the SkyGateway
or SkyExtender.

Figure D-2. Serial Connection to a SkyGateway/SkyExtender

146 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Start a communications session.


From the console, start a terminal emulation program (for example,

HyperTerminal or the open-source terminal client Tera Term).

Select the COM port you used to physically connect the console to the

Connect to the SkyPilot device using these serial communication settings:

38400 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit, no flow control.

Log in by entering the password at the command prompt. (Use the default,
public, if you havent changed the password.)

Using the Command-Line Interface

Some commands include command-line arguments, which may be required
(indicated in the following sections by angle brackets: < >) or optional (indicated
by square brackets: [ ]).
Other commands dont include any arguments with the command invocation,
but prompt you for the following as you proceed through the command
Action selections
To make an action selection, enter the first letter of the choice, as displayed by
the command-line interface in angle brackets: < >, or the number
corresponding to the presented options. Pressing Enter (entering nothing) at
an action prompt selects the first choice, usually quit.
Value prompts
To specify a new parameter value, enter the new value. Just pressing Enter at
a value prompt will continue with whatever the current value is, which is
displayed in square brackets: [ ].

Using the Command-Line Interface | 147

Command Summary
Tables D-1 and D-2 divide the command set into two groups: the most commonly
used commands followed by those that are more advanced and less frequently
Table D-1. Common Commands (Page 1 of 3)



Terminates (disconnects) the Command-Line Interface session,

unless the client is connected through Telnet to a SkyPilot


Displays a description of the each commands function, as well

as a synopsisthe command syntax


Two-way link layer ping test


Layer 3 Ping utility


Reboots the device


Reboots the DualBand access point (SkyExtender DualBand


148 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Table D-1. Common Commands (Page 2 of 3)




Configuration commands for setting common device

provisioning parameters, as follows:
domainDomain to which the device belongs, or all
ethEthernet interface (enabled or disabled), as well as
physical settings such as speed and duplexity
filterPacket filtering
freqPrimary frequency for devices, as well as an allow
range of frequencies
ipIP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
passwordPassword for accessing the devices

command-line interface
provProvisioning mode: either manual or automatic;
and flash settings for provisioning parameters

Command Summary | 149

Table D-1. Common Commands (Page 3 of 3)




Displays the devices current value for the following

configComplete current configuration parameters
dateDate and time
dhcpDHCP offer options
domainDomain to which the device belongs, or all
ethEthernet interface (enabled or disabled), as well as

physical settings such as speed and duplexity

filterAll filters in effect (EtherType, IP Address, and so

freqPrimary frequency for devices, as well as an allow
range of frequencies
intEthernet and RF interfaces information
ipIP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
linkMesh link states and statistics for frequency,

transmit power, modulation, RSSI, RF frames, RF packets,

and RF octets
provFlash settings for provisioning parameters
rebootReason for most recent reboot
statusCurrent provisioning settings
uptime Elapsed time since the device was last booted
usersAll users logged into the nodes
versionVersion of running hardware, software, or
operating system, as appropriate for the device
version apVersion of software running on the dual

band access point

vlanVirtual Local Area Network settings

Table D-2. Advanced Commands (Page 1 of 4)




Changes the image state to accepted


Clears all counters displayed via the show link stats

command, or that are available via SNMP

150 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Table D-2. Advanced Commands (Page 2 of 4)




Enables or disables debug logging to standard output



Downloads a software image to a SkyPilot device


Reloads the configuration file from the server.


Configuration commands for advanced device provisioning

parameters, as follows:
aclAccess control list
activeimageImage to use as the active version of

apwatchdogAccess point watchdog task (SkyExtender
DualBand only)
buzzerSound pitch indicating signal strength
(SkyConnector only)
classifierConfigures QoS classifiers
factoryapAccess point factory settings (SkyExtender

DualBand only)
gpsDevice position and GPS satellite information

(SkyGateway, SkyExtender, SkyExtender DualBand only)

logFacility log levels that control log message verbosity
logeventsPage size for log events messages
netkeyKey that is exchanged as part of the link
formation process
powerPower level of transmit signal (SkyGateway only)
radarRadar detection state (SkyGateway only)
snmpSNMP community strings and trap receivers
spectrumSpectrum analysis
telnetTelnet inactivity timeout, in minutes
timezoneNTP server IP address, as well as the GMT

offset, for accurate timekeeping

trafficrateTraffic rate controls

Command Summary | 151

Table D-2. Advanced Commands (Page 3 of 4)




Displays the devices current value for the following settings:

aclAccess control list
bridgeEntries in the bridge station cache, as well as

bridge ports
buzzerSound pitch indicating signal strength
(SkyConnector only)
classifierQoS classifiers
debugDebug status
flashFlash memory status
gpsDevice position and GPS satellite information

(SkyGateway, SkyExtender, SkyExtender DualBand only)

ip2macMapping table of IP to MAC addresses
(SkyGateway only)
logFacility log levels that control log message verbosity
logeventsPage size for log events messages
mac2ipMapping table of MAC to IP addresses

(SkyGateway only)
memSystem memory partition blocks and statistics
meshMesh forwarding table, mesh route cost table, or
MAC learning table
netkeyKey that is exchanged as part of the link
formation process
powerPower level of transmit signal (SkyGateway only)
phyerrorsList of PHY errors for the devices radio chip.
processSystem processes
radarRadar detection state (SkyGateway only)
snmpSNMP community strings and trap receivers
spectrumSpectrum analysis
stackStack usage statistics for all tasks
techSnapshot of nodes current configuration and
tempTemperature of the devices radio chip
timezoneNTP server IP address, as well as the GMT

offset, for accurate timekeeping

trafficrateTraffic rate controls


Displays help for the set spectrum command

152 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Table D-2. Advanced Commands (Page 4 of 4)




Traces the path from the local node to the destination MAC


Verifies the nodes certificate chain

Provisioning Parameters Scope

Depending on the provisioning parameter and the method you use to change its
value, the change takes effect in either or both of the following scopes:
Immediate (Real-Time)When you issue a command in the form
set <parameter>, the setting takes effect immediately (in real-time),
without any need to restart the device. However, once the device is restarted,
it will revert to its original provisioning setting contained in its flash memory.
FlashWhen you issue a command in the form set prov <parameter>,
the setting is changed in the devices flash memory. However, the new setting
does not take effect until the device is restarted.
Table D-3 lists all the provisioning parameters, and shows to which devices they
apply and whether you can change the parameter value in real-time, in a devices
flash memory, or in either.


Parameter value changes that can be made only in flash memory (not in
real-time) appear in this reference appendix in the format
set prov <parameter>. Otherwise, they appear in the format
set <parameter>.

Table D-3. Provisioning Parameters Scope (Page 1 of 2)










SkyConnector only

Provisioning Parameters Scope | 153

Table D-3. Provisioning Parameters Scope (Page 2 of 2)





























SkyGateway only


SkyGateway only











154 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Sets the specified partitions image state to accepted (which is normally done
automatically by the device). This command bypasses the automated process,
and should be used when youre preprovisioning equipment with known good
images to ensure that the device does not prematurely mark the image
unbootable due to more than 10 reboots or power cycles.


Once an image is marked accepted, it will be considered a trusted image.

Therefore, the device will not automatically revert to the alternative
image regardless of whether links can be successfully formed.

acceptimage <A | B>


Sets partition As image state to accepted

Sets partition Bs image state to accepted

> acceptimage A
Image accepted.

Commands | 155

Clears all counters displays using the show link stats CLI command, or that are
available via SNMP.
clear <counters | spectrum>



Clears counters, as specified by the following additional arguments:


MAC of the device whose link statistics counters you

want to clear


Clears the link statistics counters for all devices

Clears the devices max hold RSSI statistics

> clear counters
Clear multi channel max hold statistics.

156 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Enables or disables debug logging to standard output (stdout). This command is
available to Telnet clients. However, it is not available when accessing the
command-line interface through a serial connection because debug logging is
always enabled in such cases.
debug <on | off | status>


Enables debugging


Disables debugging


Displays the current debug status (identical to the show debug



Displays the commands syntax

> debug on
debug logging enabled

Commands | 157

Terminates the current Telnet session.

> exit
> exitConnection closed by foreign host.

158 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Downloads a software image onto the SkyPilot device. Unlike the automated
provisioning process, which only allows you to download images into the inactive
partition, the ftpimage command lets you download the image into either of
the partitionsA or B (either of which can be specified as the partition that
contains the active image; see set activeimage on page 167). SkyPilot
recommends first downloading new images into the backup partition to avoid
overwriting the active image. You can download software with this command
from any device running an FTP server that is reachable over the network.


Displays a series of prompts for the necessary values:

IP address

IP address of the server containing the desired

software image


User login name


Password corresponding to the specified user login



Filename of the desired software image (excluding the

file extension)


Partition into which the desired software is to be

loaded; enter A for the active partition, or B for the
backup partition

> ftpimage
Enter FTP server IP address:
Enter FTP server login [anonymous]:
Enter FTP server password:
Enter filename: SpX8_d040723
Enter destination partition: <A|B>: B
FTP server IP address:
FTP server login: anonymous
Filename: SpX8_d040723
Destination partition: B
Are these settings correct? yes, no, quit <y|n|q>: y

Commands | 159

Displays a description of the each commands function, as well as a synopsisthe
command syntax.
help [? | command]


Displays all commands


Displays information for the specified command


Displays all commands

> ?

- Enables or disables debug log messages.

Synopsis: debug <on | off | status>
- Download a software image and store it in flash.
Synopsis: ftpimage
- Display CLI Command List.
Synopsis: help <command>
- 2 way link layer ping test.
Synopsis: nodetest <SPID>
- Layer 3 ping utility.
Synopsis: ping <host> [packet count [packet size]]
- Enables or disables provisioning.
Synopsis: prov <on | off>
- Reboots local node.
Synopsis: reboot
- Reloads configuration file.
Synopsis: reload
- Sets configuration information in flash memory.
Synopsis: set <activeimage|domain | eth | freq | ip |
log | netkey | password | prov | snmp | timezone | vlan>
- Queries and displays information.
Synopsis: show <acl | bridge | config | date | dhcp |
int | link | mem | mesh | phyerrors | process | stack | temp |
uptime | users | version>
traceroute - Traces path to destination SPID discovering
intermediary nodes along this path.
If the SPID is not supplied, then the default gateway
is used as the destination.
Synopsis: traceroute [SPID]
- Terminate current CLI session.
Synopsis: exit

160 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Provides a two-way link layer ping test.
nodetest <MAC> [packet-count [packet-size]]


MAC address of the device to ping

packet-count Number of packets to send before terminating the ping test; if no value

is entered, then 100 packets are sent


Size (in bytes) of the packets to send during the ping test


Displays the commands syntax

> nodetest 000adb000043
From Me
To Me
#PKT |
| 20
2 | 19
3 |
| 21
11 | 20
39 |
| 22
29 | 21
48 |
| 23
32 | 22
11 |
| 24
27 |
Average and standard deviation calculations
From Me
To Me
| Ave
22.70 | Ave
20.66 | Ave
12968.39 | LostPacket
| StDev 1.04 | StDev 0.71 | StDev 10375.04 | SuccessPkt
Link Ping results: 100.000%

Successes: 101

0 |
101 |

Misses: 0

Commands | 161

Tests a connection by performing a layer 3 ping test.
ping <host> [packet-count [packet-size]]


IP address of the device to ping

packet-count Number of packets to send before terminating the ping test; if no value

is entered, then 100 packets are sent


Size (in bytes) of the packets to send during the ping test

> ping
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from sbc405gpr ( icmp_seq=0.
64 bytes from sbc405gpr ( icmp_seq=1.
64 bytes from sbc405gpr ( icmp_seq=2.
---- PING Statistics---3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/0

162 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

time=0. ms
time=0. ms
time=0. ms

Reboots a SkyPilot device.

> reboot

Commands | 163

Reboots a SkyPilot DualBand access point.

> rebootap

164 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Reloads a devices configuration file from the server.

> reload

Commands | 165

set acl
Adds, deletes, or clears a devices access control list (ACL), in real time.
set acl add <subnet> <netmask> <destination> <protocol>
set acl del <row-index>
set acl clear


IP address range to be accessed when using the ACLs specified port and


Netmask for addresses to be accessed via the ACL.


Protocol of this ACL. Enter 0 for UDP or 1 for TCP.


Entry number in the ACL table of the ACL to delete.

> set acl add 23 1
> set acl add 23 1
> show acl
Index IP Address
----- --------------1

Subnet Mask



> set acl del 2

> show acl
Index IP Address
Subnet Mask
Port Protocol
----- --------------- --------------- ----- -------1
> set acl clear
ACL table cleared!
> show acl
Index IP Address
Subnet Mask
Port Protocol
----- --------------- --------------- ----- ------->

166 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set activeimage
Specifies which partitions software image to use as the active image.
set activeimage <A | B>


Selects the image from partition A.

Selects the image from partition B.

> set activeimage A
activeimage set

Commands | 167

set apwatchdog
Enables or disables a SkyExtender DualBands access point watchdog process.


Changes you make with the set apwatchdog command take effect
immediately. This setting is not stored in the devices flash memory.

set apwatchdog

> set apwatchdog

168 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set buzzer
Sets (in real-time) sound pitch that indicates signal strength (SkyConnector only.


To change the devices buzzer setting in its flash memory, use the
set prov buzzer command. The new setting will take effect when the
device is rebooted.

set buzzer

> set buzzer

Commands | 169

set classifier
Sets (in real-time) the devices Quality of Service (QoS) classifiers.


To change the devices QoS classifier settings in its flash memory, use the
set prov classifier command. The new settings will take effect
when the device is rebooted.

set classifier


Displays a series of prompts for the necessary command argument

values (Pressing Enter at a value prompt will continue with whatever the
current value is, which is shown within the square brackets):

Quits the command

Adds a QoS classifier. At the resulting prompts, enter

the QoS classifier elements (see QoS Classifiers on
page 25).

Deletes a QoS classifier

Modifies an existing QoS classifier. At the resulting

prompts, enter the QoS classifier elements (see QoS
Classifiers on page 25).

Lists the devices current QoS classifiers.

Clears a classifier.

> set classifier
Select a Classifier action: quit, add, delete, modify, list, clear
<q|a|d|m|l|c>: l
Rule TOS Low TOS High TOS Mask IP Protocol IP Src Addr IP IP Src
---- -------- -------- -------- ----------- --------------- -------------1
00010000 11111111 11111111 0x00
Rule IP Dest Addr
IP Dest Mask
Port Src1 Port Src2 Port Dest1
Port Dest2
---- --------------- --------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------1
Rule MAC Src
MAC Src Mask
MAC Dest
MAC Dest
---- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------1

170 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Rule EtherType 802.1P Low 802.1P High 802.1Q Vlan Direction

---- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------1

Select a Classifier action: quit, add, delete, modify, list, clear

<q|a|d|m|l|c>: m
Enter the index of the classifier : 1
Enter the direction : upstream, downstream <u | d> : d u
Enter IP TOS Low : 00010000
IP TOS Low is not changed.
Enter IP TOS High : 11111111
IP TOS High is not changed.
Enter IP TOS Mask : 11111111
IP TOS Mask is not changed.
Enter IP Protocol Number < ICMP:01 | IGMP:02 | TCP:06 | UDP:11 |
IPV6:29 | RSVP:2E | IPX-in-IP:6F | L2TP:73 | [ProtocolNo] : 0x00
IP Protocol is not set.
Enter IP Source address :
IP Source address is not changed.
Enter IP Source Mask address :
IP Source Mask address is not changed.
Enter IP Destination address :
IP Destination address is not changed.
Enter IP Destination Mask address :
IP Destination mask is not changed.
Enter Source Port Start Address :
Source port start address is not changed.
Enter Source Port End address :
Destination port end address is not changed.
Enter Source MAC Address :
Source MAC address is not changed.
Enter Source MAC Address Mask:
Source MAC address Mask is not changed.
Enter Destination MAC Address :
Destination MAC address is not changed.
Enter Destination MAC Mask Address :
Destination MAC address mask is not changed.
Enter Ether Type Number :
Ether Type is not changed.
Enter IEEE 802.1P User Priority Low (0 - 7):
IEEE 802.1P User Priority Low is not changed.
Enter IEEE 802.1P User Priority High (0 - 7):
IEEE 802.1P User Priority High is not changed.
Enter IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID :
VLAN ID is not changed.
Classifier Successfully Modified.
Select a Classifier action:
<q|a|d|m|l|c>: q

quit, add, delete, modify, list, clear

Commands | 171

set eth
Enable or disables the devices 10/100bT Ethernet interface, enables or disables
autonegotiation, and sets speed and duplexity, all in real-time. (By default, the
interface is enabled.)


To change the devices Ethernet interface settings in its flash memory, use
the set prov eth command. The new settings will take effect when
the device is rebooted.

set eth


Displays a series of prompts for the necessary command argument

values (Pressing Enter at a value prompt will continue with whatever the
current value is, which is shown within the square brackets):

Quits the command

Enables or disables a devices Ethernet interface. At the

resulting prompt, enter e to enable the port, or d to
disable it.

Enables or disables auto negotiation (of speed and

duplexity). At the resulting prompt, enter y to select
auto negotiation, or n to disable it.

Modifies the ports physical settings. At the resulting

speed prompts, enter 10 to set the port to 10bT, or
100 for 100bT. At the duplexity prompt, enter f for
full duplex, or h for half duplex.

> set eth
Select an Ethernet action: quit, state, negotiation, modify
<q|s|n|m>: m
Select speed [100bT]: 10bT, 100bT <10|100>:
Speed not changed: 100bT.
Select duplexity [f]: full, half <f|h>:
Duplexity not changed: full
Select an Ethernet action: quit, state, negotiation, modify
<q|s|n|m>: s
Select ethernet state [Enabled]: enable, disable <e|d>:
Ethernet state not changed: Enabled
Select an Ethernet action: quit, state, negotiation, modify
<q|s|n|m>: q

172 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set factoryap
Resets a SkyExtender DualBands access point to its factory settings.


Changes you make with the set factoryap command take effect
immediately. This setting is not stored in the devices flash memory.

set factoryap


Commands | 173

set filter
Sets up a devices packet filtering.


To change the devices filter settings in flash memory, use the

set prov filter command. The new settings will take effect when
the device is rebooted.

set filter


Displays a series of prompts for the necessary command argument

values (Pressing Enter at a value prompt will continue with whatever the
current value is, which is shown within the square brackets):

Quits the command

Adds a filter. At the resulting prompt, enter the

number corresponding to the filter type you want to
add; then enter the hex number indicating the filter
type; and finally, enter 1 to set the default to notallow, or 2 to set the default to allow.

Invokes the set permission sequence. At the resulting

prompt, enter the number corresponding to the filter
whose permission you want to set; then enter 1 to set
the default to not-allow, or 2 to set the default to

Lists the current filter settings.

Clears the filter.

Answers yes to the current command-line question.

Answers no to the current command-line question.

174 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

> set filter
Select a Filter action: quit, on, off , add, delete, permissions,
list, clear <q|y|n|a|d|p|l|c>: l
========= The Filter Table is OFF =========

EtherType Table Default Permission

IPType Table Default Permission
IPaddrSrc Table Default Permission
IPaddrDst Table Default Permission
UDPSrcPort Table Default Permission
UDPDstPort Table Default Permission
TCPSrcPort Table Default Permission
TCPDstPort Table Default Permission
ARPsrcIPaddr Table Default Permission



Select a Filter action: quit, on, off , add, delete, permissions,

list, clear <q|y|n|a|d|p|l|c>: p
Enter the Filter Type
1) EtherType
2) IPType
3) IPaddrSrcType
4) IPaddrDstType
5) UDPSrcPortType
6) UDPDstPortType
7) TCPSrcPortType
8) TCPDstPortType
9) ARPsrcIPaddrType
>>> 1
Permission? (1 = not allow, 2 = allow)
>>> 2
Successfully set the default permission.
Select a Filter action: quit, on, off , add, delete, permissions,
list, clear <q|y|n|a|d|p|l|c>: a
Enter the Filter Type
1) EtherType
2) IPType
3) IPaddrSrcType
4) IPaddrDstType
5) UDPSrcPortType
6) UDPDstPortType
7) TCPSrcPortType
8) TCPDstPortType
9) ARPsrcIPaddrType
>>> 1
EtherType (in hex): 10
Permission? (1 = not allow, 2 = allow)
>>> 2
Successfully Added Ether Type Filter.
Select a Filter action: quit, on, off , add, delete, permissions,
list, clear <q|y|n|a|d|p|l|c>: q

Commands | 175

set ip
Sets a manually provisioned devices IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.
set ip


Displays a series of prompts for the necessary values (pressing Enter at a

value prompt will continue with whatever the current value is, which is
shown within the square brackets):

Devices IP address (default =


Devices subnet mask (default =


IP address of the devices default SkyGateway (default


> set

IP address []:
subnet mask []:
default gateway []:

176 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set log
Defines the verbosity of system log messages that are displayed to the screen.
System log messages are maintained independently for a variety of facilities, and
each facilitys log level can be independently set. By changing the facility log
settings, you can easily troubleshoot all or part of your SkyPilot network.
set log <facility | all> <level>


Specifies the facility (process) to which this command applies:


General messages about the overall status of your

SkyPilot network


Status of communication with the provisioning agent


Real-time device status as it proceeds through



Communication messages between SkyPilot network



Real-time status messages as links are formed and



Messages concerning the SNMP agent activity


Quality of Service (QoS) traffic shaper status messages


ACL (Access Control List) activity messages


Status messages concerning the different filter types:

IP address, IP Protocol, EtherType, Port


Dynamic modulation information


Specifies that this command applies to all facilities.


Specifies the verbosity (how much information is output) to assign to

the facilities specified by this command.


No logging

Display major errors only

Display brief event information

Display detailed event information

Displays the commands syntax

Commands | 177

To see the output of the hello process, you would change the log level of that
process from 1 (its default) to 2, with set log hello 2. With this log level set, a
message similar to the following would be displayed every time a hello message
exchange takes place:
> set log hello 2
> 0x80c760 (spLinkMgr): TS: 12660:10:01:48 0x80c760 (spLinkMgr):
spSystem.c:2200 (SP_HELLO_COMPONENT_ID) me <--- HELLO REQ v0
(...00:00:46, tx'd on ant 5)

178 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set logevents
Defines the log events page size.
set logevents pagesize <value>


A number specifying the page size for log events messages:

Commands | 179

set netkey
Sets (in real-time) the netkey used to authenticate a node on a network. All nodes
that belong to a given network must have the same netkey.
For security, the netkey itself is not accessible to you from the command line.
Therefore, you use a passphrase to manipulate the netkey. The passphrase
functions as a password, and should similarly be kept secret. The passphrase can
be up to 255 printable characters (non-printable and control characters are not
allowed). The passphrase default = SkyPilot Networks, Inc.


Changes you make with the set netkey command take effect
immediately. The devices netkey is not stored in flash memory.

set netkey


Prompts you for the new netkey passphrase (a string of letters, numbers
and symbols

> set netkey
Enter network key: ******
Re-enter network key: ******
Successfully set network key.

180 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set password
Sets the password (in real-time) used to log in to the devices command-line


Changes you make with the set password command take effect
immediately. The devices password is not stored in flash memory.

set password


Prompts you for the new password (a string of alphanumeric characters

from 6 to 64 characters long)

> set password
Enter new password: ********
Re-enter password: ********
Password changed.

Commands | 181

set power
Sets (in real-time) the SkyGateways transmit power.


To change the SkyGateways power setting in its flash memory, use the
set prov power command. The new setting will take effect when the
SkyGateway is rebooted.

set power <max | 4a | 2a | 1a | 4p>


Sets the transmit power to the maximum.


Sets the transmit power to 4 watts average.


Sets the transmit power to 2 watts average.


Sets the transmit power to 4 watts peak.

182 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set prov
Sets the devices provisioning mode to manual or automatic (default is automatic),
and for manually provisioned devices, sets any or all of the devices provisioning
parameters. Any changes you make with this command are stored in flash
memory, and do not take effect until the device is rebooted.

Invoking the Provisioning Command

set prov [all | auto | manual | command]


For manually provisioned devices, invokes the provisioning batch

command. For more information about the command, and the
complete list of parameters youre prompted for, see Provisioning Batch
Command on page 184.


Sets the devices provisioning mode to automatic. For more information

about automatic provisioning, see Automatically Provisioning a
Network on page 35.


Sets the devices provisioning mode to manual. For more information

about manual provisioning, see Manually Provisioning a Device on
page 32).


For manually provisioned devices, sets a single provisioning parameter

(specified by the value of command) for the device. For more
information, see Provisioning a Single Parameter on page 186.


Same as all.

Commands | 183

Provisioning Batch Command

The provisioning batch command provides a convenient method to set all the
basic provisioning parameters for a device. This command steps through a
series of prompts where you are presented with either a list of action choices or a
request for a value. The changes are stored in flash memory, and take effect after
the device is rebooted.
This example shows the provisioning parameter prompts issued for the
set prov all command. At every value prompt, Enter has been pressed,

thereby retaining the devices current setting.

> set prov all
Use DHCP to obtain IP [Yes] <y|n>:
DHCP State not changed.
Enter FTP Server Address []:
FTP Server address not changed:
Enter Provisioning Server Address []:
Provisioning Server address not changed:
Enter IP address []:
IP address not changed:
Enter subnet mask []:
Subnet mask not changed:
Enter default gateway []:
Default gateway not changed:
Select a Timezone action: quit, enable, disable, modify <q|e|d|m>:

Select an Ethernet action: quit, state, negotiation, modify

Enter domain ID (1-4096 or all) [222]:
Domain ID not changed: 222
19 available frequencies are the following:
5745 5750 5755 5760 5765 5770 5775 5780 5785 5790
5795 5800 5805 5810 5815 5820 5825 5830 5835
Select a Frequency action: quit, primary, allow, deny, list,
reqion, dwell time <q|p|a|d|l|r|t>:
Select a Traffic Rate Control Settings action: quit, enable,
disable, modify, clear <q|e|d|m|c>:

Select a Classifier action:

Select a VLAN action:

quit, add, delete, modify, list, clear

quit, enable, disable, modify <q|e|d|m>:

184 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Enter new password:

Enter network key:
Netkey not changed.
Select a Snmp action: quit, read-write enable, read-only enable,
disable, modify <q|w|r|d|m>:
Select a Timezone action: quit, enable, disable, modify <q|e|d|m>:

Commands | 185

Provisioning a Single Parameter

There are many advanced provisioning parameters beyond those included in the
provisioning batch command. To set these parameters (for example, to configure
SNMP and VLANs), you use the individual provisioning commands, which are of
the form set prov command, where command indicates the parameter to set.
For the complete list of individual provisioning commands, see the example
below. For details about each command, including its arguments, see the
corresponding topic in this appendix.
> help set prov
- Display list set prov options.
Synopsis: set prov ?
- Set provisioning paramters.
Synopsis: set prov

- Set provisioning paramters.

Synopsis: set prov all


- Set the provisioning mode to auto.

Synopsis: set prov auto


- Set buzzer provisioning setting.

Synopsis: set prov buzzer


- Set packet classifiers.

Synopsis: set prov classifier


- Set flash domain ID.

Synopsis: set prov domain


- Set flash Ethernet settings.

Synopsis: set prov eth


- Set flash filter settings.

Synopsis: set prov filter


- Set flash frequency settings.

Synopsis: set prov freq


- Set flash IP settings.

Synopsis: set prov ip


- Set the provisioning mode to manual.

Synopsis: set prov manual


- Set flash preferred parent node.

Synopsis: set prov parent <MAC>

186 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference


- Set flash SNMP settings.

Synopsis: set prov snmp


- Set flash timezone settings.

Synopsis: set prov timezone

trafficrate - Set flash trafficrate settings.

Synopsis: set prov trafficrate

- Set flash VLAN settings.

Synopsis: set prov vlan


- Set web server parameters

Synopsis: set prov web


Commands | 187

set prov dhcp

Renews or displays the devices DHCP lease. All displayed fields are found in the
DHCP standard. (For more information about the displayed fields, see show
dhcp on page 208.)


Changes you make with the set prov dhcp command are made to the
settings stored in flash memory, and do not take effect until the device is
rebooted. You cannot change a devices dhcp settings in real-time.

set prov dhcp <renew | show>


Displays a series of prompts for the necessary command argument

values (pressing Enter at a value prompt will continue with whatever the
current value is, which is shown within the square brackets):

188 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set prov domain

Assigns the device to a specified domain (in which case it can connect only to
devices in that domain) or to all domains. SkyPilot devices connect only to devices
within the same domain. For more information about domains, see Domains on
page 16.


Changes you make with the set prov domain command are made to
the settings stored in flash memory, and do not take effect until the
device is rebooted. You cannot change a devices domain setting in realtime.

set prov domain


Prompts you for the necessary value. Enter any of the following:

Domain ID (a number from 1 to 4096)


Assigns the device to all domains


Retains the current value (which is shown within the

square brackets)

> set prov domain
Enter domain ID (1-4096 or all) [ 10]: 1234
Domain ID changed: 1234
> set prov domain
Enter domain ID (1-4096 or all) [222]: all
Domain ID changed: 'all'

Commands | 189

set prov freq

Sets the devices primary frequency for communication on the network, as well as
the range of frequencies allowed during frequency hunting. When used on
SkyGateways, this command configures the transmission frequency.


Changes you make with the set prov freq command are made to the
settings stored in flash memory, and do not take effect until the device is
rebooted. You cannot change a devices frequency settings in real-time.

set prov freq


Displays a series of prompts for the necessary command argument

values (pressing Enter at a value prompt will continue with whatever the
current value is, which is shown within the square brackets):

Quits the command without applying any settings.

Sets the primary frequency. At the resulting prompt,

enter a number from 5745 to 5835 that is divisible by

Sets an allowed frequency. At the resulting prompt,

enter a number from 5745 to 5835 that is divisible by
5, or all. To specify multiple allowed frequencies
without specifying all, enter this command multiple

Denies (disallows) a frequency from inclusion during

frequency hunting. At the resulting prompt, enter a
number from 5745 to 5835 that is divisible by 5, or
all. To specify multiple denied frequencies without
specifying all, enter this command multiple times.

Lists the primary and allowed frequencies.

Sets the region

Sets the dwell timethe time the device tries to

communicate on any given frequency before
alternately trying the next frequency in the allow list
and retrying the primary frequency.

190 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

> set prov freq
19 available frequencies are the following:
5745 5750 5755 5760 5765 5770 5775 5780 5785 5790
5795 5800 5805 5810 5815 5820 5825 5830 5835
Select a Frequency action: quit, primary, allow, deny, list,
reqion, dwell time <q|p|a|d|l|r|t>: a
Allow frequency <(from above the list)|'all'>: 5795

Select a Frequency action: quit, primary, allow, deny, list,

reqion, dwell time <q|p|a|d|l|r|t>: r
Enter frequency reqion: ALL-HI, US-HI, UK-HI, US-MID, EU-MID <allhi
| ushi | ukhi | usmid | eumid>:
Select a Frequency action: quit, primary, allow, deny, list,
reqion, dwell time <q|p|a|d|l|r|t>: t
Enter frequency dwell time (1-30 minutes) [1]: 2
Select a Frequency action: quit, primary, allow, deny, list,
reqion, dwell time <q|p|a|d|l|r|t>: q

Commands | 191

set prov parent

Sets the preferred parent for non-SkyGateway devices.


Changes you make with the set prov parent command are made to
the settings stored in flash memory, and do not take effect until the
device is rebooted. You cannot change a devices parent settings in realtime.

set prov parent <MAC>


Device MAC

192 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set prov vlan

Sets the VLAN tag to be added to all end-user traffic entering a SkyExtender or
SkyConnector through its Ethernet interface. For information about VLANs, see
Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) on page 17.


Changes you make with the set prov vlan command are made to the
settings stored in flash memory, and do not take effect until the device is
rebooted. You cannot change a devices VLAN settings in real-time.

set prov vlan <q|e|d|m>


Quits the command without applying any settings.

Enables any VLANs previously configured by the m option.

Disables any VLANs previously configured by the m option.

Modifies the devices data and management VLAN assignments (for

which you will be prompted).

> set prov vlan
Select a Vlan action: quit, enable, disable,
Select a Vlan action: quit, enable, disable,
Enter data Vlan (1-4096) [10]: 1234
Select a Vlan action: quit, enable, disable,
Enter management Vlan (1-4096) [1234]:
Select a Vlan action: quit, enable, disable,


<q|e|d|m>: e
<q|e|d|m>: m


<q|e|d|m>: m


<q|e|d|m>: q

Commands | 193

set prov web

Configures the devices Web-based command tool settings. (For more
information about the Web-based command tool, see Appendix E, Web-Based
Command Tool Reference.)


Changes you make with the set prov web command are made to the
settings stored in flash memory, and do not take effect until the device is
rebooted. You cannot change a devices Web settings in real-time.

set prov web


Prompts you to enter a number corresponding to your desired action,

and then prompts for any additional required values.

> set prov web
The WebServer is enabled
The End-User Page is enabled
Select an action
1) Toggle WebServer Status
2) Toggle End-User Page Status
3) Enter New Web Login Password
Choose... 1|2|3|4
> set prov web
The WebServer is Disabled
The End-User Page is enabled
Select an action
1) Toggle WebServer Status
2) Toggle End-User Page Status
3) Enter New Web Login Password
Choose... 1|2|3|4

194 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set radar
Sets (in real-time) the SkyGateways radar detection state.


To change the SkyGateways radar setting in its flash memory, use the
set prov radar command. The new setting will take effect when the
SkyGateway is rebooted.

set radar <on | off>


Turns on radar detection.


Turns off radar detection.

Commands | 195

set snmp
Sets SNMP community strings and trap receivers, in real-time. By default, no
community strings or trap receivers are configured on a SkyPilot network. For
information about SNMP, see SNMP on page 20.
To use the set snmp command, you select a modification target (for example, r
for a community read-only string), then set a modification action (such as a for
add), and finally enter the configuration setting (such as text for a community
string identifier).


To change the devices SNMP settings in its flash memory, use the
set prov snmp command. The new settings will take effect when the
device is rebooted.

set snmp <q|w|r|d|m>


Quits the command or subcommand (available at all command and

subcommand levels)

Goes back a prompt level (available at all command levels except the top

Enables selection of a modification target, or command action:


Specifies that the modification target is a community

read-write string. Community strings must be from 6
to 64 alphanumeric characters. At the resulting
prompt, enter a to add a community read-write string,
d to disable the community read-write string, or l to
list the current community read-write string.

Specifies that the modification target is a community

read-only string. Community strings must be from 6 to
64 alphanumeric characters. At the resulting prompt,
enter a to add a community read-only string, d to
disable the community read-only string, or l to list the
current community read-only string.

Specifies that the modification target is a trap receiver.

Trap port numbers must be from 1 to 65535. At the
resulting prompt, enter a to add a trap receiver, d to
disable a trap receiver, or l to list the current trap

> set snmp

196 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Select a Snmp action: quit, read-write enable, read-only enable,

disable, modify <q|w|r|d|m>: w
Snmp setting changed: read-write
Select a Snmp action: quit, read-write enable, read-only enable,
disable, modify <q|w|r|d|m>: r
Snmp setting changed: read-only
Select a Snmp action: quit, read-write enable, read-only enable,
disable, modify <q|w|r|d|m>: m
Select modification: back, read-write, read-only, trap receivers,
quit <b|w|r|t|q>: t
Select a trap action: back, add, delete, list, quit <b|a|d|l|q>: l
IP Address
--------------------Select a trap action: back, add, delete, list, quit <b|a|d|l|q>: a
Enter trap destination IP address:
Select a trap action: back, add, delete, list, quit <b|a|d|l|q>: b
Select modification: back, read-write, read-only, trap receivers,
quit <b|w|r|t|q>:
Select a Snmp action: quit, read-write enable, read-only enable,
disable, modify <q|w|r|d|m>:

Commands | 197

set spectrum
Sets the spectrum analyzer configuration. (For detailed information about the
spectrum analyzer, see the spectrum command, described on page 248.)
set spectrum <on | off | single | multi>


Turns on the spectrum analyzer


Turns off the spectrum analyzer


Sets up an analysis for a single channel


Sets up an analysis for multiple channels

> set spectrum single
Single channel spectrum settings
--------------------------------Set single channel mode <on | off> [off]: on
Mode changed: Single Channel Mode On
Set max visible rssi: dynamic adjust, rssi value <d | 1-100> [d]: d
Max visible rssi changed: dynamic adjust
Set graph height, number of lines <1-50> [16]:
Graph height not changed.
Set spectrum sleep timer: disable auto off, number of minute <d |
1-60> [5]:
Sleep timer not changed.
Set sampling time in second <1-60> [10]:
Sampling time not changed.
Set self activity filter: disable, enable <d | e> [e]:
Self activity filter setting has not changed.

198 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

set telnet
Specifies (in minutes) how long a telnet session to the device is allowed to remain
inactive before being terminated.
set telnet


Prompts you for the necessary value. Enter any of the following:

Any positive number

Specifies that the session never times out


Retains the current value (which is shown within the

square brackets)

> set telnet
Enter Telnet inactivity timeout or 0 to disable the timeout [30
minute(s)]: 35
This change applies to all active and future Telnet sessions: 35

Commands | 199

set timezone
Specifies an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server IP address and sets the GMT
offset for accurate time. An NTP server is required by the SkyPilot network, which
uses it to provide a synchronized time to all SkyPilot nodes. When a SkyPilot node
boots up, it has an initial default time of Jan 1, 1970. Using an NTP server, the node
adjusts its time to be synchronized with the NTP server, which typically is set to
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
For more information about the NTP server, see Ethernet Interface on page 19.


To change the devices time zone setting in its flash memory, use the
set prov timezone command. The new setting will take effect when
the device is rebooted.

set timezone <q|e|d|m>


Quits the command without applying any settings.

Enables any time zone setting previously configured by the m option.

Disables any time zone setting previously configured by the m option.

Modifies the NTP server IP address and time zone settings (for which you
will be prompted).

> set timezone
Select a Timezone action: quit, enable, disable,
Select a Timezone action: quit, enable, disable,
Enter timezone NTP server []:
Enter timezone offset [0.00]: 10
Select a Timezone action: quit, enable, disable,
Enter timezone NTP server []:
Enter timezone offset [+10.00]:
Select a Timezone action: quit, enable, disable,

200 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

modify <q|e|d|m>:
modify <q|e|d|m>:

modify <q|e|d|m>:

modify <q|e|d|m>:

set trafficrate
Sets the devices traffic rate controls, in real-time. For more information about
traffic rates, see Quality of Service (QoS) on page 22.


To change the devices traffic rate settings in its flash memory, use the
set prov trafficrate command. The new setting will take effect
when the device is rebooted.

set trafficrate


Displays a series of prompts for the necessary command argument

values (pressing Enter at a value prompt will continue with whatever the
current value is, which is shown within the square brackets). For
information about traffic rate values, see Traffic Rate Controls on
page 24.

> set trafficrate
Select a Traffic Rate Control Settings action: quit, enable,
disable, modify, clear <q|e|d|m|c>: m
Enter maximum upstream rate (Kbps) 64-10000 [10000]:
Enter maximum downstream rate (Kbps) 64-10000 [10000]:
Enter maximum broadcast rate (Kbps) 64-10000 [10000]:
Select a Traffic Rate Control Settings action: quit, enable,
disable, modify, clear <q|e|d|m|c>: q

Commands | 201

show acl
Displays the devices current Access Control List (ACL).
show acl

> show acl
show acl
Index IP Address
Subnet Mask
Port Protocol
----- --------------- --------------- ----- -------1

202 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show bridge
Displays the devices current bridge station cache and port information. Each
SkyPilot node functions as a bridge device, bridging the Ethernet interface with
the RF interface. Traffic originating from the Ethernet interface traverses the bridge
and is then sent out the RF interface. Conversely, traffic originating from the RF
interface traverses the bridge and is then sent out the Ethernet interface.
show bridge [cache | port]


Lists all the devices bridge station cache entries, which contain MAC
addresses and the associated bridge port from which the MAC address


Lists all the devices bridge port entries


Lists both the devices bridge station cache entries and the bridge port

Field Descriptions
Table D-5 describes the fields displayed by the show bridge port command.
Table D-4. Fields Displayed for Bridge Ports



Device (interface) name:

emac = Ethernet
ar = Atheros
mirror = mirror


Interface instance


Device identifier


Device type

> show bridge
Bridge Station Cache Contents:
MAC Address

Commands | 203

----------------------------------------------Bridge Port Info List:

Num MuxCookie
------------------------------------------0x00A19838 ar
0x00A12D90 END
0x00A0B5C0 mirror
0x00A0B4C0 END

204 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show config
Displays the devices current (running) configuration settings, which are result of
the configuration created during provisioning.
The configured primary frequency is the setting at which the node should be
operating. After the node downloads its configuration file, if the current operating
frequency does not match the configured frequency, then the node immediately
switches to the configured frequency.

Invoking the Show Command

show config


Displays the current configuration setting of a single provisioning

parameter (specified by the value of command) for the device. For more
information, see Showing a Single Parameter Setting on page 205.


Displays the devices complete set of configuration settings.

Showing a Single Parameter Setting

To display the current configuration of a single provisioning parameter, you use
the individual show commands, which are of the form show config command,
where command indicates the parameter to display. For the complete list of
individual show commands, see the example below. For details about each
command, including its arguments, see the corresponding topic in this appendix.
> help show config
- Shows running configuration.
Synopsis: show config [node | freq | sw | traffic |
class | vlan | acl | filter | snmp | syslog | buzzer]

Commands | 205

show date
Displays the current system date and time.
show date

> show date
FRI AUG 27 02:04:53 2004

206 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show debug
Displays the devices current debug status (identical to the debug status
show debug

> show debug
Debug logging enabled.

Commands | 207

show dhcp
Displays the DHCP OFFER options. In order for a node to retrieve its network
management settings, it must perform DHCP negotiation. The node sends a
broadcast DHCP DISCOVER message. In response, the DHCP server sends a
DHCP OFFER message containing the options that the node needs.
If this command displays only the IP address, DHCP server, and FTP server, it
means the node did not receive a DHCP OFFER message.
show dhcp

Field Descriptions
Table D-5 describes the fields displayed by the show dhcp command.
Table D-5. Fields Displayed for DHCP Message Options (Page 1 of 2)


IP address

Layer 3 IP address

Subnet mask

Network mask


IP address used as the packet source for packets broadcast

from this node


IP address of the default SkyGateway that routes packets to

their proper destination.

Lease duration
Lease binding
Lease renewal
DHCP server

IP address of the DHPC server that provided the DHCP


DNS server

IP address of the Name server.

208 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Table D-5. Fields Displayed for DHCP Message Options (Page 2 of 2)



FTP server

IP address of the FTP server from which software images are


HTTP server

IP address of the server from which this device retrieves its

configuration file.

NTP server

IP address of the NTP server used to synchronize to Universal

Time Coordinate (UTC).


Name assigned to the node .

> show dhcp
IP address
Subnet mask
Broadcast address
Default gateway
Lease duration
Lease rebinding
Lease renewal
DHCP server
DNS server
FTP server
HTTP server
NTP server


Commands | 209

show domain
Displays the devices domain information.
show domain

> show domain
Current Domain


210 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show filter
Displays either all filters in the system or a single filter specified as a command
parameter. In addition, the current filtering status is shown.
show filter [table-number]

table-number Displays only the specified entry in the systems filter table. The table-

number is a sequential number that is incremented whenever a new

filter is added to the system via the configuration file.

Displays all the filters in the system


Same as None

> show filter
========= The Filter Table is OFF =========
1) EtherType Table Default Permission
2) IPType Table Default Permission
3) IPaddrSrc Table Default Permission
4) IPaddrDst Table Default Permission
5) UDPSrcPort Table Default Permission
6) UDPDstPort Table Default Permission
7) TCPSrcPort Table Default Permission
8) TCPDstPort Table Default Permission
9) ARPsrcIPaddr Table Default Permission = "ALLOW"

Commands | 211

show gps
Displays the devices gps information.
show gps <position | signal>


Displays the devices current position


Displays GPS satellite information and signal strength

> show gps position
GPS position
-----------Latitude : 37.381973
Longitude: -121.959969
Altitude : -12.145168

212 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show int
Displays information for the Ethernet interface (including statistics), the RF
interface (SPID, IP address, and netmask), or both.
show int [eth | rf]


Displays interface information for only the Ethernet interface


Displays interface information only the RF interface


Displays information for both the Ethernet and RF interfaces

Field Descriptions
Tables D-6 and D-7 describe the fields shown for Ethernet and RF interfaces.
Table D-6. Fields Displayed for the Ethernet Interface (Page 1 of 2)



IP address


Broadcast address


Network mask in hexadecimal format


MAC address of the devices Ethernet interface


Maximum number of bytes that can be transferred in a single

unit between this node and any other node.


Number of bytes received on the mirror device.

Octets Sent

Number of bytes sent from the mirror device.


Number of packets received on the mirror device.

Packets Sent

Number of packets sent from the mirror device.

Commands | 213

Table D-6. Fields Displayed for the Ethernet Interface (Page 2 of 2)




Number of non-unicast (that is, broadcast) packets received.

Packets Sent

Number of non-unicast (that is, broadcast) packets sent.


The number of unicast packets received.

Packets Sent

The number of unicast packets sent.


The network mask in dotted notation.

Table D-7. Fields Displayed for the RF Interface (Page 1 of 3)




The SPID of the node.


00:60:b3:09:53:21 = The default mesh gateway.

PPS received

The number of pulse per second received.


The number of frames received.

frames sent

The number of frames sent.

CRC errors

The number of CRC errors received.

decrypt CRC

The number of decrypt CRC errors.


The number of Michael errors.

214 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Table D-7. Fields Displayed for the RF Interface (Page 2 of 3)



RX - wrong

The number of frames received on the wrong antenna.

RX - too

The number of frames received that were too small.

RX - wrong

The number frames received not destined for the local node.

RX - no link
RX drops

The number of receive frames dropped.

RX - mblk

The number of times receive frame was dropped due to no

free mblks remaining in the ring buffer.

TX errors

Number of transmit frame errors.


Number of transmit timeouts.


Number of memory allocation failures.


Number of descriptor allocation failures.


Number of times failed to queue frame.

tau sync

Number of times tau count was out of sync.

PPS misses

Number of times we lost PPS.

PPS timeouts

Number of times we exceeded PPS loss threshold.


Number of frames discarded due to bad frame, unicast to

someone else or unknown source.

Commands | 215

Table D-7. Fields Displayed for the RF Interface (Page 3 of 3)




Number of time overrun errors in the MAC.

no frame
busy events

> show int
mirror (unit number 0):
Internet address:
Broadcast address:
Netmask 0xffffff00 Subnetmask 0xffffff00
Ethernet address is 00:0a:db:09:52:6c
Metric is 0
Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500
0 octets received
84 octets sent
0 packets received
2 packets sent
0 non-unicast packets received
0 non-unicast packets sent
0 unicast packets received
2 unicast packets sent
0 input discards
0 input unknown protocols
0 input errors
0 output errors
0 collisions; 0 dropped
SPID: 00:60:b3:09:53:21
Default Gateway: 00:60:b3:09:53:21
7085 PPS received
33066 frames received
31636 frames sent
123 CRC errors
0 decrypt CRC errors
0 Michael errors
0 RX - wrong antenna
0 RX - too small
0 RX - wrong destination
0 RX - no link
0 RX drops
0 RX - mblk events
0 TX errors

216 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

2529 TX timeouts
0 memory events
0 descriptor events
0 netJob events
1 tau sync events
42 PPS misses
0 PPS timeouts
0 discards
0 late responses
0 no frame events
0 busy events

Commands | 217

show ip
Displays a devices IP address information.
show ip

> show ip
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway


218 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show ip2mac
Displays mapping table from the devices IP address to connected devices MAC
addresses, in ascending order.
show ip2mac [IP]


Displays mapping table, with corresponding IP addresses


Displays mapping table (MAC addresses only)

> show ip2mac
1) -> 00:0a:db:09:52:73

Commands | 219

show link
Displays the link optimization table, the mesh link states, or mesh link statistics.
Link states and statistics include items such as frequency, transmit power, and
modulation (for a complete list, see Tables D-8 and D-9). A mesh link indicates a
link to another SkyPilot network node; it is used to transmit and receive data over
the RF interface.
show link [opt| state | stats]


Displays the link optimization table


Displays mesh link states.


Displays mesh link statistics

Field Descriptions
Tables D-8 and D-9 describe the fields shown for link states and statistics,
Table D-8. Fields Displayed for Link States (Page 1 of 2)


Node Id

SPID of remote node.


Link type. cntrl = Control, data = Data


Node type. mgw = Mesh Gateway, seed = Seed Node, cpe



Link state. For detailed descriptions of link states, see

Monitoring Link States on page 53.


Local antenna.


Remote antenna.


Local modulation.


Local frequency.

220 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Table D-8. Fields Displayed for Link States (Page 2 of 2)




Local transmit power.


Local receive gain.

Connect Time

Date and time link was first established.

Downed Time

Date and time link became inactive.

First Opt

Date and time of first link optimization.

Num of Opt

Number link optimization attempts.

Table D-9. Fields Displayed for Link Statistics (Page 1 of 2)



Node Id

SPID of remote node.


Link type. cntrl = Control, data = Data


Last RSSI.


Local node's transmit modulation.


Remote node's transmit modulation.


Transmit power.


Number of radio frames received.


Number of radio frames transmitted.


Number of packets received.


Number of packets transmitted.


Number of bytes received.

Commands | 221

Table D-9. Fields Displayed for Link Statistics (Page 2 of 2)




Number of bytes transmitted.


Number of transmit retries.


Number of times transmit retry limit was reached.


Number of malformed frames received.


Number of duplicate frames received.


Number of receive frames missed.

Queue Drops

Packets dropped due to queue full.

RED Drops

Packets dropped due to RED (Random Early Detection).


Number of transmit frames aborted.

> show link
Node Id
LType NType State
RSSI LTxMod RTxMod LAnt RAnt
----------------- ----- ----- --------- ---- ------ ----00:0a:db:00:00:30 data ext
act mgmt 55
show link state
Node Id
LType NType State
LAnt RAnt Mod Freq TxPower
----------------- ----- ----- --------- ---- ---- --- ---- -----------00:0a:db:00:00:30 data ext
act mgmt 0
54 5280 55
Node Id
Connect Time
Downed Time
Opt Time
Num of Opt
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------- ---------00:0a:db:00:00:30 AUG 27 2004 02:02:38 AUG 27 2004 02:01:03 AUG 27
2004 02:01:03 1
show link stats
Node Id
LType RSSI LTxMod RTxMod TxPow RxFrames
----------------- ----- ---- ------ ------ ----- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------00:0a:db:00:00:30 data 55 54
Node Id
Drops RED Drops

LType RxMalformed RxDuplicate RxMissed


222 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference


----------------- ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----00:0a:db:00:00:30 data 0

Commands | 223

show log
Displays the devices current log settings.
For information about log facilities and levels, see set log on page 177.
show log

> show log

----: 1
: 2
: 1
: 1
: 2
: 1
: 1
: 1
: 1
: 1
: 1
: 1
: 1
: 1
: 1


224 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show logevents
Displays the current page size.
show logevents pagesize


Commands | 225

show mac2ip
Displays mapping table from the devices MAC address to connected devices IP
addresses, in ascending order.
show mac2ip [MAC]


Displays mapping table, with corresponding MAC addresses


Displays mapping table (IP addresses only)

> show mac2ip
1) 00:0a:db:09:52:73 ->

226 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show mem
Displays detailed statistics about the available and allocated memory in the
system memory partition. Statistics include number of bytes, blocks, and average
block size in both free and allocated memory; and the maximum block size of free
show mem

> show mem
avg block max block
------ ---------- --------- ---------- ---------current

Commands | 227

show mesh
Displays the mesh forwarding table, mesh route cost table, MAC learning table, or
all three.
show mesh [fwd | route | mac]


Displays the mesh forwarding table, which tells the node how to forward
packets to a destination node based on the immediate next hop.


Displays the mesh route cost table, which lists the possible hops the
node can take to reach the mesh SkyGateway. Each hop has an
associated cost, and the node always chooses the hop with the lowest


Displays the MAC learning table, which represents the host machines
(PCs that are connected to the CPIE by an Ethernet cable, and which are
represented as MAC addresses) and their associated CPE (customer
premise equipment).


Displays the forwarding table, the mesh route cost table, and the MAC
learning table

> show mesh route
Mesh Gateway

Next Hop


228 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference


show netkey
Displays the hash of the netkey.
show netkey

> show netkey

Commands | 229

show packet stats

Displays the packet statistics table.
show packet stats

> show packet stats

[lines omitted for brevity]


Subtotal |D
Subtotal |S
Subtotal |D
Subtotal |S
| Ethernet |
Sum of all SPID |D
N/A |D
N/A |D
N/A |S
N/A |S
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Packet Drops = 2306
D->Packet Drops;

230 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show phyerrors
Displays a list of PHY errors for the devices radio chip.
show phyerrors

> show phyerrors
PHY Layer Errors:
PHY 0 (Transmit underrun)
PHY 1 (Timing error)
PHY 2 (Illegal parity)
PHY 3 (Illegal rate)
PHY 4 (Illegal length)
PHY 5 (Radar detect)
PHY 6 (Illegal service)
PHY 7 (TX override receive)
PHY 10
PHY 11
PHY 12
PHY 13
PHY 14
PHY 15
PHY 16
PHY 17 (OFDM timing)
PHY 18 (OFDM signal parity)
PHY 19 (OFDM illegal rate)
PHY 20 (OFDM illegal length)
PHY 21 (OFDM power drop)
PHY 22 (OFDM illegal service)
PHY 23 (OFDM restart)
PHY 24
PHY 25 (CCK timing)
PHY 26 (CCK header CRC)
PHY 27 (CCK illegal rate)
PHY 28
PHY 29
PHY 30 (CCK illegal service)
PHY 31 (CCK restart)



Commands | 231

show process
Displays a list of all running operating system processes.
show process

Field Descriptions
Table D-10 describes the fields shown in response to the show process
Table D-10. Fields Displayed for Processes (Page 1 of 2)



Name of the process.


Symbol name or address location where the process began



Process ID.


Priority of the process. Lower numbers indicate higher


232 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Table D-10. Fields Displayed for Processes (Page 2 of 2)




The process status; any of the following:

READYNot waiting for any resource, except possibly
the CPU.
PENDPending (blocked) due to an unavailable
DELAYSleeping for some duration; see the DELAY
field for the remaining time.
SUSPENDUnavailable for execution.
DELAY+SBoth delayed and suspended.
PEND+SBoth pending and suspended.
PEND+TPending with a timeout.
PEND+S+TBoth pending with a timeout and
+IInherited priority (+I may be appended to any of
the above status strings).
DEADDoes not exist.


Program counter.


Stack pointer.


Error code of the most recent error encountered for this



For delayed processes {does this apply if the process is both

delayed and pending?}, the number of clock ticks remaining
in the delay.

Commands | 233

> show process
---------- ------------ -------- --- ---------- -------- -------- ------ -tExcTask
3006b 0
3d0002 0
spSchedulerspSchedulerT 5dd2f8 10 PEND
236c60 5dd238
0 0
spTimeTick spTimeTickTa 9fc4a0 55 PEND
237468 9fc380
0 0
spLinkMgr spLinkMgrTas 5d4090 60 PEND
20bffc 5d3ec0
0 0
spSlidingSlspSlidingSlo 5d92d0 65 PEND
20bffc 5d9150
0 0
5f27b0 70 PEND
1c0001 0
tNetTask netTask
eba9d0 90 PEND
236c60 eba8e0
0 0
5e1d68 95 READY
23c354 5e0b68
3d0002 0
tTelnetd telnetd
5df448 100 PEND
236c60 5df0d8
0 0
a158f0 105 PEND
237468 a157e0
0 0
a14300 105 PEND
3d0002 0
a03708 110 PEND
3d0002 0
spLinkPing spLinkPingTa
5efe90 120 PEND
1c0001 0
tSnmpTmr 221544
a04970 150 PEND
2928ac a04830
0 0
tLogTask logTask
ef8b48 200 PEND
2928ac ef8a38
0 0
5d69b0 200 DELAY
30065 23
9f7d78 205 PEND
5e8330 208 PEND
1c0001 0
5e4688 210 PEND
spTTCPTCPSer 5ed570 220 PEND
236c60 5ed290
0 0
spTTCPUDPSer 5eac50 220 PEND
236c60 5eaa20
0 0
spTemperatuspTemperatur 5f3d48 240 DELAY
23bcd0 5f3c78
a0c980 250 DELAY

234 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show prov
Displays all the devices provisioning parameters and their current values.
Command Syntax:
show prov

> show prov

[lines omitted for brevity]


Rule IP Dest Addr

IP Dest Mask
Port Src1 Port Src2 Port Dest1
Port Dest2
---- --------------- --------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------1
Rule MAC Src
MAC Src Mask
MAC Dest
MAC Dest
---- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------1
Rule EtherType 802.1P Low 802.1P High 802.1Q Vlan Direction
---- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------1
------========= The Filter Table is OFF =========

EtherType Table Default Permission

IPType Table Default Permission
IPaddrSrc Table Default Permission
IPaddrDst Table Default Permission
UDPSrcPort Table Default Permission
UDPDstPort Table Default Permission
TCPSrcPort Table Default Permission
TCPDstPort Table Default Permission
ARPsrcIPaddr Table Default Permission




Commands | 235

show radar
Displays the devices radar detection mode.
show radar

> show radar
Radar detection

: Disable

236 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show reboot
Displays the reason for the devices most recent reboot.
show radar

> show reboot
Reboot reason: Soft Reboot
Details: CLI reboot

Commands | 237

show snmp
Displays the devices current snmp settings.
show snmp

> show snmp
Read-write community strings
Read-only community strings
Trap destinations



238 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference


show spectrum
Runs the spectrum analyzer according to its current settings, and displays the
results. (For detailed information about the spectrum analyzer, see the
spectrum command, described on page 248.)
show spectrum

> show spectrum
Wait for 10 seconds.
( Single Channel 5805Mhz )
( Sampling Time: 10 seconds)
45 26
- 3
- :
-------------------------Ant 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All
'X' - Indicates no data collected
'-' - Max hold Rssi
':' - Average Rssi
( Single Channel 5805Mhz )
( Sampling Time: 10 seconds)
-----------------------------------0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
all |

Commands | 239

show stack
Displays a table of stack memory usage for all processes. Each process is given a
finite amount of stack memory; you can use this command to determine how
much of the stack memory has been used, and perhaps avoid stack overflow. The
display includes the total stack size (SIZE), current number of stack bytes used
(CUR), maximum number of stack bytes used (HIGH), and number of bytes never
used at the top of the stack (MARGIN = SIZE - HIGH).
show stack

> show stack
------------ ------------ -------- ----- ----- ----- -----tExcTask
spScheduler spSchedulerT 5dd2f8
spTimeTickTa 9fc4a0
spLinkMgrTas 5d4090
464 2480
spSlidingSlo spSlidingSlo 5d92d0
spRouteTaskE 5f27b0
240 1136
9992 4400 4868
tDhcpcStateT 0x00001a9ae0 a158f0
tDhcpcReadTa dhcpcRead
0x0000221938 a03708
28664 2736 2896 25768
spLinkPingTa 5efe90
0x0000221544 a04970
272 1428
spSystemTask 5d69b0
spProvisionA spProvisionA 9f7d78
640 1312
spAuthentica spAuthManage 5e8330
14976 1504 8036
spTraceRoute spTraceRoute 5e4688
spTTCPTCPSer 5ed570
736 1028
spTTCPUDPSer 5eac50
spTemperatur spTemperatur 5f3d48
tBridgeAger 0x000017f144 a0c980

240 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show status
Displays the devices current provisioning parameters.
Command Syntax:
show status

> show status

[lines omitted for brevity]


Frequency Settings
-----------------Frequency range setting stored in flash is: US high band
Current frequency range setting is: US high band
Current frequency is: 5805
Current valid frequencies are:
5745 5750 5755 5760 5765 5770 5775 5780 5785
Dwell time (minutes): 1


---Management : Disabled
: Disabled (P2P Enabled)
Read-write community strings
Read-only community strings
Trap destinations



Timezone Settings
: no
NTP server IP address
: 0.00


Commands | 241

show tech
Displays the nodes current configuration and status.
Command Syntax:
show tech

> show tech
-[lines omitted for brevity]
Access Control List


: no
EtherType dflt permission
IP Protocol dflt permission
IP Address dst dflt permission
IP Address src dflt permission
ARP src dflt permission
Port dst dflt permission
Port src default permission



*************** 16) Show Reboot *********************
Reboot reason: Soft Reboot
Details: CLI reboot

242 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show temp
Displays the temperature of the devices radio, in both degrees Celsius and
degrees Fahrenheit.
show temp

> show temp
Celsius = 30
Fahrenheit = 87

Commands | 243

show timezone
Displays the devices time zone information.
show timezone

> show timezone
NTP server IP address

: no
: 0.00


244 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show trafficrate
Displays the devices traffic rate control settings.
show trafficrate

> show trafficrate
Maximum Upstream Rate
Maximum Downstream Rate
Maximum Broadcast Rate

: 10000 kbps
: 10000 kbps
: 10000 kbps


Commands | 245

show uptime
Displays the elapsed time (in days, hours, minutes, and seconds) since the device
was last booted.
show uptime

> show uptime
0 days 01:39:18

246 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show vlan
Displays the devices VLAN settings.
show vlan

> show vlan
Management : Disabled
: Disabled (P2P Enabled)

Commands | 247

Displays full documentation (help) for the SkyPilot spectrum analyzer.

> spectrum
--- Spectrum Help --The spectrum analyzer feature consists of two operating modes single channel and multi channel. Single channel focuses on the
current operating channel without disrupting service, showing the
results of every antenna that currently formed links allow for.
Multi channel disables normal functionality and scans through a
specified range of frequencies, displaying the results per antenna.
General Commands
-----------spectrum- Shows this help page.
show spectrum mode- Shows the current running mode.
set spectrum on <single | multi> - Enables the spectrum analyzer in
specified mode.
set spectrum off- Turns off the current spectrum mode.
clear spectrum - Clears the max hold rssi statistics.
show spectrum single - shortcut for spectrum single channel
show spectrum multi - shortcut for spectrum multi channel graph.
show spectrum - re-runs the last spectrum show graph
command issued.
Single Channel Commands
----------------------show spectrum single graph [seconds]
- shows a single channel graph. Automatically enables single
channel mode if it is not already enabled. The optional
seconds argument is used to set the sampling time.
show spectrum single setting
- shows single channel settings and running statistics.
Multi Channel Commands

248 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

show spectrum multi captured [antennaNumber]

- shows the multi channel graph of the buffered data for each
antenna (8 graphs). Unlike the 'show spectrum multi graph',
this command does not enable the spectrum mode. The optional
antennaNumber argument is used to select a single graph of
the specified antenna.
show spectrum multi graph [antennaNumber]
- shows the multi channel graph for each antenna (8 graphs).
Automatically turns on multi channel mode if it is not
already enabled. The optional antennaNumber argument is used
to select a single graph of the specified antenna.
show spectrum multi setting
- shows the multi channel settings and running statistics.
Spectrum Settings Explanation
----------------------------set spectrum <single | multi>
- sets the following adjustable parameters for either single or
multi channel modes:
max visible rssi: dynamic adjust, rssi value <d | 1-100>
- This allows the user to control the maximum height of the
graph. The default setting for single channel is dynamic
adjust, which adjusts the height of the graph based on
the highest average rssi among the eight antennas. The
default setting for multi channel is 30 rssi.
max graph height in number of lines <1-50>
- Graph scale related. This attribute adjusts the vertical
resolution of the graph. The default setting is 16 lines.
spectrum sleep timer: disable auto off, number of minute <d |
- Sets the sleep timer to determine when to automatically
shut off the spectrum process. If disable is selected,
the spectrum analyzer will run until a "set spectrum off"
command is executed. By default the spectrum analyzer
turns off if idle (i.e. no show graph or set commands
executed) for 5 minutes.
sampling time in seconds <1-60>
- The average rssi is calculated as a moving average. This
attribute adjusts the window of the moving average. The
default setting is 10 seconds, which causes a "single
channel graph show" command to delay for 10 seconds in
order to collect enough data when the spectrum mode is
first enabled.
show spectrum multi graph [antennaNumber]
- shows the multi channel graph for each antenna (8 graphs).
Automatically turns on multi channel mode if it is not
already enabled. The optional antennaNumber argument is used
to select a single graph of the specified antenna.
show spectrum multi setting
- shows the multi channel settings and running statistics.

Commands | 249

Spectrum Settings Explanation

----------------------------set spectrum <single | multi>
- sets the following adjustable parameters for either single or
multi channel modes:
max visible rssi: dynamic adjust, rssi value <d | 1-100>
- This allows the user to control the maximum height of the
graph. The default setting for single channel is dynamic
adjust, which adjusts the height of the graph based on
the highest average rssi among the eight antennas. The
default setting for multi channel is 30 rssi.
max graph height in number of lines <1-50>
- Graph scale related. This attribute adjusts the vertical
resolution of the graph. The default setting is 16 lines.
spectrum sleep timer: disable auto off, number of minute <d |
- Sets the sleep timer to determine when to automatically
shut off the spectrum process. If disable is selected,
the spectrum analyzer will run until a "set spectrum off"
command is executed. By default the spectrum analyzer
turns off if idle (i.e. no show graph or set commands
executed) for 5 minutes.
sampling time in seconds <1-60>
- The average rssi is calculated as a moving average. This
attribute adjusts the window of the moving average. The
default setting is 10 seconds, which causes a "single
channel graph show" command to delay for 10 seconds in
order to collect enough data when the spectrum mode is
first enabled.

250 | Appendix D Command-Line Interface Reference

Traces a path to the destination MAC address, discovering intermediate nodes
along this path.
traceroute [MAC]


Traces a route to the device with the specified MAC


Traces a route to the devices default SkyGateway

> traceroute 00:0a:db:09:52:73
traceroute to 00:0a:db:09:52:73
1 (36) --> 09:52:73 --> (36)

Commands | 251


Web-Based Command Tool Reference
This appendix provides instructions for accessing SkyPilot devices Web-based
command tool interface, as well as detailed descriptions of all the commands
available through this interface.

Appendix Highlights
About the Web-based command tool
Accessing the Web-based command tool
Command Pages

Administration Guide | 253

About the Web-Based Command Tool

The Web-based command tool is a Web serverbased application built into all
SkyPilot devices. This interface provides the same functionality as the commandline interface, but in an easier to use graphical interface.


The following sections briefly describe how to use the Web-based

command tool, and which provisioning and configuration settings are
available for given Tool pages. However, for detailed information about
configuration settings and options, particularly how they inter-relate, you
should refer to the applicable sections of Appendix D, Command-Line
Interface Reference.

When you use the Web-based command tool to make changes to devices
provisioning parameter values, the changes are made to the configuration stored
in flash memory. Therefore, you must reboot the device in order for your change
to take effect.

Accessing the Web-Based Command Tool

To use the command tool to monitor and configure a SkyPilot device, you must be
able to access the host device via a Web browser.
You have two Web access options for SkyPilot devices: through an Ethernet
connection between the device and a laptop or PC, or through a remote
connection across the wireless mesh network.
See the following sections for procedure details:
Getting Direct Network Access on page 255
Getting Access via a Remote Connection on page 257


Regardless of how you access the Web-based command tool, the

operations are the same.

254 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

Getting Direct Network Access

You can also access a SkyPilot device through a local Ethernet connection (for
SkyGateway and SkyExtender only) or via a wireless network connection (for any
SkyPilot device).
To gain direct network access:

Prepare a PC or laptop.
Open the network settings panel and assign the computer an IP address from to, and a subnet mask of (For
information changing a devices IP address from its default, see Managing IP
Addresses on page 54.)

Connect the computer to the SkyPilot device, as shown in Figure E-1.


Use an Ethernet crossover cable to connect the computer to the power


Connect the Ethernet straight-through cable between the power injector

and the Ethernet interface on the base of the SkyGateway or SkyExtender.

Plug the AC adapter into the power injector.

Accessing the Web-Based Command Tool | 255

Figure E-1. Ethernet Connection to a SkyGateway/SkyExtender

Confirm that you can communicate with the SkyPilot device by pinging its
address on the subnet.
If the ping is successful, you are ready to connect to the Web-based
command tool (see Starting the Web-Based Command Tool on page 257).
If the ping is unsuccessful, check your connections and confirm the device IP
address before again pinging the device.

256 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

Getting Access via a Remote Connection

Before trying to access the command tool from the wireless mesh network, verify
that the host device is connected to the SkyGateway serving as the network hub,
or to a SkyExtender connected to the SkyGateway hub.
To gain remote wireless network access:

Confirm that the SkyPilot device is configured correctly and connected to the
SkyPilot wireless mesh network.

Determine the IP address of the device you wish to access.

SkyExtenders and SkyConnectors ship with the default IP address
If the device is getting its IP address from a DHCP server, you can find the
address, which is based on the devices MAC address, in the DHCP server log.

Confirm that you can communicate with the SkyPilot device by pinging the
address you identified in step 2.
If you can ping the IP address of the access point, you are ready to connect to
the Web-based command tool (see Starting the Web-Based Command Tool
on page 257).
If you cannot ping the IP address, check your connections and confirm the
device IP address before again pinging the device.

Starting the Web-Based Command Tool

To start the Web-based command tool on a SkyPilot device, you need the devices
IP address. All SkyPilot devices ship with a default IP address of If the
device gets its IP address from a DHCP server, you can find the address, which is
based on the devices MAC address, in the DHCP server log.
You can start the Web-based command tool in view-only mode, which displays
current information about the node, or in administrator mode, which allows you
to enter and modify configuration settings for a device.
To use the Web-based command tool in administrator mode, you need a login
name and password in addition to the devices IP address.

Accessing the Web-Based Command Tool | 257

For connection instructions, see the following procedures:

To use view-only mode:
To use administrator mode:
To use view-only mode:
Open a Web browser, and go to the URL for the SkyPilot deviceits IP address.
The Web-based command tool displays the Node Details screen, which is the
only screen available in view-only mode.

To use administrator mode:


Open a Web browser, and go to the URL for the SkyPilot devices login page
the devices IP address, followed by the string, /admin.
The Web-based command tool displays the Login screen.

258 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

Enter the User Name and Password. The default User Name is admin, and the
default Password is public.
The Web-based command tool displays the Home screen, which shows
detailed information about the SkyPilot device you are accessing.

In administration mode, there is a navigation pane that contains an Explorer-like,

hierarchical display of monitoring and configuration pages. To view a page, click
the corresponding item in the navigation pane.

Accessing the Web-Based Command Tool | 259

Link Pages
Link pages provide multiple levels of information about the network links that the
SkyPilot device forms with other devices on the wireless mess network. Link pages
are useful for confirming wireless mesh operations and troubleshooting problems
a device may be experiencing.


The Link pages are for monitoring only, and do not provide any
configuration modification options. For a list of possible link states, see
Monitoring Link States on page 53.

The Links page displays a summary of link states established by the SkyPilot node.
To view the Link States (summary) page:

In the navigation pane, expand the Links tree.

Click Links.
The Web-based command tool displays the Links States summary screen. For
each link, the following information is shown: MAC address, link type, node
type, RSSI, and other information related to radio antenna operations.

Link State
The Link State page displays a summary of link states established by the SkyPilot
To view the Link States (detail) page:

In the navigation pane, expand the Links tree.

Click Link State.

The Web-based command tool displays the Links State screen. For each link,
the following information is shown: the link state summary information, plus
modulation, power, gain, and other information related to radio antenna

260 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

Link Statistics
The Link Stats page displays a detailed information about a devices active links.
To view the Link Stats (statistics) page:

In the navigation pane, expand the Links tree.

Click Link Stats.

The Web-based command tool displays the Links Stats screen. For each link,
detailed statistical information is shown, such as transmit and receive packets,
transmit and receive bytes, retries, and more.

Provisioning Pages
Provisioning pages allow you to view and modify the configuration stored in a
devices flash memory. (Any changes you make will not take effect until the device
is restarted.)

Provisioning Pages | 261

IP Page
Use the IP page to configure the devices static IP address, subnet mask, and
To configure IP settings:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree.

Click IP.
The Web-based command tool displays the IP screen.

Enter information for any of the configuration items you want to modify.

Click Submit.

262 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

Frequency Page
Use the Frequency page to configure the devices frequency settings. (See
Frequency on page 16.)
To configure frequency settings:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree.

Click Frequency.
The Web-based command tool displays the Frequency screen.

Enter information for any of the configuration items you want to modify.

Click Submit.

Provisioning Pages | 263

Use the VLAN page to enable or disable VLANs and to specify the VLAN you want
to use with the SkyPilot device. (See Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) on
page 17.)
To configure VLAN settings:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree.

Click VLAN.
The Web-based command tool displays the VLAN screen.

Enter information for any of the configuration items you want to modify.

Click Submit.

264 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

ACL Page
Use the ACL page to configure access control lists. (For information about ACLs,
see Access Control Lists (ACLs) on page 45.)
To configure ACL settings:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree.

Click ACL.
The Web-based command tool displays the ACL screen.

Enter information for any of the configuration items you want to modify.

Click Submit.

Provisioning Pages | 265

Use the SN MP page to configure SNMP for your SkyPilot devices. For information
about SkyPilot SNMP, see SNMP on page 20. For information about using
SkyControl, see Monitoring a Networks Topology by Using SkyControl on
page 52.
To configure SNMP settings:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree.

Click SNMP.
The Web-based command tool displays the SNMP screen.

Enter information for any of the configuration items you want to modify.

Click Submit.

266 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

Ethernet Page
Use the Ethernet page to configure the Ethernet interfaces state and
characteristics. (See Ethernet Interface on page 19.)
To configure Ethernet interface settings:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree.

Click Ethernet.
The Web-based command tool displays the Ethernet screen.

Enter information for any of the configuration items you want to modify.

Click Submit.

Provisioning Pages | 267

Filters Page
Use the Filters page to set global and individual permissions for any existing filters.
(See Filtering on page 27.)
To configure filter permissions:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree, and then the Filters

Click Filters.
The Web-based command tool displays the Filters screen.

Enter information for any of the configuration items you want to modify.

Click Submit.

EtherType Filters Page

Use the EtherType Filters page to manage (add and delete) EtherType filters in
your SkyPilot network.
To manage EtherType filters:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree, and then the Filters

Click EtherType Filters.

268 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

The Web-based command tool displays the EtherType Filters screen.

To delete a filter, enter its index. To add a filter, select the desired options from
the lists.

Click Submit.

IP Protocol Filters Page

Use the IP Protocol Filters page to manage (add and delete) IP Protocol filters in
your SkyPilot network.
To manage IP Protocol filters:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree, and then the Filters

Click IP Protocol Filters.

Provisioning Pages | 269

The Web-based command tool displays the IP Protocol Filters screen.

To delete a filter, enter its index. To add a filter, select the desired options from
the lists.

Click Submit.

Port Filters Page

Use the Port Filters page to manage (add and delete) Port filters in your SkyPilot
To manage Port filters:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree, and then the Filters

Click Port Filters.

270 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

The Web-based command tool displays the Port Filters screen.

To delete a filter, enter its index. To add a filter, select the desired options from
the lists.

Click Submit.

IP Address Filters Page

Use the IP Address Filters page to manage (add and delete) IP Address filters in
your SkyPilot network.
To manage IP Address filters:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree, and then the Filters

Click IP Address Filters.

Provisioning Pages | 271

The Web-based command tool displays the IP Address Filters screen.

To delete a filter, enter its index. To add a filter, select the desired options from
the lists.

Click Submit.

272 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

QoS Pages
Use the QoS pages to configure global traffic rate controls and traffic rate rules for
your SkyPilot network. (See Quality of Service (QoS) on page 22.)

QoS Rules Page

Use the QoS Rules page to configure traffic rate rules.
To configure traffic rate controls:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree, and then the QoS tree.

Click QoS Rules.

The Web-based command tool displays the QoS Rules screen.

To add a traffic rate control (QoS rule), select the desired options from the lists.
To delete a traffic rate control (QoS rule), enter its index.

Click Submit.

Provisioning Pages | 273

Traffic Rate Page

Use the Traffic Rate page to configure global traffic rate controls for your SkyPilot
network. (See Quality of Service (QoS) on page 22.)
To configure global traffic rate controls:

In the navigation pane, expand the Provisioning tree, and then the QoS tree.

Click Traffic Rate.

The Web-based command tool displays the Traffic Rate screen.

Enter the desired rate controls and choose Enabled or Disabled from the
Traffic Rule list.

Click Submit.

274 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

Password Page
Use the Password page to change the password used to log in to the devices
Web-based command tool interface.
To change the Web-based command tool password:

In the navigation pane, click Password.

The Web-based command tool displays the Password screen.

Enter the new password

Click Submit.

Password Page | 275

Version Pages
Use the Version pages to view the versions of hardware and software on a device,
to add software images to a device, and to specify which partition is the active
partition. See Managing Software Images on page 42.

Version HW Page
The Version HW page displays the devices hardware settings.
To view the Version HW page:

In the navigation pane, expand the Version tree.

Click Version HW.

The Web-based command tool displays the Hardware Version Information
screen, which includes the following information: device type (SkyGateway,
SkyConnector, and so on), part numbers, and addresses.

Version SW Page
The Version SW page displays the devices software settings.
To view the Version SW page:

In the navigation pane, expand the Version tree.

Click Version SW.

The Web-based command tool displays the Software Version Information
screen, which includes information about the software in each partition,
which partition is active, and the corresponding softwares state (such as

276 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

Update Image Page

The Update Image page enables you to download a software image to the device
and to change which partition is the active partition.
To view the Update Image page:

In the navigation pane, expand the Version tree.

Click Update Image.

The Web-based command tool displays the Image Update screen.

To download a software image, enter the server information and make a

selection from the destination partition list. To change the active partition,
make a selection from the active partition list.

Click Submit.

Version Pages | 277

Utilities Pages
The Utilities pages provide tools to help you with troubleshooting and
maintenance tasks:
PingLayer 3 ping utility.
Node testTwo-way link layer ping test.
RebootDevice reboot.
TraceroutePath trace from the local node to the destination MAC address.
To use a SkyPilot utility:

In the navigation pane, expand the Utilities tree.

Click utility, where utility is the page corresponding to the desired task.
The Web-based command tool displays the corresponding utility screen.

Enter any required information.

Click Submit or Reboot (as applicable).

278 | Appendix E Web-Based Command Tool Reference

This Glossary provides a list of terms and definitions relating to SkyPilot. In
addition, definitions of some general network and communications terms are

Access Point. You can specify how much authentication the AP performs.

ARP Address Resolution Protocol. A TCP/IP protocol used to convert an IP

address into a physical address, such as an Ethernet address. A host wishing to
obtain a physical address broadcasts an ARP request onto the TCP/IP network. The
host on the network that has the address in the request then replies with its
physical hardware address.
CPE Customer Premise Equipment.
DHCPD Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. An open-source DHCP server
you can use to provide IP addresses to SkyPilot devices. For more information,
refer to the following website:

Internet Service Provider.

MAC Media Access Control address. A unique identifier specific to the network
card inside a computer.
MIB Management Information Base.
netkey Shared network key.
NOC Network Operations Center.
OTA Over-the-Air.
PoE Power over Ethernet.

Point of Presence or Post Office Protocol.

Administration Guide | 279

provision Giving a network configuration to a SkyPilot device, and optimizing

that device for wireless operation. You can use SkyProvision to enable devices to
automatically get their configuration information from the server, or you can
manually perform provisioning using the devices command-line interface.
Relay_Server A SkyPilot agent that processes requests between a MySQL
database and an Apache HTTPD server.
SkyControl A Java-based software application for monitoring devices on the
SkyPilot network.
SkyPilot EMS Allows automatic configuration and monitoring of SkyPilot
devices from a central server at your NOC. Comprises SkyPilot EMS server and
SkyPilot EMS client components.
SkyPilot EMS client Allows you to connect to the SkyPilot EMS server from a
networked computer, and use SkyProvision and SkyControl to set up automatic
provisioning and to monitor network operations.
SkyPilot EMS server Component services that allow automatic configuration
and management of devices on a SkyPilot wireless network.
SkyProvision A Java-based software application for setting up automatic
provisioning of devices on the SkyPilot network.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. Provides a means to monitor and
control network devices, and to manage configurations, statistics collection,
performance, and security.
ToS Type of Service. As defined by RFC 1349, this is a single-byte field in an IP
packet header that specifies the service level required for the packet. It is now
called the DS field and can have the following values: Bits 0-2: Precedence; Bit 3: 0
= Normal Delay, 1 = Low Delay; Bit 4: 0 = Normal Throughput, 1 = High
Throughput; Bit 5: 0 = Normal Reliability, 1 = High Reliability; Bits 6-7: Reserved for
Future Use.
VSFTPD Open-source FTP server operator used to download software images
to SkyPilot devices or get files from the server. For more information, refer to the
following website:

280 | Glossary

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