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Running head: P.


Stevenson, Caitlyn & Kaur, Satwinder& Nio, Anna

Education 240
P.E Lesson Plan

InTASC Standards Rationale Page


Standard #1: Learner Development

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning
and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional,
and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging
learning experiences.
Name of Artifact: PE Lesson Plan
Date: November 2016
Course: EDUC 240: Physical and Health Education for Elementary Teachers
Brief Description:
We are going to do an activity where students hop on to the circles one at a time when the
music starts and stop hopping when the music stops. The students going to count in their heads
how many circles they hopped on and whoever has the most wins the game.
To document my understanding of Instructional Strategies, I have selected to include my
PE Lesson Plan Activity. The teacher must create developmentally appropriate instruction that
considers individual learners strengths, interests, and needs and that enables each learner to
advance and accelerate his or her learning.
Activity: Hop using only one foot to each circle while counting how many circles they hop on
Duration: 20 min
Grade Level: 6th grade
Skill: Mind, thinking and problem solving
Equipment Needed: Paper, markers, tape, music

Cut out different sizes of circles

Color the circles different colors
Tape the circles far enough where they can hop on one foot to
Explain to the students you have until the end of the song to hop on one foot to as many
circles as you can
5.) Make them get in line from how many spots each student hopped on
Lesson Activity:
Topic: Hoping, counting, and organizing


Safety Concerns: Not to go to fast, one at a time and explain directions correctly
Assessment: Should be able to hop on one foot 10 times
Goals: Students will learn how to make better health choices
Objectives: Students will demonstrate an understanding of hoping on one foot, counting and
being able to follow the right directions.
Accommodations: Play the music, make sure everyone stays safe, stop and go signal
Closure: Ask students for feedback or any other questions.

Examples of Hopping on one foot:

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