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Taylor West

EDUTL 5226 Assignment Outline

Elements of Plot
For Mr. Wests Reading and Language Arts Class, students will complete two final
projects for our units on Plot and Theme.
For Plot, students will complete an independent Literature Choice board assignment
over either Jack and the Bean Stalk or Where the Wild Things Are. These books both
dealt with elements of plot. For this final project, you will choose one of the following
technology outlets for presenting what you learned to the class and prepare it to present
to the entire class for the unit final.
Literature Choice board project:
Green screen video- Students will create video talking about the book that you
chose and having the background be the roller coaster we completed in class on
that book and discussing the plot. The video of the background of the chart will
be a video of you completing the chart. The video of you will be you narrating
what is being written and details and scenes from the story.

Character project- Students will create a list of questions based on the book that
hit on rising action and falling action. This character project is analyzing a
character from the book chosen and addressing the 5 essential questions: 1.
Who created this message? 2. What creative techniques are used to attract my
attention? 3. How might different people understand this message differently than
me? 4. What values, lifestyles, and points of view are represented in, or omitted
from, this message? 5. What is this message being sent? These five questions
will guide the commentary and responses to the character you choose.

Digital storytelling- Students will create a Transmedia presentation to tell the

story of the book you chose by using QR Codes and tiny URLs. These QR codes
and tiny URLs are going to be links to videos, articles, and photos that help
convey to the reader what you learned from the story and how it is applicable to
the elements of plot. Since plot has 5 main points, these QR codes and URLs
are to be resources that link to different parts of the story and tell a different story.

E-portfolio- Students will create an E-portfolio about the book they chose and
address the essential vocabulary for plot and have a tab for each point on the
plot line. Use examples from other books that address the 5 highlights of plot. In
each of these tabs, there will be a detailed narrative of what parts of the book are
applicable to that part of the book. In the introduction, students will address the
setting, problem, and characters. In addition to the synopsis of the book chosen
and the details, students will use the vocabulary on plot that supports their

Voki- Students will create a Voki that resembles a character from the book you
chose and have a voice-over of you retelling the story by talking about what
happened in the book. In this commentary, students will not retell the entire story,
but rather give a detailed synopsis based on the information on the plot chart on
the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and the conclusion. This Voki

Taylor West
needs to sound like we envision that character sounding like in the book and look
as close as possible to the character as described in the book.
For theme, students will complete group collaboration Cross-Curricular activities that
address theme and how they are connected to what we have learned about this
semester. You will complete each of the four activities to make one big project to turn in
and present to the entire class for the unit final. Group sizes are to be no more than 3
Cross-curricular activities:
STEAM projects- Students will integrate elements of Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics of theme that can be used in real life. Ex.
think back to the Bridges Unit we completed in class. This STEAM project is
supposed to be something that integrates a form of the Arts, whether that is
literature, music, art, or drama. This project is to remain open-ended so that there
is creative liberty for the theme you want to present on. There has to be inclusion
of at least two of the STEM aspects in the project. Whether that is the science of
a story, the engineering of the project, the technology used to present or
planning, or the mathematics of the sequencing of the story.

Virtual field trip- Students will create a virtual field trip to bring us to the setting of
the story. This virtual field trip is to be created on Symbaloo by finding resources
to help build an interactive experience of what it was like to be in the story. This
field trip is going to be used to help show the readers what they experienced
while reading the book they chose.

Flipped classroom- Students will create a presentation and instructional tool to

teach the classroom about theme as if they were learning from home. This
flipped classroom is designed to inform learners about a specific topic they chose
to instruct. Students will choose a specific theme from the book and give a
detailed account for how it was present in the book and what they learned from
that theme.

Plickers assessment- Students will construct a Plicker assessment on possible

themes that could be addressed in a story, focusing on vocabulary. As a final part
of this group collaboration, groups will create a Plicker quiz that assesses the
themes from the book they chose and construct questions that are representative
of the story. On Plickers, there is an option to add a picture or image. Groups can
feel free to utilize this to provide the learners more information and visual

At the end of these projects, students will work to present these projects independently
for the choice board project and in a group for the cross-curricular project. Projects will
be graded on a 5-point scale for content knowledge, mechanics, and speech and
language. This entire project will be worth 100 points of your final grade.
Grade: ________/100

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