Pasta Palooza: Event Day & Preparation Plan

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Pasta Palooza

Event Day & Preparation Plan

HA 243 Monday and Wednesday 12:40-2:40PM

Table 04
Danielle LeBlanc
Lauren True
Lauren Meehan
Kaitlyn Geck

Table of Contents


Requisition Form

Page 6-7

Detailed Plan for Prep Day

Page 8

Cooking Materials Needed

Page 9

Detailed Plan for Event Day

Page 10

Decoration Planning

Page 11


Page 12

1 Lb of gnocchi
1/4 Cup of unsalted butter
3 Small carrots, diced
2 Celery stalks, diced
2 Leeks, thinly sliced
1/2 Yellow onion, diced
4 Garlic cloves, minced
1 Teaspoon of fresh rosemary, minced
1 Teaspoon of fresh thyme, minced
1 Teaspoon of fresh sage, minced
1 Teaspoon of salt + 1 Teaspoon of freshly cracked pepper
1/3 Cup of all purpose flour
2 Cups of vegetable broth
1 - 12oz. bottle of pumpkin flavored beer
1 Cup of half & half
1 Cup of whole milk
1 Lb of sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
+Pumpkin seeds and sage leaves for garnish
1. In a large braising pan or dutch oven melt butter on medium heat until bubbly. Add in carrots,
celery, leeks, onion, and garlic cloves. Saut vegetables for 10-15 minutes or until softened. Add
in salt, pepper, herbs, flour and stir well.
2. Cook gnocchi according to package instructions and strain in a colander.
3. Slowly add in vegetable broth, beer, half & half, milk and cooked gnocchi and stir gently. Bring
mixture to a simmer. Add in shredded cheese in three increments. Be sure to stir cheese and melt
each addition before adding another. Bring mixture to a simmer and serve with pumpkin seeds
and sage leaves.
1 cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cup white granulated sugar
1/4 cup corn syrup
1/4 cup water

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

8x8 baking dish (or similar size)
Parchment paper
2-quart saucepan
4-quart saucepan
Instant-read thermometer or candy thermometer
Wax paper

1. Prepare the caramel mold. Line an 8x8 baking dish with parchment so that excess paper hangs over the
edges. Spray the parchment and the sides of the pan with nonstick spray.
2. Melt the butter in the cream. Over medium heat, warm the cream, butter, and salt in the 2-quart
saucepan until the butter melts. Remove from heat, but keep the pan close by.
3. Combine the sugar, corn syrup, and water. In the larger 4-quart saucepan, combine the sugar, corn
syrup, and water. Stir until the sugar is evenly moistened and you form a thick grainy paste. Wipe down
the sides of the pan with a damp pastry brush so there are no sugar crystals above the surface of the sugar
mixture. Clip the instant-read thermometer to the side of the pan so that the heat sensor is immersed in the
sugar. Do not stir the sugar after this point.
Note: The large saucepan is necessary because the sugar will bubble up and triple in size when you add
the cream. Do not substitute a smaller pan.
4. Cook the sugar syrup. Place the pot with the sugar mixture over medium to medium-high heat. Let the
sugar syrup come to a boil without stirring. At first, you will see small bubbles around the edge of the
pan, which will eventually move inward. Around 250F, the sugar syrup will turn transparent and boil
rapidly. Around 320F, the syrup will darken slightly and smell caramel-like. You can proceed to the next
step any time after the syrup reaches 250F and before it reaches 325F.
Note: If your instant-read thermometer isn't quite submerged into the sugar, you may need to tilt the pan
to get an accurate reading. Simply tilt the pan by the handle until the thermometer is submerged a few
inches in the sugar syrup. If the syrup hasn't reached 250, wipe down the sides with a pastry brush again.
If it has, there's no need.
5. Whisk in the cream and butter. Turn off the heat under the sugar syrup. Slowly pour the warm cream
and butter mixture into the sugar syrup while whisking the sugar syrup gently. The sugar syrup will
bubble up and triple in size. Stop whisking once all the milk and butter mixture has been added.
6. Heat the caramel to 245F - 250F. Return the pan to medium to medium-high heat. Let the caramel
come to a boil without stirring. It will start off as a soft buttery yellow and eventually darken to
reddish-brown caramel. Remove from heat when the caramel reaches 245F to 250F.
7. Whisk in the vanilla. Quickly whisk the vanilla into the caramel.

8. Pour the caramels into the mold. Immediately pour the caramels into the mold. Do not scrape the pan
(there are sometimes hard burnt bits on the bottom). Knock the pan agains the counter a few times to help
air bubbles work their way out.
9. Let the caramels set. Set the caramels somewhere out of the way to set, for at least two hours or
(ideally) overnight. Once the caramels have cooled to room temperature, you can cover the pan.
10. Cut the caramels. When the caramels have set, lift them out of the pan by the parchment paper flaps
and onto a cutting board. Cut the caramels into candies with a very sharp knife. If the caramels stick to
your knife, spray your knife with nonstick cooking spray.
11. Wrap the caramels in wax paper. Cut squares of wax paper a little longer than your caramels. Wrap
each caramel in wax paper and twist the ends closed. Caramels will keep at room temperature for about
two weeks.

Additional Notes:
Softer Caramels: The softness of the caramels is mainly a result of the cream. This recipe makes fairly
firm, chewy caramels. For softer, taffy-like caramels, experiment with adding an extra 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup
of cream to this recipe.

Links to Online Recipes:

Pumpkin Beer & Gnocchi Soup
Caramel recipe:

Requisition Form
Class Time & Day: 12:40-2:40 Monday/Wednesday
Station #4
Food: Gnocchi Piedmontese




1 Lb

Unsalted butter

1/4 Cup

Small carrots, diced

Celery stalks, diced

Leeks, thinly sliced

Yellow onion, diced


Garlic cloves, minced

Fresh rosemary, minced

Fresh thyme, minced
Fresh sage, minced
Salt + 1 Teaspoon of freshly cracked pepper

1 Teaspoon
1 Teaspoon
1 Teaspoon
1 Teaspoon

All purpose flour

1/3 Cup

Vegetable broth

2 Cups

Pumpkin flavored beer

1 - 12oz. bottle

Half & half

1 Cup

Whole milk

1 Cup

Sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

1 Lb

+Pumpkin seeds and sage leaves for garnish

Honeycrisp Apple

Granny Smith Apple

Butter, unsalted

4 Tbsp

Heavy Cream

1 Cup



White, granulated sugar

1 Cup

Corn syrup




Vanilla extract



Ginger Ale

1 Liter

Apple cider


1-2 Tbsp

Pomegranate juice

1-2 Cups



Color ( Circle One)

Table Cloths

White or Yellow


Sea Foam Green or White

Chefs Coats


Detailed Plan for Prep Day



Get ingredients ready for Gnocchi (Kaitlyn &

Lauren M.)
Get ingredients ready for soup (Lauren T. &

5-10 minutes (Gnocchi ingredients should already

be set up in fridge)

Make and cut gnocchi. After it is finished store on

a sheet pan with parchment paper. Wrap and
put in freezer (ask Chef about storage) (Lauren M.
& Kaitlyn)
Make soup. Do not add in gnocchi when soup is
finished. Cool in the sink with ice water, then
store in container. (Lauren T. & Danielle)

25-35 minutes

Make caramel. When finished, let cool until

thicken, then bring to a low heat and dip apples.
Apples may need to be dipped more than once, so
the caramel is thick.
*hard to make; if we cant finish it talk to Chef. If
caramels need to cool overnight, make the apples
on event day first thing.

20-30 minutes

30-40 minutes

Cooking Materials Needed

8x8 baking dish (or similar size)
Parchment paper
2-quart saucepan
4-quart saucepan
Instant-read thermometer or candy thermometer
Wax paper

Large stock pot
Saute pan
Wooden spoon
Cutting board/towel
Chef knife
sheet pan
Small metal mixing bowl

Cutting board/towel
Chef knife
Paring knife
Medium sized metal mixing bowl
Small metal mixing bowl
Rolling pin/pasta roller (See recipe/Ask Chef)

Detailed Plan for Event Day



Bring in decorations and organize them neatly by

the windows, and back door area. Hang table
cloths from the windows and walls. (Kaitlyn)
Chill sparkling cider in sink with a large metal
bowl filled with ice. Do not open cider. (Kaitlyn)
Remove soup from fridge and bring to a simmer
quickly. Add in cheese in 3 separate parts until
Cook gnocchi in salty boiling water, until floating.
Once warm add gnocchi and cook until done.
(Danielle or Lauren T.)
Finish caramel apples if the carmel needed to sit
overnight. Heat caramel and dip apples. Place on
sheet pan with greased parchment paper after
dipped. Place in fridge or freezer, cut when
caramel is firm. (Lauren M. w/ help from

15-25 minutes

Cut pomegranates for drink garnish. Test

Set up station and decorate. (Everyone)

10-15 minutes

5 minutes
15-25 minutes
*this can be done around 12:15pm

10-20 minutes

30-40 minutes

Decoration Planning

Menu on wall - Cant print it on the big printer

Cornhole - Kaitlyn
Fresh Flowers - Lauren M.
Mason Jars - Danielle, Lauren T.
Bar Stools 3 - Lauren T.
8 Black table Cloths - Kaitlyn & ___
Christmas Lights and gold lights - Danielle, Lauren M
Pepper and Salt - In kitchen
Beer Glasses - In kitchen
Mini Ramekins - In kitchen
Wood and teal placemats - Lauren T. Lauren M.
Wine Bottles - Danielle
Stella Glass - Danielle
Mini clipboards - ?
Kegs 2 - Lauren M.
Scrabble - Danielle


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