Outline Final Reflection

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30 November 2016


A. What did I learn in this class? How to work in a team more efficiently, I
also gained experience working in a group where everyone is doing their
part. In the past, I have always been the profound leader in any groupwork. However, this group helped me understand how effective it is when
everyone helps out instead of one person doing all the work. Other than
learning about myself, I also formed an opinion on a subject that was
really hard for me to choose a side. ELABORATE. (I learned how important
fathers are to a boys development.)
B. Why did this class benefit me?
C. What goals did I set/which did I achieve?
D. What goals will I continue to work on in the future? I will continue to use
this form of outlining in hopes that my writing will be more organized and

2. TOPIC 1.
A. Explain the items in my portfolio

Individual Project #1: 1 bad draft

1. Why did I choose this artifact?


Individual Project #2: good draft

1. Why did I choose this artifact?


Individual Project #3: good draft

1. Why did I choose this artifact?


Explain Drafts- I pretty much just look at the rubric and create an
outline. I taught myself this method during one of our projects.
Previously, my outlining had been messily aiming toward the same
goal, but not achieving it at the capacity that I had attempted to
achieve. I have always had an issue with keeping my paper
organized and focused on the intended topic. I get distracted easily
and veer off topic. Knowing this, I aimed to find a new way to
improve my writing so I taught myself to do this style of outlining.

Since I have no issue with coming up with words to say, outlining is

more important for me than an actual draft. If I were to name this
style of preparing for a paper I would call it draft-lining because it
is a mix between drafting and outlining. I have written a lot this
semester and wanted to improve on my writing skills. HOW DO MY
DRAFTS REFLECT THIS? Explain the drafts above^^
1. Explain how I read my outline. The text that is in different
font color is text that I intend to copy and paste directly to
my paper. I go back and polish some words and restructure
some of my sentences. Sometimes I often forget what Im
talking about and think of new ideas for a different part of
my paper. When this happens I simply write my last few
thoughts on the current topic and highlight it so that I know
where to pick up when I come back to that topic. Black font
color, or pencil is the outline part of this process I created for
myself. This is done first and included all the required topics
requested to be covered in the paper.

Team Project:
1. Why did I choose this artifact?


Original Photo/s:
1. Why did I choose this artifact?
2. Did it work out the way I had hoped?

3. TOPIC 2:
A. What tools did I use when writing? Thesaurus 100% of the time. Word
documents. Highlighter and pens.
B. How did I complete the revision process? I really benefited from going to
the writing center and getting help from someone who isnt doing a
similar assignment. Whenever our class did peer editing and revising, it
was hard to come up with things to say; especially if their paper was on a
similar topic. I also found it frustrating when I had to read other peoples
paper on a similar topic because it made me second guess the viewpoint
I was writing from. I am also scared that after reading their work, my
brain might subconsciously mimic their idea or thoughts. For me,
revisions by students who have similar assignments causes more harm
than good. The only revisions I ever received this semester were
compliments on my ideas. I feel like peer revising/editing process for this
class wasnt the most honest thing. I didnt get the constructive criticism
that I had hoped for. So instead of using classmates to revise my work, I
turned to friends and family. My main goal in having then review my work
was to make sure that it was organized enough for my topic to be clear to

the reader. I try very hard to do everything I can to stay focused while
writing. One of my biggest fears in a writing class is to turn in work and
then have a professor be confused about what my point is.

How did I use feedback from instructors/classmates? ^^^

4. TOPIC 3:
A. Why did you choose the back grounds?
B. Original Picture
C. Why did you not use an original pic for Team Projects Header? I couldnt
get a bunch of people to pose for me. GO SNEAK A PIC OF RANDOS IN
LIB? (blur it just like the individual projects header.
D. Why the certain fonts?
E. Why did you choose weebly? I already have my website for a brand I sold
items under in high school (Spiffy Hippie) and am familiar with the
navigation of the website creator.
F. What did you include in the About Me page and why?

Your Final Reflection COULD:

Discuss potential next steps (what you would do if you continued researching this
Explain your personal connection to your inquiry topic and why you chose that
Discuss actions youve taken to better understand your topic or to become
involved with a community or movement related to your topic (this could include
changing your diet, attending a protest, joining an activist group, subscribing to a
newsletter, etc.)
Discuss your other interests, other classes, or other experiences from this
Explain how you used writing strategies from this class in other areas of your life
(such as work, other classes, or on social media)
Explain how this class has changed or solidified your opinions on a particular
Discuss your hopes for the future
.and a ton of other things!

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