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Loftin 1

James Loftin
Lynn Raymond
UWRT 1104
September 11, 2016
Technologys Effect on My Writing
I went to a small high school and everyone at the school got their own laptop. This had
an enormous impact on my writing skills. I can write really fast on my laptop but whenever I
make the switch to using a pen and paper my writing skills fall short of what I am capable of.
I am used to using a computer for writing. All four years of high school we were given a
mac book. Most of my writing assignments were due online and most of the work for the school
could be done on your computer. Using a computer helps me out a lot because I make a lot of
silly errors and these usually get caught by Microsoft Word or most other filter systems. This
helps me realize the errors that I am making but makes me a more relaxed writer. Whenever I
type a paper and I dont know a certain word I usually just guess to try and get close enough to
correct it to the word Im looking for. Whenever I have to write an essay with pen and paper I
usually have many spelling errors because of this. Using a computer has helped and crippled my
writing in a certain way. An example I can think of is that it allows me to jump ten feet farther
(length wise) but ten feet shorter (height wise).
Using a computer for all of my writing throughout high school has enabled me to write
better and faster but has crippled my writing with pen and paper by making me get used to
having my errors pointed out to me.

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