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Loftin 1

James Loftin
Lynn Raymond
UWRT 1104
November 14, 2016
The Talk
I talked to one of my roommates during breakfast one morning. We talked about many
things like the importance of philosophy and if it should be implicated into the US educational
system. He is not much of a morning person but I was able to learn a lot from him.
The first question I asked is do you think philosophy is important? he responded with
I guess. Then I continue to ask him questions and got a longer answer that philosophy is
important because it not about asking how but asking why. He said that it makes people question
life and that is an important thing for all people to do. I think that he is right in his response,
philosophy literally means love for wisdom. I took one philosophy class in high school and loved
how the course was taught and what it taught me.
I asked my roommate what he thought about philosophy being a course in public
education. He said that it should not be its own course but a life lessons course with lessons
about taxes and other valuable skills that are needed in life. I think he made a good point in
saying that there should be a combined class like this but I feel that philosophy is such an
important topic that it should be its own subject. We both agree though that it gives valuable life
skills that people need. I also think that Philosophy could be incorporated into history too
because the first republic was Athens Greek and they had many great philosophers.

Loftin 2

I asked him about the connection with science, weather there is one or there or not. He
argued that there is not a connection between the two. He argued that philosophy is more about
the nonphysical world and science is the study about the physical world. I argued that philosophy
plays a big role in science it helps us think reasonable and come to sound conclusions on any
matter (physical or not). I also argued that science must also have theories that have little to no
physical evidence and we can us reason to justify these theories the same way we would justify
an argument in philosophy.
I talked with my roommate about philosophy and he thought that it was something that is
very important and something that everyone should learn about. He also thought that philosophy
had no basis in science but I disagreed with him. I thought that us talking about my subject
helped me gain another perspective on it. It helped me realize where I should focus more of my
time and what I should do to argue better.

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